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// * Two index representation generators
// * Normalisation for the fundamental generators:
// trace ta tb = 1/2 delta_ab = T_F delta_ab
// T_F = 1/2 for SU(N) groups
// base for NxN two index (anti-symmetric) matrices
// normalized to 1 (d_ij is the kroenecker delta)
// (e^(ij)_{kl} = 1 / sqrt(2) (d_ik d_jl +/- d_jk d_il)
// Then the generators are written as
// (iT^(ij))_lk = i
namespace Grid {
namespace QCD {
enum TwoIndexSymmetry {Symmetric = 1, AntiSymmetric = -1};
template <int ncolour, TwoIndexSymmetry S>
class SU_TwoIndex : public SU<ncolour> {
static const int Dimension = ncolour * (ncolour + S) / 2;
template <typename vtype>
using iSUnTwoIndexMatrix =
iScalar<iScalar<iMatrix<vtype, Dimension > > >;
typedef iSUnTwoIndexMatrix<Complex> TIMatrix;
typedef iSUnTwoIndexMatrix<ComplexF> TIMatrixF;
typedef iSUnTwoIndexMatrix<ComplexD> TIMatrixD;
typedef iSUnTwoIndexMatrix<vComplex> vTIMatrix;
typedef iSUnTwoIndexMatrix<vComplexF> vTIMatrixF;
typedef iSUnTwoIndexMatrix<vComplexD> vTIMatrixD;
typedef Lattice<vAMatrix> LatticeTwoIndexMatrix;
typedef Lattice<vAMatrixF> LatticeTwoIndexMatrixF;
typedef Lattice<vAMatrixD> LatticeTwoIndexMatrixD;
typedef Lattice<iVector<iScalar<iMatrix<vComplex, Dimension> >, Nd> >
typedef Lattice<iVector<iScalar<iMatrix<vComplexF, Dimension> >, Nd> >
typedef Lattice<iVector<iScalar<iMatrix<vComplexD, Dimension> >, Nd> >
template <class cplx>
static void generator(int Index, iSUnTwoIndexMatrix<cplx> &iTwoIdxTa) {
// returns i(T)^(ij) necessary for the projectors
// see definitions above
iTwoIdxTa = zero;
Vector<typename SU<ncolour>::template iSUnMatrix<cplx> > tij(Dimension);
typename SU<ncolour>::template iSUnMatrix<cplx> tmp;
for (int a = 0; a < Dimension; a++) {
static void printGenerators(void) {
for (int gen = 0; gen < Dimension; gen++) {
AMatrix ta;
generator(gen, ta);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Nc = " << ncolour << " t_" << gen
<< std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << ta << std::endl;
static void testGenerators(void) {
TIMatrix TwoIndexTa;
static void TwoIndexLieAlgebraMatrix(const typename SU<ncolour>::LatticeAlgebraVector &h,
LatticeTwoIndexMatrix &out, Real scale = 1.0) {
conformable(h, out);
GridBase *grid = out._grid;
LatticeAdjMatrix la(grid);
TIMatrix iTa;
out = zero;
for (int a = 0; a < Dimension; a++) {
generator(a, iTa);
la = peekColour(h, a) * iTa;
out += la;
out *= scale;
// Projects the algebra components a lattice matrix (of dimension ncol*ncol -1 )
static void projectOnAlgebra(typename SU<ncolour>::LatticeAlgebraVector &h_out, const LatticeTwoIndexMatrix &in, Real scale = 1.0) {
conformable(h_out, in);
h_out = zero;
TIMatrix iTa;
Real coefficient = - 2.0/(ncolour + 2*S) * scale;// 2/(Nc +/- 2) for the normalization of the trace in the two index rep
for (int a = 0; a < Dimension; a++) {
generator(a, iTa);
auto tmp = real(trace(iTa * in)) * coefficient;
pokeColour(h_out, tmp, a);
// a projector that keeps the generators stored to avoid the overhead of recomputing them
static void projector(typename SU<ncolour>::LatticeAlgebraVector &h_out, const LatticeTwoIndexMatrix &in, Real scale = 1.0) {
conformable(h_out, in);
static std::vector<TIMatrix> iTa(Dimension); // to store the generators
h_out = zero;
static bool precalculated = false;
if (!precalculated){
precalculated = true;
for (int a = 0; a < Dimension; a++) generator(a, iTa[a]);
Real coefficient = - 2.0/(ncolour + 2*S) * scale; // 2/(Nc +/- 2) for the normalization of the trace in the two index rep
for (int a = 0; a < Dimension; a++) {
auto tmp = real(trace(iTa[a] * in)) * coefficient;
pokeColour(h_out, tmp, a);
// Some useful type names
typedef SU_TwoIndex<2, Symmetric> SU2TwoIndexSymm;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<3, Symmetric> SU3TwoIndexSymm;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<4, Symmetric> SU4TwoIndexSymm;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<5, Symmetric> SU5TwoIndexSymm;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<Nc, Symmetric> TwoIndexSymmMatrices;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<2, AntiSymmetric> SU2TwoIndexAntiSymm;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<3, AntiSymmetric> SU3TwoIndexAntiSymm;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<4, AntiSymmetric> SU4TwoIndexAntiSymm;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<5, AntiSymmetric> SU5TwoIndexAntiSymm;
typedef SU_TwoIndex<Nc, AntiSymmetric> TwoIndexAntiSymmMatrices;