mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 17:25:37 +01:00

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This commit is contained in:
paboyle 2018-01-12 18:03:57 +00:00
parent 13bce2a6bf
commit 08682c5461

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <immintrin.h>
#ifdef AVXFMA4
#include <x86intrin.h>
@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
#define _mm256_set_m128i(hi,lo) _mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(lo),(hi),1)
namespace Grid {
namespace Optimization {
template<class vtype>
union uconv {
template<class vtype>
union uconv {
__m256 f;
vtype v;
union u256f {
union u256f {
__m256 v;
float f[8];
union u256d {
union u256d {
__m256d v;
double f[4];
struct Vsplat{
struct Vsplat{
// Complex float
inline __m256 operator()(float a, float b) {
return _mm256_set_ps(b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a);
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
inline __m256i operator()(Integer a){
return _mm256_set1_epi32(a);
struct Vstore{
struct Vstore{
inline void operator()(__m256 a, float* F){
@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
struct Vstream{
struct Vstream{
inline void operator()(float * a, __m256 b){
@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
struct Vset{
struct Vset{
// Complex float
inline __m256 operator()(Grid::ComplexF *a){
return _mm256_set_ps(a[3].imag(),a[3].real(),a[2].imag(),a[2].real(),a[1].imag(),a[1].real(),a[0].imag(),a[0].real());
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
return _mm256_set_epi32(a[7],a[6],a[5],a[4],a[3],a[2],a[1],a[0]);
template <typename Out_type, typename In_type>
template <typename Out_type, typename In_type>
struct Reduce{
// Need templated class to overload output type
// General form must generate error if compiled
@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ namespace Optimization {
// Arithmetic operations
struct Sum{
// Arithmetic operations
struct Sum{
//Complex/Real float
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 a, __m256 b){
return _mm256_add_ps(a,b);
@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
return _mm256_add_epi32(a,b);
struct Sub{
struct Sub{
//Complex/Real float
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 a, __m256 b){
return _mm256_sub_ps(a,b);
@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
struct MultRealPart{
struct MultRealPart{
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 a, __m256 b){
__m256 ymm0;
ymm0 = _mm256_shuffle_ps(a,a,_MM_SELECT_FOUR_FOUR(2,2,0,0)); // ymm0 <- ar ar,
@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ namespace Optimization {
ymm0 = _mm256_shuffle_pd(a,a,0x0); // ymm0 <- ar ar, ar,ar b'00,00
return _mm256_mul_pd(ymm0,b); // ymm0 <- ar bi, ar br
struct MaddRealPart{
struct MaddRealPart{
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 a, __m256 b, __m256 c){
__m256 ymm0 = _mm256_moveldup_ps(a); // ymm0 <- ar ar,
return _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps( ymm0, b),c);
@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
__m256d ymm0 = _mm256_shuffle_pd( a, a, 0x0 );
return _mm256_add_pd(_mm256_mul_pd( ymm0, b),c);
struct MultComplex{
struct MultComplex{
// Complex float
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 a, __m256 b){
#if defined (AVX1)
@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ namespace Optimization {
#if 0
struct ComplexDot {
struct ComplexDot {
inline void Prep(__m256 ari,__m256 &air) {
@ -322,10 +322,10 @@ namespace Optimization {
// cdotRI
struct Mult{
struct Mult{
inline void mac(__m256 &a, __m256 b, __m256 c){
#if defined (AVX1)
@ -377,9 +377,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
struct Div {
struct Div {
// Real float
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 a, __m256 b) {
return _mm256_div_ps(a, b);
@ -388,10 +388,10 @@ namespace Optimization {
inline __m256d operator()(__m256d a, __m256d b){
return _mm256_div_pd(a,b);
struct Conj{
struct Conj{
// Complex single
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 in){
return _mm256_xor_ps(_mm256_addsub_ps(_mm256_setzero_ps(),in), _mm256_set1_ps(-0.f));
@ -401,9 +401,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
return _mm256_xor_pd(_mm256_addsub_pd(_mm256_setzero_pd(),in), _mm256_set1_pd(-0.f));
// do not define for integer input
struct TimesMinusI{
struct TimesMinusI{
//Complex single
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 in, __m256 ret){
__m256 tmp =_mm256_addsub_ps(_mm256_setzero_ps(),in); // r,-i
@ -414,9 +414,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
__m256d tmp = _mm256_addsub_pd(_mm256_setzero_pd(),in); // r,-i
return _mm256_shuffle_pd(tmp,tmp,0x5);
struct TimesI{
struct TimesI{
//Complex single
inline __m256 operator()(__m256 in, __m256 ret){
__m256 tmp =_mm256_shuffle_ps(in,in,_MM_SELECT_FOUR_FOUR(2,3,0,1)); // i,r
@ -427,13 +427,13 @@ namespace Optimization {
__m256d tmp = _mm256_shuffle_pd(in,in,0x5);
return _mm256_addsub_pd(_mm256_setzero_pd(),tmp); // i,-r
// Some Template specialization
// Some Template specialization
struct Permute{
struct Permute{
static inline __m256 Permute0(__m256 in){
return _mm256_permute2f128_ps(in,in,0x01); //ABCD EFGH -> EFGH ABCD
@ -460,9 +460,9 @@ namespace Optimization {
static inline __m256d Permute3(__m256d in){
return in;
#define USE_FP16
struct PrecisionChange {
struct PrecisionChange {
static inline __m256i StoH (__m256 a,__m256 b) {
__m256i h;
#ifdef USE_FP16
@ -506,8 +506,8 @@ namespace Optimization {
struct Exchange{
struct Exchange{
// 3210 ordering
static inline void Exchange0(__m256 &out1,__m256 &out2,__m256 in1,__m256 in2){
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ namespace Optimization {
#if defined (AVX2)
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ namespace Optimization {
struct Rotate{
struct Rotate{
static inline __m256 rotate(__m256 in,int n){
@ -647,11 +647,11 @@ namespace Optimization {
return ret;
//Complex float Reduce
inline Grid::ComplexF Reduce<Grid::ComplexF, __m256>::operator()(__m256 in){
//Complex float Reduce
inline Grid::ComplexF Reduce<Grid::ComplexF, __m256>::operator()(__m256 in){
__m256 v1,v2;
v1=Optimization::Permute::Permute0(in); // avx 256; quad complex single
v1= _mm256_add_ps(v1,in);
@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ namespace Optimization {
v1 = _mm256_add_ps(v1,v2);
u256f conv; conv.v = v1;
return Grid::ComplexF(conv.f[0],conv.f[1]);
//Real float Reduce
inline Grid::RealF Reduce<Grid::RealF, __m256>::operator()(__m256 in){
//Real float Reduce
inline Grid::RealF Reduce<Grid::RealF, __m256>::operator()(__m256 in){
__m256 v1,v2;
v1 = Optimization::Permute::Permute0(in); // avx 256; octo-double
v1 = _mm256_add_ps(v1,in);
@ -673,22 +673,22 @@ namespace Optimization {
v1 = _mm256_add_ps(v1,v2);
u256f conv; conv.v=v1;
return conv.f[0];
//Complex double Reduce
inline Grid::ComplexD Reduce<Grid::ComplexD, __m256d>::operator()(__m256d in){
//Complex double Reduce
inline Grid::ComplexD Reduce<Grid::ComplexD, __m256d>::operator()(__m256d in){
__m256d v1;
v1 = Optimization::Permute::Permute0(in); // sse 128; paired complex single
v1 = _mm256_add_pd(v1,in);
u256d conv; conv.v = v1;
return Grid::ComplexD(conv.f[0],conv.f[1]);
//Real double Reduce
inline Grid::RealD Reduce<Grid::RealD, __m256d>::operator()(__m256d in){
//Real double Reduce
inline Grid::RealD Reduce<Grid::RealD, __m256d>::operator()(__m256d in){
__m256d v1,v2;
v1 = Optimization::Permute::Permute0(in); // avx 256; quad double
v1 = _mm256_add_pd(v1,in);
@ -696,11 +696,11 @@ namespace Optimization {
v1 = _mm256_add_pd(v1,v2);
u256d conv; conv.v = v1;
return conv.f[0];
//Integer Reduce
inline Integer Reduce<Integer, __m256i>::operator()(__m256i in){
//Integer Reduce
inline Integer Reduce<Integer, __m256i>::operator()(__m256i in){
__m128i ret;
#if defined (AVX2)
// AVX2 horizontal adds within upper and lower halves of register; use
@ -723,47 +723,47 @@ namespace Optimization {
ret = _mm_hadd_epi32(u1, u1);
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(ret);
// Here assign types
typedef __m256i SIMD_Htype; // Single precision type
typedef __m256 SIMD_Ftype; // Single precision type
typedef __m256d SIMD_Dtype; // Double precision type
typedef __m256i SIMD_Itype; // Integer type
typedef __m256i SIMD_Htype; // Single precision type
typedef __m256 SIMD_Ftype; // Single precision type
typedef __m256d SIMD_Dtype; // Double precision type
typedef __m256i SIMD_Itype; // Integer type
// prefecthing
inline void v_prefetch0(int size, const char *ptr){
// prefecthing
inline void v_prefetch0(int size, const char *ptr){
for(int i=0;i<size;i+=64){ // Define L1 linesize above
inline void prefetch_HINT_T0(const char *ptr){
inline void prefetch_HINT_T0(const char *ptr){
_mm_prefetch(ptr, _MM_HINT_T0);
// Function name aliases
typedef Optimization::Vsplat VsplatSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Vstore VstoreSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Vset VsetSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Vstream VstreamSIMD;
// Function name aliases
typedef Optimization::Vsplat VsplatSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Vstore VstoreSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Vset VsetSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Vstream VstreamSIMD;
template <typename S, typename T> using ReduceSIMD = Optimization::Reduce<S, T>;
template <typename S, typename T> using ReduceSIMD = Optimization::Reduce<S, T>;
// Arithmetic operations
typedef Optimization::Sum SumSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Sub SubSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Div DivSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Mult MultSIMD;
typedef Optimization::MultComplex MultComplexSIMD;
typedef Optimization::MultRealPart MultRealPartSIMD;
typedef Optimization::MaddRealPart MaddRealPartSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Conj ConjSIMD;
typedef Optimization::TimesMinusI TimesMinusISIMD;
typedef Optimization::TimesI TimesISIMD;
// Arithmetic operations
typedef Optimization::Sum SumSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Sub SubSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Div DivSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Mult MultSIMD;
typedef Optimization::MultComplex MultComplexSIMD;
typedef Optimization::MultRealPart MultRealPartSIMD;
typedef Optimization::MaddRealPart MaddRealPartSIMD;
typedef Optimization::Conj ConjSIMD;
typedef Optimization::TimesMinusI TimesMinusISIMD;
typedef Optimization::TimesI TimesISIMD;
} // namespace Grid