Thought I had already committed these.
Believe I have got the Gparity fermion force working.
* tests/ -- correctly predicts dS for two flavour pseudofermion
based on a small dt update of U field.
* tests/ -- ran 1 trajectory on 8^4 with dH=0.21.
Need to accumulate a full plaquette log to believe fully which will take some hours of run time.
in RedBlack MpcDagMpc, Unprec MdagM and Schur red black solver for
each of.
not even SU(3) for now) gauge field. Convergence history is correctly indepdendent of decomposition
on 1,2,4,8,16 mpi tasks.
Found a couple of simd bugs which required fixed and enhanced the test suite.
Implemented the Mdag, M, MdagM, Meooe Mooee schur type stuff in the wilson dop.