mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 01:05:38 +01:00

Debugged the copy constructor of the Lattice class

This commit is contained in:
Guido Cossu 2016-07-06 15:31:00 +01:00
parent e3d5319470
commit e87182cf98
4 changed files with 888 additions and 849 deletions

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@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/lattice/Lattice_base.h
Source file: ./lib/lattice/Lattice_base.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Azusa Yamaguchi <ayamaguc@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
@ -255,6 +256,18 @@ PARALLEL_FOR_LOOP
Lattice(const Lattice& r){ // copy constructor
_grid = r._grid;
checkerboard = r.checkerboard;
_odata.resize(_grid->oSites());// essential
for(int ss=0;ss<_grid->oSites();ss++){
virtual ~Lattice(void) = default;
template<class sobj> strong_inline Lattice<vobj> & operator = (const sobj & r){
@ -267,7 +280,7 @@ PARALLEL_FOR_LOOP
template<class robj> strong_inline Lattice<vobj> & operator = (const Lattice<robj> & r){
this->checkerboard = r.checkerboard;
std::cout<<GridLogMessage<<"Lattice operator ="<<std::endl;
for(int ss=0;ss<_grid->oSites();ss++){

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@ -6,277 +6,257 @@
namespace Grid {
namespace Grid {
namespace QCD {
namespace QCD {
@brief Smeared configuration container
It will behave like a configuration from the point of view of
the HMC update and integrators.
An "advanced configuration" object that can provide not only the
data to store the gauge configuration but also operations to manipulate
it, like smearing.
It stores a list of smeared configurations.
template <class Gimpl>
class SmearedConfiguration {
@brief Smeared configuration container
const unsigned int smearingLevels;
Smear_Stout<Gimpl> StoutSmearing;
std::vector<GaugeField> SmearedSet;
It will behave like a configuration from the point of view of
the HMC update and integrators.
An "advanced configuration" object that can provide not only the
data to store the gauge configuration but also operations to manipulate
it, like smearing.
// Member functions
void fill_smearedSet(GaugeField& U){
ThinLinks = &U; //attach the smearing routine to the field U
It stores a list of smeared configurations.
template <class Gimpl>
class SmearedConfiguration {
//check the pointer is not null
if (ThinLinks==NULL)
std::cout << GridLogError << "[SmearedConfiguration] Error in ThinLinks pointer\n";
if (smearingLevels > 0){
std::cout<< GridLogDebug << "[SmearedConfiguration] Filling SmearedSet\n";
GaugeField previous_u(ThinLinks->_grid);
const unsigned int smearingLevels;
Smear_Stout<Gimpl> StoutSmearing;
std::vector<GaugeField> SmearedSet;
previous_u = *ThinLinks;
for(int smearLvl = 0; smearLvl < smearingLevels; ++smearLvl){
previous_u = SmearedSet[smearLvl];
// Member functions
void fill_smearedSet(GaugeField& U) {
ThinLinks = &U; // attach the smearing routine to the field U
// For debug purposes
RealD impl_plaq = WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(previous_u);
std::cout<< GridLogDebug << "[SmearedConfiguration] Plaq: " << impl_plaq<< std::endl;
// check the pointer is not null
if (ThinLinks == NULL)
std::cout << GridLogError
<< "[SmearedConfiguration] Error in ThinLinks pointer\n";
if (smearingLevels > 0) {
std::cout << GridLogDebug
<< "[SmearedConfiguration] Filling SmearedSet\n";
GaugeField previous_u(ThinLinks->_grid);
GaugeField AnalyticSmearedForce(const GaugeField& SigmaKPrime,
const GaugeField& GaugeK) const{
GridBase *grid = GaugeK._grid;
GaugeField C(grid), SigmaK(grid), iLambda(grid);
GaugeLinkField iLambda_mu(grid);
GaugeLinkField iQ(grid), e_iQ(grid);
GaugeLinkField SigmaKPrime_mu(grid);
GaugeLinkField GaugeKmu(grid), Cmu(grid);
previous_u = *ThinLinks;
for (int smearLvl = 0; smearLvl < smearingLevels; ++smearLvl) {
StoutSmearing.smear(SmearedSet[smearLvl], previous_u);
previous_u = SmearedSet[smearLvl];
StoutSmearing.BaseSmear(C, GaugeK);
SigmaK = zero;
iLambda = zero;
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++){
Cmu = peekLorentz( C,mu);
GaugeKmu = peekLorentz(GaugeK,mu);
SigmaKPrime_mu = peekLorentz(SigmaKPrime,mu);
iQ = Ta(Cmu*adj(GaugeKmu));
set_iLambda(iLambda_mu, e_iQ, iQ, SigmaKPrime_mu, GaugeKmu);
pokeLorentz(SigmaK, SigmaKPrime_mu*e_iQ + adj(Cmu)*iLambda_mu, mu);
pokeLorentz(iLambda, iLambda_mu, mu);
StoutSmearing.derivative(SigmaK, iLambda, GaugeK);// derivative of SmearBase
return SigmaK;
/*! @brief Returns smeared configuration at level 'Level' */
const GaugeField& get_smeared_conf(int Level) const{
return SmearedSet[Level];
void set_iLambda(GaugeLinkField& iLambda,
GaugeLinkField& e_iQ,
const GaugeLinkField& iQ,
const GaugeLinkField& Sigmap,
const GaugeLinkField& GaugeK)const{
GridBase *grid = iQ._grid;
GaugeLinkField iQ2(grid), iQ3(grid), B1(grid), B2(grid), USigmap(grid);
GaugeLinkField unity(grid);
LatticeComplex u(grid), w(grid);
LatticeComplex f0(grid), f1(grid), f2(grid);
LatticeComplex xi0(grid), xi1(grid), tmp(grid);
LatticeComplex u2(grid), w2(grid), cosw(grid);
LatticeComplex emiu(grid), e2iu(grid), qt(grid), fden(grid);
LatticeComplex r01(grid), r11(grid), r21(grid), r02(grid), r12(grid);
LatticeComplex r22(grid), tr1(grid), tr2(grid);
LatticeComplex b10(grid), b11(grid), b12(grid), b20(grid), b21(grid), b22(grid);
LatticeComplex LatticeUnitComplex(grid);
LatticeUnitComplex = 1.0;
// Exponential
iQ2 = iQ * iQ;
iQ3 = iQ * iQ2;
e_iQ = f0*unity + timesMinusI(f1) * iQ - f2 * iQ2;
// Getting B1, B2, Gamma and Lambda
// simplify this part, reduntant calculations in set_fj
xi0 = StoutSmearing.func_xi0(w);
xi1 = StoutSmearing.func_xi1(w);
u2 = u * u;
w2 = w * w;
cosw = cos(w);
emiu = cos(u) - timesI(sin(u));
e2iu = cos(2.0*u) + timesI(sin(2.0*u));
r01 = (2.0*u + timesI(2.0*(u2-w2))) * e2iu
+ emiu * ((16.0*u*cosw + 2.0*u*(3.0*u2+w2)*xi0) +
timesI(-8.0*u2*cosw + 2.0*(9.0*u2+w2)*xi0));
r11 = (2.0*LatticeUnitComplex + timesI(4.0*u))* e2iu
+ emiu * ((-2.0*cosw + (3.0*u2-w2)*xi0) +
timesI((2.0*u*cosw + 6.0*u*xi0)));
r21 = 2.0*timesI(e2iu)
+ emiu * (-3.0*u*xi0 + timesI(cosw - 3.0*xi0));
r02 = -2.0 * e2iu + emiu * (-8.0*u2*xi0 +
timesI(2.0*u*(cosw + xi0 + 3.0*u2*xi1)));
r12 = emiu * (2.0*u*xi0 + timesI(-cosw - xi0 + 3.0*u2*xi1));
r22 = emiu * (xi0 - timesI(3.0*u*xi1));
fden = LatticeUnitComplex/(2.0*(9.0*u2-w2)*(9.0*u2-w2));
b10 = 2.0 * u * r01 + (3.0* u2 - w2)*r02 - (30.0 * u2 + 2.0 * w2)*f0;
b11 = 2.0 * u * r11 + (3.0* u2 - w2)*r12 - (30.0 * u2 + 2.0 * w2)*f1;
b12 = 2.0 * u * r21 + (3.0* u2 - w2)*r22 - (30.0 * u2 + 2.0 * w2)*f2;
b20 = r01 - (3.0*u)*r02 - (24.0*u)*f0;
b21 = r11 - (3.0*u)*r12 - (24.0*u)*f1;
b22 = r21 - (3.0*u)*r22 - (24.0*u)*f2;
b10 *= fden;
b11 *= fden;
b12 *= fden;
b20 *= fden;
b21 *= fden;
b22 *= fden;
B1 = b10*unity + timesMinusI(b11) * iQ - b12 * iQ2;
B2 = b20*unity + timesMinusI(b21) * iQ - b22 * iQ2;
USigmap = GaugeK * Sigmap;
tr1 = trace(USigmap*B1);
tr2 = trace(USigmap*B2);
GaugeLinkField QUS = iQ * USigmap;
GaugeLinkField USQ = USigmap * iQ;
GaugeLinkField iGamma = tr1 * iQ - timesI(tr2) * iQ2 +
timesI(f1) * USigmap + f2 * QUS + f2 * USQ;
iLambda = Ta(iGamma);
GaugeField* ThinLinks; /*!< @brief Pointer to the thin
links configuration */
/*! @brief Standard constructor */
SmearedConfiguration(GridCartesian * UGrid,
unsigned int Nsmear,
Smear_Stout<Gimpl>& Stout):
for (unsigned int i=0; i< smearingLevels; ++i)
SmearedSet.push_back(*(new GaugeField(UGrid)));
// For debug purposes
RealD impl_plaq = WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(previous_u);
std::cout << GridLogDebug
<< "[SmearedConfiguration] Plaq: " << impl_plaq << std::endl;
GaugeField AnalyticSmearedForce(const GaugeField& SigmaKPrime,
const GaugeField& GaugeK) const {
GridBase* grid = GaugeK._grid;
GaugeField C(grid), SigmaK(grid), iLambda(grid);
GaugeLinkField iLambda_mu(grid);
GaugeLinkField iQ(grid), e_iQ(grid);
GaugeLinkField SigmaKPrime_mu(grid);
GaugeLinkField GaugeKmu(grid), Cmu(grid);
/*! For just thin links */
StoutSmearing.BaseSmear(C, GaugeK);
SigmaK = zero;
iLambda = zero;
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) {
Cmu = peekLorentz(C, mu);
GaugeKmu = peekLorentz(GaugeK, mu);
SigmaKPrime_mu = peekLorentz(SigmaKPrime, mu);
iQ = Ta(Cmu * adj(GaugeKmu));
set_iLambda(iLambda_mu, e_iQ, iQ, SigmaKPrime_mu, GaugeKmu);
pokeLorentz(SigmaK, SigmaKPrime_mu * e_iQ + adj(Cmu) * iLambda_mu, mu);
pokeLorentz(iLambda, iLambda_mu, mu);
StoutSmearing.derivative(SigmaK, iLambda,
GaugeK); // derivative of SmearBase
return SigmaK;
// attach the smeared routines to the thin links U and fill the smeared set
void set_GaugeField(GaugeField& U){ fill_smearedSet(U);}
/*! @brief Returns smeared configuration at level 'Level' */
const GaugeField& get_smeared_conf(int Level) const {
return SmearedSet[Level];
void smeared_force(GaugeField& SigmaTilde) const{
void set_iLambda(GaugeLinkField& iLambda, GaugeLinkField& e_iQ,
const GaugeLinkField& iQ, const GaugeLinkField& Sigmap,
const GaugeLinkField& GaugeK) const {
GridBase* grid = iQ._grid;
GaugeLinkField iQ2(grid), iQ3(grid), B1(grid), B2(grid), USigmap(grid);
GaugeLinkField unity(grid);
unity = 1.0;
if (smearingLevels > 0){
GaugeField force(SigmaTilde._grid);
GaugeLinkField tmp_mu(SigmaTilde._grid);
force = SigmaTilde;//actually = U*SigmaTilde
LatticeComplex u(grid), w(grid);
LatticeComplex f0(grid), f1(grid), f2(grid);
LatticeComplex xi0(grid), xi1(grid), tmp(grid);
LatticeComplex u2(grid), w2(grid), cosw(grid);
LatticeComplex emiu(grid), e2iu(grid), qt(grid), fden(grid);
LatticeComplex r01(grid), r11(grid), r21(grid), r02(grid), r12(grid);
LatticeComplex r22(grid), tr1(grid), tr2(grid);
LatticeComplex b10(grid), b11(grid), b12(grid), b20(grid), b21(grid),
LatticeComplex LatticeUnitComplex(grid);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++){
// to get just SigmaTilde
tmp_mu = adj(peekLorentz(SmearedSet[smearingLevels-1], mu)) * peekLorentz(force,mu);
pokeLorentz(force, tmp_mu, mu);
LatticeUnitComplex = 1.0;
for(int ismr = smearingLevels - 1; ismr > 0; --ismr)
force = AnalyticSmearedForce(force,get_smeared_conf(ismr-1));
// Exponential
iQ2 = iQ * iQ;
iQ3 = iQ * iQ2;
StoutSmearing.set_uw(u, w, iQ2, iQ3);
StoutSmearing.set_fj(f0, f1, f2, u, w);
e_iQ = f0 * unity + timesMinusI(f1) * iQ - f2 * iQ2;
force = AnalyticSmearedForce(force,*ThinLinks);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++){
tmp_mu = peekLorentz(*ThinLinks, mu) * peekLorentz(force, mu);
pokeLorentz(SigmaTilde, tmp_mu, mu);
}// if smearingLevels = 0 do nothing
// Getting B1, B2, Gamma and Lambda
// simplify this part, reduntant calculations in set_fj
xi0 = StoutSmearing.func_xi0(w);
xi1 = StoutSmearing.func_xi1(w);
u2 = u * u;
w2 = w * w;
cosw = cos(w);
emiu = cos(u) - timesI(sin(u));
e2iu = cos(2.0 * u) + timesI(sin(2.0 * u));
GaugeField& get_SmearedU(){
return SmearedSet[smearingLevels-1];
r01 = (2.0 * u + timesI(2.0 * (u2 - w2))) * e2iu +
emiu * ((16.0 * u * cosw + 2.0 * u * (3.0 * u2 + w2) * xi0) +
timesI(-8.0 * u2 * cosw + 2.0 * (9.0 * u2 + w2) * xi0));
GaugeField& get_U(bool smeared=false) {
// get the config, thin links by default
if (smeared){
if (smearingLevels){
RealD impl_plaq = WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(SmearedSet[smearingLevels-1]);
std::cout<< GridLogDebug << "getting Usmr Plaq: " << impl_plaq<< std::endl;
return get_SmearedU();
r11 = (2.0 * LatticeUnitComplex + timesI(4.0 * u)) * e2iu +
emiu * ((-2.0 * cosw + (3.0 * u2 - w2) * xi0) +
timesI((2.0 * u * cosw + 6.0 * u * xi0)));
else {
RealD impl_plaq = WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(*ThinLinks);
std::cout<< GridLogDebug << "getting Thin Plaq: " << impl_plaq<< std::endl;
return *ThinLinks;
RealD impl_plaq = WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(*ThinLinks);
std::cout<< GridLogDebug << "getting Thin Plaq: " << impl_plaq<< std::endl;
return *ThinLinks;}
r21 =
2.0 * timesI(e2iu) + emiu * (-3.0 * u * xi0 + timesI(cosw - 3.0 * xi0));
r02 = -2.0 * e2iu +
emiu * (-8.0 * u2 * xi0 +
timesI(2.0 * u * (cosw + xi0 + 3.0 * u2 * xi1)));
r12 = emiu * (2.0 * u * xi0 + timesI(-cosw - xi0 + 3.0 * u2 * xi1));
r22 = emiu * (xi0 - timesI(3.0 * u * xi1));
fden = LatticeUnitComplex / (2.0 * (9.0 * u2 - w2) * (9.0 * u2 - w2));
b10 = 2.0 * u * r01 + (3.0 * u2 - w2) * r02 - (30.0 * u2 + 2.0 * w2) * f0;
b11 = 2.0 * u * r11 + (3.0 * u2 - w2) * r12 - (30.0 * u2 + 2.0 * w2) * f1;
b12 = 2.0 * u * r21 + (3.0 * u2 - w2) * r22 - (30.0 * u2 + 2.0 * w2) * f2;
b20 = r01 - (3.0 * u) * r02 - (24.0 * u) * f0;
b21 = r11 - (3.0 * u) * r12 - (24.0 * u) * f1;
b22 = r21 - (3.0 * u) * r22 - (24.0 * u) * f2;
b10 *= fden;
b11 *= fden;
b12 *= fden;
b20 *= fden;
b21 *= fden;
b22 *= fden;
B1 = b10 * unity + timesMinusI(b11) * iQ - b12 * iQ2;
B2 = b20 * unity + timesMinusI(b21) * iQ - b22 * iQ2;
USigmap = GaugeK * Sigmap;
tr1 = trace(USigmap * B1);
tr2 = trace(USigmap * B2);
GaugeLinkField QUS = iQ * USigmap;
GaugeLinkField USQ = USigmap * iQ;
GaugeLinkField iGamma = tr1 * iQ - timesI(tr2) * iQ2 +
timesI(f1) * USigmap + f2 * QUS + f2 * USQ;
iLambda = Ta(iGamma);
ThinLinks; /*!< @brief Pointer to the thin
links configuration */
/*! @brief Standard constructor */
SmearedConfiguration(GridCartesian* UGrid, unsigned int Nsmear,
Smear_Stout<Gimpl>& Stout)
: smearingLevels(Nsmear), StoutSmearing(Stout), ThinLinks(NULL) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < smearingLevels; ++i)
SmearedSet.push_back(*(new GaugeField(UGrid)));
/*! For just thin links */
: smearingLevels(0), StoutSmearing(), SmearedSet(), ThinLinks(NULL) {}
// attach the smeared routines to the thin links U and fill the smeared set
void set_GaugeField(GaugeField& U) { fill_smearedSet(U); }
void smeared_force(GaugeField& SigmaTilde) const {
if (smearingLevels > 0) {
GaugeField force = SigmaTilde; // actually = U*SigmaTilde
GaugeLinkField tmp_mu(SigmaTilde._grid);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) {
// to get just SigmaTilde
tmp_mu = adj(peekLorentz(SmearedSet[smearingLevels - 1], mu)) *
peekLorentz(force, mu);
pokeLorentz(force, tmp_mu, mu);
for (int ismr = smearingLevels - 1; ismr > 0; --ismr)
force = AnalyticSmearedForce(force, get_smeared_conf(ismr - 1));
force = AnalyticSmearedForce(force, *ThinLinks);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) {
tmp_mu = peekLorentz(*ThinLinks, mu) * peekLorentz(force, mu);
pokeLorentz(SigmaTilde, tmp_mu, mu);
} // if smearingLevels = 0 do nothing
GaugeField& get_SmearedU() { return SmearedSet[smearingLevels - 1]; }
GaugeField& get_U(bool smeared = false) {
// get the config, thin links by default
if (smeared) {
if (smearingLevels) {
RealD impl_plaq =
WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(SmearedSet[smearingLevels - 1]);
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "getting Usmr Plaq: " << impl_plaq
<< std::endl;
return get_SmearedU();
} else {
RealD impl_plaq = WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(*ThinLinks);
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "getting Thin Plaq: " << impl_plaq
<< std::endl;
return *ThinLinks;
} else {
RealD impl_plaq = WilsonLoops<Gimpl>::avgPlaquette(*ThinLinks);
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "getting Thin Plaq: " << impl_plaq
<< std::endl;
return *ThinLinks;

View File

@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ while (( "$#" )); do
echo $1
cat > message <<EOF
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: $1
Source file: $1
Copyright (C) 2015
Copyright (C) 2015
@ -19,23 +19,23 @@ git log $1 | grep Author | sort -u >> message
cat >> message <<EOF
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
cat message > tmp.fil

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff