6000 matmuls CG unprec
2000 matmuls CG prec (4000 eo muls)
1050 matmuls PGCR on 16^3 x 32 x 8 m=.01
Substantial effort on timing and logging infrastructure
but non-identity matrix
l1 0 0 0 ....
0 l2 0 0 ....
0 0 l3 0 ...
. . .
. . .
. . .
And apply the multishift CG to it. Sum the poles and residues.
Insist that this be the same as the exactly taken square root
where l1,l2,l3 >= 0.
Tanh/Zolo * (Cayley/PartFrac/ContFrac) * (Mobius/Shamir/Wilson)
Approx Representation Kernel.
All are done with space-time taking part in checkerboarding, Ls uncheckerboarded
Have only so far tested the Domain Wall limit of mobius, and at that only checked
that it
i) Inverts
ii) 5dim DW == Ls copies of 4dim D2
iii) MeeInv Mee == 1
iv) Meo+Mee+Moe+Moo == M unprec.
v) MpcDagMpc is hermitan
vi) Mdag is the adjoint of M between stochastic vectors.
That said, the RB schur solve, RB MpcDagMpc solve, Unprec solve
all converge and the true residual becomes small; so pretty good tests.
cut at Conjugate gradient. Also copied in Remez, Zolotarev, Chebyshev from
Mike Clark, Tony Kennedy and my BFM package respectively since we know we will
need these. I wanted the structure of
etc.. to start taking shape.