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synced 2024-11-09 23:45:36 +00:00
Check in compact version of wilson clover fermions
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/CompactWilsonCloverFermion.h
Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022
Author: Daniel Richtmann <daniel.richtmann@gmail.com>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#pragma once
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverTypes.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverHelpers.h>
// see Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverFermion.h for description
// Modifications done here:
// Original: clover term = 12x12 matrix per site
// But: Only two diagonal 6x6 hermitian blocks are non-zero (also true for original, verified by running)
// Sufficient to store/transfer only the real parts of the diagonal and one triangular part
// 2 * (6 + 15 * 2) = 72 real or 36 complex words to be stored/transfered
// Here: Above but diagonal as complex numbers, i.e., need to store/transfer
// 2 * (6 * 2 + 15 * 2) = 84 real or 42 complex words
// Words per site and improvement compared to original (combined with the input and output spinors):
// - Original: 2*12 + 12*12 = 168 words -> 1.00 x less
// - Minimal: 2*12 + 36 = 60 words -> 2.80 x less
// - Here: 2*12 + 42 = 66 words -> 2.55 x less
// These improvements directly translate to wall-clock time
// Data layout:
// - diagonal and triangle part as separate lattice fields,
// this was faster than as 1 combined field on all tested machines
// - diagonal: as expected
// - triangle: store upper right triangle in row major order
// - graphical:
// 0 1 2 3 4
// 5 6 7 8
// 9 10 11 = upper right triangle indices
// 12 13
// 14
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3 = diagonal indices
// 4
// 5
// 0
// 1 5
// 2 6 9 = lower left triangle indices
// 3 7 10 12
// 4 8 11 13 14
// Impact on total memory consumption:
// - Original: (2 * 1 + 8 * 1/2) 12x12 matrices = 6 12x12 matrices = 864 complex words per site
// - Here: (2 * 1 + 4 * 1/2) diagonal parts = 4 diagonal parts = 24 complex words per site
// + (2 * 1 + 4 * 1/2) triangle parts = 4 triangle parts = 60 complex words per site
// = 84 complex words per site
template<class Impl>
class CompactWilsonCloverFermion : public WilsonFermion<Impl>,
public WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl>,
public CompactWilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> {
// Sizes
// Type definitions
typedef WilsonFermion<Impl> WilsonBase;
typedef WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> Helpers;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> CompactHelpers;
// Constructors
CompactWilsonCloverFermion(GaugeField& _Umu,
GridCartesian& Fgrid,
GridRedBlackCartesian& Hgrid,
const RealD _mass,
const RealD _csw_r = 0.0,
const RealD _csw_t = 0.0,
const RealD _cF = 1.0,
const WilsonAnisotropyCoefficients& clover_anisotropy = WilsonAnisotropyCoefficients(),
const ImplParams& impl_p = ImplParams())
: WilsonBase(_Umu, Fgrid, Hgrid, _mass, impl_p, clover_anisotropy)
, csw_r(_csw_r)
, csw_t(_csw_t)
, cF(_cF)
, open_boundaries(impl_p.boundary_phases[Nd-1] == 0.0)
, Diagonal(&Fgrid), Triangle(&Fgrid)
, DiagonalEven(&Hgrid), TriangleEven(&Hgrid)
, DiagonalOdd(&Hgrid), TriangleOdd(&Hgrid)
, DiagonalInv(&Fgrid), TriangleInv(&Fgrid)
, DiagonalInvEven(&Hgrid), TriangleInvEven(&Hgrid)
, DiagonalInvOdd(&Hgrid), TriangleInvOdd(&Hgrid)
, Tmp(&Fgrid)
, BoundaryMask(&Fgrid)
, BoundaryMaskEven(&Hgrid), BoundaryMaskOdd(&Hgrid)
csw_r *= 0.5;
csw_t *= 0.5;
if (clover_anisotropy.isAnisotropic)
csw_r /= clover_anisotropy.xi_0;
if (open_boundaries)
CompactHelpers::SetupMasks(this->BoundaryMask, this->BoundaryMaskEven, this->BoundaryMaskOdd);
// Member functions (implementing interface)
virtual void Instantiatable() {};
int ConstEE() override { return 0; };
int isTrivialEE() override { return 0; };
void Dhop(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) override {
WilsonBase::Dhop(in, out, dag);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void DhopOE(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) override {
WilsonBase::DhopOE(in, out, dag);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void DhopEO(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) override {
WilsonBase::DhopEO(in, out, dag);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void DhopDir(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dir, int disp) override {
WilsonBase::DhopDir(in, out, dir, disp);
if(this->open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void DhopDirAll(const FermionField& in, std::vector<FermionField>& out) /* override */ {
WilsonBase::DhopDirAll(in, out);
if(this->open_boundaries) {
for(auto& o : out) ApplyBoundaryMask(o);
void M(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) override {
out.Checkerboard() = in.Checkerboard();
WilsonBase::Dhop(in, out, DaggerNo); // call base to save applying bc
Mooee(in, Tmp);
axpy(out, 1.0, out, Tmp);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void Mdag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) override {
out.Checkerboard() = in.Checkerboard();
WilsonBase::Dhop(in, out, DaggerYes); // call base to save applying bc
MooeeDag(in, Tmp);
axpy(out, 1.0, out, Tmp);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void Meooe(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) override {
WilsonBase::Meooe(in, out);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void MeooeDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) override {
WilsonBase::MeooeDag(in, out);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void Mooee(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) override {
if(in.Grid()->_isCheckerBoarded) {
if(in.Checkerboard() == Odd) {
MooeeInternal(in, out, DiagonalOdd, TriangleOdd);
} else {
MooeeInternal(in, out, DiagonalEven, TriangleEven);
} else {
MooeeInternal(in, out, Diagonal, Triangle);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void MooeeDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) override {
Mooee(in, out); // blocks are hermitian
void MooeeInv(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) override {
if(in.Grid()->_isCheckerBoarded) {
if(in.Checkerboard() == Odd) {
MooeeInternal(in, out, DiagonalInvOdd, TriangleInvOdd);
} else {
MooeeInternal(in, out, DiagonalInvEven, TriangleInvEven);
} else {
MooeeInternal(in, out, DiagonalInv, TriangleInv);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
void MooeeInvDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) override {
MooeeInv(in, out); // blocks are hermitian
void Mdir(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dir, int disp) override {
DhopDir(in, out, dir, disp);
void MdirAll(const FermionField& in, std::vector<FermionField>& out) override {
DhopDirAll(in, out);
void MDeriv(GaugeField& force, const FermionField& X, const FermionField& Y, int dag) override {
assert(!open_boundaries); // TODO check for changes required for open bc
// NOTE: code copied from original clover term
conformable(X.Grid(), Y.Grid());
conformable(X.Grid(), force.Grid());
GaugeLinkField force_mu(force.Grid()), lambda(force.Grid());
GaugeField clover_force(force.Grid());
PropagatorField Lambda(force.Grid());
// Guido: Here we are hitting some performance issues:
// need to extract the components of the DoubledGaugeField
// for each call
// Possible solution
// Create a vector object to store them? (cons: wasting space)
std::vector<GaugeLinkField> U(Nd, this->Umu.Grid());
Impl::extractLinkField(U, this->Umu);
force = Zero();
// Derivative of the Wilson hopping term
this->DhopDeriv(force, X, Y, dag);
// Clover term derivative
Impl::outerProductImpl(Lambda, X, Y);
//std::cout << "Lambda:" << Lambda << std::endl;
Gamma::Algebra sigma[] = {
sigma_{\mu \nu}=
| 0 sigma[0] sigma[1] sigma[2] |
| sigma[3] 0 sigma[4] sigma[5] |
| sigma[6] sigma[7] 0 sigma[8] |
| sigma[9] sigma[10] sigma[11] 0 |
int count = 0;
clover_force = Zero();
for (int mu = 0; mu < 4; mu++)
force_mu = Zero();
for (int nu = 0; nu < 4; nu++)
if (mu == nu)
RealD factor;
if (nu == 4 || mu == 4)
factor = 2.0 * csw_t;
factor = 2.0 * csw_r;
PropagatorField Slambda = Gamma(sigma[count]) * Lambda; // sigma checked
Impl::TraceSpinImpl(lambda, Slambda); // traceSpin ok
force_mu -= factor*Helpers::Cmunu(U, lambda, mu, nu); // checked
pokeLorentz(clover_force, U[mu] * force_mu, mu);
//clover_force *= csw;
force += clover_force;
void MooDeriv(GaugeField& mat, const FermionField& U, const FermionField& V, int dag) override {
void MeeDeriv(GaugeField& mat, const FermionField& U, const FermionField& V, int dag) override {
// Member functions (internals)
void MooeeInternal(const FermionField& in,
FermionField& out,
const CloverDiagonalField& diagonal,
const CloverTriangleField& triangle) {
assert(in.Checkerboard() == Odd || in.Checkerboard() == Even);
out.Checkerboard() = in.Checkerboard();
conformable(in, out);
conformable(in, diagonal);
conformable(in, triangle);
CompactHelpers::MooeeKernel(diagonal.oSites(), 1, in, out, diagonal, triangle);
// Helpers
void ImportGauge(const GaugeField& _Umu) override {
// NOTE: parts copied from original implementation
// Import gauge into base class
double t0 = usecond();
WilsonBase::ImportGauge(_Umu); // NOTE: called here and in wilson constructor -> performed twice, but can't avoid that
// Initialize temporary variables
double t1 = usecond();
conformable(_Umu.Grid(), this->GaugeGrid());
GridBase* grid = _Umu.Grid();
typename Impl::GaugeLinkField Bx(grid), By(grid), Bz(grid), Ex(grid), Ey(grid), Ez(grid);
CloverField TmpOriginal(grid);
// Compute the field strength terms mu>nu
double t2 = usecond();
WilsonLoops<Impl>::FieldStrength(Bx, _Umu, Zdir, Ydir);
WilsonLoops<Impl>::FieldStrength(By, _Umu, Zdir, Xdir);
WilsonLoops<Impl>::FieldStrength(Bz, _Umu, Ydir, Xdir);
WilsonLoops<Impl>::FieldStrength(Ex, _Umu, Tdir, Xdir);
WilsonLoops<Impl>::FieldStrength(Ey, _Umu, Tdir, Ydir);
WilsonLoops<Impl>::FieldStrength(Ez, _Umu, Tdir, Zdir);
// Compute the Clover Operator acting on Colour and Spin
// multiply here by the clover coefficients for the anisotropy
double t3 = usecond();
TmpOriginal = Helpers::fillCloverYZ(Bx) * csw_r;
TmpOriginal += Helpers::fillCloverXZ(By) * csw_r;
TmpOriginal += Helpers::fillCloverXY(Bz) * csw_r;
TmpOriginal += Helpers::fillCloverXT(Ex) * csw_t;
TmpOriginal += Helpers::fillCloverYT(Ey) * csw_t;
TmpOriginal += Helpers::fillCloverZT(Ez) * csw_t;
TmpOriginal += this->diag_mass;
// Convert the data layout of the clover term
double t4 = usecond();
CompactHelpers::ConvertLayout(TmpOriginal, Diagonal, Triangle);
// Possible modify the boundary values
double t5 = usecond();
if(open_boundaries) CompactHelpers::ModifyBoundaries(Diagonal, Triangle, csw_t, cF, this->diag_mass);
// Invert the clover term in the improved layout
double t6 = usecond();
CompactHelpers::Invert(Diagonal, Triangle, DiagonalInv, TriangleInv);
// Fill the remaining clover fields
double t7 = usecond();
pickCheckerboard(Even, DiagonalEven, Diagonal);
pickCheckerboard(Even, TriangleEven, Triangle);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, DiagonalOdd, Diagonal);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, TriangleOdd, Triangle);
pickCheckerboard(Even, DiagonalInvEven, DiagonalInv);
pickCheckerboard(Even, TriangleInvEven, TriangleInv);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, DiagonalInvOdd, DiagonalInv);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, TriangleInvOdd, TriangleInv);
// Report timings
double t8 = usecond();
#if 0
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "CompactWilsonCloverFermion::ImportGauge timings:"
<< " WilsonFermion::Importgauge = " << (t1 - t0) / 1e6
<< ", allocations = " << (t2 - t1) / 1e6
<< ", field strength = " << (t3 - t2) / 1e6
<< ", fill clover = " << (t4 - t3) / 1e6
<< ", convert = " << (t5 - t4) / 1e6
<< ", boundaries = " << (t6 - t5) / 1e6
<< ", inversions = " << (t7 - t6) / 1e6
<< ", pick cbs = " << (t8 - t7) / 1e6
<< ", total = " << (t8 - t0) / 1e6
<< std::endl;
// Helpers
template<class Field>
const MaskField* getCorrectMaskField(const Field &in) const {
if(in.Grid()->_isCheckerBoarded) {
if(in.Checkerboard() == Odd) {
return &this->BoundaryMaskOdd;
} else {
return &this->BoundaryMaskEven;
} else {
return &this->BoundaryMask;
template<class Field>
void ApplyBoundaryMask(Field& f) {
const MaskField* m = getCorrectMaskField(f); assert(m != nullptr);
assert(m != nullptr);
CompactHelpers::ApplyBoundaryMask(f, *m);
// Member Data
RealD csw_r;
RealD csw_t;
RealD cF;
bool open_boundaries;
CloverDiagonalField Diagonal, DiagonalEven, DiagonalOdd;
CloverDiagonalField DiagonalInv, DiagonalInvEven, DiagonalInvOdd;
CloverTriangleField Triangle, TriangleEven, TriangleOdd;
CloverTriangleField TriangleInv, TriangleInvEven, TriangleInvOdd;
FermionField Tmp;
MaskField BoundaryMask, BoundaryMaskEven, BoundaryMaskOdd;
@ -208,4 +208,554 @@ public:
template<class Impl> class CompactWilsonCloverHelpers {
#if 0
static accelerator_inline typename SiteCloverTriangle::vector_type triangle_elem(const SiteCloverTriangle& triangle, int block, int i, int j) {
assert(i != j);
if(i < j) {
return triangle()(block)(triangle_index(i, j));
} else { // i > j
return conjugate(triangle()(block)(triangle_index(i, j)));
template<typename vobj>
static accelerator_inline vobj triangle_elem(const iImplCloverTriangle<vobj>& triangle, int block, int i, int j) {
assert(i != j);
if(i < j) {
return triangle()(block)(triangle_index(i, j));
} else { // i > j
return conjugate(triangle()(block)(triangle_index(i, j)));
static accelerator_inline int triangle_index(int i, int j) {
if(i == j)
return 0;
else if(i < j)
return Nred * (Nred - 1) / 2 - (Nred - i) * (Nred - i - 1) / 2 + j - i - 1;
else // i > j
return Nred * (Nred - 1) / 2 - (Nred - j) * (Nred - j - 1) / 2 + i - j - 1;
static void MooeeKernel_gpu(int Nsite,
int Ls,
const FermionField& in,
FermionField& out,
const CloverDiagonalField& diagonal,
const CloverTriangleField& triangle) {
autoView(diagonal_v, diagonal, AcceleratorRead);
autoView(triangle_v, triangle, AcceleratorRead);
autoView(in_v, in, AcceleratorRead);
autoView(out_v, out, AcceleratorWrite);
typedef decltype(coalescedRead(out_v[0])) CalcSpinor;
const uint64_t NN = Nsite * Ls;
accelerator_for(ss, NN, Simd::Nsimd(), {
int sF = ss;
int sU = ss/Ls;
CalcSpinor res;
CalcSpinor in_t = in_v(sF);
auto diagonal_t = diagonal_v(sU);
auto triangle_t = triangle_v(sU);
for(int block=0; block<Nhs; block++) {
int s_start = block*Nhs;
for(int i=0; i<Nred; i++) {
int si = s_start + i/Nc, ci = i%Nc;
res()(si)(ci) = diagonal_t()(block)(i) * in_t()(si)(ci);
for(int j=0; j<Nred; j++) {
if (j == i) continue;
int sj = s_start + j/Nc, cj = j%Nc;
res()(si)(ci) = res()(si)(ci) + triangle_elem(triangle_t, block, i, j) * in_t()(sj)(cj);
coalescedWrite(out_v[sF], res);
static void MooeeKernel_cpu(int Nsite,
int Ls,
const FermionField& in,
FermionField& out,
const CloverDiagonalField& diagonal,
const CloverTriangleField& triangle) {
autoView(diagonal_v, diagonal, CpuRead);
autoView(triangle_v, triangle, CpuRead);
autoView(in_v, in, CpuRead);
autoView(out_v, out, CpuWrite);
typedef SiteSpinor CalcSpinor;
#if defined(A64FX) || defined(A64FXFIXEDSIZE)
uint64_t base; \
int pf_dist_L1 = 1; \
int pf_dist_L2 = -5; /* -> penalty -> disable */ \
if ((pf_dist_L1 >= 0) && (sU + pf_dist_L1 < Nsite)) { \
base = (uint64_t)&diag_t()(pf_dist_L1+BASE)(0); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 0), SV_PLDL1STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 256), SV_PLDL1STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 512), SV_PLDL1STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 768), SV_PLDL1STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 1024), SV_PLDL1STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 1280), SV_PLDL1STRM); \
} \
if ((pf_dist_L2 >= 0) && (sU + pf_dist_L2 < Nsite)) { \
base = (uint64_t)&diag_t()(pf_dist_L2+BASE)(0); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 0), SV_PLDL2STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 256), SV_PLDL2STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 512), SV_PLDL2STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 768), SV_PLDL2STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 1024), SV_PLDL2STRM); \
svprfd(svptrue_b64(), (int64_t*)(base + 1280), SV_PLDL2STRM); \
} \
// TODO: Implement/generalize this for other architectures
// I played around a bit on KNL (see below) but didn't bring anything
// #elif defined(AVX512)
// #define PREFETCH_CLOVER(BASE) { \
// uint64_t base; \
// int pf_dist_L1 = 1; \
// int pf_dist_L2 = +4; \
// \
// if ((pf_dist_L1 >= 0) && (sU + pf_dist_L1 < Nsite)) { \
// base = (uint64_t)&diag_t()(pf_dist_L1+BASE)(0); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 0), _MM_HINT_T0); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 64), _MM_HINT_T0); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 128), _MM_HINT_T0); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 192), _MM_HINT_T0); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 256), _MM_HINT_T0); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 320), _MM_HINT_T0); \
// } \
// \
// if ((pf_dist_L2 >= 0) && (sU + pf_dist_L2 < Nsite)) { \
// base = (uint64_t)&diag_t()(pf_dist_L2+BASE)(0); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 0), _MM_HINT_T1); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 64), _MM_HINT_T1); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 128), _MM_HINT_T1); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 192), _MM_HINT_T1); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 256), _MM_HINT_T1); \
// _mm_prefetch((const char*)(base + 320), _MM_HINT_T1); \
// } \
// }
const uint64_t NN = Nsite * Ls;
thread_for(ss, NN, {
int sF = ss;
int sU = ss/Ls;
CalcSpinor res;
CalcSpinor in_t = in_v[sF];
auto diag_t = diagonal_v[sU]; // "diag" instead of "diagonal" here to make code below easier to read
auto triangle_t = triangle_v[sU];
// upper half
auto in_cc_0_0 = conjugate(in_t()(0)(0)); // Nils: reduces number
auto in_cc_0_1 = conjugate(in_t()(0)(1)); // of conjugates from
auto in_cc_0_2 = conjugate(in_t()(0)(2)); // 30 to 20
auto in_cc_1_0 = conjugate(in_t()(1)(0));
auto in_cc_1_1 = conjugate(in_t()(1)(1));
res()(0)(0) = diag_t()(0)( 0) * in_t()(0)(0)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 0) * in_t()(0)(1)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 1) * in_t()(0)(2)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 2) * in_t()(1)(0)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 3) * in_t()(1)(1)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 4) * in_t()(1)(2);
res()(0)(1) = triangle_t()(0)( 0) * in_cc_0_0;
res()(0)(1) = diag_t()(0)( 1) * in_t()(0)(1)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 5) * in_t()(0)(2)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 6) * in_t()(1)(0)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 7) * in_t()(1)(1)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 8) * in_t()(1)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(0)( 1));
res()(0)(2) = triangle_t()(0)( 1) * in_cc_0_0
+ triangle_t()(0)( 5) * in_cc_0_1;
res()(0)(2) = diag_t()(0)( 2) * in_t()(0)(2)
+ triangle_t()(0)( 9) * in_t()(1)(0)
+ triangle_t()(0)(10) * in_t()(1)(1)
+ triangle_t()(0)(11) * in_t()(1)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(0)( 2));
res()(1)(0) = triangle_t()(0)( 2) * in_cc_0_0
+ triangle_t()(0)( 6) * in_cc_0_1
+ triangle_t()(0)( 9) * in_cc_0_2;
res()(1)(0) = diag_t()(0)( 3) * in_t()(1)(0)
+ triangle_t()(0)(12) * in_t()(1)(1)
+ triangle_t()(0)(13) * in_t()(1)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(1)( 0));
res()(1)(1) = triangle_t()(0)( 3) * in_cc_0_0
+ triangle_t()(0)( 7) * in_cc_0_1
+ triangle_t()(0)(10) * in_cc_0_2
+ triangle_t()(0)(12) * in_cc_1_0;
res()(1)(1) = diag_t()(0)( 4) * in_t()(1)(1)
+ triangle_t()(0)(14) * in_t()(1)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(1)( 1));
res()(1)(2) = triangle_t()(0)( 4) * in_cc_0_0
+ triangle_t()(0)( 8) * in_cc_0_1
+ triangle_t()(0)(11) * in_cc_0_2
+ triangle_t()(0)(13) * in_cc_1_0
+ triangle_t()(0)(14) * in_cc_1_1;
res()(1)(2) = diag_t()(0)( 5) * in_t()(1)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(1)( 2));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(0)(0), res()(0)(0));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(0)(1), res()(0)(1));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(0)(2), res()(0)(2));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(1)(0), res()(1)(0));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(1)(1), res()(1)(1));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(1)(2), res()(1)(2));
// lower half
auto in_cc_2_0 = conjugate(in_t()(2)(0));
auto in_cc_2_1 = conjugate(in_t()(2)(1));
auto in_cc_2_2 = conjugate(in_t()(2)(2));
auto in_cc_3_0 = conjugate(in_t()(3)(0));
auto in_cc_3_1 = conjugate(in_t()(3)(1));
res()(2)(0) = diag_t()(1)( 0) * in_t()(2)(0)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 0) * in_t()(2)(1)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 1) * in_t()(2)(2)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 2) * in_t()(3)(0)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 3) * in_t()(3)(1)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 4) * in_t()(3)(2);
res()(2)(1) = triangle_t()(1)( 0) * in_cc_2_0;
res()(2)(1) = diag_t()(1)( 1) * in_t()(2)(1)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 5) * in_t()(2)(2)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 6) * in_t()(3)(0)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 7) * in_t()(3)(1)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 8) * in_t()(3)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(2)( 1));
res()(2)(2) = triangle_t()(1)( 1) * in_cc_2_0
+ triangle_t()(1)( 5) * in_cc_2_1;
res()(2)(2) = diag_t()(1)( 2) * in_t()(2)(2)
+ triangle_t()(1)( 9) * in_t()(3)(0)
+ triangle_t()(1)(10) * in_t()(3)(1)
+ triangle_t()(1)(11) * in_t()(3)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(2)( 2));
res()(3)(0) = triangle_t()(1)( 2) * in_cc_2_0
+ triangle_t()(1)( 6) * in_cc_2_1
+ triangle_t()(1)( 9) * in_cc_2_2;
res()(3)(0) = diag_t()(1)( 3) * in_t()(3)(0)
+ triangle_t()(1)(12) * in_t()(3)(1)
+ triangle_t()(1)(13) * in_t()(3)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(3)( 0));
res()(3)(1) = triangle_t()(1)( 3) * in_cc_2_0
+ triangle_t()(1)( 7) * in_cc_2_1
+ triangle_t()(1)(10) * in_cc_2_2
+ triangle_t()(1)(12) * in_cc_3_0;
res()(3)(1) = diag_t()(1)( 4) * in_t()(3)(1)
+ triangle_t()(1)(14) * in_t()(3)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(3)( 1));
res()(3)(2) = triangle_t()(1)( 4) * in_cc_2_0
+ triangle_t()(1)( 8) * in_cc_2_1
+ triangle_t()(1)(11) * in_cc_2_2
+ triangle_t()(1)(13) * in_cc_3_0
+ triangle_t()(1)(14) * in_cc_3_1;
res()(3)(2) = diag_t()(1)( 5) * in_t()(3)(2)
+ conjugate( res()(3)( 2));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(2)(0), res()(2)(0));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(2)(1), res()(2)(1));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(2)(2), res()(2)(2));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(3)(0), res()(3)(0));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(3)(1), res()(3)(1));
vstream(out_v[sF]()(3)(2), res()(3)(2));
static void MooeeKernel(int Nsite,
int Ls,
const FermionField& in,
FermionField& out,
const CloverDiagonalField& diagonal,
const CloverTriangleField& triangle) {
#if defined(GRID_CUDA) || defined(GRID_HIP)
MooeeKernel_gpu(Nsite, Ls, in, out, diagonal, triangle);
MooeeKernel_cpu(Nsite, Ls, in, out, diagonal, triangle);
static void Invert(const CloverDiagonalField& diagonal,
const CloverTriangleField& triangle,
CloverDiagonalField& diagonalInv,
CloverTriangleField& triangleInv) {
conformable(diagonal, diagonalInv);
conformable(triangle, triangleInv);
conformable(diagonal, triangle);
diagonalInv.Checkerboard() = diagonal.Checkerboard();
triangleInv.Checkerboard() = triangle.Checkerboard();
GridBase* grid = diagonal.Grid();
long lsites = grid->lSites();
typedef typename SiteCloverDiagonal::scalar_object scalar_object_diagonal;
typedef typename SiteCloverTriangle::scalar_object scalar_object_triangle;
autoView(diagonal_v, diagonal, CpuRead);
autoView(triangle_v, triangle, CpuRead);
autoView(diagonalInv_v, diagonalInv, CpuWrite);
autoView(triangleInv_v, triangleInv, CpuWrite);
thread_for(site, lsites, { // NOTE: Not on GPU because of Eigen & (peek/poke)LocalSite
Eigen::MatrixXcd clover_inv_eigen = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Ns*Nc, Ns*Nc);
Eigen::MatrixXcd clover_eigen = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Ns*Nc, Ns*Nc);
scalar_object_diagonal diagonal_tmp = Zero();
scalar_object_diagonal diagonal_inv_tmp = Zero();
scalar_object_triangle triangle_tmp = Zero();
scalar_object_triangle triangle_inv_tmp = Zero();
Coordinate lcoor;
grid->LocalIndexToLocalCoor(site, lcoor);
peekLocalSite(diagonal_tmp, diagonal_v, lcoor);
peekLocalSite(triangle_tmp, triangle_v, lcoor);
// TODO: can we save time here by inverting the two 6x6 hermitian matrices separately?
for (long s_row=0;s_row<Ns;s_row++) {
for (long s_col=0;s_col<Ns;s_col++) {
if(abs(s_row - s_col) > 1 || s_row + s_col == 3) continue;
int block = s_row / Nhs;
int s_row_block = s_row % Nhs;
int s_col_block = s_col % Nhs;
for (long c_row=0;c_row<Nc;c_row++) {
for (long c_col=0;c_col<Nc;c_col++) {
int i = s_row_block * Nc + c_row;
int j = s_col_block * Nc + c_col;
if(i == j)
clover_eigen(s_row*Nc+c_row, s_col*Nc+c_col) = static_cast<ComplexD>(TensorRemove(diagonal_tmp()(block)(i)));
clover_eigen(s_row*Nc+c_row, s_col*Nc+c_col) = static_cast<ComplexD>(TensorRemove(triangle_elem(triangle_tmp, block, i, j)));
clover_inv_eigen = clover_eigen.inverse();
for (long s_row=0;s_row<Ns;s_row++) {
for (long s_col=0;s_col<Ns;s_col++) {
if(abs(s_row - s_col) > 1 || s_row + s_col == 3) continue;
int block = s_row / Nhs;
int s_row_block = s_row % Nhs;
int s_col_block = s_col % Nhs;
for (long c_row=0;c_row<Nc;c_row++) {
for (long c_col=0;c_col<Nc;c_col++) {
int i = s_row_block * Nc + c_row;
int j = s_col_block * Nc + c_col;
if(i == j)
diagonal_inv_tmp()(block)(i) = clover_inv_eigen(s_row*Nc+c_row, s_col*Nc+c_col);
else if(i < j)
triangle_inv_tmp()(block)(triangle_index(i, j)) = clover_inv_eigen(s_row*Nc+c_row, s_col*Nc+c_col);
pokeLocalSite(diagonal_inv_tmp, diagonalInv_v, lcoor);
pokeLocalSite(triangle_inv_tmp, triangleInv_v, lcoor);
static void ConvertLayout(const CloverField& full,
CloverDiagonalField& diagonal,
CloverTriangleField& triangle) {
conformable(full, diagonal);
conformable(full, triangle);
diagonal.Checkerboard() = full.Checkerboard();
triangle.Checkerboard() = full.Checkerboard();
autoView(full_v, full, AcceleratorRead);
autoView(diagonal_v, diagonal, AcceleratorWrite);
autoView(triangle_v, triangle, AcceleratorWrite);
// NOTE: this function cannot be 'private' since nvcc forbids this for kernels
accelerator_for(ss, full.Grid()->oSites(), 1, {
for(int s_row = 0; s_row < Ns; s_row++) {
for(int s_col = 0; s_col < Ns; s_col++) {
if(abs(s_row - s_col) > 1 || s_row + s_col == 3) continue;
int block = s_row / Nhs;
int s_row_block = s_row % Nhs;
int s_col_block = s_col % Nhs;
for(int c_row = 0; c_row < Nc; c_row++) {
for(int c_col = 0; c_col < Nc; c_col++) {
int i = s_row_block * Nc + c_row;
int j = s_col_block * Nc + c_col;
if(i == j)
diagonal_v[ss]()(block)(i) = full_v[ss]()(s_row, s_col)(c_row, c_col);
else if(i < j)
triangle_v[ss]()(block)(triangle_index(i, j)) = full_v[ss]()(s_row, s_col)(c_row, c_col);
static void ConvertLayout(const CloverDiagonalField& diagonal,
const CloverTriangleField& triangle,
CloverField& full) {
conformable(full, diagonal);
conformable(full, triangle);
full.Checkerboard() = diagonal.Checkerboard();
full = Zero();
autoView(diagonal_v, diagonal, AcceleratorRead);
autoView(triangle_v, triangle, AcceleratorRead);
autoView(full_v, full, AcceleratorWrite);
// NOTE: this function cannot be 'private' since nvcc forbids this for kernels
accelerator_for(ss, full.Grid()->oSites(), 1, {
for(int s_row = 0; s_row < Ns; s_row++) {
for(int s_col = 0; s_col < Ns; s_col++) {
if(abs(s_row - s_col) > 1 || s_row + s_col == 3) continue;
int block = s_row / Nhs;
int s_row_block = s_row % Nhs;
int s_col_block = s_col % Nhs;
for(int c_row = 0; c_row < Nc; c_row++) {
for(int c_col = 0; c_col < Nc; c_col++) {
int i = s_row_block * Nc + c_row;
int j = s_col_block * Nc + c_col;
if(i == j)
full_v[ss]()(s_row, s_col)(c_row, c_col) = diagonal_v[ss]()(block)(i);
full_v[ss]()(s_row, s_col)(c_row, c_col) = triangle_elem(triangle_v[ss], block, i, j);
static void ModifyBoundaries(CloverDiagonalField& diagonal, CloverTriangleField& triangle, RealD csw_t, RealD cF, RealD diag_mass) {
// Checks/grid
double t0 = usecond();
conformable(diagonal, triangle);
GridBase* grid = diagonal.Grid();
// Determine the boundary coordinates/sites
double t1 = usecond();
int t_dir = Nd - 1;
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger>> t_coor(grid);
LatticeCoordinate(t_coor, t_dir);
int T = grid->GlobalDimensions()[t_dir];
// Set off-diagonal parts at boundary to zero -- OK
double t2 = usecond();
CloverTriangleField zeroTriangle(grid);
zeroTriangle.Checkerboard() = triangle.Checkerboard();
zeroTriangle = Zero();
triangle = where(t_coor == 0, zeroTriangle, triangle);
triangle = where(t_coor == T-1, zeroTriangle, triangle);
// Set diagonal to unity (scaled correctly) -- OK
double t3 = usecond();
CloverDiagonalField tmp(grid);
tmp.Checkerboard() = diagonal.Checkerboard();
tmp = -1.0 * csw_t + diag_mass;
diagonal = where(t_coor == 0, tmp, diagonal);
diagonal = where(t_coor == T-1, tmp, diagonal);
// Correct values next to boundary
double t4 = usecond();
if(cF != 1.0) {
tmp = cF - 1.0;
tmp += diagonal;
diagonal = where(t_coor == 1, tmp, diagonal);
diagonal = where(t_coor == T-2, tmp, diagonal);
// Report timings
double t5 = usecond();
#if 0
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "CompactWilsonCloverHelpers::ModifyBoundaries timings:"
<< " checks = " << (t1 - t0) / 1e6
<< ", coordinate = " << (t2 - t1) / 1e6
<< ", off-diag zero = " << (t3 - t2) / 1e6
<< ", diagonal unity = " << (t4 - t3) / 1e6
<< ", near-boundary = " << (t5 - t4) / 1e6
<< ", total = " << (t5 - t0) / 1e6
<< std::endl;
template<class Field, class Mask>
static strong_inline void ApplyBoundaryMask(Field& f, const Mask& m) {
conformable(f, m);
auto grid = f.Grid();
const int Nsite = grid->oSites();
const int Nsimd = grid->Nsimd();
autoView(f_v, f, AcceleratorWrite);
autoView(m_v, m, AcceleratorRead);
// NOTE: this function cannot be 'private' since nvcc forbids this for kernels
accelerator_for(ss, Nsite, Nsimd, {
coalescedWrite(f_v[ss], m_v(ss) * f_v(ss));
template<class MaskField>
static void SetupMasks(MaskField& full, MaskField& even, MaskField& odd) {
assert(even.Grid()->_isCheckerBoarded && even.Checkerboard() == Even);
assert(odd.Grid()->_isCheckerBoarded && odd.Checkerboard() == Odd);
GridBase* grid = full.Grid();
int t_dir = Nd-1;
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger>> t_coor(grid);
LatticeCoordinate(t_coor, t_dir);
int T = grid->GlobalDimensions()[t_dir];
MaskField zeroMask(grid); zeroMask = Zero();
full = 1.0;
full = where(t_coor == 0, zeroMask, full);
full = where(t_coor == T-1, zeroMask, full);
pickCheckerboard(Even, even, full);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, odd, full);
@ -42,8 +42,51 @@ public:
typedef Lattice<SiteClover> CloverField;
template<class Impl>
class CompactWilsonCloverTypes {
static_assert(Nd == 4 && Nc == 3 && Ns == 4 && Impl::Dimension == 3, "Wrong dimensions");
static constexpr int Nred = Nc * Nhs; // 6
static constexpr int Nblock = Nhs; // 2
static constexpr int Ndiagonal = Nred; // 6
static constexpr int Ntriangle = (Nred - 1) * Nc; // 15
template<typename vtype> using iImplCloverDiagonal = iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, Ndiagonal>, Nblock>>;
template<typename vtype> using iImplCloverTriangle = iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, Ntriangle>, Nblock>>;
typedef iImplCloverDiagonal<Simd> SiteCloverDiagonal;
typedef iImplCloverTriangle<Simd> SiteCloverTriangle;
typedef iSinglet<Simd> SiteMask;
typedef Lattice<SiteCloverDiagonal> CloverDiagonalField;
typedef Lattice<SiteCloverTriangle> CloverTriangleField;
typedef Lattice<SiteMask> MaskField;
typedef typename WilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::SiteClover SiteClover; \
typedef typename WilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::CloverField CloverField;
typedef typename CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::SiteCloverDiagonal SiteCloverDiagonal; \
typedef typename CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::SiteCloverTriangle SiteCloverTriangle; \
typedef typename CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::SiteMask SiteMask; \
typedef typename CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::CloverDiagonalField CloverDiagonalField; \
typedef typename CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::CloverTriangleField CloverTriangleField; \
typedef typename CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::MaskField MaskField; \
/* ugly duplication but needed inside functionality classes */ \
template<typename vtype> using iImplCloverDiagonal = \
iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::Ndiagonal>, CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::Nblock>>; \
template<typename vtype> using iImplCloverTriangle = \
iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::Ntriangle>, CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::Nblock>>;
static constexpr int Nred = CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::Nred; \
static constexpr int Nblock = CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::Nblock; \
static constexpr int Ndiagonal = CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::Ndiagonal; \
static constexpr int Ntriangle = CompactWilsonCloverTypes<Impl>::Ntriangle;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./tests/core/Test_compact_wilson_clover_speedup.cc
Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022
Author: Daniel Richtmann <daniel.richtmann@gmail.com>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
using namespace Grid;
static bool checkPresent(int* argc, char*** argv, const std::string& option) {
return GridCmdOptionExists(*argv, *argv + *argc, option);
static std::string getContent(int* argc, char*** argv, const std::string& option) {
return GridCmdOptionPayload(*argv, *argv + *argc, option);
static int readInt(int* argc, char*** argv, std::string&& option, int defaultValue) {
std::string arg;
int ret = defaultValue;
if(checkPresent(argc, argv, option)) {
arg = getContent(argc, argv, option);
GridCmdOptionInt(arg, ret);
return ret;
static float readFloat(int* argc, char*** argv, std::string&& option, float defaultValue) {
std::string arg;
float ret = defaultValue;
if(checkPresent(argc, argv, option)) {
arg = getContent(argc, argv, option);
GridCmdOptionFloat(arg, ret);
return ret;
#define _grid_printf(LOGGER, ...) \
{ \
if((LOGGER).isActive()) { /* this makes it safe to put, e.g., norm2 in the calling code w.r.t. performance */ \
char _printf_buf[1024]; \
std::sprintf(_printf_buf, __VA_ARGS__); \
std::cout << (LOGGER) << _printf_buf; \
fflush(stdout); \
} \
#define grid_printf_msg(...) _grid_printf(GridLogMessage, __VA_ARGS__)
template<typename Field>
bool resultsAgree(const Field& ref, const Field& res, const std::string& name) {
RealD checkTolerance = (getPrecision<Field>::value == 2) ? 1e-15 : 1e-7;
Field diff(ref.Grid());
diff = ref - res;
auto absDev = norm2(diff);
auto relDev = absDev / norm2(ref);
std::cout << GridLogMessage
<< "norm2(reference), norm2(" << name << "), abs. deviation, rel. deviation: " << norm2(ref) << " "
<< norm2(res) << " " << absDev << " " << relDev << " -> check "
<< ((relDev < checkTolerance) ? "passed" : "failed") << std::endl;
return relDev <= checkTolerance;
template<typename vCoeff_t>
void runBenchmark(int* argc, char*** argv) {
// read from command line
const int nIter = CommandlineHelpers::readInt( argc, argv, "--niter", 1000);
const RealD mass = CommandlineHelpers::readFloat( argc, argv, "--mass", 0.5);
const RealD csw = CommandlineHelpers::readFloat( argc, argv, "--csw", 1.0);
const RealD cF = CommandlineHelpers::readFloat( argc, argv, "--cF", 1.0);
const bool antiPeriodic = CommandlineHelpers::checkPresent(argc, argv, "--antiperiodic");
// precision
static_assert(getPrecision<vCoeff_t>::value == 2 || getPrecision<vCoeff_t>::value == 1, "Incorrect precision"); // double or single
std::string precision = (getPrecision<vCoeff_t>::value == 2 ? "double" : "single");
// setup grids
GridCartesian* UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd, vCoeff_t::Nsimd()), GridDefaultMpi());
GridRedBlackCartesian* UrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGrid);
// clang-format on
// setup rng
std::vector<int> seeds({1, 2, 3, 4});
GridParallelRNG pRNG(UGrid);
// type definitions
typedef WilsonImpl<vCoeff_t, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffReal> WImpl;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WImpl> WilsonCloverOperator;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WImpl> CompactWilsonCloverOperator;
typedef typename WilsonCloverOperator::FermionField Fermion;
typedef typename WilsonCloverOperator::GaugeField Gauge;
// setup fields
Fermion src(UGrid); random(pRNG, src);
Fermion ref(UGrid); ref = Zero();
Fermion res(UGrid); res = Zero();
Fermion hop(UGrid); hop = Zero();
Fermion diff(UGrid); diff = Zero();
Gauge Umu(UGrid); SU3::HotConfiguration(pRNG, Umu);
// setup boundary phases
typename WilsonCloverOperator::ImplParams implParams;
std::vector<Complex> boundary_phases(Nd, 1.);
if(antiPeriodic) boundary_phases[Nd-1] = -1.;
implParams.boundary_phases = boundary_phases;
WilsonAnisotropyCoefficients anisParams;
// misc stuff needed for benchmarks
double volume=1.0; for(int mu=0; mu<Nd; mu++) volume*=UGrid->_fdimensions[mu];
// setup fermion operators
WilsonCloverOperator Dwc( Umu, *UGrid, *UrbGrid, mass, csw, csw, anisParams, implParams);
CompactWilsonCloverOperator Dwc_compact(Umu, *UGrid, *UrbGrid, mass, csw, csw, cF, anisParams, implParams);
// now test the conversions
typename CompactWilsonCloverOperator::CloverField tmp_ref(UGrid); tmp_ref = Dwc.CloverTerm;
typename CompactWilsonCloverOperator::CloverField tmp_res(UGrid); tmp_res = Zero();
typename CompactWilsonCloverOperator::CloverField tmp_diff(UGrid); tmp_diff = Zero();
typename CompactWilsonCloverOperator::CloverDiagonalField diagonal(UGrid); diagonal = Zero();
typename CompactWilsonCloverOperator::CloverTriangleField triangle(UGrid); diagonal = Zero();
CompactWilsonCloverOperator::CompactHelpers::ConvertLayout(tmp_ref, diagonal, triangle);
CompactWilsonCloverOperator::CompactHelpers::ConvertLayout(diagonal, triangle, tmp_res);
tmp_diff = tmp_ref - tmp_res;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "conversion: ref, res, diff, eps"
<< " " << norm2(tmp_ref)
<< " " << norm2(tmp_res)
<< " " << norm2(tmp_diff)
<< " " << norm2(tmp_diff) / norm2(tmp_ref)
<< std::endl;
// performance per site (use minimal values necessary)
double hop_flop_per_site = 1320; // Rich's Talk + what Peter uses
double hop_byte_per_site = (8 * 9 + 9 * 12) * 2 * getPrecision<vCoeff_t>::value * 4;
double clov_flop_per_site = 504; // Rich's Talk and 1412.2629
double clov_byte_per_site = (2 * 18 + 12 + 12) * 2 * getPrecision<vCoeff_t>::value * 4;
double clov_flop_per_site_performed = 1128;
double clov_byte_per_site_performed = (12 * 12 + 12 + 12) * 2 * getPrecision<vCoeff_t>::value * 4;
// total performance numbers
double hop_gflop_total = volume * nIter * hop_flop_per_site / 1e9;
double hop_gbyte_total = volume * nIter * hop_byte_per_site / 1e9;
double clov_gflop_total = volume * nIter * clov_flop_per_site / 1e9;
double clov_gbyte_total = volume * nIter * clov_byte_per_site / 1e9;
double clov_gflop_performed_total = volume * nIter * clov_flop_per_site_performed / 1e9;
double clov_gbyte_performed_total = volume * nIter * clov_byte_per_site_performed / 1e9;
// warmup + measure dhop
for(auto n : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) Dwc.Dhop(src, hop, 0);
double t0 = usecond();
for(int n = 0; n < nIter; n++) Dwc.Dhop(src, hop, 0);
double t1 = usecond();
double secs_hop = (t1-t0)/1e6;
grid_printf_msg("Performance(%35s, %s): %2.4f s, %6.0f GFlop/s, %6.0f GByte/s, speedup vs ref = %.2f, fraction of hop = %.2f\n",
"hop", precision.c_str(), secs_hop, hop_gflop_total/secs_hop, hop_gbyte_total/secs_hop, 0.0, secs_hop/secs_hop);
/* warmup + measure reference clover */ \
for(auto n : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) Dwc.KERNEL(src, ref); \
double t2 = usecond(); \
for(int n = 0; n < nIter; n++) Dwc.KERNEL(src, ref); \
double t3 = usecond(); \
double secs_ref = (t3-t2)/1e6; \
grid_printf_msg("Performance(%35s, %s): %2.4f s, %6.0f GFlop/s, %6.0f GByte/s, speedup vs ref = %.2f, fraction of hop = %.2f\n", \
"reference_"#KERNEL, precision.c_str(), secs_ref, clov_gflop_total/secs_ref, clov_gbyte_total/secs_ref, secs_ref/secs_ref, secs_ref/secs_hop); \
grid_printf_msg("Performance(%35s, %s): %2.4f s, %6.0f GFlop/s, %6.0f GByte/s, speedup vs ref = %.2f, fraction of hop = %.2f\n", /* to see how well the ET performs */ \
"reference_"#KERNEL"_performed", precision.c_str(), secs_ref, clov_gflop_performed_total/secs_ref, clov_gbyte_performed_total/secs_ref, secs_ref/secs_ref, secs_ref/secs_hop); \
/* warmup + measure compact clover */ \
for(auto n : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) Dwc_compact.KERNEL(src, res); \
double t4 = usecond(); \
for(int n = 0; n < nIter; n++) Dwc_compact.KERNEL(src, res); \
double t5 = usecond(); \
double secs_res = (t5-t4)/1e6; \
grid_printf_msg("Performance(%35s, %s): %2.4f s, %6.0f GFlop/s, %6.0f GByte/s, speedup vs ref = %.2f, fraction of hop = %.2f\n", \
"compact_"#KERNEL, precision.c_str(), secs_res, clov_gflop_total/secs_res, clov_gbyte_total/secs_res, secs_ref/secs_res, secs_res/secs_hop); \
assert(resultsAgree(ref, res, #KERNEL)); \
grid_printf_msg("finalize %s\n", precision.c_str());
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
runBenchmark<vComplexD>(&argc, &argv);
runBenchmark<vComplexF>(&argc, &argv);
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