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Merge branch 'feature/eclover' into feature/conserved_current_wilson

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Joswig 2022-04-05 15:26:49 +01:00
commit 6bc2483d57
26 changed files with 1426 additions and 725 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverFermionImplementation.h
Copyright (C) 2017 - 2022
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Daniel Richtmann <daniel.richtmann@gmail.com>
Author: Mattia Bruno <mattia.bruno@cern.ch>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#pragma once
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/spin/Dirac.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverHelpers.h>
// Standard Clover
// (4+m0) + csw * clover_term
// Exp Clover
// (4+m0) * exp(csw/(4+m0) clover_term)
// = (4+m0) + csw * clover_term + ...
// Generic Standard Clover
template<class Impl>
class CloverHelpers: public WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> {
typedef WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> Helpers;
static void Instantiate(CloverField& CloverTerm, CloverField& CloverTermInv, RealD csw_t, RealD diag_mass) {
GridBase *grid = CloverTerm.Grid();
CloverTerm += diag_mass;
int lvol = grid->lSites();
int DimRep = Impl::Dimension;
thread_for(site, lvol, {
Coordinate lcoor;
grid->LocalIndexToLocalCoor(site, lcoor);
Eigen::MatrixXcd EigenCloverOp = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Ns * DimRep, Ns * DimRep);
Eigen::MatrixXcd EigenInvCloverOp = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Ns * DimRep, Ns * DimRep);
typename SiteClover::scalar_object Qx = Zero(), Qxinv = Zero();
peekLocalSite(Qx, CTv, lcoor);
for (int j = 0; j < Ns; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < Ns; k++)
for (int a = 0; a < DimRep; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < DimRep; b++){
auto zz = Qx()(j, k)(a, b);
EigenCloverOp(a + j * DimRep, b + k * DimRep) = std::complex<double>(zz);
EigenInvCloverOp = EigenCloverOp.inverse();
for (int j = 0; j < Ns; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < Ns; k++)
for (int a = 0; a < DimRep; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < DimRep; b++)
Qxinv()(j, k)(a, b) = EigenInvCloverOp(a + j * DimRep, b + k * DimRep);
pokeLocalSite(Qxinv, CTIv, lcoor);
static GaugeLinkField Cmunu(std::vector<GaugeLinkField> &U, GaugeLinkField &lambda, int mu, int nu) {
return Helpers::Cmunu(U, lambda, mu, nu);
// Generic Exp Clover
template<class Impl>
class ExpCloverHelpers: public WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> {
template <typename vtype> using iImplClover = iScalar<iMatrix<iMatrix<vtype, Impl::Dimension>, Ns>>;
typedef WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> Helpers;
// Can this be avoided?
static void IdentityTimesC(const CloverField& in, RealD c) {
int DimRep = Impl::Dimension;
autoView(in_v, in, AcceleratorWrite);
accelerator_for(ss, in.Grid()->oSites(), 1, {
for (int sa=0; sa<Ns; sa++)
for (int ca=0; ca<DimRep; ca++)
in_v[ss]()(sa,sa)(ca,ca) = c;
static int getNMAX(RealD prec, RealD R) {
/* compute stop condition for exponential */
int NMAX=1;
RealD cond=R*R/2.;
while (cond*std::exp(R)>prec) {
return NMAX;
static int getNMAX(Lattice<iImplClover<vComplexD>> &t, RealD R) {return getNMAX(1e-12,R);}
static int getNMAX(Lattice<iImplClover<vComplexF>> &t, RealD R) {return getNMAX(1e-6,R);}
static void Instantiate(CloverField& Clover, CloverField& CloverInv, RealD csw_t, RealD diag_mass) {
GridBase* grid = Clover.Grid();
CloverField ExpClover(grid);
int NMAX = getNMAX(Clover, 3.*csw_t/diag_mass);
Clover *= (1.0/diag_mass);
// Taylor expansion, slow but generic
// Horner scheme: a0 + a1 x + a2 x^2 + .. = a0 + x (a1 + x(...))
// qN = cN
// qn = cn + qn+1 X
std::vector<RealD> cn(NMAX+1);
cn[0] = 1.0;
for (int i=1; i<=NMAX; i++)
cn[i] = cn[i-1] / RealD(i);
ExpClover = Zero();
IdentityTimesC(ExpClover, cn[NMAX]);
for (int i=NMAX-1; i>=0; i--)
ExpClover = ExpClover * Clover + cn[i];
// prepare inverse
CloverInv = (-1.0)*Clover;
Clover = ExpClover * diag_mass;
ExpClover = Zero();
IdentityTimesC(ExpClover, cn[NMAX]);
for (int i=NMAX-1; i>=0; i--)
ExpClover = ExpClover * CloverInv + cn[i];
CloverInv = ExpClover * (1.0/diag_mass);
static GaugeLinkField Cmunu(std::vector<GaugeLinkField> &U, GaugeLinkField &lambda, int mu, int nu) {
// Compact Standard Clover
template<class Impl>
class CompactCloverHelpers: public CompactWilsonCloverHelpers<Impl>,
public WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> {
typedef WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> Helpers;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> CompactHelpers;
static void MassTerm(CloverField& Clover, RealD diag_mass) {
Clover += diag_mass;
static void Exponentiate_Clover(CloverDiagonalField& Diagonal,
CloverTriangleField& Triangle,
RealD csw_t, RealD diag_mass) {
// Do nothing
// TODO: implement Cmunu for better performances with compact layout, but don't do it
// here, but rather in WilsonCloverHelpers.h -> CompactWilsonCloverHelpers
static GaugeLinkField Cmunu(std::vector<GaugeLinkField> &U, GaugeLinkField &lambda, int mu, int nu) {
return Helpers::Cmunu(U, lambda, mu, nu);
// Compact Exp Clover
template<class Impl>
class CompactExpCloverHelpers: public CompactWilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> {
template <typename vtype> using iImplClover = iScalar<iMatrix<iMatrix<vtype, Impl::Dimension>, Ns>>;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> CompactHelpers;
static void MassTerm(CloverField& Clover, RealD diag_mass) {
// do nothing!
// mass term is multiplied to exp(Clover) below
static int getNMAX(RealD prec, RealD R) {
/* compute stop condition for exponential */
int NMAX=1;
RealD cond=R*R/2.;
while (cond*std::exp(R)>prec) {
return NMAX;
static int getNMAX(Lattice<iImplCloverDiagonal<vComplexD>> &t, RealD R) {return getNMAX(1e-12,R);}
static int getNMAX(Lattice<iImplCloverDiagonal<vComplexF>> &t, RealD R) {return getNMAX(1e-6,R);}
static void ExponentiateHermitean6by6(const iMatrix<ComplexD,6> &arg, const RealD& alpha, const std::vector<RealD>& cN, const int Niter, iMatrix<ComplexD,6>& dest){
typedef iMatrix<ComplexD,6> mat;
RealD qn[6];
RealD qnold[6];
RealD p[5];
RealD trA2, trA3, trA4;
mat A2, A3, A4, A5;
A2 = alpha * alpha * arg * arg;
A3 = alpha * arg * A2;
A4 = A2 * A2;
A5 = A2 * A3;
trA2 = toReal( trace(A2) );
trA3 = toReal( trace(A3) );
trA4 = toReal( trace(A4));
p[0] = toReal( trace(A3 * A3)) / 6.0 - 0.125 * trA4 * trA2 - trA3 * trA3 / 18.0 + trA2 * trA2 * trA2/ 48.0;
p[1] = toReal( trace(A5)) / 5.0 - trA3 * trA2 / 6.0;
p[2] = toReal( trace(A4)) / 4.0 - 0.125 * trA2 * trA2;
p[3] = trA3 / 3.0;
p[4] = 0.5 * trA2;
qnold[0] = cN[Niter];
qnold[1] = 0.0;
qnold[2] = 0.0;
qnold[3] = 0.0;
qnold[4] = 0.0;
qnold[5] = 0.0;
for(int i = Niter-1; i >= 0; i--)
qn[0] = p[0] * qnold[5] + cN[i];
qn[1] = p[1] * qnold[5] + qnold[0];
qn[2] = p[2] * qnold[5] + qnold[1];
qn[3] = p[3] * qnold[5] + qnold[2];
qn[4] = p[4] * qnold[5] + qnold[3];
qn[5] = qnold[4];
qnold[0] = qn[0];
qnold[1] = qn[1];
qnold[2] = qn[2];
qnold[3] = qn[3];
qnold[4] = qn[4];
qnold[5] = qn[5];
mat unit(1.0);
dest = (qn[0] * unit + qn[1] * alpha * arg + qn[2] * A2 + qn[3] * A3 + qn[4] * A4 + qn[5] * A5);
static void Exponentiate_Clover(CloverDiagonalField& Diagonal, CloverTriangleField& Triangle, RealD csw_t, RealD diag_mass) {
GridBase* grid = Diagonal.Grid();
int NMAX = getNMAX(Diagonal, 3.*csw_t/diag_mass);
// Implementation completely in Daniel's layout
// Taylor expansion with Cayley-Hamilton recursion
// underlying Horner scheme as above
std::vector<RealD> cn(NMAX+1);
cn[0] = 1.0;
for (int i=1; i<=NMAX; i++){
cn[i] = cn[i-1] / RealD(i);
// Taken over from Daniel's implementation
conformable(Diagonal, Triangle);
long lsites = grid->lSites();
typedef typename SiteCloverDiagonal::scalar_object scalar_object_diagonal;
typedef typename SiteCloverTriangle::scalar_object scalar_object_triangle;
typedef iMatrix<ComplexD,6> mat;
autoView(diagonal_v, Diagonal, CpuRead);
autoView(triangle_v, Triangle, CpuRead);
autoView(diagonalExp_v, Diagonal, CpuWrite);
autoView(triangleExp_v, Triangle, CpuWrite);
thread_for(site, lsites, { // NOTE: Not on GPU because of (peek/poke)LocalSite
mat srcCloverOpUL(0.0); // upper left block
mat srcCloverOpLR(0.0); // lower right block
mat ExpCloverOp;
scalar_object_diagonal diagonal_tmp = Zero();
scalar_object_diagonal diagonal_exp_tmp = Zero();
scalar_object_triangle triangle_tmp = Zero();
scalar_object_triangle triangle_exp_tmp = Zero();
Coordinate lcoor;
grid->LocalIndexToLocalCoor(site, lcoor);
peekLocalSite(diagonal_tmp, diagonal_v, lcoor);
peekLocalSite(triangle_tmp, triangle_v, lcoor);
int block;
block = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++){
if (i == j){
srcCloverOpUL(i,j) = static_cast<ComplexD>(TensorRemove(diagonal_tmp()(block)(i)));
srcCloverOpUL(i,j) = static_cast<ComplexD>(TensorRemove(CompactHelpers::triangle_elem(triangle_tmp, block, i, j)));
block = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++){
if (i == j){
srcCloverOpLR(i,j) = static_cast<ComplexD>(TensorRemove(diagonal_tmp()(block)(i)));
srcCloverOpLR(i,j) = static_cast<ComplexD>(TensorRemove(CompactHelpers::triangle_elem(triangle_tmp, block, i, j)));
// exp(Clover)
block = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++){
if (i == j){
diagonal_exp_tmp()(block)(i) = ExpCloverOp(i,j);
else if(i < j){
triangle_exp_tmp()(block)(CompactHelpers::triangle_index(i, j)) = ExpCloverOp(i,j);
block = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++){
if (i == j){
diagonal_exp_tmp()(block)(i) = ExpCloverOp(i,j);
else if(i < j){
triangle_exp_tmp()(block)(CompactHelpers::triangle_index(i, j)) = ExpCloverOp(i,j);
pokeLocalSite(diagonal_exp_tmp, diagonalExp_v, lcoor);
pokeLocalSite(triangle_exp_tmp, triangleExp_v, lcoor);
Diagonal = Diagonal * diag_mass;
Triangle = Triangle * diag_mass;
static GaugeLinkField Cmunu(std::vector<GaugeLinkField> &U, GaugeLinkField &lambda, int mu, int nu) {

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverTypes.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverHelpers.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/CloverHelpers.h>
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid);
// + (2 * 1 + 4 * 1/2) triangle parts = 4 triangle parts = 60 complex words per site
// = 84 complex words per site
template<class Impl>
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
class CompactWilsonCloverFermion : public WilsonFermion<Impl>,
public WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl>,
public CompactWilsonCloverHelpers<Impl> {

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@ -138,38 +138,52 @@ typedef WilsonTMFermion<WilsonImplF> WilsonTMFermionF;
typedef WilsonTMFermion<WilsonImplD> WilsonTMFermionD;
// Clover fermions
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonImplR> WilsonCloverFermionR;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonImplF> WilsonCloverFermionF;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonImplD> WilsonCloverFermionD;
template <typename WImpl> using WilsonClover = WilsonCloverFermion<WImpl, CloverHelpers<WImpl>>;
template <typename WImpl> using WilsonExpClover = WilsonCloverFermion<WImpl, ExpCloverHelpers<WImpl>>;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonAdjImplR> WilsonCloverAdjFermionR;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonAdjImplF> WilsonCloverAdjFermionF;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonAdjImplD> WilsonCloverAdjFermionD;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonImplR> WilsonCloverFermionR;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonImplF> WilsonCloverFermionF;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonImplD> WilsonCloverFermionD;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplR> WilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionR;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplF> WilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionF;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplD> WilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionD;
typedef WilsonExpClover<WilsonImplR> WilsonExpCloverFermionR;
typedef WilsonExpClover<WilsonImplF> WilsonExpCloverFermionF;
typedef WilsonExpClover<WilsonImplD> WilsonExpCloverFermionD;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplR> WilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionR;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplF> WilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionF;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplD> WilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionD;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonAdjImplR> WilsonCloverAdjFermionR;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonAdjImplF> WilsonCloverAdjFermionF;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonAdjImplD> WilsonCloverAdjFermionD;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplR> WilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionR;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplF> WilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionF;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplD> WilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionD;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplR> WilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionR;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplF> WilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionF;
typedef WilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplD> WilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionD;
// Compact Clover fermions
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonImplR> CompactWilsonCloverFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonImplF> CompactWilsonCloverFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonImplD> CompactWilsonCloverFermionD;
template <typename WImpl> using CompactWilsonClover = CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WImpl, CompactCloverHelpers<WImpl>>;
template <typename WImpl> using CompactWilsonExpClover = CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WImpl, CompactExpCloverHelpers<WImpl>>;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonAdjImplR> CompactWilsonCloverAdjFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonAdjImplF> CompactWilsonCloverAdjFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonAdjImplD> CompactWilsonCloverAdjFermionD;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonImplR> CompactWilsonCloverFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonImplF> CompactWilsonCloverFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonImplD> CompactWilsonCloverFermionD;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplR> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplF> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplD> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionD;
typedef CompactWilsonExpClover<WilsonImplR> CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonExpClover<WilsonImplF> CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonExpClover<WilsonImplD> CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionD;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplR> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplF> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplD> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionD;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonAdjImplR> CompactWilsonCloverAdjFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonAdjImplF> CompactWilsonCloverAdjFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonAdjImplD> CompactWilsonCloverAdjFermionD;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplR> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplF> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplD> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexSymmetricFermionD;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplR> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionR;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplF> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionF;
typedef CompactWilsonClover<WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplD> CompactWilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionD;
// Domain Wall fermions
typedef DomainWallFermion<WilsonImplR> DomainWallFermionR;

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverTypes.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverHelpers.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/CloverHelpers.h>
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid);
// csw_r = csw_t to recover the isotropic version
template <class Impl>
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
class WilsonCloverFermion : public WilsonFermion<Impl>,
public WilsonCloverHelpers<Impl>

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@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ public:
template<class Impl> class CompactWilsonCloverHelpers {

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@ -32,17 +32,18 @@
#include <Grid/qcd/spin/Dirac.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/CompactWilsonCloverFermion.h>
template<class Impl>
CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::CompactWilsonCloverFermion(GaugeField& _Umu,
GridCartesian& Fgrid,
GridRedBlackCartesian& Hgrid,
const RealD _mass,
const RealD _csw_r,
const RealD _csw_t,
const RealD _cF,
const WilsonAnisotropyCoefficients& clover_anisotropy,
const ImplParams& impl_p)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::CompactWilsonCloverFermion(GaugeField& _Umu,
GridCartesian& Fgrid,
GridRedBlackCartesian& Hgrid,
const RealD _mass,
const RealD _csw_r,
const RealD _csw_t,
const RealD _cF,
const WilsonAnisotropyCoefficients& clover_anisotropy,
const ImplParams& impl_p)
: WilsonBase(_Umu, Fgrid, Hgrid, _mass, impl_p, clover_anisotropy)
, csw_r(_csw_r)
, csw_t(_csw_t)
@ -68,40 +69,40 @@ CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::CompactWilsonCloverFermion(GaugeField& _Umu,
CompactHelpers::SetupMasks(this->BoundaryMask, this->BoundaryMaskEven, this->BoundaryMaskOdd);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Dhop(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::Dhop(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) {
WilsonBase::Dhop(in, out, dag);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::DhopOE(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::DhopOE(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) {
WilsonBase::DhopOE(in, out, dag);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::DhopEO(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::DhopEO(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dag) {
WilsonBase::DhopEO(in, out, dag);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::DhopDir(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dir, int disp) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::DhopDir(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dir, int disp) {
WilsonBase::DhopDir(in, out, dir, disp);
if(this->open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::DhopDirAll(const FermionField& in, std::vector<FermionField>& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::DhopDirAll(const FermionField& in, std::vector<FermionField>& out) {
WilsonBase::DhopDirAll(in, out);
if(this->open_boundaries) {
for(auto& o : out) ApplyBoundaryMask(o);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::M(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::M(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
out.Checkerboard() = in.Checkerboard();
WilsonBase::Dhop(in, out, DaggerNo); // call base to save applying bc
Mooee(in, Tmp);
@ -109,8 +110,8 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::M(const FermionField& in, FermionField& o
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Mdag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::Mdag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
out.Checkerboard() = in.Checkerboard();
WilsonBase::Dhop(in, out, DaggerYes); // call base to save applying bc
MooeeDag(in, Tmp);
@ -118,20 +119,20 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Mdag(const FermionField& in, FermionField
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Meooe(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::Meooe(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
WilsonBase::Meooe(in, out);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MeooeDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MeooeDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
WilsonBase::MeooeDag(in, out);
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Mooee(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::Mooee(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
if(in.Grid()->_isCheckerBoarded) {
if(in.Checkerboard() == Odd) {
MooeeInternal(in, out, DiagonalOdd, TriangleOdd);
@ -144,13 +145,13 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Mooee(const FermionField& in, FermionFiel
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooeeDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
Mooee(in, out); // blocks are hermitian
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInv(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooeeInv(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
if(in.Grid()->_isCheckerBoarded) {
if(in.Checkerboard() == Odd) {
MooeeInternal(in, out, DiagonalInvOdd, TriangleInvOdd);
@ -163,23 +164,23 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInv(const FermionField& in, FermionF
if(open_boundaries) ApplyBoundaryMask(out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInvDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooeeInvDag(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out) {
MooeeInv(in, out); // blocks are hermitian
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Mdir(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dir, int disp) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::Mdir(const FermionField& in, FermionField& out, int dir, int disp) {
DhopDir(in, out, dir, disp);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MdirAll(const FermionField& in, std::vector<FermionField>& out) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MdirAll(const FermionField& in, std::vector<FermionField>& out) {
DhopDirAll(in, out);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MDeriv(GaugeField& force, const FermionField& X, const FermionField& Y, int dag) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MDeriv(GaugeField& force, const FermionField& X, const FermionField& Y, int dag) {
assert(!open_boundaries); // TODO check for changes required for open bc
// NOTE: code copied from original clover term
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MDeriv(GaugeField& force, const FermionFi
PropagatorField Slambda = Gamma(sigma[count]) * Lambda; // sigma checked
Impl::TraceSpinImpl(lambda, Slambda); // traceSpin ok
force_mu -= factor*Helpers::Cmunu(U, lambda, mu, nu); // checked
force_mu -= factor*CloverHelpers::Cmunu(U, lambda, mu, nu); // checked
@ -261,18 +262,18 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MDeriv(GaugeField& force, const FermionFi
force += clover_force;
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooDeriv(GaugeField& mat, const FermionField& U, const FermionField& V, int dag) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooDeriv(GaugeField& mat, const FermionField& U, const FermionField& V, int dag) {
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MeeDeriv(GaugeField& mat, const FermionField& U, const FermionField& V, int dag) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MeeDeriv(GaugeField& mat, const FermionField& U, const FermionField& V, int dag) {
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInternal(const FermionField& in,
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooeeInternal(const FermionField& in,
FermionField& out,
const CloverDiagonalField& diagonal,
const CloverTriangleField& triangle) {
@ -285,8 +286,8 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInternal(const FermionField&
CompactHelpers::MooeeKernel(diagonal.oSites(), 1, in, out, diagonal, triangle);
template<class Impl>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::ImportGauge(const GaugeField& _Umu) {
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::ImportGauge(const GaugeField& _Umu) {
// NOTE: parts copied from original implementation
// Import gauge into base class
@ -318,22 +319,27 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::ImportGauge(const GaugeField& _Umu) {
TmpOriginal += Helpers::fillCloverXT(Ex) * csw_t;
TmpOriginal += Helpers::fillCloverYT(Ey) * csw_t;
TmpOriginal += Helpers::fillCloverZT(Ez) * csw_t;
TmpOriginal += this->diag_mass;
// Handle mass term based on clover policy
CloverHelpers::MassTerm(TmpOriginal, this->diag_mass);
// Convert the data layout of the clover term
double t4 = usecond();
CompactHelpers::ConvertLayout(TmpOriginal, Diagonal, Triangle);
// Possible modify the boundary values
// Exponentiate the clover (nothing happens in case of the standard clover)
double t5 = usecond();
CloverHelpers::Exponentiate_Clover(Diagonal, Triangle, csw_t, this->diag_mass);
// Possible modify the boundary values
double t6 = usecond();
if(open_boundaries) CompactHelpers::ModifyBoundaries(Diagonal, Triangle, csw_t, cF, this->diag_mass);
// Invert the clover term in the improved layout
double t6 = usecond();
// Invert the Clover term (explicit inversion needed for the improvement in case of open boundary conditions)
double t7 = usecond();
CompactHelpers::Invert(Diagonal, Triangle, DiagonalInv, TriangleInv);
// Fill the remaining clover fields
double t7 = usecond();
double t8 = usecond();
pickCheckerboard(Even, DiagonalEven, Diagonal);
pickCheckerboard(Even, TriangleEven, Triangle);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, DiagonalOdd, Diagonal);
@ -344,20 +350,19 @@ void CompactWilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::ImportGauge(const GaugeField& _Umu) {
pickCheckerboard(Odd, TriangleInvOdd, TriangleInv);
// Report timings
double t8 = usecond();
#if 0
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "CompactWilsonCloverFermion::ImportGauge timings:"
<< " WilsonFermion::Importgauge = " << (t1 - t0) / 1e6
<< ", allocations = " << (t2 - t1) / 1e6
<< ", field strength = " << (t3 - t2) / 1e6
<< ", fill clover = " << (t4 - t3) / 1e6
<< ", convert = " << (t5 - t4) / 1e6
<< ", boundaries = " << (t6 - t5) / 1e6
<< ", inversions = " << (t7 - t6) / 1e6
<< ", pick cbs = " << (t8 - t7) / 1e6
<< ", total = " << (t8 - t0) / 1e6
<< std::endl;
double t9 = usecond();
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "CompactWilsonCloverFermion::ImportGauge timings:" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "WilsonFermion::Importgauge = " << (t1 - t0) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "allocations = " << (t2 - t1) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "field strength = " << (t3 - t2) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "fill clover = " << (t4 - t3) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "convert = " << (t5 - t4) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "exponentiation = " << (t6 - t5) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "boundaries = " << (t7 - t6) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "inversions = " << (t8 - t7) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "pick cbs = " << (t9 - t8) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "total = " << (t9 - t0) / 1e6 << std::endl;

View File

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
template<class Impl>
WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::WilsonCloverFermion(GaugeField& _Umu,
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::WilsonCloverFermion(GaugeField& _Umu,
GridCartesian& Fgrid,
GridRedBlackCartesian& Hgrid,
const RealD _mass,
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::WilsonCloverFermion(GaugeField&
// *NOT* EO
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::M(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::M(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
FermionField temp(out.Grid());
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::M(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
out += temp;
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Mdag(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::Mdag(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
FermionField temp(out.Grid());
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Mdag(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
out += temp;
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::ImportGauge(const GaugeField &_Umu)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::ImportGauge(const GaugeField &_Umu)
double t0 = usecond();
@ -131,47 +131,11 @@ void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::ImportGauge(const GaugeField &_Umu)
CloverTerm += Helpers::fillCloverXT(Ex) * csw_t;
CloverTerm += Helpers::fillCloverYT(Ey) * csw_t;
CloverTerm += Helpers::fillCloverZT(Ez) * csw_t;
CloverTerm += diag_mass;
double t4 = usecond();
int lvol = _Umu.Grid()->lSites();
int DimRep = Impl::Dimension;
CloverHelpers::Instantiate(CloverTerm, CloverTermInv, csw_t, this->diag_mass);
double t5 = usecond();
thread_for(site, lvol, {
Coordinate lcoor;
grid->LocalIndexToLocalCoor(site, lcoor);
Eigen::MatrixXcd EigenCloverOp = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Ns * DimRep, Ns * DimRep);
Eigen::MatrixXcd EigenInvCloverOp = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Ns * DimRep, Ns * DimRep);
typename SiteClover::scalar_object Qx = Zero(), Qxinv = Zero();
peekLocalSite(Qx, CTv, lcoor);
//if (csw!=0){
for (int j = 0; j < Ns; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < Ns; k++)
for (int a = 0; a < DimRep; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < DimRep; b++){
auto zz = Qx()(j, k)(a, b);
EigenCloverOp(a + j * DimRep, b + k * DimRep) = std::complex<double>(zz);
// if (site==0) std::cout << "site =" << site << "\n" << EigenCloverOp << std::endl;
EigenInvCloverOp = EigenCloverOp.inverse();
//std::cout << EigenInvCloverOp << std::endl;
for (int j = 0; j < Ns; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < Ns; k++)
for (int a = 0; a < DimRep; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < DimRep; b++)
Qxinv()(j, k)(a, b) = EigenInvCloverOp(a + j * DimRep, b + k * DimRep);
// if (site==0) std::cout << "site =" << site << "\n" << EigenInvCloverOp << std::endl;
// }
pokeLocalSite(Qxinv, CTIv, lcoor);
double t6 = usecond();
// Separate the even and odd parts
pickCheckerboard(Even, CloverTermEven, CloverTerm);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, CloverTermOdd, CloverTerm);
@ -184,48 +148,44 @@ void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::ImportGauge(const GaugeField &_Umu)
pickCheckerboard(Even, CloverTermInvDagEven, adj(CloverTermInv));
pickCheckerboard(Odd, CloverTermInvDagOdd, adj(CloverTermInv));
double t7 = usecond();
double t6 = usecond();
#if 0
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "WilsonCloverFermion::ImportGauge timings:"
<< " WilsonFermion::Importgauge = " << (t1 - t0) / 1e6
<< ", allocations = " << (t2 - t1) / 1e6
<< ", field strength = " << (t3 - t2) / 1e6
<< ", fill clover = " << (t4 - t3) / 1e6
<< ", misc = " << (t5 - t4) / 1e6
<< ", inversions = " << (t6 - t5) / 1e6
<< ", pick cbs = " << (t7 - t6) / 1e6
<< ", total = " << (t7 - t0) / 1e6
<< std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "WilsonCloverFermion::ImportGauge timings:" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "WilsonFermion::Importgauge = " << (t1 - t0) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "allocations = " << (t2 - t1) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "field strength = " << (t3 - t2) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "fill clover = " << (t4 - t3) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "instantiation = " << (t5 - t4) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "pick cbs = " << (t6 - t5) / 1e6 << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "total = " << (t6 - t0) / 1e6 << std::endl;
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::Mooee(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::Mooee(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
this->MooeeInternal(in, out, DaggerNo, InverseNo);
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeDag(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooeeDag(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
this->MooeeInternal(in, out, DaggerYes, InverseNo);
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInv(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooeeInv(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
this->MooeeInternal(in, out, DaggerNo, InverseYes);
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInvDag(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooeeInvDag(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out)
this->MooeeInternal(in, out, DaggerYes, InverseYes);
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInternal(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out, int dag, int inv)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooeeInternal(const FermionField &in, FermionField &out, int dag, int inv)
out.Checkerboard() = in.Checkerboard();
CloverField *Clover;
@ -278,8 +238,8 @@ void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooeeInternal(const FermionField &in, FermionFie
} // MooeeInternal
// Derivative parts unpreconditioned pseudofermions
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MDeriv(GaugeField &force, const FermionField &X, const FermionField &Y, int dag)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MDeriv(GaugeField &force, const FermionField &X, const FermionField &Y, int dag)
conformable(X.Grid(), Y.Grid());
conformable(X.Grid(), force.Grid());
@ -349,7 +309,7 @@ void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MDeriv(GaugeField &force, const FermionField &X,
PropagatorField Slambda = Gamma(sigma[count]) * Lambda; // sigma checked
Impl::TraceSpinImpl(lambda, Slambda); // traceSpin ok
force_mu -= factor*Helpers::Cmunu(U, lambda, mu, nu); // checked
force_mu -= factor*CloverHelpers::Cmunu(U, lambda, mu, nu); // checked
@ -360,15 +320,15 @@ void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MDeriv(GaugeField &force, const FermionField &X,
// Derivative parts
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MooDeriv(GaugeField &mat, const FermionField &X, const FermionField &Y, int dag)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MooDeriv(GaugeField &mat, const FermionField &X, const FermionField &Y, int dag)
// Derivative parts
template <class Impl>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl>::MeeDeriv(GaugeField &mat, const FermionField &U, const FermionField &V, int dag)
template<class Impl, class CloverHelpers>
void WilsonCloverFermion<Impl, CloverHelpers>::MeeDeriv(GaugeField &mat, const FermionField &U, const FermionField &V, int dag)
assert(0); // not implemented yet

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Guido Cossu <guido.cossu@ed.ac.uk>
Author: Daniel Richtmann <daniel.richtmann@gmail.com>
Author: Mattia Bruno <mattia.bruno@cern.ch>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -32,10 +33,12 @@
#include <Grid/qcd/spin/Dirac.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/CompactWilsonCloverFermion.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/CompactWilsonCloverFermionImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/CloverHelpers.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class CompactWilsonCloverFermion<IMPLEMENTATION>;
template class CompactWilsonCloverFermion<IMPLEMENTATION, CompactCloverHelpers<IMPLEMENTATION>>;
template class CompactWilsonCloverFermion<IMPLEMENTATION, CompactExpCloverHelpers<IMPLEMENTATION>>;

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Guido Cossu <guido.cossu@ed.ac.uk>
Author: Mattia Bruno <mattia.bruno@cern.ch>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
@ -31,10 +32,12 @@
#include <Grid/qcd/spin/Dirac.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonCloverFermion.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonCloverFermionImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/CloverHelpers.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonCloverFermion<IMPLEMENTATION>;
template class WilsonCloverFermion<IMPLEMENTATION, CloverHelpers<IMPLEMENTATION>>;
template class WilsonCloverFermion<IMPLEMENTATION, ExpCloverHelpers<IMPLEMENTATION>>;

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/WilsonKernels.cc
Copyright (C) 2015, 2020
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Nils Meyer <nils.meyer@ur.de> Regensburg University
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/FermionCore.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsImplementation.h>
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsHandImplementation.h>
#ifndef AVX512
#ifndef QPX
#ifndef A64FX
#include <Grid/qcd/action/fermion/implementation/WilsonKernelsAsmImplementation.h>
#include "impl.h"
template class WilsonKernels<IMPLEMENTATION>;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ WILSON_IMPL_LIST=" \
GparityWilsonImplF \
GparityWilsonImplD "
WilsonImplF \
WilsonImplD "
WilsonImplF \
WilsonImplD \
@ -40,13 +44,23 @@ EOF
CC_LIST="WilsonCloverFermionInstantiation CompactWilsonCloverFermionInstantiation WilsonFermionInstantiation WilsonKernelsInstantiation WilsonTMFermionInstantiation"
CC_LIST="WilsonCloverFermionInstantiation WilsonFermionInstantiation WilsonKernelsInstantiation WilsonTMFermionInstantiation"
for impl in $WILSON_IMPL_LIST
for f in $CC_LIST
ln -f -s ../$f.cc.master $impl/$f$impl.cc
ln -f -s ../$f.cc.master $impl/$f$impl.cc
for f in $CC_LIST
ln -f -s ../$f.cc.master $impl/$f$impl.cc
@ -63,14 +77,14 @@ for impl in $DWF_IMPL_LIST $GDWF_IMPL_LIST
for f in $CC_LIST
ln -f -s ../$f.cc.master $impl/$f$impl.cc
ln -f -s ../$f.cc.master $impl/$f$impl.cc
# overwrite the .cc file in Gparity directories
for impl in $GDWF_IMPL_LIST
ln -f -s ../WilsonKernelsInstantiationGparity.cc.master $impl/WilsonKernelsInstantiation$impl.cc
ln -f -s ../WilsonKernelsInstantiationGparity.cc.master $impl/WilsonKernelsInstantiation$impl.cc
@ -84,7 +98,7 @@ for impl in $STAG_IMPL_LIST
for f in $CC_LIST
ln -f -s ../$f.cc.master $impl/$f$impl.cc
ln -f -s ../$f.cc.master $impl/$f$impl.cc

View File

@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ void runBenchmark(int* argc, char*** argv) {
// type definitions
typedef WilsonImpl<vCoeff_t, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffReal> WImpl;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WImpl> WilsonCloverOperator;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WImpl> CompactWilsonCloverOperator;
typedef WilsonCloverFermion<WImpl, CloverHelpers<WImpl>> WilsonCloverOperator;
typedef CompactWilsonCloverFermion<WImpl, CompactCloverHelpers<WImpl>> CompactWilsonCloverOperator;
typedef typename WilsonCloverOperator::FermionField Fermion;
typedef typename WilsonCloverOperator::GaugeField Gauge;

View File

@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./benchmarks/Benchmark_wilson.cc
Source file: ./tests/core/Test_wilson_clover.cc
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Guido Cossu <guido.cossu@ed.ac.uk>
Fabian Joswig <fabian.joswig@ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -67,8 +68,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
tmp = Zero();
FermionField err(&Grid);
err = Zero();
FermionField err2(&Grid);
err2 = Zero();
FermionField phi(&Grid);
random(pRNG, phi);
FermionField chi(&Grid);
@ -77,6 +76,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
SU<Nc>::HotConfiguration(pRNG, Umu);
std::vector<LatticeColourMatrix> U(4, &Grid);
double tolerance = 1e-4;
double volume = 1;
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++)
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
RealD csw_t = 1.0;
WilsonCloverFermionR Dwc(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, anis, params);
//Dwc.ImportGauge(Umu); // not necessary, included in the constructor
CompactWilsonCloverFermionR Dwc_compact(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 1.0, anis, params);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing that Deo + Doe = Dunprec " << std::endl;
@ -112,7 +113,24 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
setCheckerboard(r_eo, r_e);
err = ref - r_eo;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "EO norm diff " << norm2(err) << " " << norm2(ref) << " " << norm2(r_eo) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "EO norm diff\t" << norm2(err) << " (" << norm2(ref) << " - " << norm2(r_eo) << ")" << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
Dwc_compact.Meooe(src_e, r_o);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Applied Meo" << std::endl;
Dwc_compact.Meooe(src_o, r_e);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Applied Moe" << std::endl;
Dwc_compact.Dhop(src, ref, DaggerNo);
setCheckerboard(r_eo, r_o);
setCheckerboard(r_eo, r_e);
err = ref - r_eo;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "EO norm diff compact\t" << norm2(err) << " (" << norm2(ref) << " - " << norm2(r_eo) << ")" << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Test Ddagger is the dagger of D by requiring " << std::endl;
@ -152,6 +170,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "pDce - conj(cDpo) " << pDce - conj(cDpo) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "pDco - conj(cDpe) " << pDco - conj(cDpe) << std::endl;
Dwc_compact.Meooe(chi_e, dchi_o);
Dwc_compact.Meooe(chi_o, dchi_e);
Dwc_compact.MeooeDag(phi_e, dphi_o);
Dwc_compact.MeooeDag(phi_o, dphi_e);
pDce = innerProduct(phi_e, dchi_e);
pDco = innerProduct(phi_o, dchi_o);
cDpe = innerProduct(chi_e, dphi_e);
cDpo = innerProduct(chi_o, dphi_o);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "e compact " << pDce << " " << cDpe << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "o compact " << pDco << " " << cDpo << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "pDce - conj(cDpo) compact " << pDce - conj(cDpo) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "pDco - conj(cDpe) compact " << pDco - conj(cDpe) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Test MeeInv Mee = 1 (if csw!=0) " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
@ -169,7 +203,21 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInv(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInv(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Test MeeDag MeeInvDag = 1 (if csw!=0) " << std::endl;
@ -188,7 +236,21 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
Dwc_compact.MooeeDag(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInvDag(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeDag(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInvDag(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Test MeeInv MeeDag = 1 (if csw!=0) " << std::endl;
@ -207,7 +269,21 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
Dwc_compact.MooeeDag(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInv(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeDag(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInv(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "================================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing gauge covariance Clover term with EO preconditioning " << std::endl;
@ -249,7 +325,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
WilsonCloverFermionR Dwc_prime(U_prime, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, anis, params);
CompactWilsonCloverFermionR Dwc_compact_prime(U_prime, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 1.0, anis, params);
tmp = Omega * src;
pickCheckerboard(Even, src_e, tmp);
@ -262,7 +338,37 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = chi - adj(Omega) * phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
tmp = Zero();
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_e);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(src, src_e);
setCheckerboard(src, src_o);
tmp = Omega * src;
pickCheckerboard(Even, src_e, tmp);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, src_o, tmp);
Dwc_compact_prime.Mooee(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact_prime.Mooee(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = chi - adj(Omega) * phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "=================================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing gauge covariance Clover term w/o EO preconditioning " << std::endl;
@ -272,7 +378,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
phi = Zero();
WilsonFermionR Dw(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, params);
Dw.M(src, result);
Dwc.M(src, chi);
@ -280,13 +385,24 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
Dwc_prime.M(Omega * src, phi);
WilsonFermionR Dw_prime(U_prime, Grid, RBGrid, mass, params);
Dw_prime.M(Omega * src, result2);
err = result - adj(Omega) * result2;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff Wilson " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
err = chi - adj(Omega) * phi;
err2 = result - adj(Omega) * result2;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff Wilson " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff WilsonClover " << norm2(err2) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff WilsonClover " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
Dwc_compact.M(src, chi);
Dwc_compact_prime.M(Omega * src, phi);
err = chi - adj(Omega) * phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff CompactWilsonClover " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing Mooee(csw=0) Clover to reproduce Mooee Wilson " << std::endl;
@ -296,7 +412,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
phi = Zero();
err = Zero();
WilsonCloverFermionR Dwc_csw0(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, 0.0, 0.0, anis, params); // <-- Notice: csw=0
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
@ -316,7 +431,34 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
setCheckerboard(src, src_o);
err = chi - phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
err = Zero();
CompactWilsonCloverFermionR Dwc_compact_csw0(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, anis, params); // <-- Notice: csw=0
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
Dw.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dw.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
Dwc_compact_csw0.Mooee(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact_csw0.Mooee(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_e);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(src, src_e);
setCheckerboard(src, src_o);
err = chi - phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing EO operator is equal to the unprec " << std::endl;
@ -348,9 +490,41 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = ref - phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "ref (unpreconditioned operator) diff :" << norm2(ref) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "phi (EO decomposition) diff :" << norm2(phi) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff :" << norm2(err) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "ref (unpreconditioned operator) diff : " << norm2(ref) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "phi (EO decomposition) diff : " << norm2(phi) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff : " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
err = Zero();
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
// M phi = (Mooee src_e + Meooe src_o , Meooe src_e + Mooee src_o)
Dwc_compact.M(src, ref); // Reference result from the unpreconditioned operator
// EO matrix
Dwc_compact.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
Dwc_compact.Meooe(src_o, phi_e);
Dwc_compact.Meooe(src_e, phi_o);
phi_o += chi_o;
phi_e += chi_e;
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = ref - phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "ref (unpreconditioned operator) diff compact : " << norm2(ref) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "phi (EO decomposition) diff compact : " << norm2(phi) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact : " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./tests/core/Test_wilson_exp_clover.cc
Copyright (C) 2022
Author: Guido Cossu <guido.cossu@ed.ac.uk>
Fabian Joswig <fabian.joswig@ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Grid;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
auto latt_size = GridDefaultLatt();
auto simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(Nd, vComplex::Nsimd());
auto mpi_layout = GridDefaultMpi();
GridCartesian Grid(latt_size, simd_layout, mpi_layout);
GridRedBlackCartesian RBGrid(&Grid);
int threads = GridThread::GetThreads();
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Grid is setup to use " << threads << " threads" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Grid floating point word size is REALF" << sizeof(RealF) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Grid floating point word size is REALD" << sizeof(RealD) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Grid floating point word size is REAL" << sizeof(Real) << std::endl;
std::vector<int> seeds({1, 2, 3, 4});
GridParallelRNG pRNG(&Grid);
// pRNG.SeedFixedIntegers(std::vector<int>({45,12,81,9});
typedef typename WilsonExpCloverFermionR::FermionField FermionField;
typename WilsonExpCloverFermionR::ImplParams params;
WilsonAnisotropyCoefficients anis;
FermionField src(&Grid);
random(pRNG, src);
FermionField result(&Grid);
result = Zero();
FermionField result2(&Grid);
result2 = Zero();
FermionField ref(&Grid);
ref = Zero();
FermionField tmp(&Grid);
tmp = Zero();
FermionField err(&Grid);
err = Zero();
FermionField phi(&Grid);
random(pRNG, phi);
FermionField chi(&Grid);
random(pRNG, chi);
LatticeGaugeField Umu(&Grid);
SU<Nc>::HotConfiguration(pRNG, Umu);
std::vector<LatticeColourMatrix> U(4, &Grid);
double tolerance = 1e-4;
double volume = 1;
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++)
volume = volume * latt_size[mu];
RealD mass = 0.1;
RealD csw_r = 1.0;
RealD csw_t = 1.0;
WilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwc(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, anis, params);
CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwc_compact(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 1.0, anis, params);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing that Deo + Doe = Dunprec " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
FermionField src_e(&RBGrid);
FermionField src_o(&RBGrid);
FermionField r_e(&RBGrid);
FermionField r_o(&RBGrid);
FermionField r_eo(&Grid);
pickCheckerboard(Even, src_e, src);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, src_o, src);
Dwc.Meooe(src_e, r_o);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Applied Meo" << std::endl;
Dwc.Meooe(src_o, r_e);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Applied Moe" << std::endl;
Dwc.Dhop(src, ref, DaggerNo);
setCheckerboard(r_eo, r_o);
setCheckerboard(r_eo, r_e);
err = ref - r_eo;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "EO norm diff\t" << norm2(err) << " (" << norm2(ref) << " - " << norm2(r_eo) << ")" << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
Dwc_compact.Meooe(src_e, r_o);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Applied Meo" << std::endl;
Dwc_compact.Meooe(src_o, r_e);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Applied Moe" << std::endl;
Dwc_compact.Dhop(src, ref, DaggerNo);
setCheckerboard(r_eo, r_o);
setCheckerboard(r_eo, r_e);
err = ref - r_eo;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "EO norm diff compact\t" << norm2(err) << " (" << norm2(ref) << " - " << norm2(r_eo) << ")" << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Test Ddagger is the dagger of D by requiring " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= < phi | Deo | chi > * = < chi | Deo^dag| phi> " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
FermionField chi_e(&RBGrid);
FermionField chi_o(&RBGrid);
FermionField dchi_e(&RBGrid);
FermionField dchi_o(&RBGrid);
FermionField phi_e(&RBGrid);
FermionField phi_o(&RBGrid);
FermionField dphi_e(&RBGrid);
FermionField dphi_o(&RBGrid);
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
Dwc.Meooe(chi_e, dchi_o);
Dwc.Meooe(chi_o, dchi_e);
Dwc.MeooeDag(phi_e, dphi_o);
Dwc.MeooeDag(phi_o, dphi_e);
ComplexD pDce = innerProduct(phi_e, dchi_e);
ComplexD pDco = innerProduct(phi_o, dchi_o);
ComplexD cDpe = innerProduct(chi_e, dphi_e);
ComplexD cDpo = innerProduct(chi_o, dphi_o);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "e " << pDce << " " << cDpe << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "o " << pDco << " " << cDpo << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "pDce - conj(cDpo) " << pDce - conj(cDpo) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "pDco - conj(cDpe) " << pDco - conj(cDpe) << std::endl;
Dwc_compact.Meooe(chi_e, dchi_o);
Dwc_compact.Meooe(chi_o, dchi_e);
Dwc_compact.MeooeDag(phi_e, dphi_o);
Dwc_compact.MeooeDag(phi_o, dphi_e);
pDce = innerProduct(phi_e, dchi_e);
pDco = innerProduct(phi_o, dchi_o);
cDpe = innerProduct(chi_e, dphi_e);
cDpo = innerProduct(chi_o, dphi_o);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "e compact " << pDce << " " << cDpe << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "o compact " << pDco << " " << cDpo << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "pDce - conj(cDpo) compact " << pDce - conj(cDpo) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "pDco - conj(cDpe) compact " << pDco - conj(cDpe) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Test MeeInv Mee = 1 (if csw!=0) " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
Dwc.Mooee(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc.MooeeInv(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc.Mooee(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc.MooeeInv(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInv(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInv(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Test MeeDag MeeInvDag = 1 (if csw!=0) " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
Dwc.MooeeDag(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc.MooeeInvDag(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc.MooeeDag(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc.MooeeInvDag(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
Dwc_compact.MooeeDag(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInvDag(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeDag(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInvDag(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Test MeeInv MeeDag = 1 (if csw!=0) " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==============================================================" << std::endl;
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
Dwc.MooeeDag(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc.MooeeInv(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc.MooeeDag(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc.MooeeInv(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
Dwc_compact.MooeeDag(chi_e, src_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInv(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact.MooeeDag(chi_o, src_o);
Dwc_compact.MooeeInv(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = phi - chi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "================================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing gauge covariance Clover term with EO preconditioning " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "================================================================" << std::endl;
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
tmp = Zero();
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
Dwc.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dwc.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_e);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(src, src_e);
setCheckerboard(src, src_o);
////////////////////// Gauge Transformation
std::vector<int> seeds2({5, 6, 7, 8});
GridParallelRNG pRNG2(&Grid);
LatticeColourMatrix Omega(&Grid);
LatticeColourMatrix ShiftedOmega(&Grid);
LatticeGaugeField U_prime(&Grid);
U_prime = Zero();
LatticeColourMatrix U_prime_mu(&Grid);
U_prime_mu = Zero();
SU<Nc>::LieRandomize(pRNG2, Omega, 1.0);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++)
U[mu] = peekLorentz(Umu, mu);
ShiftedOmega = Cshift(Omega, mu, 1);
U_prime_mu = Omega * U[mu] * adj(ShiftedOmega);
pokeLorentz(U_prime, U_prime_mu, mu);
WilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwc_prime(U_prime, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, anis, params);
CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwc_compact_prime(U_prime, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 1.0, anis, params);
tmp = Omega * src;
pickCheckerboard(Even, src_e, tmp);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, src_o, tmp);
Dwc_prime.Mooee(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_prime.Mooee(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = chi - adj(Omega) * phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
tmp = Zero();
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_e);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(src, src_e);
setCheckerboard(src, src_o);
tmp = Omega * src;
pickCheckerboard(Even, src_e, tmp);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, src_o, tmp);
Dwc_compact_prime.Mooee(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact_prime.Mooee(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = chi - adj(Omega) * phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "=================================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing gauge covariance Clover term w/o EO preconditioning " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "================================================================" << std::endl;
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
WilsonFermionR Dw(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, params);
Dw.M(src, result);
Dwc.M(src, chi);
Dwc_prime.M(Omega * src, phi);
WilsonFermionR Dw_prime(U_prime, Grid, RBGrid, mass, params);
Dw_prime.M(Omega * src, result2);
err = result - adj(Omega) * result2;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff Wilson " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
err = chi - adj(Omega) * phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff WilsonExpClover " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
Dwc_compact.M(src, chi);
Dwc_compact_prime.M(Omega * src, phi);
err = chi - adj(Omega) * phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff CompactWilsonExpClover " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing Mooee(csw=0) Clover to reproduce Mooee Wilson " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
err = Zero();
WilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwc_csw0(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, 0.0, 0.0, anis, params); // <-- Notice: csw=0
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
Dw.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dw.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
Dwc_csw0.Mooee(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_csw0.Mooee(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_e);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(src, src_e);
setCheckerboard(src, src_o);
err = chi - phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
err = Zero();
CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwc_compact_csw0(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, anis, params); // <-- Notice: csw=0
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
Dw.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dw.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
Dwc_compact_csw0.Mooee(src_e, phi_e);
Dwc_compact_csw0.Mooee(src_o, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_e);
setCheckerboard(chi, chi_o);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
setCheckerboard(src, src_e);
setCheckerboard(src, src_o);
err = chi - phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "= Testing EO operator is equal to the unprec " << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "==========================================================" << std::endl;
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
err = Zero();
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
// M phi = (Mooee src_e + Meooe src_o , Meooe src_e + Mooee src_o)
Dwc.M(src, ref); // Reference result from the unpreconditioned operator
// EO matrix
Dwc.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dwc.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
Dwc.Meooe(src_o, phi_e);
Dwc.Meooe(src_e, phi_o);
phi_o += chi_o;
phi_e += chi_e;
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = ref - phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "ref (unpreconditioned operator) diff : " << norm2(ref) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "phi (EO decomposition) diff : " << norm2(phi) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff : " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);
chi = Zero();
phi = Zero();
err = Zero();
pickCheckerboard(Even, phi_e, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, phi_o, phi);
pickCheckerboard(Even, chi_e, chi);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, chi_o, chi);
// M phi = (Mooee src_e + Meooe src_o , Meooe src_e + Mooee src_o)
Dwc_compact.M(src, ref); // Reference result from the unpreconditioned operator
// EO matrix
Dwc_compact.Mooee(src_e, chi_e);
Dwc_compact.Mooee(src_o, chi_o);
Dwc_compact.Meooe(src_o, phi_e);
Dwc_compact.Meooe(src_e, phi_o);
phi_o += chi_o;
phi_e += chi_e;
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_e);
setCheckerboard(phi, phi_o);
err = ref - phi;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "ref (unpreconditioned operator) diff compact : " << norm2(ref) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "phi (EO decomposition) diff compact : " << norm2(phi) << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "norm diff compact : " << norm2(err) << std::endl;
assert(fabs(norm2(err)) < tolerance);

View File

@ -71,7 +71,12 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
RealD mass = -0.1;
RealD csw_r = 1.0;
RealD csw_t = 1.0;
RealD cF = 1.0;
WilsonCloverFermionR Dw(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t);
CompactWilsonCloverFermionR Dw_compact(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 0.0);
WilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwe(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t);
CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwe_compact(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 0.0);
// HermitianOperator<WilsonFermion,LatticeFermion> HermOp(Dw);
// ConjugateGradient<LatticeFermion> CG(1.0e-8,10000);
@ -80,12 +85,28 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
LatticeFermion src_o(&RBGrid);
LatticeFermion result_o(&RBGrid);
SchurDiagMooeeOperator<WilsonCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOpEO(Dw);
ConjugateGradient<LatticeFermion> CG(1.0e-8,10000);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Wilson Clover" << std::endl;
SchurDiagMooeeOperator<WilsonCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOpEO(Dw);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Compact Wilson Clover" << std::endl;
SchurDiagMooeeOperator<CompactWilsonCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOpEO_compact(Dw_compact);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Wilson Exp Clover" << std::endl;
SchurDiagMooeeOperator<WilsonExpCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOpEO_exp(Dwe);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Compact Wilson Exp Clover" << std::endl;
SchurDiagMooeeOperator<CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOpEO_exp_compact(Dwe_compact);

View File

@ -60,18 +60,36 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
LatticeGaugeField Umu(&Grid); SU<Nc>::HotConfiguration(pRNG,Umu);
LatticeFermion src(&Grid); random(pRNG,src);
LatticeFermion result(&Grid); result=Zero();
LatticeFermion resid(&Grid);
RealD mass = -0.1;
RealD csw_r = 1.0;
RealD csw_t = 1.0;
WilsonCloverFermionR Dw(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t);
LatticeFermion result(&Grid);
LatticeFermion resid(&Grid);
ConjugateGradient<LatticeFermion> CG(1.0e-8,10000);
SchurRedBlackDiagMooeeSolve<LatticeFermion> SchurSolver(CG);
RealD mass = -0.1;
RealD csw_r = 1.0;
RealD csw_t = 1.0;
RealD cF = 1.0;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Wilson Clover" << std::endl;
WilsonCloverFermionR Dw(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Compact Wilson Clover" << std::endl;
CompactWilsonCloverFermionR Dw_compact(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 0.0);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Wilson Exp Clover" << std::endl;
WilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwe(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Compact Wilson Exp Clover" << std::endl;
CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwe_compact(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 0.0);

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
LatticeFermion src(&Grid); random(pRNG,src);
RealD nrm = norm2(src);
LatticeFermion result(&Grid); result=Zero();
LatticeFermion result(&Grid);
LatticeGaugeField Umu(&Grid); SU<Nc>::HotConfiguration(pRNG,Umu);
double volume=1;
@ -70,11 +70,34 @@ int main (int argc, char ** argv)
RealD mass = -0.1;
RealD csw_r = 1.0;
RealD csw_t = 1.0;
RealD cF = 1.0;
WilsonCloverFermionR Dw(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t);
CompactWilsonCloverFermionR Dw_compact(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 0.0);
WilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwe(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t);
CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR Dwe_compact(Umu, Grid, RBGrid, mass, csw_r, csw_t, 0.0);
MdagMLinearOperator<WilsonFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOp(Dw);
ConjugateGradient<LatticeFermion> CG(1.0e-8,10000);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Wilson Clover" << std::endl;
MdagMLinearOperator<WilsonCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOp(Dw);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Compact Wilson Clover" << std::endl;
MdagMLinearOperator<CompactWilsonCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOp_compact(Dw_compact);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Wilson Exp Clover" << std::endl;
MdagMLinearOperator<WilsonExpCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOp_exp(Dwe);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing Compact Wilson Exp Clover" << std::endl;
MdagMLinearOperator<CompactWilsonExpCloverFermionR,LatticeFermion> HermOp_exp_compact(Dwe_compact);