/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/PerambFromSolve.hpp Copyright (C) 2019 Author: Felix Erben Author: Michael Marshall This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_PerambFromSolve_hpp_ #define Hadrons_MDistil_PerambFromSolve_hpp_ #include BEGIN_HADRONS_NAMESPACE BEGIN_MODULE_NAMESPACE(MDistil) /****************************************************************************** * PerambFromSolve This module computes a perambulator from an already completed solve. Optionally, the number of eigenvectors used in the perambulator and the parameter LI can be chosen to be lower than the ones in the solve, allowing for a study of the signal with different values of nvec. LI_reduced : value of LI actually used in the computation nvec_reduced: value of nvec actually used in the computation LI : value of LI used to compute the 'solve' nvec : value of nvec used to compute the 'solve' ******************************************************************************/ class PerambFromSolvePar: Serializable { public: GRID_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS_MEMBERS(PerambFromSolvePar, std::string, eigenPack, std::string, PerambFileName, std::string, solve, int, nvec_reduced, int, LI_reduced, std::string, DistilParams); }; template class TPerambFromSolve: public Module { public: FERM_TYPE_ALIASES(FImpl,); // constructor TPerambFromSolve(const std::string name); // destructor virtual ~TPerambFromSolve(void) {}; // dependency relation virtual std::vector getInput(void); virtual std::vector getOutput(void); // setup virtual void setup(void); // execution virtual void execute(void); protected: std::unique_ptr grid3d; // Owned by me, so I must delete it }; MODULE_REGISTER_TMP(PerambFromSolve, TPerambFromSolve, MDistil); /****************************************************************************** * TPerambFromSolve implementation * ******************************************************************************/ // constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TPerambFromSolve::TPerambFromSolve(const std::string name) : Module(name){} // dependencies/products /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template std::vector TPerambFromSolve::getInput(void) { return {par().solve, par().eigenPack, par().DistilParams}; } template std::vector TPerambFromSolve::getOutput(void) { return std::vector{getName()}; } // setup /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void TPerambFromSolve::setup(void) { const DistilParameters & dp{envGet(MDistil::DistilParameters, par().DistilParams)}; const int Nt{env().getDim(Tdir)}; const bool full_tdil{ dp.TI == Nt }; const int Nt_inv{ full_tdil ? 1 : dp.TI }; MakeLowerDimGrid( grid3d, env().getGrid() ); const int nvec_reduced{par().nvec_reduced}; const int LI_reduced{ par().LI_reduced}; envCreate(PerambTensor, getName(), 1, Nt,nvec_reduced,LI_reduced,dp.nnoise,Nt_inv,dp.SI); envCreate(NoiseTensor, getName() + "_noise", 1, dp.nnoise, Nt, dp.nvec, Ns ); envTmp(LatticeColourVector, "result3d_nospin",1,LatticeColourVector(grid3d.get())); envTmp(LatticeColourVector, "evec3d",1,LatticeColourVector(grid3d.get())); envTmpLat(LatticeColourVector, "result4d_nospin"); } // execution /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void TPerambFromSolve::execute(void) { GridCartesian * grid4d = env().getGrid(); const int Ntlocal{grid4d->LocalDimensions()[3]}; const int Ntfirst{grid4d->LocalStarts()[3]}; const DistilParameters &dp{envGet(DistilParameters, par().DistilParams)}; const int Nt{env().getDim(Tdir)}; const bool full_tdil{ dp.TI == Nt }; const int Nt_inv{ full_tdil ? 1 : dp.TI }; const int nvec_reduced{par().nvec_reduced}; const int LI_reduced{ par().LI_reduced}; auto &perambulator = envGet(PerambTensor, getName()); auto &solve = envGet(std::vector, par().solve); auto &epack = envGet(Grid::Hadrons::EigenPack, par().eigenPack); envGetTmp(LatticeColourVector, result4d_nospin); envGetTmp(LatticeColourVector, result3d_nospin); envGetTmp(LatticeColourVector, evec3d); for (int inoise = 0; inoise < dp.nnoise; inoise++) { for (int dk = 0; dk < LI_reduced; dk++) { for (int dt = 0; dt < Nt_inv; dt++) { for (int ds = 0; ds < dp.SI; ds++) { for (int is = 0; is < Ns; is++) { result4d_nospin = peekSpin(solve[inoise+dp.nnoise*(dk+dp.LI*(dt+Nt_inv*ds))],is); for (int t = Ntfirst; t < Ntfirst + Ntlocal; t++) { ExtractSliceLocal(result3d_nospin,result4d_nospin,0,t-Ntfirst,Tdir); for (int ivec = 0; ivec < nvec_reduced; ivec++) { ExtractSliceLocal(evec3d,epack.evec[ivec],0,t-Ntfirst,Tdir); pokeSpin(perambulator.tensor(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds),static_cast(innerProduct(evec3d, result3d_nospin)),is); LOG(Message) << "perambulator(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds)(is) = (" << t << "," << ivec << "," << dk << "," << inoise << "," << dt << "," << ds << ")(" << is << ") = " << perambulator.tensor(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds)()(is)() << std::endl; } } } } } } } if(grid4d->IsBoss()) { std::string sPerambName{par().PerambFileName}; sPerambName.append( "." ); sPerambName.append( std::to_string(vm().getTrajectory())); perambulator.write(sPerambName.c_str()); } } END_MODULE_NAMESPACE END_HADRONS_NAMESPACE #endif // Hadrons_MDistil_PerambFromSolve_hpp_