mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 09:15:38 +01:00

GPU happy

This commit is contained in:
Peter Boyle 2019-06-04 21:30:39 +01:00
parent 5720ced0fd
commit b47f73c222

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@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/fermion/FermionOperatorImpl.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Peter Boyle <pabobyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#pragma once
// Single flavour four spinors with colour index
template <class S, class Representation = FundamentalRepresentation,class Options = CoeffReal >
class WilsonImpl : public PeriodicGaugeImpl<GaugeImplTypes<S, Representation::Dimension > > {
static const int Dimension = Representation::Dimension;
static const bool isFundamental = Representation::isFundamental;
static const bool LsVectorised=false;
static const int Nhcs = Options::Nhcs;
typedef PeriodicGaugeImpl<GaugeImplTypes<S, Dimension > > Gimpl;
constexpr bool is_fundamental() const{return Dimension == Nc ? 1 : 0;}
typedef typename Options::_Coeff_t Coeff_t;
typedef typename Options::template PrecisionMapper<Simd>::LowerPrecVector SimdL;
template <typename vtype> using iImplSpinor = iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, Dimension>, Ns> >;
template <typename vtype> using iImplPropagator = iScalar<iMatrix<iMatrix<vtype, Dimension>, Ns> >;
template <typename vtype> using iImplHalfSpinor = iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, Dimension>, Nhs> >;
template <typename vtype> using iImplHalfCommSpinor = iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, Dimension>, Nhcs> >;
template <typename vtype> using iImplDoubledGaugeField = iVector<iScalar<iMatrix<vtype, Dimension> >, Nds>;
typedef iImplSpinor<Simd> SiteSpinor;
typedef iImplPropagator<Simd> SitePropagator;
typedef iImplHalfSpinor<Simd> SiteHalfSpinor;
typedef iImplHalfCommSpinor<SimdL> SiteHalfCommSpinor;
typedef iImplDoubledGaugeField<Simd> SiteDoubledGaugeField;
typedef Lattice<SiteSpinor> FermionField;
typedef Lattice<SitePropagator> PropagatorField;
typedef Lattice<SiteDoubledGaugeField> DoubledGaugeField;
typedef WilsonCompressor<SiteHalfCommSpinor,SiteHalfSpinor, SiteSpinor> Compressor;
typedef WilsonImplParams ImplParams;
typedef WilsonStencil<SiteSpinor, SiteHalfSpinor,ImplParams> StencilImpl;
typedef typename StencilImpl::View_type StencilView;
ImplParams Params;
WilsonImpl(const ImplParams &p = ImplParams()) : Params(p){
assert(Params.boundary_phases.size() == Nd);
template<class _Spinor>
static accelerator_inline void multLink(_Spinor &phi,
const SiteDoubledGaugeField &U,
const _Spinor &chi,
int mu,
StencilEntry *SE,
StencilView &St)
auto UU = coalescedRead(U(mu));
mult(&phi(), &UU, &chi());
#ifdef GPU_VEC
static accelerator_inline void copyLinkGpu(int lane,
SiteDoubledGaugeField & UU,
const SiteDoubledGaugeField &U)
auto U_l = extractLane(lane,U);
static accelerator_inline void multLinkGpu(int lane,
typename SiteHalfSpinor::scalar_object &phi,
const SiteDoubledGaugeField &U,
const typename SiteHalfSpinor::scalar_object &chi,
int mu)
auto U_l = extractLane(lane,U(mu));
phi() = U_l * chi();
static accelerator_inline void multLinkGpu(int lane,
SiteHalfSpinor &phi,
const SiteDoubledGaugeField &U,
const SiteHalfSpinor &chi,
int mu)
auto U_l = U(mu);
phi() = U_l * chi();
static accelerator_inline void multLinkProp(SitePropagator &phi,
const SiteDoubledGaugeField &U,
const SitePropagator &chi,
int mu)
mult(&phi(), &U(mu), &chi());
template <class ref>
static accelerator_inline void loadLinkElement(Simd &reg, ref &memory)
reg = memory;
inline void DoubleStore(GridBase *GaugeGrid,
DoubledGaugeField &Uds,
const GaugeField &Umu)
typedef typename Simd::scalar_type scalar_type;
conformable(Uds.Grid(), GaugeGrid);
conformable(Umu.Grid(), GaugeGrid);
GaugeLinkField U(GaugeGrid);
GaugeLinkField tmp(GaugeGrid);
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger> > coor(GaugeGrid);
// apply any boundary phase or twists
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) {
////////// boundary phase /////////////
auto pha = Params.boundary_phases[mu];
scalar_type phase( real(pha),imag(pha) );
int L = GaugeGrid->GlobalDimensions()[mu];
int Lmu = L - 1;
LatticeCoordinate(coor, mu);
U = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Umu, mu);
// apply any twists
RealD theta = Params.twist_n_2pi_L[mu] * 2*M_PI / L;
if ( theta != 0.0) {
scalar_type twphase(::cos(theta),::sin(theta));
U = twphase*U;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << " Twist ["<<mu<<"] "<< Params.twist_n_2pi_L[mu]<< " phase"<<phase <<std::endl;
tmp = where(coor == Lmu, phase * U, U);
PokeIndex<LorentzIndex>(Uds, tmp, mu);
U = adj(Cshift(U, mu, -1));
U = where(coor == 0, conjugate(phase) * U, U);
PokeIndex<LorentzIndex>(Uds, U, mu + 4);
inline void InsertForce4D(GaugeField &mat, FermionField &Btilde, FermionField &A,int mu){
GaugeLinkField link(mat.Grid());
link = TraceIndex<SpinIndex>(outerProduct(Btilde,A));
inline void outerProductImpl(PropagatorField &mat, const FermionField &B, const FermionField &A){
mat = outerProduct(B,A);
inline void TraceSpinImpl(GaugeLinkField &mat, PropagatorField&P) {
mat = TraceIndex<SpinIndex>(P);
inline void extractLinkField(std::vector<GaugeLinkField> &mat, DoubledGaugeField &Uds){
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++)
mat[mu] = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(Uds, mu);
inline void InsertForce5D(GaugeField &mat, FermionField &Btilde, FermionField &Atilde,int mu){
int Ls=Btilde.Grid()->_fdimensions[0];
GaugeLinkField tmp(mat.Grid());
tmp = Zero();
auto tmp_v = tmp.View();
auto Btilde_v = Btilde.View();
auto Atilde_v = Atilde.View();
thread_loop( (int sss=0;sss<tmp.Grid()->oSites();sss++),{
int sU=sss;
for(int s=0;s<Ls;s++){
int sF = s+Ls*sU;
tmp_v[sU] = tmp_v[sU]+ traceIndex<SpinIndex>(outerProduct(Btilde_v[sF],Atilde_v[sF])); // ordering here
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplex, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonImplR; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexF, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonImplF; // Float
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexD, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonImplD; // Double
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplex, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffRealHalfComms > WilsonImplRL; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexF, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffRealHalfComms > WilsonImplFH; // Float
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexD, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffRealHalfComms > WilsonImplDF; // Double
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplex, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffComplex > ZWilsonImplR; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexF, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffComplex > ZWilsonImplF; // Float
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexD, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffComplex > ZWilsonImplD; // Double
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplex, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffComplexHalfComms > ZWilsonImplRL; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexF, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffComplexHalfComms > ZWilsonImplFH; // Float
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexD, FundamentalRepresentation, CoeffComplexHalfComms > ZWilsonImplDF; // Double
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplex, AdjointRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonAdjImplR; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexF, AdjointRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonAdjImplF; // Float
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexD, AdjointRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonAdjImplD; // Double
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplex, TwoIndexSymmetricRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplR; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexF, TwoIndexSymmetricRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplF; // Float
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexD, TwoIndexSymmetricRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonTwoIndexSymmetricImplD; // Double
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplex, TwoIndexAntiSymmetricRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplR; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexF, TwoIndexAntiSymmetricRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplF; // Float
typedef WilsonImpl<vComplexD, TwoIndexAntiSymmetricRepresentation, CoeffReal > WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplD; // Double