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Hadrons: test cleaning

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Antonin Portelli 2019-02-04 21:26:25 +00:00
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commit 9c31305b8d
6 changed files with 0 additions and 1304 deletions

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@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Tests/Hadrons/Test_hadrons.hpp
Copyright (C) 2015-2018
Author: Andrew Lawson <andrew.lawson1991@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Hadrons/Application.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules.hpp>
using namespace Grid;
using namespace Hadrons;
* Macros to reduce code duplication.
// Common initialisation
Grid_init(&argc, &argv); \
HadronsLogError.Active(GridLogError.isActive()); \
HadronsLogWarning.Active(GridLogWarning.isActive()); \
HadronsLogMessage.Active(GridLogMessage.isActive()); \
HadronsLogIterative.Active(GridLogIterative.isActive()); \
HadronsLogDebug.Active(GridLogDebug.isActive()); \
LOG(Message) << "Grid initialized" << std::endl;
#define HADRONS_DEFAULT_GLOBALS(application) \
{ \
Application::GlobalPar globalPar; \
globalPar.trajCounter.start = 1500; \
globalPar.trajCounter.end = 1520; \
globalPar.trajCounter.step = 20; \
globalPar.runId = "test"; \
globalPar.genetic.maxGen = 1000; \
globalPar.genetic.maxCstGen = 200; \
globalPar.genetic.popSize = 20; \
globalPar.genetic.mutationRate = .1; \
application.setPar(globalPar); \
// Useful definitions
#define ZERO_MOM "0. 0. 0. 0."
#define INIT_INDEX(s, n) (std::string(s) + "_" + std::to_string(n))
#define ADD_INDEX(s, n) (s + "_" + std::to_string(n))
#define LABEL_3PT(s, t1, t2) ADD_INDEX(INIT_INDEX(s, t1), t2)
#define LABEL_4PT(s, t1, t2, t3) ADD_INDEX(ADD_INDEX(INIT_INDEX(s, t1), t2), t3)
#define LABEL_4PT_NOISE(s, t1, t2, t3, nn) ADD_INDEX(ADD_INDEX(ADD_INDEX(INIT_INDEX(s, t1), t2), t3), nn)
#define LABEL_5D(s) s + "_5d";
// Wall source/sink macros
#define NAME_3MOM_WALL_SOURCE(t, mom) ("wall_" + std::to_string(t) + "_" + mom)
#define NAME_POINT_SOURCE(pos) ("point_" + pos)
// Meson module "gammas" special values
#define ALL_GAMMAS "all"
#define MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(tW, mom, propName, solver)\
std::string srcName = NAME_3MOM_WALL_SOURCE(tW, mom);\
makeWallSource(application, srcName, tW, mom);\
makePropagator(application, propName, srcName, solver);\
#define MAKE_WALL_PROP(tW, propName, solver)\
MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(tW, ZERO_MOM, propName, solver)
// Sequential source macros
#define MAKE_SEQUENTIAL_PROP(tS, qSrc, mom, seqPropName, solver, gamma)\
std::string srcName = seqPropName + "_src";\
makeSequentialSource(application, srcName, qSrc, tS, gamma, mom);\
makePropagator(application, seqPropName, srcName, solver);\
// Point source macros
#define MAKE_POINT_PROP(pos, propName, solver)\
std::string srcName = NAME_POINT_SOURCE(pos);\
makePointSource(application, srcName, pos);\
makePropagator(application, propName, srcName, solver);\
* Action setups.
* Name: makeWilsonAction
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* actionName - name of action module to create.
* gaugeField - gauge field module.
* mass - quark mass.
* boundary - fermion boundary conditions (default to periodic
* space, antiperiodic time).
* Returns: None.
inline void makeWilsonAction(Application &application, std::string actionName,
std::string &gaugeField, double mass,
std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1")
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(actionName)))
MAction::Wilson::Par actionPar;
actionPar.gauge = gaugeField;
actionPar.mass = mass;
actionPar.boundary = boundary;
actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0.";
application.createModule<MAction::Wilson>(actionName, actionPar);
* Name: makeDWFAction
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* actionName - name of action module to create.
* gaugeField - gauge field module.
* mass - quark mass.
* M5 - domain wall height.
* Ls - fifth dimension extent.
* boundary - fermion boundary conditions (default to periodic
* space, antiperiodic time).
* Returns: None.
inline void makeDWFAction(Application &application, std::string actionName,
std::string &gaugeField, double mass, double M5,
unsigned int Ls, std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1")
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(actionName)))
MAction::DWF::Par actionPar;
actionPar.gauge = gaugeField;
actionPar.Ls = Ls;
actionPar.M5 = M5;
actionPar.mass = mass;
actionPar.boundary = boundary;
actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0.";
application.createModule<MAction::DWF>(actionName, actionPar);
* Functions for propagator construction.
* Name: makeRBPrecCGSolver
* Purpose: Make RBPrecCG solver module for specified action.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* solverName - name of solver module to create.
* actionName - action module corresponding to propagators to be
* computed.
* residual - CG target residual.
* Returns: None.
inline void makeRBPrecCGSolver(Application &application, std::string &solverName,
std::string &actionName, double residual = 1e-8)
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(solverName)))
MSolver::RBPrecCG::Par solverPar;
solverPar.action = actionName;
solverPar.residual = residual;
solverPar.maxIteration = 10000;
* Name: makePointSource
* Purpose: Construct point source and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* srcName - name of source module to create.
* pos - Position of point source.
* Returns: None.
inline void makePointSource(Application &application, std::string srcName,
std::string pos)
// If the source already exists, don't make the module again.
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(srcName)))
MSource::Point::Par pointPar;
pointPar.position = pos;
application.createModule<MSource::Point>(srcName, pointPar);
* Name: makeSequentialSource
* Purpose: Construct sequential source and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* srcName - name of source module to create.
* qSrc - Input quark for sequential inversion.
* tS - sequential source timeslice.
* mom - momentum insertion (default is zero).
* Returns: None.
inline void makeSequentialSource(Application &application, std::string srcName,
std::string qSrc, unsigned int tS,
Gamma::Algebra gamma = Gamma::Algebra::GammaT,
std::string mom = ZERO_MOM)
// If the source already exists, don't make the module again.
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(srcName)))
MSource::SeqGamma::Par seqPar;
seqPar.q = qSrc;
seqPar.tA = tS;
seqPar.tB = tS;
seqPar.mom = mom;
seqPar.gamma = gamma;
application.createModule<MSource::SeqGamma>(srcName, seqPar);
* Name: makeConservedSequentialSource
* Purpose: Construct sequential source with conserved current insertion and
* add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* srcName - name of source module to create.
* qSrc - Input quark for sequential inversion.
* actionName - action corresponding to quark.
* tS - sequential source timeslice.
* curr - conserved current type to insert.
* mu - Lorentz index of current to insert.
* mom - momentum insertion (default is zero).
* Returns: None.
inline void makeConservedSequentialSource(Application &application,
std::string &srcName,
std::string &qSrc,
std::string &actionName,
unsigned int tS,
Current curr,
unsigned int mu,
std::string mom = ZERO_MOM)
// If the source already exists, don't make the module again.
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(srcName)))
MSource::SeqConserved::Par seqPar;
seqPar.q = qSrc;
seqPar.action = actionName;
seqPar.tA = tS;
seqPar.tB = tS;
seqPar.curr_type = curr;
seqPar.mu_min = mu;
seqPar.mu_min = mu;
seqPar.mom = mom;
application.createModule<MSource::SeqConserved>(srcName, seqPar);
* Name: makeNoiseSource
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* srcName - name of source module to create.
* tA - lower source timeslice limit.
* tB - upper source timeslice limit.
* Returns: None.
inline void makeNoiseSource(Application &application, std::string &srcName,
unsigned int tA, unsigned int tB)
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(srcName)))
MSource::Z2::Par noisePar;
noisePar.tA = tA;
noisePar.tB = tB;
application.createModule<MSource::Z2>(srcName, noisePar);
* Name: makeWallSource
* Purpose: Construct wall source and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* srcName - name of source module to create.
* tW - wall source timeslice.
* mom - momentum insertion (default is zero).
* Returns: None.
inline void makeWallSource(Application &application, std::string &srcName,
unsigned int tW, std::string mom = ZERO_MOM)
// If the source already exists, don't make the module again.
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(srcName)))
MSource::Wall::Par wallPar;
wallPar.tW = tW;
wallPar.mom = mom;
application.createModule<MSource::Wall>(srcName, wallPar);
* Name: makePointSink
* Purpose: Create function for point sink smearing of a propagator.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* propName - name of input propagator.
* sinkFnct - name of output sink smearing module.
* mom - momentum insertion (default is zero).
* Returns: None.
inline void makePointSink(Application &application, std::string &sinkFnct,
std::string mom = ZERO_MOM)
// If the sink function already exists, don't make it again.
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(sinkFnct)))
MSink::Point::Par pointPar;
pointPar.mom = mom;
application.createModule<MSink::Point>(sinkFnct, pointPar);
* Name: sinkSmear
* Purpose: Perform sink smearing of a propagator.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* sinkFnct - sink smearing module.
* propName - propagator to smear.
* smearedProp - name of output smeared propagator.
* Returns: None.
inline void sinkSmear(Application &application, std::string &sinkFnct,
std::string &propName, std::string &smearedProp)
// If the propagator has already been smeared, don't smear it again.
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(smearedProp)))
MSink::Smear::Par smearPar;
smearPar.q = propName;
smearPar.sink = sinkFnct;
application.createModule<MSink::Smear>(smearedProp, smearPar);
* Name: makePropagator
* Purpose: Construct source and propagator then add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* propName - name of propagator module to create.
* srcName - name of source module to use.
* solver - solver to use (default is CG).
* Returns: None.
inline void makePropagator(Application &application, std::string &propName,
std::string &srcName, std::string &solver)
// If the propagator already exists, don't make the module again.
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(propName)))
MFermion::GaugeProp::Par quarkPar;
quarkPar.source = srcName;
quarkPar.solver = solver;
application.createModule<MFermion::GaugeProp>(propName, quarkPar);
* Name: makeLoop
* Purpose: Use noise source and inversion result to make loop propagator, then
* add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* propName - name of propagator module to create.
* srcName - name of noise source module to use.
* resName - name of inversion result on given noise source.
* Returns: None.
inline void makeLoop(Application &application, std::string &propName,
std::string &srcName, std::string &resName)
// If the loop propagator already exists, don't make the module again.
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(propName)))
MLoop::NoiseLoop::Par loopPar;
loopPar.q = resName;
loopPar.eta = srcName;
application.createModule<MLoop::NoiseLoop>(propName, loopPar);
* Contraction module creation.
* Name: mesonContraction
* Purpose: Create meson contraction module and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* modName - unique module name.
* output - name of output files.
* q1 - quark propagator 1.
* q2 - quark propagator 2.
* sink - sink smearing module.
* gammas - gamma insertions at source and sink.
* Returns: None.
inline void mesonContraction(Application &application,
std::string &modName, std::string &output,
std::string &q1, std::string &q2,
std::string &sink,
std::string gammas = "<Gamma5 Gamma5>")
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(modName)))
MContraction::Meson::Par mesPar;
mesPar.output = output;
mesPar.q1 = q1;
mesPar.q2 = q2;
mesPar.sink = sink;
mesPar.gammas = gammas;
application.createModule<MContraction::Meson>(modName, mesPar);
* Name: gamma3ptContraction
* Purpose: Create gamma3pt contraction module and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* npt - specify n-point correlator (for labelling).
* q1 - quark propagator 1, sink smeared.
* q2 - quark propagator 2.
* q3 - quark propagator 3.
* label - unique label to construct module name.
* tSnk - sink position of sink for q1.
* gamma - gamma insertions between q2 and q3.
* Returns: None.
inline void gamma3ptContraction(Application &application, unsigned int npt,
std::string &q1, std::string &q2,
std::string &q3, std::string &label,
unsigned int tSnk = 0,
Gamma::Algebra gamma = Gamma::Algebra::Identity)
std::string modName = std::to_string(npt) + "pt_" + label;
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(modName)))
MContraction::Gamma3pt::Par gamma3ptPar;
gamma3ptPar.output = std::to_string(npt) + "pt/" + label;
gamma3ptPar.q1 = q1;
gamma3ptPar.q2 = q2;
gamma3ptPar.q3 = q3;
gamma3ptPar.tSnk = tSnk;
gamma3ptPar.gamma = gamma;
application.createModule<MContraction::Gamma3pt>(modName, gamma3ptPar);
* Name: weakContraction[Eye,NonEye]
* Purpose: Create Weak Hamiltonian contraction module for Eye/NonEye topology
* and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* npt - specify n-point correlator (for labelling).
* q1 - quark propagator 1.
* q2 - quark propagator 2.
* q3 - quark propagator 3.
* q4 - quark propagator 4.
* label - unique label to construct module name.
* tSnk - time position of sink (for sink smearing).
* Returns: None.
#define HW_CONTRACTION(top) \
inline void weakContraction##top(Application &application, unsigned int npt,\
std::string &q1, std::string &q2, \
std::string &q3, std::string &q4, \
std::string &label, unsigned int tSnk = 0)\
std::string modName = std::to_string(npt) + "pt_" + label;\
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(modName)))\
MContraction::WeakHamiltonian##top::Par weakPar;\
weakPar.output = std::to_string(npt) + "pt/" + label;\
weakPar.q1 = q1;\
weakPar.q2 = q2;\
weakPar.q3 = q3;\
weakPar.q4 = q4;\
weakPar.tSnk = tSnk;\
application.createModule<MContraction::WeakHamiltonian##top>(modName, weakPar);\
HW_CONTRACTION(Eye) // weakContractionEye
HW_CONTRACTION(NonEye) // weakContractionNonEye
* Name: disc0Contraction
* Purpose: Create contraction module for 4pt Weak Hamiltonian + current
* disconnected topology for neutral mesons and add to application
* module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* q1 - quark propagator 1.
* q2 - quark propagator 2.
* q3 - quark propagator 3.
* q4 - quark propagator 4.
* label - unique label to construct module name.
* Returns: None.
inline void disc0Contraction(Application &application,
std::string &q1, std::string &q2,
std::string &q3, std::string &q4,
std::string &label)
std::string modName = "4pt_" + label;
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(modName)))
MContraction::WeakNeutral4ptDisc::Par disc0Par;
disc0Par.output = "4pt/" + label;
disc0Par.q1 = q1;
disc0Par.q2 = q2;
disc0Par.q3 = q3;
disc0Par.q4 = q4;
application.createModule<MContraction::WeakNeutral4ptDisc>(modName, disc0Par);
* Name: discLoopContraction
* Purpose: Create contraction module for disconnected loop and add to
* application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* q_loop - loop quark propagator.
* modName - unique module name.
* gamma - gamma matrix to use in contraction.
* Returns: None.
inline void discLoopContraction(Application &application,
std::string &q_loop, std::string &modName,
Gamma::Algebra gamma = Gamma::Algebra::Identity)
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(modName)))
MContraction::DiscLoop::Par discPar;
discPar.output = "disc/" + modName;
discPar.q_loop = q_loop;
discPar.gamma = gamma;
application.createModule<MContraction::DiscLoop>(modName, discPar);
* Name: makeWITest
* Purpose: Create module to test Ward Identities for conserved current
* contractions and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* modName - name of module to create.
* propName - 4D quark propagator.
* actionName - action used to compute quark propagator.
* mass - mass of quark.
* Ls - length of 5th dimension (default = 1).
* test_axial - whether or not to check PCAC relation.
* Returns: None.
inline void makeWITest(Application &application, std::string &modName,
std::string &propName, std::string &actionName,
double mass, unsigned int Ls = 1, bool test_axial = false)
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(modName)))
MContraction::WardIdentity::Par wiPar;
if (Ls > 1)
wiPar.q = LABEL_5D(propName);
wiPar.q = propName;
wiPar.action = actionName;
wiPar.mass = mass;
wiPar.test_axial = test_axial;
application.createModule<MContraction::WardIdentity>(modName, wiPar);
* Name: makeSeqCurrComparison
* Purpose: Create module to compare sequential insertion of conserved current
* against sink contraction and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* modName - name of module to create.
* propName - quark propagator (point source), 5D if available.
* seqName - 4D quark propagator with sequential insertion of
* conserved current.
* actionName - action used to compute quark propagators.
* origin - origin of point source propagator.
* t_J - time at which sequential current is inserted.
* mu - Lorentz index of sequential current.
* curr - type of conserved current inserted.
* Returns: None.
inline void makeSeqCurrComparison(Application &application, std::string &modName,
std::string &propName, std::string &seqName,
std::string &actionName, std::string &origin,
unsigned int t_J, unsigned int mu, Current curr)
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(modName)))
MUtilities::TestSeqConserved::Par seqPar;
seqPar.q = propName;
seqPar.qSeq = seqName;
seqPar.action = actionName;
seqPar.origin = origin;
seqPar.t_J = t_J;
seqPar.mu = mu;
seqPar.curr = curr;
application.createModule<MUtilities::TestSeqConserved>(modName, seqPar);
* Name: makeSeqGamComparison
* Purpose: Create module to compare sequential insertion of gamma matrix
* against sink contraction and add to application module.
* Parameters: application - main application that stores modules.
* modName - name of module to create.
* propName - 4D quark propagator.
* seqProp - 4D quark propagator with sequential insertion of
* gamma matrix.
* gamma - Inserted gamma matrix.
* t_g - time at which gamma matrix is inserted
* sequentially.
* Returns: None.
inline void makeSeqGamComparison(Application &application, std::string &modName,
std::string &propName, std::string &seqProp,
std::string &origin, Gamma::Algebra gamma,
unsigned int t_g)
if (!(VirtualMachine::getInstance().hasModule(modName)))
MUtilities::TestSeqGamma::Par seqPar;
seqPar.q = propName;
seqPar.qSeq = seqProp;
seqPar.origin = origin;
seqPar.t_g = t_g;
seqPar.gamma = gamma;
application.createModule<MUtilities::TestSeqGamma>(modName, seqPar);

View File

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Tests/Hadrons/Test_hadrons_3pt_contractions.cc
Copyright (C) 2015-2018
Author: Andrew Lawson <andrew.lawson1991@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include "Test_hadrons.hpp"
using namespace Grid;
using namespace Hadrons;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// run setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Application application;
double mass = 0.04;
double M5 = 1.8;
unsigned int Ls = 12;
unsigned int nt = GridDefaultLatt()[Tp];
unsigned int t_i = 0;
unsigned int t_f = nt / 2;
std::string mom = "1. 0. 0. 0.";
// global parameters
// gauge field
std::string gaugeField = "gauge";
// Action & solver setup.
std::string action = "DWF";
std::string solver = "CG";
makeDWFAction(application, action, gaugeField, mass, M5, Ls);
makeRBPrecCGSolver(application, solver, action);
* Weak Contraction test: Non-Eye class.
// Make wall source propagators for each leg of 4-quark vertex.
std::string q_i_0 = "q_i_0";
std::string q_i_p = "q_i_p";
std::string q_f_0 = "q_f_0";
std::string q_f_p = "q_f_p";
MAKE_WALL_PROP(t_i, q_i_0, solver);
MAKE_WALL_PROP(t_f, q_f_0, solver);
MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(t_i, mom, q_i_p, solver);
MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(t_f, mom, q_f_p, solver);
// Perform contractions, zero and non-zero momentum.
std::string HW_CW_0 = LABEL_3PT("HW_CW_0", t_i, t_f);
std::string HW_CW_p = LABEL_3PT("HW_CW_p", t_i, t_f);
weakContractionNonEye(application, 3, q_i_0, q_i_0, q_f_0, q_f_0, HW_CW_0);
weakContractionNonEye(application, 3, q_i_0, q_i_p, q_f_p, q_f_0, HW_CW_p);
* Weak Contraction test: Eye-class.
// Create random propagator for loop.
std::string eta = "noise_source";
makeNoiseSource(application, eta, 0, nt - 1);
std::string loopProp = "loop";
std::string loopRes = loopProp + "_res";
makePropagator(application, loopRes, eta, solver);
makeLoop(application, loopProp, eta, loopRes);
// Wall sink smear the propagator directly connecting the source & sink.
// (i.e. make point sink but smear before the contraction)
std::string wallSink = "wall_sink";
std::string qWall = "q_wall";
makePointSink(application, wallSink);
sinkSmear(application, wallSink, q_i_0, qWall);
// Perform contractions, zero and non-zero momentum.
std::string HW_SE_0 = LABEL_3PT("HW_SE_0", t_i, t_f);
std::string HW_SE_p = LABEL_3PT("HW_SE_p", t_i, t_f);
weakContractionEye(application, 3, qWall, q_i_0, q_f_p, loopProp, HW_SE_0, t_f);
weakContractionEye(application, 3, qWall, q_i_p, q_f_p, loopProp, HW_SE_p, t_f);
* Gamma insertion test.
Gamma::Algebra gamma = Gamma::Algebra::GammaT;
std::string sd_0 = LABEL_3PT("sd_0", t_i, t_f);
std::string sd_p = LABEL_3PT("sd_p", t_i, t_f);
gamma3ptContraction(application, 3, qWall, q_i_0, q_f_0, sd_0, t_f, gamma);
gamma3ptContraction(application, 3, qWall, q_i_p, q_f_p, sd_p, t_f, gamma);
// execution
// epilogue
LOG(Message) << "Grid is finalizing now" << std::endl;

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Tests/Hadrons/Test_hadrons_conserved_current.cc
Copyright (C) 2015-2018
Author: Andrew Lawson <andrew.lawson1991@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include "Test_hadrons.hpp"
using namespace Grid;
using namespace Hadrons;
inline void setupSeqCurrTests(Application &application, std::string modStem,
std::string &pointProp, std::string &seqStem,
std::string &actionName, std::string &solverName,
std::string &origin, Current curr,
unsigned int t_J, unsigned int mu,
unsigned int Ls = 1)
std::string modName = ADD_INDEX(modStem, mu);
std::string seqProp = ADD_INDEX(seqStem, mu);
std::string seqSrc = seqProp + "_src";
// 5D actions require 5D propagator as input for conserved current
// insertions.
std::string propIn;
if (Ls > 1)
propIn = LABEL_5D(pointProp);
propIn = pointProp;
makeConservedSequentialSource(application, seqSrc, propIn,
actionName, t_J, curr, mu);
makePropagator(application, seqProp, seqSrc, solverName);
makeSeqCurrComparison(application, modName, propIn, seqProp,
actionName, origin, t_J, mu, curr);
inline void setupWardIdentityTests(Application &application,
std::string &actionName,
double mass,
unsigned int Ls = 1,
bool perform_axial_tests = false)
// solver
std::string solverName = actionName + "_CG";
makeRBPrecCGSolver(application, solverName, actionName);
unsigned int nt = GridDefaultLatt()[Tp];
unsigned int t_J = nt/2;
* Conserved current sink contractions: use a single point propagator for
* the Ward Identity test.
std::string pointProp = actionName + "_q_0";
std::string origin = "0 0 0 0";
std::string modName = actionName + " Ward Identity Test";
MAKE_POINT_PROP(origin, pointProp, solverName);
makeWITest(application, modName, pointProp, actionName, mass, Ls,
* Conserved current tests with sequential insertion of vector/axial
* current. If above Ward Identity passes, sufficient to test sequential
* insertion of conserved current agrees with contracted version.
// Compare sequential insertion to contraction. Should be enough to perform
// for time and one space component.
std::string seqStem = ADD_INDEX(pointProp + "seq_V", t_J);
std::string modStem = actionName + " Vector Sequential Test mu";
setupSeqCurrTests(application, modStem, pointProp, seqStem, actionName,
solverName, origin, Current::Vector, t_J, Tp, Ls);
setupSeqCurrTests(application, modStem, pointProp, seqStem, actionName,
solverName, origin, Current::Vector, t_J, Xp, Ls);
// Perform axial tests only if partially-conserved axial current exists for
// the action.
if (perform_axial_tests)
seqStem = ADD_INDEX(pointProp + "seq_A", t_J);
modStem = actionName + " Axial Sequential Test mu";
setupSeqCurrTests(application, modStem, pointProp, seqStem, actionName,
solverName, origin, Current::Axial, t_J, Tp, Ls);
setupSeqCurrTests(application, modStem, pointProp, seqStem, actionName,
solverName, origin, Current::Axial, t_J, Xp, Ls);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// run setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Application application;
double mass = 0.04;
double M5 = 1.8;
unsigned int Ls = 12;
// global parameters
// gauge field
std::string gaugeField = "gauge";
// Setup each action and the conserved current tests relevant to it.
std::string actionName = "DWF";
makeDWFAction(application, actionName, gaugeField, mass, M5, Ls);
setupWardIdentityTests(application, actionName, mass, Ls, true);
actionName = "Wilson";
makeWilsonAction(application, actionName, gaugeField, mass);
setupWardIdentityTests(application, actionName, mass);
// execution
// epilogue
LOG(Message) << "Grid is finalizing now" << std::endl;

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Tests/Hadrons/Test_hadrons_meson_conserved_3pt.cc
Copyright (C) 2015-2018
Author: Andrew Lawson <andrew.lawson1991@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include "Test_hadrons.hpp"
using namespace Grid;
using namespace Hadrons;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// run setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Application application;
// actions parameters
double mass = 0.04;
unsigned int Ls = 16;
double M5 = 1.8;
// kinematics
unsigned int nt = GridDefaultLatt()[Tp];
unsigned int tSrc = 0;
unsigned int tJ = nt / 4;
std::string kmom = "0. 0. 0. 0.";
std::string pmom = "1. 0. 0. 0.";
// Global parameters.
// Unit gauge field.
std::string gaugeField = "Unit gauge";
// DWF action
std::string actionName = "DWF";
makeDWFAction(application, actionName, gaugeField, mass, M5, Ls);
// Solver
std::string solver = "CG";
makeRBPrecCGSolver(application, solver, actionName);
// main test body //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Point sink modules.
std::string sink_0 = "sink_0";
std::string sink_p = "sink_p";
MSink::Point::Par sinkPar;
sinkPar.mom = kmom;
application.createModule<MSink::ScalarPoint>(sink_0, sinkPar);
sinkPar.mom = pmom;
application.createModule<MSink::ScalarPoint>(sink_p, sinkPar);
// 2pt pion contraction, zero momentum.
std::string q_0 = "Q_0";
MAKE_WALL_PROP(tSrc, q_0, solver);
std::string modName = INIT_INDEX("2pt_pion_WP", tSrc);
std::string output = "2pt/pion_WP_0";
mesonContraction(application, modName, output, q_0, q_0, sink_0);
// 2pt pion contraction, with momentum p.
std::string q_p = "Q_p";
MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(tSrc, pmom, q_p, solver);
modName = INIT_INDEX("2pt_pion_WP_p", tSrc);
output = "2pt/pion_WP_p";
mesonContraction(application, modName, output, q_0, q_p, sink_p);
// 3pt pion(0) -> pion(p), with sequentially inserted vector current in
// time direction.
std::string qSeq = q_0 + INIT_INDEX("_seq_Vc3", tJ);
std::string q5d = LABEL_5D(q_0); // Need 5D prop for DWF conserved current.
std::string srcName = qSeq + "_src";
modName = LABEL_3PT("3pt_pion_Vc3", tSrc, tJ);
output = "3pt/pion_Vc3_p";
makeConservedSequentialSource(application, srcName, q5d, actionName,
tJ, Current::Vector, Tp, pmom);
makePropagator(application, qSeq, srcName, solver);
mesonContraction(application, modName, output, q_0, qSeq, sink_p);
std::string par_file_name = "conserved_3pt.xml";
// epilogue
LOG(Message) << "Grid is finalizing now" << std::endl;

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Tests/Hadrons/Test_hadrons_seq_gamma.cc
Copyright (C) 2015-2018
Author: Andrew Lawson <andrew.lawson1991@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include "Test_hadrons.hpp"
using namespace Grid;
using namespace QCD;
using namespace Hadrons;
* Consistency test for sequential gamma insertion.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// run setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Application application;
unsigned int nt = GridDefaultLatt()[Tp];
unsigned int tS = nt / 2;
unsigned int Ls = 12;
double mass = 0.04;
double M5 = 1.8;
// global parameters
// gauge field
std::string gaugeField = "gauge";
// action
std::string actionName = "DWF";
makeDWFAction(application, actionName, gaugeField, mass, M5, Ls);
// solver
std::string solverName = "CG";
makeRBPrecCGSolver(application, solverName, actionName);
// test sequential propagator, with g5 insertion.
Gamma::Algebra g = Gamma::Algebra::Gamma5;
std::string pointProp = "q_0";
std::string point5d = LABEL_5D(pointProp);
std::string origin = "0 0 0 0";
MAKE_POINT_PROP(origin, pointProp, solverName);
std::string seqProp = ADD_INDEX(pointProp + "_seqg5", tS);
std::string seqSrc = seqProp + "_src";
MAKE_SEQUENTIAL_PROP(tS, pointProp, ZERO_MOM, seqProp, solverName, g);
std::string modName = "Test g5 sequential insertion";
makeSeqGamComparison(application, modName, pointProp, seqProp, origin, g, tS);
// execution
// epilogue
LOG(Message) << "Grid is finalizing now" << std::endl;

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: Tests/Hadrons/Test_hadrons_wilsonFund.cc
Copyright (C) 2015-2018
Author: Antonin Portelli <antonin.portelli@me.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Hadrons/Application.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules.hpp>
using namespace Grid;
using namespace Hadrons;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
LOG(Message) << "Grid initialized" << std::endl;
// run setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Application application;
std::vector<std::string> flavour = {"l"};
std::vector<double> mass = {-0.1};
double csw = 0.0;
// global parameters
Application::GlobalPar globalPar;
globalPar.trajCounter.start = 309;
globalPar.trajCounter.end = 310;
globalPar.trajCounter.step = 1;
globalPar.runId = "test";
// gauge field
// sources
//MSource::Z2::Par z2Par;
//z2Par.tA = 0;
//z2Par.tB = 0;
//application.createModule<MSource::Z2>("z2", z2Par);
MSource::Point::Par ptPar;
ptPar.position = "0 0 0 0";
application.createModule<MSource::Point>("pt", ptPar);
// sink
MSink::Point::Par sinkPar;
sinkPar.mom = "0 0 0";
application.createModule<MSink::ScalarPoint>("sink", sinkPar);
// set fermion boundary conditions to be periodic space, antiperiodic time.
std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < flavour.size(); ++i)
// actions
MAction::WilsonClover::Par actionPar;
actionPar.gauge = "gauge";
actionPar.mass = mass[i];
actionPar.boundary = boundary;
actionPar.csw_r = csw;
actionPar.csw_t = csw;
// !!!!! Check if Anisotropy works !!!!!
actionPar.clover_anisotropy.isAnisotropic= false;
actionPar.clover_anisotropy.t_direction = 3 ; // Explicit for D=4
actionPar.clover_anisotropy.xi_0 = 1.0 ;
actionPar.clover_anisotropy.nu = 1.0 ;
application.createModule<MAction::WilsonClover>("WilsonClover_" + flavour[i], actionPar);
// solvers
MSolver::RBPrecCG::Par solverPar;
solverPar.action = "WilsonClover_" + flavour[i];
solverPar.residual = 1.0e-8;
solverPar.maxIteration = 10000;
application.createModule<MSolver::RBPrecCG>("CG_" + flavour[i],
// propagators
MFermion::GaugeProp::Par quarkPar;
quarkPar.solver = "CG_" + flavour[i];
quarkPar.source = "pt";
application.createModule<MFermion::GaugeProp>("Qpt_" + flavour[i], quarkPar);
// quarkPar.source = "z2";
// application.createModule<MFermion::GaugeProp>("QZ2_" + flavour[i], quarkPar);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < flavour.size(); ++i)
for (unsigned int j = i; j < flavour.size(); ++j)
MContraction::Meson::Par mesPar;
mesPar.output = "Fund_mesons/pt_" + flavour[i] + flavour[j];
mesPar.q1 = "Qpt_" + flavour[i];
mesPar.q2 = "Qpt_" + flavour[j];
mesPar.gammas = "all";
mesPar.sink = "sink";
+ flavour[i] + flavour[j],
// mesPar.output = "mesons/Z2_" + flavour[i] + flavour[j];
// mesPar.q1 = "QZ2_" + flavour[i];
// mesPar.q2 = "QZ2_" + flavour[j];
// mesPar.gammas = "all";
// mesPar.sink = "sink";
// application.createModule<MContraction::Meson>("meson_Z2_"
// + flavour[i] + flavour[j],
// mesPar);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < flavour.size(); ++i)
for (unsigned int j = i; j < flavour.size(); ++j)
for (unsigned int k = j; k < flavour.size(); ++k)
MContraction::Baryon::Par barPar;
barPar.output = "Fund_baryons/pt_" + flavour[i] + flavour[j] + flavour[k];
barPar.q1 = "Qpt_" + flavour[i];
barPar.q2 = "Qpt_" + flavour[j];
barPar.q3 = "Qpt_" + flavour[k];
"baryon_pt_" + flavour[i] + flavour[j] + flavour[k], barPar);
// execution
// epilogue
LOG(Message) << "Grid is finalizing now" << std::endl;