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// Work out whether to permute
// ABCDEFGH -> AE BF CG DH permute wrap num
// Shift 0 AE BF CG DH 0 0 0 0 ABCDEFGH 0 0
// Shift 1 BF CG DH AE 0 0 0 1 BCDEFGHA 0 1
// Shift 2 CG DH AE BF 0 0 1 1 CDEFGHAB 0 2
// Shift 3 DH AE BF CG 0 1 1 1 DEFGHABC 0 3
// Shift 4 AE BF CG DH 1 1 1 1 EFGHABCD 1 0
// Shift 5 BF CG DH AE 1 1 1 0 FGHACBDE 1 1
// Shift 6 CG DH AE BF 1 1 0 0 GHABCDEF 1 2
// Shift 7 DH AE BF CG 1 0 0 0 HABCDEFG 1 3
// Suppose 4way simd in one dim.
// ABCDEFGH -> AECG BFDH permute wrap num
// Shift 0 AECG BFDH 0,00 0,00 ABCDEFGH 0 0
// Shift 1 BFDH CGEA 0,00 1,01 BCDEFGHA 0 1
// Shift 2 CGEA DHFB 1,01 1,01 CDEFGHAB 1 0
// Shift 3 DHFB EAGC 1,01 1,11 DEFGHABC 1 1
// Shift 4 EAGC FBHD 1,11 1,11 EFGHABCD 2 0
// Shift 5 FBHD GCAE 1,11 1,10 FGHABCDE 2 1
// Shift 6 GCAE HDBF 1,10 1,10 GHABCDEF 3 0
// Shift 7 HDBF AECG 1,10 0,00 HABCDEFG 3 1
// Generalisation to 8 way simd, 16 way simd required.
// Need log2 Nway masks. consisting of
// 1 bit 256 bit granule
// 2 bit 128 bit granule
// 4 bits 64 bit granule
// 8 bits 32 bit granules
// 15 bits....
// For optimisation:
// split into Cshift_none_rb_permute
// split into Cshift_none_rb_simple
// split into Cshift_none_permute
// split into Cshift_none_simple
friend Lattice<vobj> Cshift(Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int dimension,int shift)
Lattice<vobj> ret(rhs._grid);
int fd = rhs._grid->_fdimensions[dimension];
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
int ld = rhs._grid->_ldimensions[dimension];
int gd = rhs._grid->_gdimensions[dimension];
// Map to always positive shift modulo global full dimension.
shift = (shift+fd)%fd;
ret.checkerboard = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardDestination(rhs.checkerboard,shift);
// the permute type
int permute_dim =rhs._grid->_simd_layout[dimension]>1 ;
int permute_type=0;
for(int d=0;d<dimension;d++){
if (rhs._grid->_simd_layout[d]>1 ) permute_type++;
for(int x=0;x<rd;x++){
int bo = x*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension];
int o = 0;
if ( permute_dim ) {
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
int sshift = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardShift(rhs.checkerboard,dimension,shift,o+b);
int sx = (x+sshift)%rd;
int so = sx*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension];
int permute_slice=0;
int wrap = sshift/rd;
int num = sshift%rd;
if ( x< rd-num ) permute_slice=wrap;
else permute_slice = 1-wrap;
if ( permute_slice ) {
} else {
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
} else {
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
// This call in inner loop is annoying but necessary for dimension=0
// in the case of RedBlack grids. Could optimise away with
// alternate code paths for all other cases.
int sshift = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardShift(rhs.checkerboard,dimension,shift,o+b);
int sx = (x+sshift)%rd;
int so = sx*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension];
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
return ret;
#if 0
// Collapse doesn't appear to work the way I think it should in icpc
friend Lattice<vobj> Cshift(Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int dimension,int shift)
Lattice<vobj> ret(rhs._grid);
ret.checkerboard = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardDestination(rhs.checkerboard,shift);
shift = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardShift(rhs.checkerboard,dimension,shift);
int sx,so,o;
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
int ld = rhs._grid->_dimensions[dimension];
// Map to always positive shift.
shift = (shift+ld)%ld;
// Work out whether to permute and the permute type
// ABCDEFGH -> AE BF CG DH permute
// Shift 0 AE BF CG DH 0 0 0 0 ABCDEFGH
// Shift 1 DH AE BF CG 1 0 0 0 HABCDEFG
// Shift 2 CG DH AE BF 1 1 0 0 GHABCDEF
// Shift 3 BF CG DH AE 1 1 1 0 FGHACBDE
// Shift 4 AE BF CG DH 1 1 1 1 EFGHABCD
// Shift 5 DH AE BF CG 0 1 1 1 DEFGHABC
// Shift 6 CG DH AE BF 0 0 1 1 CDEFGHAB
// Shift 7 BF CG DH AE 0 0 0 1 BCDEFGHA
int permute_dim =rhs._grid->_layout[dimension]>1 ;
int permute_type=0;
for(int d=0;d<dimension;d++)
if (rhs._grid->_layout[d]>1 ) permute_type++;
// loop over perp slices.
// Threading considerations:
// Need to map thread_num to
// x_min,x_max for Loop-A
// n_min,n_max for Loop-B
// b_min,b_max for Loop-C
// In a way that maximally load balances.
// Optimal:
// There are rd*n_block*block items of work.
// These serialise as item "w"
// b=w%block; w=w/block
// n=w%nblock; x=w/nblock. Perhaps 20 cycles?
// Logic:
// x_chunk = (rd+thread)/nthreads simply divide work across nodes.
// rd=5 , threads = 8;
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
for(int x=0;x<rd;x++){ // Loop A
sx = (x-shift+ld)%rd;
o = x*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension];
so =sx*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension];
int permute_slice=0;
if ( permute_dim ) {
permute_slice = shift/rd;
if ( x<shift%rd ) permute_slice = 1-permute_slice;
#if 0
if ( permute_slice ) {
int internal=sizeof(vobj)/sizeof(vComplex);
int num =rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension]*internal;
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
vComplex *optr = (vComplex *)&ret._odata[o];
vComplex *iptr = (vComplex *)&rhs._odata[so];
for(int b=0;b<num;b++){
} else {
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int i=0;i<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];i++){
if ( permute_slice ) {
int internal=sizeof(vobj)/sizeof(vComplex);
int num =rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension]*internal;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<num;b++){
vComplex *optr = (vComplex *)&ret._odata[o +n*rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension]];
vComplex *iptr = (vComplex *)&rhs._odata[so+n*rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension]];
} else {
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int i=0;i<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];i++){
int oo = o+ n*rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
int soo=so+ n*rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
return ret;
friend Lattice<vobj> Cshift(Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int dimension,int shift)
Lattice<vobj> ret(rhs._grid);
ret.checkerboard = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardDestination(rhs.checkerboard,shift);
shift = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardShift(rhs.checkerboard,dimension,shift);
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
int ld = rhs._grid->_dimensions[dimension];
// Map to always positive shift.
shift = (shift+ld)%ld;
// Work out whether to permute and the permute type
// ABCDEFGH -> AE BF CG DH permute
// Shift 0 AE BF CG DH 0 0 0 0 ABCDEFGH
// Shift 1 DH AE BF CG 1 0 0 0 HABCDEFG
// Shift 2 CG DH AE BF 1 1 0 0 GHABCDEF
// Shift 3 BF CG DH AE 1 1 1 0 FGHACBDE
// Shift 4 AE BF CG DH 1 1 1 1 EFGHABCD
// Shift 5 DH AE BF CG 0 1 1 1 DEFGHABC
// Shift 6 CG DH AE BF 0 0 1 1 CDEFGHAB
// Shift 7 BF CG DH AE 0 0 0 1 BCDEFGHA
int permute_dim =rhs._grid->_layout[dimension]>1 ;
int permute_type=0;
for(int d=0;d<dimension;d++)
if (rhs._grid->_layout[d]>1 ) permute_type++;
// loop over all work
int work =rd*rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension]*rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int ww=0;ww<work;ww++){
// can optimise this if know w moves congtiguously for a given thread.
// b=(b+1);
// if (b==_slice_block) {b=0; n=n+1;}
// if (n==_slice_nblock) { n=0; x=x+1}
// Perhaps a five cycle iterator, or so.
int w=ww;
int b = w%rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension] ; w=w/rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];
int n = w%rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension]; w=w/rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];
int x = w;
int sx,so,o;
sx = (x-shift+ld)%rd;
o = x*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]+n*rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension]; // common sub expression alert.
so =sx*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]+n*rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
int permute_slice=0;
if ( permute_dim ) {
permute_slice = shift/rd;
if ( x<shift%rd ) permute_slice = 1-permute_slice;
if ( permute_slice ) {
int internal=sizeof(vobj)/sizeof(vComplex);
vComplex *optr = (vComplex *)&ret._odata[o+b];
vComplex *iptr = (vComplex *)&rhs._odata[so+b];
const char *pf = (const char *)iptr;
for(int i=0;i<sizeof(vobj);i+=64){
for(int i=0;i<internal;i++){
} else {
const char *pf = (const char *) &rhs._odata[so+b];
for(int i=0;i<sizeof(vobj);i+=64){
return ret;