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2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
namespace Grid {
// Gather for when there is no need to SIMD split
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
template<class vobj> void Gather_plane_simple (Lattice<vobj> &rhs,std::vector<vobj,alignedAllocator<vobj> > &buffer, int dimension,int plane,int cbmask)
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
if ( !rhs._grid->CheckerBoarded(dimension) ) {
int so = plane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int bo = 0; // offset in buffer
// Simple block stride gather of SIMD objects
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
} else {
int so = plane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int bo = 0; // offset in buffer
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
int ocb=1<<rhs._grid->CheckerBoardFromOindex(o+b);// Could easily be a table lookup
if ( ocb &cbmask ) {
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
// Gather for when there *is* need to SIMD split
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
template<class vobj,class scalar_type> void Gather_plane_extract(Lattice<vobj> &rhs,std::vector<scalar_type *> pointers,int dimension,int plane,int cbmask)
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
if ( !rhs._grid->CheckerBoarded(dimension) ) {
int so = plane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int bo = 0; // offset in buffer
// Simple block stride gather of SIMD objects
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
} else {
int so = plane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int bo = 0; // offset in buffer
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
int ocb=1<<rhs._grid->CheckerBoardFromOindex(o+b);
if ( ocb & cbmask ) {
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
// Scatter for when there is no need to SIMD split
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
template<class vobj> void Scatter_plane_simple (Lattice<vobj> &rhs,std::vector<vobj,alignedAllocator<vobj> > &buffer, int dimension,int plane,int cbmask)
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
if ( !rhs._grid->CheckerBoarded(dimension) ) {
int so = plane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int bo = 0; // offset in buffer
// Simple block stride gather of SIMD objects
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
} else {
int so = plane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int bo = 0; // offset in buffer
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
int ocb=1<<rhs._grid->CheckerBoardFromOindex(o+b);// Could easily be a table lookup
if ( ocb & cbmask ) {
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
// Scatter for when there *is* need to SIMD split
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
template<class vobj,class scalar_type> void Scatter_plane_merge(Lattice<vobj> &rhs,std::vector<scalar_type *> pointers,int dimension,int plane,int cbmask)
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
if ( !rhs._grid->CheckerBoarded(dimension) ) {
int so = plane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int bo = 0; // offset in buffer
// Simple block stride gather of SIMD objects
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
} else {
int so = plane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int bo = 0; // offset in buffer
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
int ocb=1<<rhs._grid->CheckerBoardFromOindex(o+b);
if ( ocb&cbmask ) {
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
// local to node block strided copies
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
template<class vobj> void Copy_plane(Lattice<vobj>& lhs,Lattice<vobj> &rhs, int dimension,int lplane,int rplane,int cbmask)
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
if ( !rhs._grid->CheckerBoarded(dimension) ) {
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int ro = rplane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int lo = lplane*lhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // offset in buffer
// Simple block stride gather of SIMD objects
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
} else {
int ro = rplane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int lo = lplane*lhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
2015-04-03 22:54:13 +01:00
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
int ocb=1<<lhs._grid->CheckerBoardFromOindex(o+b);
if ( ocb&cbmask ) {
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
template<class vobj> void Copy_plane_permute(Lattice<vobj>& lhs,Lattice<vobj> &rhs, int dimension,int lplane,int rplane,int cbmask,int permute_type)
int rd = rhs._grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
if ( !rhs._grid->CheckerBoarded(dimension) ) {
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
int ro = rplane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int lo = lplane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // offset in buffer
// Simple block stride gather of SIMD objects
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
} else {
int ro = rplane*rhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int lo = lplane*lhs._grid->_ostride[dimension]; // base offset for start of plane
int o = 0; // relative offset to base within plane
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int n=0;n<rhs._grid->_slice_nblock[dimension];n++){
for(int b=0;b<rhs._grid->_slice_block[dimension];b++){
int ocb=1<<lhs._grid->CheckerBoardFromOindex(o+b);
if ( ocb&cbmask ) {
o +=rhs._grid->_slice_stride[dimension];
// Local to node Cshift
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
template<class vobj> void Cshift_local(Lattice<vobj>& ret,Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int dimension,int shift)
int sshift[2];
sshift[0] = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardShift(rhs.checkerboard,dimension,shift,0);
sshift[1] = rhs._grid->CheckerBoardShift(rhs.checkerboard,dimension,shift,1);
if ( sshift[0] == sshift[1] ) {
} else {
Cshift_local(ret,rhs,dimension,shift,0x1);// if checkerboard is unfavourable take two passes
Cshift_local(ret,rhs,dimension,shift,0x2);// both with block stride loop iteration
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00
template<class vobj> Lattice<vobj> Cshift_local(Lattice<vobj> &ret,Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int dimension,int shift,int cbmask)
GridBase *grid = rhs._grid;
int fd = grid->_fdimensions[dimension];
int rd = grid->_rdimensions[dimension];
int ld = grid->_ldimensions[dimension];
int gd = grid->_gdimensions[dimension];
// Map to always positive shift modulo global full dimension.
shift = (shift+fd)%fd;
ret.checkerboard = grid->CheckerBoardDestination(rhs.checkerboard,shift);
// the permute type
int permute_dim =grid->PermuteDim(dimension);
int permute_type=grid->PermuteType(dimension);
for(int x=0;x<rd;x++){
int o = 0;
int bo = x * grid->_ostride[dimension];
int cb= (cbmask==0x2)? 1 : 0;
int sshift = grid->CheckerBoardShift(rhs.checkerboard,dimension,shift,cb);
int sx = (x+sshift)%rd;
int permute_slice=0;
int wrap = sshift/rd;
int num = sshift%rd;
if ( x< rd-num ) permute_slice=wrap;
else permute_slice = 1-wrap;
if ( permute_slice ) Copy_plane_permute(ret,rhs,dimension,x,sx,cbmask,permute_type);
else Copy_plane(ret,rhs,dimension,x,sx,cbmask);
return ret;
2015-04-18 20:44:19 +01:00