Conclusion: c++11 distributions not thread safe and must us distinct dist as well as distinct engine
per site. Makes sense when you think of box muller. Also added a reset of dist on fill to ensure
repro across checkpoints.
preparing to pass integrator, smearing, bc's as policy classes to hmc.
Propose to unify "integrator" and integrator algorithm in a base/derived
way to override step. Want to read through ForceGradient to ensure
that abstraction covers the force gradient case.
Example of multiple levels in the WilsonFermion hmc test.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
6000 matmuls CG unprec
2000 matmuls CG prec (4000 eo muls)
1050 matmuls PGCR on 16^3 x 32 x 8 m=.01
Substantial effort on timing and logging infrastructure