mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-11-14 01:35:36 +00:00

Added ability to pass callback to MADWF that is called every inner iteration and allows user to, for example, adjust the inner solver tolerance depending on residual

Added a general implementation of the Remez algorithm for producing arbitrary rational polynomial approximation with optional restriction to even/odd polynomials
Added implementation of computation of ZMobius parameters
Added Test_zMADWF_prec to test ZMobius in MADWF
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Kelly 2020-01-17 12:45:30 -08:00
parent 5d834486c9
commit 96671bbb24
7 changed files with 1211 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
#include <Grid/algorithms/approx/Remez.h> #include <Grid/algorithms/approx/Remez.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/approx/MultiShiftFunction.h> #include <Grid/algorithms/approx/MultiShiftFunction.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/approx/Forecast.h> #include <Grid/algorithms/approx/Forecast.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/approx/RemezGeneral.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/approx/ZMobius.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/Deflation.h> #include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/Deflation.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/ConjugateGradient.h> #include <Grid/algorithms/iterative/ConjugateGradient.h>

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@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
// Constructor
AlgRemezGeneral::AlgRemezGeneral(double lower, double upper, long precision,
bigfloat (*f)(bigfloat x, void *data), void *data): f(f),
apstrt(lower), apend(upper), apwidt(upper - lower),
n(0), d(0), pow_n(0), pow_d(0)
std::cout<<"Approximation bounds are ["<<apstrt<<","<<apend<<"]\n";
std::cout<<"Precision of arithmetic is "<<precision<<std::endl;
//Determine the properties of the numerator and denominator polynomials
void AlgRemezGeneral::setupPolyProperties(int num_degree, int den_degree, PolyType num_type_in, PolyType den_type_in){
pow_n = num_degree;
pow_d = den_degree;
if(pow_n % 2 == 0 && num_type_in == PolyType::Odd) assert(0);
if(pow_n % 2 == 1 && num_type_in == PolyType::Even) assert(0);
if(pow_d % 2 == 0 && den_type_in == PolyType::Odd) assert(0);
if(pow_d % 2 == 1 && den_type_in == PolyType::Even) assert(0);
num_type = num_type_in;
den_type = den_type_in;
int n_in = 0;
bool odd = num_type == PolyType::Full || num_type == PolyType::Odd;
bool even = num_type == PolyType::Full || num_type == PolyType::Even;
for(int i=0;i<=pow_n;i++){
num_pows[i] = -1;
if(i % 2 == 0 && even) num_pows[i] = n_in++;
if(i % 2 == 1 && odd) num_pows[i] = n_in++;
std::cout << n_in << " terms in numerator" << std::endl;
--n_in; //power is 1 less than the number of terms, eg pow=1 a x^1 + b x^0
int d_in = 0;
odd = den_type == PolyType::Full || den_type == PolyType::Odd;
even = den_type == PolyType::Full || den_type == PolyType::Even;
for(int i=0;i<=pow_d;i++){
den_pows[i] = -1;
if(i % 2 == 0 && even) den_pows[i] = d_in++;
if(i % 2 == 1 && odd) den_pows[i] = d_in++;
std::cout << d_in << " terms in denominator" << std::endl;
n = n_in;
d = d_in;
//Setup algorithm
void AlgRemezGeneral::reinitializeAlgorithm(){
spread = 1.0e37;
iter = 0;
neq = n + d + 1; //not +2 because highest-power term in denominator is fixed to 1
//Initialize linear equation temporaries
//Initialize maximum and minimum errors
//Initialize search steps
double AlgRemezGeneral::generateApprox(const int num_degree, const int den_degree,
const PolyType num_type_in, const PolyType den_type_in,
const double _tolerance, const int report_freq){
//Setup the properties of the polynomial
setupPolyProperties(num_degree, den_degree, num_type_in, den_type_in);
//Setup the algorithm
bigfloat tolerance = _tolerance;
//Iterate until convergance
while (spread > tolerance) {
if (iter++ % report_freq==0)
std::cout<<"Iteration " <<iter-1<<" spread "<<(double)spread<<" delta "<<(double)delta << std::endl;
if (delta < tolerance) {
std::cout<<"Iteration " << iter-1 << " delta too small (" << delta << "<" << tolerance << "), try increasing precision\n";
assert( delta>= tolerance );
int sign;
double error = (double)getErr(mm[0],&sign);
std::cout<<"Converged at "<<iter<<" iterations; error = "<<error<<std::endl;
// Return the maximum error in the approximation
return error;
// Initial values of maximal and minimal errors
void AlgRemezGeneral::initialGuess(){
// Supply initial guesses for solution points
long ncheb = neq; // Degree of Chebyshev error estimate
// Find ncheb+1 extrema of Chebyshev polynomial
bigfloat a = ncheb;
bigfloat r;
mm[0] = apstrt;
for (long i = 1; i < ncheb; i++) {
r = 0.5 * (1 - cos((M_PI * i)/(double) a));
//r *= sqrt_bf(r);
r = (exp((double)r)-1.0)/(exp(1.0)-1.0);
mm[i] = apstrt + r * apwidt;
mm[ncheb] = apend;
a = 2.0 * ncheb;
for (long i = 0; i <= ncheb; i++) {
r = 0.5 * (1 - cos(M_PI * (2*i+1)/(double) a));
//r *= sqrt_bf(r); // Squeeze to low end of interval
r = (exp((double)r)-1.0)/(exp(1.0)-1.0);
xx[i] = apstrt + r * apwidt;
// Initialise step sizes
void AlgRemezGeneral::stpini(){
xx[neq+1] = apend;
delta = 0.25;
step[0] = xx[0] - apstrt;
for (int i = 1; i < neq; i++) step[i] = xx[i] - xx[i-1];
step[neq] = step[neq-1];
// Search for error maxima and minima
void AlgRemezGeneral::search(){
bigfloat a, q, xm, ym, xn, yn, xx1;
int emsign, ensign, steps;
int meq = neq + 1;
bigfloat eclose = 1.0e30;
bigfloat farther = 0l;
bigfloat xx0 = apstrt;
for (int i = 0; i < meq; i++) {
steps = 0;
xx1 = xx[i]; // Next zero
if (i == meq-1) xx1 = apend;
xm = mm[i];
ym = getErr(xm,&emsign);
q = step[i];
xn = xm + q;
if (xn < xx0 || xn >= xx1) { // Cannot skip over adjacent boundaries
q = -q;
xn = xm;
yn = ym;
ensign = emsign;
} else {
yn = getErr(xn,&ensign);
if (yn < ym) {
q = -q;
xn = xm;
yn = ym;
ensign = emsign;
while(yn >= ym) { // March until error becomes smaller.
if (++steps > 10)
ym = yn;
xm = xn;
emsign = ensign;
a = xm + q;
if (a == xm || a <= xx0 || a >= xx1)
break;// Must not skip over the zeros either side.
xn = a;
yn = getErr(xn,&ensign);
mm[i] = xm; // Position of maximum
yy[i] = ym; // Value of maximum
if (eclose > ym) eclose = ym;
if (farther < ym) farther = ym;
xx0 = xx1; // Walk to next zero.
} // end of search loop
q = (farther - eclose); // Decrease step size if error spread increased
if (eclose != 0.0) q /= eclose; // Relative error spread
if (q >= spread)
delta *= 0.5; // Spread is increasing; decrease step size
spread = q;
for (int i = 0; i < neq; i++) {
q = yy[i+1];
if (q != 0.0) q = yy[i] / q - (bigfloat)1l;
else q = 0.0625;
if (q > (bigfloat)0.25) q = 0.25;
q *= mm[i+1] - mm[i];
step[i] = q * delta;
step[neq] = step[neq-1];
for (int i = 0; i < neq; i++) { // Insert new locations for the zeros.
xm = xx[i] - step[i];
if (xm <= apstrt)
if (xm >= apend)
if (xm <= mm[i])
xm = (bigfloat)0.5 * (mm[i] + xx[i]);
if (xm >= mm[i+1])
xm = (bigfloat)0.5 * (mm[i+1] + xx[i]);
xx[i] = xm;
// Solve the equations
void AlgRemezGeneral::equations(){
bigfloat x, y, z;
bigfloat *aa;
for (int i = 0; i < neq; i++) { // set up the equations for solution by simq()
int ip = neq * i; // offset to 1st element of this row of matrix
x = xx[i]; // the guess for this row
y = func(x); // right-hand-side vector
z = (bigfloat)1l;
aa = A.data()+ip;
int t = 0;
for (int j = 0; j <= pow_n; j++) {
if(num_pows[j] != -1){ *aa++ = z; t++; }
z *= x;
assert(t == n+1);
z = (bigfloat)1l;
t = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < pow_d; j++) {
if(den_pows[j] != -1){ *aa++ = -y * z; t++; }
z *= x;
assert(t == d);
B[i] = y * z; // Right hand side vector
// Solve the simultaneous linear equations.
if (simq()){
std::cout<<"simq failed\n";
// Evaluate the rational form P(x)/Q(x) using coefficients
// from the solution vector param
bigfloat AlgRemezGeneral::approx(const bigfloat x) const{
// Work backwards toward the constant term.
int c = n;
bigfloat yn = param[c--]; // Highest order numerator coefficient
for (int i = pow_n-1; i >= 0; i--) yn = x * yn + (num_pows[i] != -1 ? param[c--] : bigfloat(0l));
c = n+d;
bigfloat yd = 1l; //Highest degree coefficient is 1.0
for (int i = pow_d-1; i >= 0; i--) yd = x * yd + (den_pows[i] != -1 ? param[c--] : bigfloat(0l));
// Compute size and sign of the approximation error at x
bigfloat AlgRemezGeneral::getErr(bigfloat x, int *sign) const{
bigfloat f = func(x);
bigfloat e = approx(x) - f;
if (f != 0) e /= f;
if (e < (bigfloat)0.0) {
*sign = -1;
e = -e;
else *sign = 1;
// Solve the system AX=B
int AlgRemezGeneral::simq(){
int ip, ipj, ipk, ipn;
int idxpiv;
int kp, kp1, kpk, kpn;
int nip, nkp;
bigfloat em, q, rownrm, big, size, pivot, sum;
bigfloat *aa;
bigfloat *X = param.data();
int n = neq;
int nm1 = n - 1;
// Initialize IPS and X
int ij = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
IPS[i] = i;
rownrm = 0.0;
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
q = abs_bf(A[ij]);
if(rownrm < q) rownrm = q;
if (rownrm == (bigfloat)0l) {
std::cout<<"simq rownrm=0\n";
X[i] = (bigfloat)1.0 / rownrm;
for (int k = 0; k < nm1; k++) {
big = 0.0;
idxpiv = 0;
for (int i = k; i < n; i++) {
ip = IPS[i];
ipk = n*ip + k;
size = abs_bf(A[ipk]) * X[ip];
if (size > big) {
big = size;
idxpiv = i;
if (big == (bigfloat)0l) {
std::cout<<"simq big=0\n";
if (idxpiv != k) {
int j = IPS[k];
IPS[k] = IPS[idxpiv];
IPS[idxpiv] = j;
kp = IPS[k];
kpk = n*kp + k;
pivot = A[kpk];
kp1 = k+1;
for (int i = kp1; i < n; i++) {
ip = IPS[i];
ipk = n*ip + k;
em = -A[ipk] / pivot;
A[ipk] = -em;
nip = n*ip;
nkp = n*kp;
aa = A.data()+nkp+kp1;
for (int j = kp1; j < n; j++) {
ipj = nip + j;
A[ipj] = A[ipj] + em * *aa++;
kpn = n * IPS[n-1] + n - 1; // last element of IPS[n] th row
if (A[kpn] == (bigfloat)0l) {
std::cout<<"simq A[kpn]=0\n";
ip = IPS[0];
X[0] = B[ip];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
ip = IPS[i];
ipj = n * ip;
sum = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
sum += A[ipj] * X[j];
X[i] = B[ip] - sum;
ipn = n * IPS[n-1] + n - 1;
X[n-1] = X[n-1] / A[ipn];
for (int iback = 1; iback < n; iback++) {
//i goes (n-1),...,1
int i = nm1 - iback;
ip = IPS[i];
nip = n*ip;
sum = 0.0;
aa = A.data()+nip+i+1;
for (int j= i + 1; j < n; j++)
sum += *aa++ * X[j];
X[i] = (X[i] - sum) / A[nip+i];
void AlgRemezGeneral::csv(std::ostream & os) const{
os << "Numerator" << std::endl;
for(int i=0;i<=pow_n;i++){
os << getCoeffNum(i) << "*x^" << i;
if(i!=pow_n) os << " + ";
os << std::endl;
os << "Denominator" << std::endl;
for(int i=0;i<=pow_d;i++){
os << getCoeffDen(i) << "*x^" << i;
if(i!=pow_d) os << " + ";
os << std::endl;
//For a true minimax solution the errors should all be equal and the signs should oscillate +-+-+- etc
int sign;
os << "Errors at maxima: coordinate, error, (sign)" << std::endl;
for(int i=0;i<neq+1;i++){
os << mm[i] << " " << getErr(mm[i],&sign) << " (" << sign << ")" << std::endl;
os << "Scan over range:" << std::endl;
int npt = 60;
bigfloat dlt = (apend - apstrt)/bigfloat(npt-1);
for (bigfloat x=apstrt; x<=apend; x = x + dlt) {
double f = evaluateFunc(x);
double r = evaluateApprox(x);
os<< x<<","<<r<<","<<f<<","<<r-f<<std::endl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
C.Kelly Jan 2020 based on implementation by M. Clark May 2005
AlgRemezGeneral is an implementation of the Remez algorithm for approximating an arbitrary function by a rational polynomial
It includes optional restriction to odd/even polynomials for the numerator and/or denominator
#include <stddef.h>
#include <Grid/GridStd.h>
#include "bigfloat.h"
#include "bigfloat_double.h"
class AlgRemezGeneral{
enum PolyType { Even, Odd, Full };
// In GSL-style, pass the function as a function pointer. Any data required to evaluate the function is passed in as a void pointer
bigfloat (*f)(bigfloat x, void *data);
void *data;
// The approximation parameters
std::vector<bigfloat> param;
bigfloat norm;
// The number of non-zero terms in the numerator and denominator
int n, d;
// The numerator and denominator degree (i.e. the largest power)
int pow_n, pow_d;
// Specify if the numerator and/or denominator are odd/even polynomials
PolyType num_type;
PolyType den_type;
std::vector<int> num_pows; //contains the mapping, with -1 if not present
std::vector<int> den_pows;
// The bounds of the approximation
bigfloat apstrt, apwidt, apend;
// Variables used to calculate the approximation
int nd1, iter;
std::vector<bigfloat> xx;
std::vector<bigfloat> mm;
std::vector<bigfloat> step;
bigfloat delta, spread;
// Variables used in search
std::vector<bigfloat> yy;
// Variables used in solving linear equations
std::vector<bigfloat> A;
std::vector<bigfloat> B;
std::vector<int> IPS;
// The number of equations we must solve at each iteration (n+d+1)
int neq;
// The precision of the GNU MP library
long prec;
// Initialize member variables associated with the polynomial's properties
void setupPolyProperties(int num_degree, int den_degree, PolyType num_type_in, PolyType den_type_in);
// Initial values of maximal and minmal errors
void initialGuess();
// Initialise step sizes
void stpini();
// Initialize the algorithm
void reinitializeAlgorithm();
// Solve the equations
void equations();
// Search for error maxima and minima
void search();
// Calculate function required for the approximation
inline bigfloat func(bigfloat x) const{
return f(x, data);
// Compute size and sign of the approximation error at x
bigfloat getErr(bigfloat x, int *sign) const;
// Solve the system AX=B where X = param
int simq();
// Evaluate the rational form P(x)/Q(x) using coefficients from the solution vector param
bigfloat approx(bigfloat x) const;
AlgRemezGeneral(double lower, double upper, long prec,
bigfloat (*f)(bigfloat x, void *data), void *data);
inline int getDegree(void) const{
return n;
// Reset the bounds of the approximation
inline void setBounds(double lower, double upper) {
apstrt = lower;
apend = upper;
apwidt = apend - apstrt;
// Get the bounds of the approximation
inline void getBounds(double &lower, double &upper) const{
// Run the algorithm to generate the rational approximation
double generateApprox(int num_degree, int den_degree,
PolyType num_type, PolyType den_type,
const double tolerance = 1e-15, const int report_freq = 1000);
inline double generateApprox(int num_degree, int den_degree,
const double tolerance = 1e-15, const int report_freq = 1000){
return generateApprox(num_degree, den_degree, Full, Full, tolerance, report_freq);
// Evaluate the rational form P(x)/Q(x) using coefficients from the
// solution vector param
inline double evaluateApprox(double x) const{
return (double)approx((bigfloat)x);
// Evaluate the rational form Q(x)/P(x) using coefficients from the solution vector param
inline double evaluateInverseApprox(double x) const{
return 1.0/(double)approx((bigfloat)x);
// Calculate function required for the approximation
inline double evaluateFunc(double x) const{
return (double)func((bigfloat)x);
// Calculate inverse function required for the approximation
inline double evaluateInverseFunc(double x) const{
return 1.0/(double)func((bigfloat)x);
// Dump csv of function, approx and error
void csv(std::ostream &os = std::cout) const;
// Get the coefficient of the term x^i in the numerator
inline double getCoeffNum(const int i) const{
return num_pows[i] == -1 ? 0. : double(param[num_pows[i]]);
// Get the coefficient of the term x^i in the denominator
inline double getCoeffDen(const int i) const{
if(i == pow_d) return 1.0;
else return den_pows[i] == -1 ? 0. : double(param[den_pows[i]+n+1]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/algorithms/approx/ZMobius.cc
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Christopher Kelly <ckelly@phys.columbia.edu>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Grid/algorithms/approx/ZMobius.h>
#include <Grid/algorithms/approx/RemezGeneral.h>
//Compute the tanh approximation
inline double epsilonMobius(const double x, const std::vector<ComplexD> &w){
int Ls = w.size();
ComplexD fxp = 1., fmp = 1.;
for(int i=0;i<Ls;i++){
fxp = fxp * ( w[i] + x );
fmp = fmp * ( w[i] - x );
return ((fxp - fmp)/(fxp + fmp)).real();
inline double epsilonMobius(const double x, const std::vector<RealD> &w){
int Ls = w.size();
double fxp = 1., fmp = 1.;
for(int i=0;i<Ls;i++){
fxp = fxp * ( w[i] + x );
fmp = fmp * ( w[i] - x );
return (fxp - fmp)/(fxp + fmp);
//Compute the tanh approximation in a form suitable for the Remez
bigfloat epsilonMobius(bigfloat x, void* data){
const std::vector<RealD> &omega = *( (std::vector<RealD> const*)data );
bigfloat fxp(1.0);
bigfloat fmp(1.0);
for(int i=0;i<omega.size();i++){
fxp = fxp * ( bigfloat(omega[i]) + x);
fmp = fmp * ( bigfloat(omega[i]) - x);
return (fxp - fmp)/(fxp + fmp);
//Compute the Zmobius Omega parameters suitable for eigenvalue range -lambda_bound <= lambda <= lambda_bound
//Note omega_i = 1/(b_i + c_i) where b_i and c_i are the Mobius parameters
void computeZmobiusOmega(std::vector<ComplexD> &omega_out, const int Ls_out,
const std::vector<RealD> &omega_in, const int Ls_in,
const RealD lambda_bound){
assert(omega_in.size() == Ls_in);
//Use the Remez algorithm to generate the appropriate rational polynomial
//For odd polynomial, to satisfy Haar condition must take either positive or negative half of range (cf https://arxiv.org/pdf/0803.0439.pdf page 6)
AlgRemezGeneral remez(0, lambda_bound, 64, &epsilonMobius, (void*)&omega_in);
remez.generateApprox(Ls_out-1, Ls_out,AlgRemezGeneral::Odd, AlgRemezGeneral::Even, 1e-15, 100);
//The rational approximation has the form [ f(x) - f(-x) ] / [ f(x) + f(-x) ] where f(x) = \Prod_{i=0}^{L_s-1} ( \omega_i + x )
//cf https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/D8T72HD7 pg 102
//omega_i are therefore the negative of the complex roots of f(x)
//We can find the roots by recognizing that the eigenvalues of a matrix A are the roots of the characteristic polynomial
// \rho(\lambda) = det( A - \lambda I ) where I is the unit matrix
//The matrix whose characteristic polynomial is an arbitrary monic polynomial a0 + a1 x + a2 x^2 + ... x^n is the companion matrix
// A = | 0 1 0 0 0 .... 0 |
// | 0 0 1 0 0 .... 0 |
// | : : : : : : |
// | 0 0 0 0 0 1
// | -a0 -a1 -a2 ... ... -an|
//Note the Remez defines the largest power to have unit coefficient
std::vector<RealD> coeffs(Ls_out+1);
for(int i=0;i<Ls_out+1;i+=2) coeffs[i] = coeffs[i] = remez.getCoeffDen(i); //even powers
for(int i=1;i<Ls_out+1;i+=2) coeffs[i] = coeffs[i] = remez.getCoeffNum(i); //odd powers
std::vector<std::complex<RealD> > roots(Ls_out);
//Form the companion matrix
Eigen::MatrixXd compn(Ls_out,Ls_out);
for(int i=0;i<Ls_out-1;i++) compn(i,0) = 0.;
compn(Ls_out - 1, 0) = -coeffs[0];
for(int j=1;j<Ls_out;j++){
for(int i=0;i<Ls_out-1;i++) compn(i,j) = i == j-1 ? 1. : 0.;
compn(Ls_out - 1, j) = -coeffs[j];
Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> slv(compn, false);
const auto & ev = slv.eigenvalues();
for(int i=0;i<Ls_out;i++)
omega_out[i] = -ev(i);
//Sort ascending (smallest at start of vector!)
std::sort(omega_out.begin(), omega_out.end(),
[&](const ComplexD &a, const ComplexD &b){ return a.real() < b.real() || (a.real() == b.real() && a.imag() < b.imag()); });
//McGlynn thesis pg 122 suggest improved iteration counts if magnitude of omega diminishes towards the center of the 5th dimension
std::vector<ComplexD> omega_tmp = omega_out;
int s_low=0, s_high=Ls_out-1, ss=0;
for(int s_from = Ls_out-1; s_from >= 0; s_from--){ //loop from largest omega
int s_to;
if(ss % 2 == 0){
s_to = s_low++;
s_to = s_high--;
omega_out[s_to] = omega_tmp[s_from];
std::cout << "Resulting omega_i:" << std::endl;
for(int i=0;i<Ls_out;i++)
std::cout << omega_out[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Test result matches the approximate polynomial found by the Remez" << std::endl;
std::cout << "<x> <remez approx> <poly approx> <diff poly approx remez approx> <exact> <diff poly approx exact>\n";
int npt = 60;
double dlt = lambda_bound/double(npt-1);
for (int i =0; i<npt; i++){
double x = i*dlt;
double r = remez.evaluateApprox(x);
double p = epsilonMobius(x, omega_out);
double e = epsilonMobius(x, omega_in);
std::cout << x<< " " << r << " " << p <<" " <<r-p << " " << e << " " << e-p << std::endl;
//mobius_param = b+c with b-c=1
void computeZmobiusOmega(std::vector<ComplexD> &omega_out, const int Ls_out, const RealD mobius_param, const int Ls_in, const RealD lambda_bound){
std::vector<RealD> omega_in(Ls_in, 1./mobius_param);
computeZmobiusOmega(omega_out, Ls_out, omega_in, Ls_in, lambda_bound);
//ZMobius class takes gamma_i = (b+c) omega_i as its input, where b, c are factored out
void computeZmobiusGamma(std::vector<ComplexD> &gamma_out,
const RealD mobius_param_out, const int Ls_out,
const RealD mobius_param_in, const int Ls_in,
const RealD lambda_bound){
computeZmobiusOmega(gamma_out, Ls_out, mobius_param_in, Ls_in, lambda_bound);
for(int i=0;i<Ls_out;i++) gamma_out[i] = gamma_out[i] * mobius_param_out;
//Assumes mobius_param_out == mobius_param_in
void computeZmobiusGamma(std::vector<ComplexD> &gamma_out, const int Ls_out, const RealD mobius_param, const int Ls_in, const RealD lambda_bound){
computeZmobiusGamma(gamma_out, mobius_param, Ls_out, mobius_param, Ls_in, lambda_bound);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/algorithms/approx/ZMobius.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Christopher Kelly <ckelly@phys.columbia.edu>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Grid/GridCore.h>
//Compute the Zmobius Omega parameters suitable for eigenvalue range -lambda_bound <= lambda <= lambda_bound
//Note omega_i = 1/(b_i + c_i) where b_i and c_i are the Mobius parameters
void computeZmobiusOmega(std::vector<ComplexD> &omega_out, const int Ls_out,
const std::vector<RealD> &omega_in, const int Ls_in,
const RealD lambda_bound);
//mobius_param = b+c with b-c=1
void computeZmobiusOmega(std::vector<ComplexD> &omega_out, const int Ls_out, const RealD mobius_param, const int Ls_in, const RealD lambda_bound);
//ZMobius class takes gamma_i = (b+c) omega_i as its input, where b, c are factored out
void computeZmobiusGamma(std::vector<ComplexD> &gamma_out,
const RealD mobius_param_out, const int Ls_out,
const RealD mobius_param_in, const int Ls_in,
const RealD lambda_bound);
//Assumes mobius_param_out == mobius_param_in
void computeZmobiusGamma(std::vector<ComplexD> &gamma_out, const int Ls_out, const RealD mobius_param, const int Ls_in, const RealD lambda_bound);

View File

@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ inline void convert(const Fieldi &from,Fieldo &to)
to=from; to=from;
} }
struct MADWFinnerIterCallbackBase{
virtual void operator()(const RealD current_resid){}
virtual ~MADWFinnerIterCallbackBase(){}
template<class Matrixo,class Matrixi,class PVinverter,class SchurSolver, class Guesser> template<class Matrixo,class Matrixi,class PVinverter,class SchurSolver, class Guesser>
class MADWF class MADWF
{ {
@ -56,23 +61,29 @@ class MADWF
RealD target_resid; RealD target_resid;
int maxiter; int maxiter;
//operator() is called on "callback" at the end of every inner iteration. This allows for example the adjustment of the inner
//tolerance to speed up subsequent iteration
MADWFinnerIterCallbackBase* callback;
MADWF(Matrixo &_Mato, MADWF(Matrixo &_Mato,
Matrixi &_Mati, Matrixi &_Mati,
PVinverter &_PauliVillarsSolvero, PVinverter &_PauliVillarsSolvero,
SchurSolver &_SchurSolveri, SchurSolver &_SchurSolveri,
Guesser & _Guesseri, Guesser & _Guesseri,
RealD resid, RealD resid,
int _maxiter) : int _maxiter,
MADWFinnerIterCallbackBase* _callback = NULL) :
Mato(_Mato),Mati(_Mati), Mato(_Mato),Mati(_Mati),
SchurSolveri(_SchurSolveri), SchurSolveri(_SchurSolveri),
PauliVillarsSolvero(_PauliVillarsSolvero),Guesseri(_Guesseri) PauliVillarsSolvero(_PauliVillarsSolvero),Guesseri(_Guesseri),
{ callback(_callback)
target_resid=resid; {
maxiter =_maxiter; target_resid=resid;
}; maxiter =_maxiter;
void operator() (const FermionFieldo &src4,FermionFieldo &sol5) void operator() (const FermionFieldo &src4,FermionFieldo &sol5)
{ {
@ -177,6 +188,8 @@ class MADWF
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Residual " << i << ": " << resid << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Residual " << i << ": " << resid << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "***************************************" <<std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "***************************************" <<std::endl;
if(callback != NULL) (*callback)(resid);
if (resid < target_resid) { if (resid < target_resid) {
return; return;
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./tests/solver/Test_zMADWF_prec.cc
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Christopher Kelly <ckelly@phys.columbia.edu>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
//This test computes the zMobius approximation to the Mobius action and uses it within the MADWF context to accelerate an inversion
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Grid;
struct TestParams{
bool load_config;
std::string config_file;
double mass;
std::string outer_precon;
std::string inner_precon;
int Ls_outer;
double b_plus_c_outer;
double resid_outer;
int Ls_inner;
double b_plus_c_inner; //irrelevant for ZMobius
double resid_inner;
bool zmobius_inner;
double lambda_max; //upper bound of H_T eigenvalue range required to generate zMobius approximation
TestParams(): load_config(true), config_file("ckpoint_lat.1000"), mass(0.01),
Ls_outer(24), b_plus_c_outer(2.0), resid_outer(1e-8),
Ls_inner(12), b_plus_c_inner(1.0), resid_inner(1e-8), zmobius_inner(true), lambda_max(1.42), outer_precon("Standard"), inner_precon("Standard")
void write(const std::string &file) const{
XmlWriter wr(file);
#define DOIT(A) wr.writeDefault(#A, A)
#undef DOIT
void read(const std::string &file){
XmlReader rd(file);
#define DOIT(A) rd.readDefault(#A, A)
#undef DOIT
struct RunParamsPrecStd{
typedef SchurRedBlackDiagMooeeSolve<LatticeFermionD> SchurSolverType;
template<typename Action>
using HermOpType = SchurDiagMooeeOperator<Action, LatticeFermionD>;
struct RunParamsPrecDiagTwo{
typedef SchurRedBlackDiagTwoSolve<LatticeFermionD> SchurSolverType;
template<typename Action>
using HermOpType = SchurDiagTwoOperator<Action, LatticeFermionD>;
struct CGincreaseTol : public MADWFinnerIterCallbackBase{
ConjugateGradient<LatticeFermionD> &cg_inner;
RealD outer_resid;
CGincreaseTol(ConjugateGradient<LatticeFermionD> &cg_inner,
RealD outer_resid): cg_inner(cg_inner), outer_resid(outer_resid){}
void operator()(const RealD current_resid){
std::cout << "CGincreaseTol with current residual " << current_resid << " changing inner tolerance " << cg_inner.Tolerance << " -> ";
while(cg_inner.Tolerance < current_resid) cg_inner.Tolerance *= 2;
//cg_inner.Tolerance = outer_resid/current_resid;
std::cout << cg_inner.Tolerance << std::endl;
template<typename RunParamsOuter, typename RunParamsInner>
void run(const TestParams &params){
RealD bmc = 1.0; //use Shamir kernel
std::vector<ComplexD> gamma_inner;
std::cout << "Compute parameters" << std::endl;
Approx::computeZmobiusGamma(gamma_inner, params.b_plus_c_inner, params.Ls_inner, params.b_plus_c_outer, params.Ls_outer, params.lambda_max);
Approx::zolotarev_data *zdata = Approx::higham(1.0,params.Ls_inner);
for(int s=0;s<params.Ls_inner;s++) gamma_inner[s] = zdata->gamma[s];
std::cout << "gamma:\n";
for(int s=0;s<params.Ls_inner;s++) std::cout << s << " " << gamma_inner[s] << std::endl;
GridCartesian* UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(
GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd, vComplexD::Nsimd()),
GridRedBlackCartesian* UrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGrid);
GridCartesian* FGrid_outer = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(params.Ls_outer, UGrid);
GridCartesian* FGrid_inner = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(params.Ls_inner, UGrid);
GridRedBlackCartesian* FrbGrid_outer = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(params.Ls_outer, UGrid);
GridRedBlackCartesian* FrbGrid_inner = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(params.Ls_inner, UGrid);
std::vector<int> seeds4({1, 2, 3, 4});
std::vector<int> seeds5({5, 6, 7, 8});
GridParallelRNG RNG5_outer(FGrid_outer);
GridParallelRNG RNG4(UGrid);
LatticeFermionD src4(UGrid); random(RNG4,src4);
LatticeFermionD result_outer(FGrid_outer);
result_outer = Zero();
LatticeGaugeFieldD Umu(UGrid);
FieldMetaData header;
NerscIO::readConfiguration(Umu, header, params.config_file);
for(int i=0;i<Nd;i++){
assert(header.dimension[i] == GridDefaultLatt()[i]);
SU3::HotConfiguration(RNG4, Umu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Lattice dimensions: " << GridDefaultLatt()
<< " Ls: " << params.Ls_outer << std::endl;
RealD M5 = 1.8;
RealD b_outer = (params.b_plus_c_outer + bmc)/2.;
RealD c_outer = (params.b_plus_c_outer - bmc)/2.;
RealD b_inner = (params.b_plus_c_inner + bmc)/2.;
RealD c_inner = (params.b_plus_c_inner - bmc)/2.;
MobiusFermionD D_outer(Umu, *FGrid_outer, *FrbGrid_outer, *UGrid, *UrbGrid, params.mass, M5, b_outer, c_outer);
ZMobiusFermionD D_inner(Umu, *FGrid_inner, *FrbGrid_inner, *UGrid, *UrbGrid, params.mass, M5, gamma_inner, b_inner, c_inner);
LatticeFermionD src_outer(FGrid_outer);
D_outer.ImportPhysicalFermionSource(src4,src_outer); //applies D_-
//Solve using a regular even-odd preconditioned CG for the Hermitian operator
//M y = x
//Mprec y'_o = x'_o where Mprec = Doo - Doe Dee^-1 Deo and x'_o = -Doe Dee^-1 x_e + x_o
//y_o = y'_o
//(Mprec^dag Mprec) y'_o = Mprec^dag x'_o
//y'_o = (Mprec^dag Mprec)^-1 Mprec^dag x'_o
//We can get Mprec^dag x'_o from x_o from SchurRedBlackDiagMooeeSolve::RedBlackSource
ConjugateGradient<LatticeFermionD> CG_outer(params.resid_outer, 10000);
typename RunParamsOuter::SchurSolverType SchurSolver_outer(CG_outer);
LatticeFermionD tmp_e_outer(FrbGrid_outer);
LatticeFermionD src_o_outer(FrbGrid_outer);
SchurSolver_outer.RedBlackSource(D_outer, src_outer, tmp_e_outer, src_o_outer);
LatticeFermionD result_o_outer(FrbGrid_outer);
result_o_outer = Zero();
GridStopWatch CGTimer;
typename RunParamsOuter::HermOpType<MobiusFermionD> HermOpEO_outer(D_outer);
CG_outer(HermOpEO_outer, src_o_outer, result_o_outer);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Total outer CG time : " << CGTimer.Elapsed()
<< std::endl;
//Solve for y using MADWF with internal preconditioning
//typedef PauliVillarsSolverRBprec<LatticeFermionD, typename RunParamsOuter::SchurSolverType> PVtype;
//PVtype PV_outer(SchurSolver_outer);
typedef PauliVillarsSolverFourierAccel<LatticeFermionD, LatticeGaugeFieldD> PVtype;
PVtype PV_outer(Umu, CG_outer);
ConjugateGradient<LatticeFermionD> CG_inner(params.resid_inner, 10000, 0);
CGincreaseTol update(CG_inner, params.resid_outer);
typename RunParamsInner::SchurSolverType SchurSolver_inner(CG_inner);
ZeroGuesser<LatticeFermion> Guess;
MADWF<MobiusFermionD, ZMobiusFermionD, PVtype, typename RunParamsInner::SchurSolverType, ZeroGuesser<LatticeFermion> > madwf(D_outer, D_inner, PV_outer, SchurSolver_inner, Guess, params.resid_outer, 100, &update);
LatticeFermionD result_MADWF(FGrid_outer);
result_MADWF = Zero();
madwf(src4, result_MADWF);
LatticeFermionD result_o_MADWF(FrbGrid_outer);
pickCheckerboard(Odd, result_o_MADWF, result_MADWF);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Total MADWF time : " << CGTimer.Elapsed()
<< std::endl;
LatticeFermionD diff = result_o_MADWF - result_o_outer;
std::cout <<GridLogMessage<< "Odd-parity MADWF result norm " << norm2(result_o_MADWF)
<< " Regular result norm " << norm2(result_o_outer)
<< " Norm of diff " << norm2(diff)<<std::endl;
//std::cout << GridLogMessage << "######## Dhop calls summary" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << "Init" << std::endl;
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
TestParams params;
if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--params") ){
std::string pfile = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--params");
if(pfile == "TEMPLATE"){
return 0;
if(params.outer_precon == "Standard" && params.inner_precon == "Standard" ){
run<RunParamsPrecStd, RunParamsPrecStd>(params);
}else if(params.outer_precon == "DiagTwo" && params.inner_precon == "Standard"){
run<RunParamsPrecDiagTwo, RunParamsPrecStd>(params);
}else if(params.outer_precon == "Standard" && params.inner_precon == "DiagTwo"){
run<RunParamsPrecStd, RunParamsPrecDiagTwo>(params);
}else if(params.outer_precon == "DiagTwo" && params.inner_precon == "DiagTwo"){
run<RunParamsPrecDiagTwo, RunParamsPrecDiagTwo>(params);
}else assert(0);