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Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/Distil.hpp
Copyright (C) 2015-2019
Author: Felix Erben <ferben@ed.ac.uk>
Author: Michael Marshall <Michael.Marshall@ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_Distil_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MDistil_Distil_hpp_
#include <Hadrons/Global.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
This potentially belongs in CartesianCommunicator
inline void SliceShare( GridBase * gridLowDim, GridBase * gridHighDim, void * Buffer, int BufferSize )
// Work out which dimension is the spread-out dimension
const int iNumDims{(const int)gridHighDim->_gdimensions.size()};
assert(iNumDims == gridLowDim->_gdimensions.size());
int dimSpreadOut = -1;
std::vector<int> coor(iNumDims);
for( int i = 0 ; i < iNumDims ; i++ ) {
coor[i] = gridHighDim->_processor_coor[i];
if( gridLowDim->_gdimensions[i] != gridHighDim->_gdimensions[i] ) {
assert( dimSpreadOut == -1 );
assert( gridLowDim->_processors[i] == 1 ); // easiest assumption to make for now
dimSpreadOut = i;
if( dimSpreadOut != -1 && gridHighDim->_processors[dimSpreadOut] != gridLowDim->_processors[dimSpreadOut] ) {
// Make sure the same number of data elements exist on each slice
const int NumSlices{gridHighDim->_processors[dimSpreadOut] / gridLowDim->_processors[dimSpreadOut]};
assert(gridHighDim->_processors[dimSpreadOut] == gridLowDim->_processors[dimSpreadOut] * NumSlices);
const int SliceSize{BufferSize/NumSlices};
//CCC_DEBUG_DUMP(Buffer, NumSlices, SliceSize);
assert(BufferSize == SliceSize * NumSlices);
// assert(0); // Can't do this without MPI (should really test whether MPI is defined)
const auto MyRank{gridHighDim->ThisRank()};
std::vector<CommsRequest_t> reqs(0);
int MySlice{coor[dimSpreadOut]};
char * const _buffer{(char *)Buffer};
char * const MyData{_buffer + MySlice * SliceSize};
for(int i = 1; i < NumSlices ; i++ ){
int SendSlice = ( MySlice + i ) % NumSlices;
int RecvSlice = ( MySlice - i + NumSlices ) % NumSlices;
char * const RecvData{_buffer + RecvSlice * SliceSize};
coor[dimSpreadOut] = SendSlice;
const auto SendRank{gridHighDim->RankFromProcessorCoor(coor)};
coor[dimSpreadOut] = RecvSlice;
const auto RecvRank{gridHighDim->RankFromProcessorCoor(coor)};
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Send slice " << MySlice << " (" << MyRank << ") to " << SendSlice << " (" << SendRank
<< "), receive slice from " << RecvSlice << " (" << RecvRank << ")" << std::endl;
//memcpy(RecvData,MyData,SliceSize); // Debug
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Slice data shared." << std::endl;
//CCC_DEBUG_DUMP(Buffer, NumSlices, SliceSize);
Common elements for distillation
Make a lower dimensional grid
inline GridCartesian * MakeLowerDimGrid( GridCartesian * gridHD )
int nd{static_cast<int>(gridHD->_ndimension)};
std::vector<int> latt_size = gridHD->_fdimensions;
latt_size[nd-1] = 1;
std::vector<int> simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(nd-1, vComplex::Nsimd());
simd_layout.push_back( 1 );
std::vector<int> mpi_layout = gridHD->_processors;
mpi_layout[nd-1] = 1;
return new GridCartesian(latt_size,simd_layout,mpi_layout,*gridHD);
Perambulator object
template<typename LatticeObj>
class Perambulator : Serializable{
// TODO: The next line makes friends across all combinations
// (not much of a problem given all public anyway ...)
// FYI, the bug here was that I forgot that the friend is templated
template<typename T> friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Perambulator<T>& p);
std::string, ID, // Allows owner to specialise
std::string, Provenance, // For info only
std::vector<int>, dimensions,
std::vector<LatticeObj>, perambulator,
// Following items are redundant, but useful
int, nd, // Number of dimensions
size_t, NumElements); // Number of elements
// Constructor common code
inline void ConstructCommon(const int * Dimensions) {
assert(nd > 0);
NumElements = 1;
for(int i = 0 ; i < nd ; i++) {
assert(Dimensions[i] > 0);
NumElements *= (size_t) Dimensions[i];
dimensions[i] = Dimensions[i];
//const LatticeObj perambulatorDefault;
// Constructor with dimensions passed as std::vector<int>
inline Perambulator(const std::vector<int> & Dimensions)
: nd {(int) Dimensions.size()} {
ConstructCommon( &Dimensions[0] ); }
// Constructor with dimensions passed as std::vector<int>
inline Perambulator(const std::vector<int> & Dimensions, const std::string sID)
: nd {(int) Dimensions.size()}, ID(sID) {
ConstructCommon( &Dimensions[0] ); }
// Constructor with dimensions passed as std::vector<int>
inline Perambulator(const std::vector<int> & Dimensions, const std::string sID, const std::string sProvenance)
: nd {(int) Dimensions.size()}, ID(sID), Provenance(sProvenance) {
ConstructCommon( &Dimensions[0] ); }
// Constructor with dimensions passed as individual parameters
// FYI: The caller is free to ignore the names and use the indices however they see fit
inline Perambulator(int NumNoise, int NumEvec=1, int NumTime=1, int NumSpin=1, int I_k=1, int I_t=1, int I_s=1) {
int Dimensions[]={NumNoise,NumEvec,NumTime,NumSpin,I_k,I_t,I_s};
nd = sizeof(Dimensions)/sizeof(Dimensions[0]);
while( nd > 1 && Dimensions[nd-1] == 1 )
ConstructCommon( Dimensions );
inline Perambulator(const std::string sID, int NumNoise, int NumEvec=1, int NumTime=1, int NumSpin=1, int I_k=1, int I_t=1, int I_s=1) : ID{sID} {
int Dimensions[]={NumNoise,NumEvec,NumTime,NumSpin,I_k,I_t,I_s};
nd = sizeof(Dimensions)/sizeof(Dimensions[0]);
while( nd > 1 && Dimensions[nd-1] == 1 )
ConstructCommon( Dimensions );
inline Perambulator(const std::string sID, const std::string sProvenance, int NumNoise, int NumEvec=1, int NumTime=1, int NumSpin=1, int I_k=1, int I_t=1, int I_s=1) : ID{sID}, Provenance{sProvenance} {
int Dimensions[]={NumNoise,NumEvec,NumTime,NumSpin,I_k,I_t,I_s};
nd = sizeof(Dimensions)/sizeof(Dimensions[0]);
while( nd > 1 && Dimensions[nd-1] == 1 )
ConstructCommon( Dimensions );
inline LatticeObj & operator()(size_t count, const int * Coord) {
assert( count == nd );
assert( Coord );
size_t idx = 0;
// C memory order (???)
for( int d = 0 ; d < nd ; d++ ) {
assert( Coord[d] < dimensions[d] );
idx *= (size_t) dimensions[d];
idx += (size_t) Coord[d];
return perambulator[idx];
inline LatticeObj & operator()(const std::vector<int> Coord) {
return operator()(Coord.size(), &Coord[0]);
inline LatticeObj & operator()(int idxNoise, int idxEvec=0, int idxTime=0, int idxSpin=0, int I_k=0, int I_t=0, int I_s=0) {
int MyIndex[]={idxNoise,idxEvec,idxTime,idxSpin,I_k,I_t,I_s};
int i = sizeof(MyIndex)/sizeof(MyIndex[0]);
assert( i >= nd );
while( i > nd )
assert(MyIndex[--i] == 0);
return operator()(i, MyIndex);
// Share data for timeslices we calculated with other nodes
inline void SliceShare( GridCartesian * gridLowDim, GridCartesian * gridHighDim ) {
Grid::SliceShare( gridLowDim, gridHighDim, &perambulator[0],
(int) perambulator.size() * sizeof(perambulator[0]) );
Write/Read perambulator to/from disk
Temporary version - keep the code running until such time as correct format written
inline void WriteTemporary(const std::string filename) const
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Writing perambulator ID \"" << ID << "\" to " << filename << std::endl;
BinaryWriter myPhDThesis( filename + ".tmp" );
write( myPhDThesis, "Perambulator", *this );
inline bool ReadTemporary(const std::string filename)
std::string _filename{filename};
_filename.append( ".tmp" );
bool bReturnValue = false;
std::fstream f;
if( !f.is_open() )
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Cached perambulator file " << _filename << " does not exist" << std::endl;
else {
bReturnValue = true;
auto MyID{ID};
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Reading perambulator ID \"" << ID << "\" from " << _filename << std::endl;
BinaryReader reader( _filename );
read( reader, "Perambulator", *this );
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Perambulator ID read from " << _filename << " was \"" << ID << "\"" << std::endl;
assert(MyID == ID);
return bReturnValue;
Write perambulator to disk
TODO 1. Ensure precision on disk can be specified independently of in memory
2. Validate format with Peter, Antonin et al
3. This object "works" for small lattii (lattices),
BUT, the final block is written as XML, and while write is fast, read is painfully slow
i.e. on a 24^3 x 64 lattice, I abandoned the perambulator read after 1 hour on Tesseract
inline void WritePoorly(LatticeGaugeField &field, const std::string filename)
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Writing perambulator ID \"" << ID << "\" to " << filename << std::endl;
assert(nd>=2); // Really should be a little bigger
GridBase * gridHighDim = field._grid;
//ScidacWriterPerambulator binWriter(gridHighDim->IsBoss());
ScidacWriter binWriter(gridHighDim->IsBoss());
//makeFileDir(filename, gridHighDim); // Assume this makes directory ... but why pass it the grid?
// Write the header
XmlWriter xmlWriter("", "perambulatorPar");
xmlWriter.pushXmlString("<ID>" + ID + "</ID>");
xmlWriter.pushXmlString("<Provenance>" + Provenance + "</Provenance>");
// TODO add all the perambulator parameters here
binWriter.writeLimeObject(1, 1, xmlWriter, "parameters", SCIDAC_FILE_XML);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Perambulator header written" << std::endl;
// Now write the local portion of the Perambulator
//binWriter.writeScidacPerambulatorRecord(field, *this);
//std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Perambulator body written" << std::endl;
// fill the Grid header
FieldMetaData header;
scidacRecord _scidacRecord;
scidacFile _scidacFile;
// Fill the Lime file record by record
constexpr auto precision = std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10;
binWriter.writeLimeObject(1,0,header ,std::string("FieldMetaData"),std::string(GRID_FORMAT)); // Open message
binWriter.writeLimeObject(0, 0, _scidacRecord, _scidacRecord.SerialisableClassName(),
Read perambulator from disk
TODO 1. Ensure precision on disk can be specified independently of in memory
2. Validate format with Peter
3. Abandoning for now because of synchronisation during write.
Object small enough to send to root and write from there
struct PerambHeader{
std::string ID, Provenance;
inline bool ReadPoorly(LatticeGaugeField &field, const std::string filename)
assert(nd>=2); // Really should be a little bigger
bool bReturnValue = false;
std::fstream f;
if( !f.is_open() )
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Cached perambulator file " << filename << " does not exist" << std::endl;
else {
ScidacReader binReader;
PerambHeader header;
// Read the header
std::string recordXml;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Reading perambulator header from " << filename << std::endl;
binReader.readLimeObject(recordXml, SCIDAC_FILE_XML);
XmlReader xmlReader(recordXml, true, "perambulatorPar");
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Perambulator ID=" << header.ID << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Perambulator Provenance=" << header.Provenance << std::endl;
assert( header.ID == ID );
bReturnValue = true;
// Now read the Perambulator
// fill the Grid header
FieldMetaData header;
scidacRecord _scidacRecord;
// Fill the Lime file record by record
binReader.readLimeObject(header ,std::string("FieldMetaData"),std::string(GRID_FORMAT)); // Open message
binReader.readLimeObject( _scidacRecord, _scidacRecord.SerialisableClassName(),
// TODO Add validation that the field matches what we read in
return bReturnValue;
#endif // Hadrons_MDistil_Distil_hpp_