/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: ./lib/algorithms/iterative/AdefGeneric.h Copyright (C) 2015 Author: Peter Boyle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #ifndef GRID_ALGORITHMS_ITERATIVE_GENERIC_PCG #define GRID_ALGORITHMS_ITERATIVE_GENERIC_PCG /* * Compared to Tang-2009: P=Pleft. P^T = PRight Q=MssInv. * Script A = SolverMatrix * Script P = Preconditioner * * Deflation methods considered * -- Solve P A x = P b [ like Luscher ] * DEF-1 M P A x = M P b [i.e. left precon] * DEF-2 P^T M A x = P^T M b * ADEF-1 Preconditioner = M P + Q [ Q + M + M A Q] * ADEF-2 Preconditioner = P^T M + Q * BNN Preconditioner = P^T M P + Q * BNN2 Preconditioner = M P + P^TM +Q - M P A M * * Implement ADEF-2 * * Vstart = P^Tx + Qb * M1 = P^TM + Q * M2=M3=1 * Vout = x */ // abstract base template class TwoLevelFlexiblePcg : public LinearFunction { public: int verbose; RealD Tolerance; Integer MaxIterations; const int mmax = 5; GridBase *grid; GridBase *coarsegrid; LinearOperatorBase *_Linop OperatorFunction *_Smoother, LinearFunction *_CoarseSolver; // Need somthing that knows how to get from Coarse to fine and back again // more most opertor functions TwoLevelFlexiblePcg(RealD tol, Integer maxit, LinearOperatorBase *Linop, LinearOperatorBase *SmootherLinop, OperatorFunction *Smoother, OperatorFunction CoarseLinop ) : Tolerance(tol), MaxIterations(maxit), _Linop(Linop), _PreconditionerLinop(PrecLinop), _Preconditioner(Preconditioner) { verbose=0; }; // The Pcg routine is common to all, but the various matrices differ from derived // implementation to derived implmentation void operator() (const Field &src, Field &psi){ void operator() (const Field &src, Field &psi){ psi.checkerboard = src.checkerboard; grid = src._grid; RealD f; RealD rtzp,rtz,a,d,b; RealD rptzp; RealD tn; RealD guess = norm2(psi); RealD ssq = norm2(src); RealD rsq = ssq*Tolerance*Tolerance; ///////////////////////////// // Set up history vectors ///////////////////////////// std::vector p (mmax,grid); std::vector mmp(mmax,grid); std::vector pAp(mmax); Field x (grid); x = psi; Field z (grid); Field tmp(grid); Field r (grid); Field mu (grid); ////////////////////////// // x0 = Vstart -- possibly modify guess ////////////////////////// x=src; Vstart(x,src); // r0 = b -A x0 HermOp(x,mmp); // Shouldn't this be something else? axpy (r, -1.0,mmp[0], src); // Recomputes r=src-Ax0 ////////////////////////////////// // Compute z = M1 x ////////////////////////////////// M1(r,z,tmp,mp,SmootherMirs); rtzp =real(innerProduct(r,z)); /////////////////////////////////////// // Solve for Mss mu = P A z and set p = z-mu // Def2: p = 1 - Q Az = Pright z // Other algos M2 is trivial /////////////////////////////////////// M2(z,p[0]); for (int k=0;k<=MaxIterations;k++){ int peri_k = k % mmax; int peri_kp = (k+1) % mmax; rtz=rtzp; d= M3(p[peri_k],mp,mmp[peri_k],tmp); a = rtz/d; // Memorise this pAp[peri_k] = d; axpy(x,a,p[peri_k],x); RealD rn = axpy_norm(r,-a,mmp[peri_k],r); // Compute z = M x M1(r,z,tmp,mp); rtzp =real(innerProduct(r,z)); M2(z,mu); // ADEF-2 this is identity. Axpy possible to eliminate p[peri_kp]=p[peri_k]; // Standard search direction p -> z + b p ; b = b = (rtzp)/rtz; int northog; // northog = (peri_kp==0)?1:peri_kp; // This is the fCG(mmax) algorithm northog = (k>mmax-1)?(mmax-1):k; // This is the fCG-Tr(mmax-1) algorithm for(int back=0; back < northog; back++){ int peri_back = (k-back)%mmax; RealD pbApk= real(innerProduct(mmp[peri_back],p[peri_kp])); RealD beta = -pbApk/pAp[peri_back]; axpy(p[peri_kp],beta,p[peri_back],p[peri_kp]); } RealD rrn=sqrt(rn/ssq); std::cout<Mprec(p,mmp,tmp,0,1);// Dag no // linop_d->Mprec(mmp,mp,tmp,1);// Dag yes // Pleft(mp,mmp); // d=real(linop_d->inner(p,mmp)); } virtual void VstartDef2(Field & xconst Field & src){ //case PcgDef2: //case PcgAdef2: //case PcgAdef2f: //case PcgV11f: /////////////////////////////////// // Choose x_0 such that // x_0 = guess + (A_ss^inv) r_s = guess + Ass_inv [src -Aguess] // = [1 - Ass_inv A] Guess + Assinv src // = P^T guess + Assinv src // = Vstart [Tang notation] // This gives: // W^T (src - A x_0) = src_s - A guess_s - r_s // = src_s - (A guess)_s - src_s + (A guess)_s // = 0 /////////////////////////////////// Field r(grid); Field mmp(grid); HermOp(x,mmp); axpy (r, -1.0, mmp, src); // r_{-1} = src - A x ProjectToSubspace(r,PleftProj); ApplyInverseCG(PleftProj,PleftMss_proj); // Ass^{-1} r_s PromoteFromSubspace(PleftMss_proj,mmp); x=x+mmp; } virtual void Vstart(Field & x,const Field & src){ return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Only Def1 has non-trivial Vout. Override in Def1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void Vout (Field & in, Field & out,Field & src){ out = in; //case PcgDef1: // //Qb + PT x // ProjectToSubspace(src,PleftProj); // ApplyInverse(PleftProj,PleftMss_proj); // Ass^{-1} r_s // PromoteFromSubspace(PleftMss_proj,tmp); // // Pright(in,out); // // linop_d->axpy(out,tmp,out,1.0); // break; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pright and Pleft are common to all implementations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void Pright(Field & in,Field & out){ // P_R = [ 1 0 ] // [ -Mss^-1 Msb 0 ] Field in_sbar(grid); ProjectToSubspace(in,PleftProj); PromoteFromSubspace(PleftProj,out); axpy(in_sbar,-1.0,out,in); // in_sbar = in - in_s HermOp(in_sbar,out); ProjectToSubspace(out,PleftProj); // Mssbar in_sbar (project) ApplyInverse (PleftProj,PleftMss_proj); // Mss^{-1} Mssbar PromoteFromSubspace(PleftMss_proj,out); // axpy(out,-1.0,out,in_sbar); // in_sbar - Mss^{-1} Mssbar in_sbar } virtual void Pleft (Field & in,Field & out){ // P_L = [ 1 -Mbs Mss^-1] // [ 0 0 ] Field in_sbar(grid); Field tmp2(grid); Field Mtmp(grid); ProjectToSubspace(in,PleftProj); PromoteFromSubspace(PleftProj,out); axpy(in_sbar,-1.0,out,in); // in_sbar = in - in_s ApplyInverse(PleftProj,PleftMss_proj); // Mss^{-1} in_s PromoteFromSubspace(PleftMss_proj,out); HermOp(out,Mtmp); ProjectToSubspace(Mtmp,PleftProj); // Msbar s Mss^{-1} PromoteFromSubspace(PleftProj,tmp2); axpy(out,-1.0,tmp2,Mtmp); axpy(out,-1.0,out,in_sbar); // in_sbar - Msbars Mss^{-1} in_s } } template class TwoLevelFlexiblePcgADef2 : public TwoLevelFlexiblePcg { public: virtual void M(Field & in,Field & out,Field & tmp){ } virtual void M1(Field & in, Field & out,Field & tmp,Field & mp){ } virtual void M2(Field & in, Field & out){ } virtual RealD M3(Field & p, Field & mp,Field & mmp, Field & tmp){ } virtual void Vstart(Field & in, Field & src, Field & r, Field & mp, Field & mmp, Field & tmp){ } } /* template class TwoLevelFlexiblePcgAD : public TwoLevelFlexiblePcg { public: virtual void M(Field & in,Field & out,Field & tmp); virtual void M1(Field & in, Field & out,Field & tmp,Field & mp); virtual void M2(Field & in, Field & out); virtual RealD M3(Field & p, Field & mp,Field & mmp, Field & tmp); virtual void Vstart(Field & in, Field & src, Field & r, Field & mp, Field & mmp, Field & tmp); } template class TwoLevelFlexiblePcgDef1 : public TwoLevelFlexiblePcg { public: virtual void M(Field & in,Field & out,Field & tmp); virtual void M1(Field & in, Field & out,Field & tmp,Field & mp); virtual void M2(Field & in, Field & out); virtual RealD M3(Field & p, Field & mp,Field & mmp, Field & tmp); virtual void Vstart(Field & in, Field & src, Field & r, Field & mp, Field & mmp, Field & tmp); virtual void Vout (Field & in, Field & out,Field & src,Field & tmp); } template class TwoLevelFlexiblePcgDef2 : public TwoLevelFlexiblePcg { public: virtual void M(Field & in,Field & out,Field & tmp); virtual void M1(Field & in, Field & out,Field & tmp,Field & mp); virtual void M2(Field & in, Field & out); virtual RealD M3(Field & p, Field & mp,Field & mmp, Field & tmp); virtual void Vstart(Field & in, Field & src, Field & r, Field & mp, Field & mmp, Field & tmp); } template class TwoLevelFlexiblePcgV11: public TwoLevelFlexiblePcg { public: virtual void M(Field & in,Field & out,Field & tmp); virtual void M1(Field & in, Field & out,Field & tmp,Field & mp); virtual void M2(Field & in, Field & out); virtual RealD M3(Field & p, Field & mp,Field & mmp, Field & tmp); virtual void Vstart(Field & in, Field & src, Field & r, Field & mp, Field & mmp, Field & tmp); } */ #endif