/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: Hadrons/Modules/MDistil/Perambulator.hpp Copyright (C) 2019 Author: Felix Erben Author: Michael Marshall This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #ifndef Hadrons_MDistil_Perambulator_hpp_ #define Hadrons_MDistil_Perambulator_hpp_ #include BEGIN_HADRONS_NAMESPACE BEGIN_MODULE_NAMESPACE(MDistil) /****************************************************************************** * Perambulator * ******************************************************************************/ class PerambulatorPar: Serializable { public: GRID_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS_MEMBERS(PerambulatorPar, std::string, lapevec, std::string, solver, std::string, noise, std::string, PerambFileName, std::string, UnsmearedSinkFileName, std::string, UnsmearedSinkMultiFile, int, nvec, DistilParameters, Distil); }; template class TPerambulator: public Module { public: FERM_TYPE_ALIASES(FImpl,); SOLVER_TYPE_ALIASES(FImpl,); // constructor TPerambulator(const std::string name); // destructor virtual ~TPerambulator(void); // dependency relation virtual std::vector getInput(void); virtual std::vector getOutput(void); // setup virtual void setup(void); // execution virtual void execute(void); protected: virtual void Cleanup(void); protected: // These variables are created in setup() and freed in Cleanup() GridCartesian * grid3d; // Owned by me, so I must delete it GridCartesian * grid4d; // Owned by environment (so I won't delete it) // Other members unsigned int Ls_; std::string sLapEvecName; std::string sNoiseName; }; MODULE_REGISTER_TMP(Perambulator, TPerambulator, MDistil); /****************************************************************************** * TPerambulator implementation * ******************************************************************************/ // constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TPerambulator::TPerambulator(const std::string name) : grid3d{nullptr}, grid4d{nullptr}, Module(name) {} // destructor template TPerambulator::~TPerambulator(void) { Cleanup(); }; // dependencies/products /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template std::vector TPerambulator::getInput(void) { sLapEvecName = par().lapevec; sNoiseName = par().noise; if( sNoiseName.length() == 0 ) sNoiseName = getName() + "_noise"; return {sLapEvecName, par().solver, sNoiseName }; } template std::vector TPerambulator::getOutput(void) { return {getName(), getName() + "_unsmeared_sink"}; } // setup /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void TPerambulator::setup(void) { Cleanup(); grid4d = env().getGrid(); grid3d = MakeLowerDimGrid(grid4d); DISTIL_PARAMETERS_DEFINE( true ); const std::string UnsmearedSinkFileName{ par().UnsmearedSinkFileName }; if (!UnsmearedSinkFileName.empty()) bool bMulti = ( Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault( par().UnsmearedSinkMultiFile, 1, true ) != 0 ); envCreate(PerambTensor, getName(), 1, Nt,nvec,LI,nnoise,Nt_inv,SI); envCreate(std::vector, getName() + "_unsmeared_sink", 1, nnoise*LI*Ns*Nt_inv, envGetGrid(FermionField)); envTmpLat(LatticeSpinColourVector, "dist_source"); envTmpLat(LatticeSpinColourVector, "tmp2"); envTmpLat(LatticeSpinColourVector, "result"); envTmpLat(LatticeColourVector, "result_nospin"); envTmp(LatticeSpinColourVector, "tmp3d",1,LatticeSpinColourVector(grid3d)); envTmp(LatticeColourVector, "tmp3d_nospin",1,LatticeColourVector(grid3d)); envTmp(LatticeColourVector, "result_3d",1,LatticeColourVector(grid3d)); envTmp(LatticeColourVector, "evec3d",1,LatticeColourVector(grid3d)); Ls_ = env().getObjectLs(par().solver); envTmpLat(FermionField, "v4dtmp"); envTmpLat(FermionField, "v5dtmp", Ls_); envTmpLat(FermionField, "v5dtmp_sol", Ls_); } // clean up any temporaries created by setup (that aren't stored in the environment) template void TPerambulator::Cleanup(void) { if (grid3d != nullptr) { delete grid3d; grid3d = nullptr; } grid4d = nullptr; } // execution /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void TPerambulator::execute(void) { DISTIL_PARAMETERS_DEFINE( false ); auto &solver=envGet(Solver, par().solver); auto &mat = solver.getFMat(); envGetTmp(FermionField, v4dtmp); envGetTmp(FermionField, v5dtmp); envGetTmp(FermionField, v5dtmp_sol); auto &noise = envGet(NoiseTensor, sNoiseName); auto &perambulator = envGet(PerambTensor, getName()); auto &epack = envGet(LapEvecs, sLapEvecName); auto &unsmeared_sink = envGet(std::vector, getName() + "_unsmeared_sink"); envGetTmp(LatticeSpinColourVector, dist_source); envGetTmp(LatticeSpinColourVector, tmp2); envGetTmp(LatticeSpinColourVector, result); envGetTmp(LatticeColourVector, result_nospin); envGetTmp(LatticeSpinColourVector, tmp3d); envGetTmp(LatticeColourVector, tmp3d_nospin); envGetTmp(LatticeColourVector, result_3d); envGetTmp(LatticeColourVector, evec3d); const int Ntlocal{grid4d->LocalDimensions()[3]}; const int Ntfirst{grid4d->LocalStarts()[3]}; const std::string UnsmearedSinkFileName{ par().UnsmearedSinkFileName }; for (int inoise = 0; inoise < nnoise; inoise++) { for (int dk = 0; dk < LI; dk++) { for (int dt = 0; dt < Nt_inv; dt++) { for (int ds = 0; ds < SI; ds++) { LOG(Message) << "LapH source vector from noise " << inoise << " and dilution component (d_k,d_t,d_alpha) : (" << dk << ","<< dt << "," << ds << ")" << std::endl; dist_source = 0; tmp3d_nospin = 0; evec3d = 0; for (int it = dt; it < Nt; it += TI) { const int t_inv{full_tdil ? tsrc : it}; if( t_inv >= Ntfirst && t_inv < Ntfirst + Ntlocal ) { for (int ik = dk; ik < nvec; ik += LI) { for (int is = ds; is < Ns; is += SI) { ExtractSliceLocal(evec3d,epack.evec[ik],0,t_inv-Ntfirst,Tdir); tmp3d_nospin = evec3d * noise(inoise, t_inv, ik, is); tmp3d=0; pokeSpin(tmp3d,tmp3d_nospin,is); tmp2=0; InsertSliceLocal(tmp3d,tmp2,0,t_inv-Ntfirst,Tdir); dist_source += tmp2; } } } } result=0; v4dtmp = dist_source; if (Ls_ == 1) solver(result, v4dtmp); else { mat.ImportPhysicalFermionSource(v4dtmp, v5dtmp); solver(v5dtmp_sol, v5dtmp); mat.ExportPhysicalFermionSolution(v5dtmp_sol, v4dtmp); result = v4dtmp; } if (!UnsmearedSinkFileName.empty()) unsmeared_sink[inoise+nnoise*(dk+LI*(dt+Nt_inv*ds))] = result; for (int is = 0; is < Ns; is++) { result_nospin = peekSpin(result,is); for (int t = Ntfirst; t < Ntfirst + Ntlocal; t++) { ExtractSliceLocal(result_3d,result_nospin,0,t-Ntfirst,Tdir); for (int ivec = 0; ivec < nvec; ivec++) { ExtractSliceLocal(evec3d,epack.evec[ivec],0,t-Ntfirst,Tdir); pokeSpin(perambulator.tensor(t, ivec, dk, inoise,dt,ds),static_cast(innerProduct(evec3d, result_3d)),is); } } } } } } } // Now share my timeslice data with other members of the grid const int NumSlices{grid4d->_processors[Tdir] / grid3d->_processors[Tdir]}; if (NumSlices > 1) { LOG(Debug) << "Sharing perambulator data with other nodes" << std::endl; const int MySlice {grid4d->_processor_coor[Tdir]}; const int SliceCount {static_cast(perambulator.tensor.size()/NumSlices)}; PerambTensor::Scalar * const MyData {perambulator.tensor.data()+MySlice*SliceCount}; Coordinate coor(Nd); for (int i = 0 ; i < Tdir ; i++) coor[i] = grid4d->_processor_coor[i]; std::vector reqs(0); for (int i = 1; i < NumSlices ; i++) { coor[Tdir] = (MySlice+i)%NumSlices; const int SendRank { grid4d->RankFromProcessorCoor(coor) }; const int RecvSlice { ( MySlice - i + NumSlices ) % NumSlices }; coor[Tdir] = RecvSlice; const auto RecvRank = grid4d->RankFromProcessorCoor(coor); grid4d->SendToRecvFromBegin(reqs,MyData,SendRank, perambulator.tensor.data() + RecvSlice*SliceCount,RecvRank,SliceCount*sizeof(PerambTensor::Scalar)); } grid4d->SendToRecvFromComplete(reqs); } // Save the perambulator to disk from the boss node if (grid4d->IsBoss()) { std::string sPerambName {par().PerambFileName}; if (sPerambName.empty()) sPerambName = getName(); sPerambName.append("."); sPerambName.append(std::to_string(vm().getTrajectory())); perambulator.write(sPerambName.c_str()); } //Save the unsmeared sinks if filename specified if (!UnsmearedSinkFileName.empty()) { bool bMulti = ( Hadrons::MDistil::DistilParameters::ParameterDefault( par().UnsmearedSinkMultiFile, 1, false ) != 0 ); LOG(Message) << "Writing unsmeared sink to " << UnsmearedSinkFileName << std::endl; A2AVectorsIo::write(UnsmearedSinkFileName, unsmeared_sink, bMulti, vm().getTrajectory()); } } END_MODULE_NAMESPACE END_HADRONS_NAMESPACE #endif // Hadrons_MDistil_Perambulator_hpp_