/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: ./tests/Test_dwf_block_lanczos.cc Copyright (C) 2015 Author: Peter Boyle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #include using namespace std; using namespace Grid; using namespace Grid::QCD; typedef typename GparityDomainWallFermionR::FermionField FermionField; RealD AllZero(RealD x){ return 0.;} class CmdJobParams { public: std::string gaugefile; int Ls; double mass; double M5; double mob_b; int Nu; int Nk; int Np; int Nstop; int MaxIter; double resid; double low; double high; int order; CmdJobParams() : gaugefile("Hot"), Ls(8), mass(0.01), M5(1.8), mob_b(1.5), Nu(4), Nk(200), Np(200), Nstop(100), MaxIter(10), resid(1.0e-8), low(0.2), high(5.5), order(11) {}; void Parse(char **argv, int argc); }; void CmdJobParams::Parse(char **argv,int argc) { std::string arg; std::vector vi; if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--gconf") ){ gaugefile = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--gconf"); } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--Ls") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--Ls"); GridCmdOptionInt(arg,Ls); } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--mass") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--mass"); GridCmdOptionFloat(arg,mass); } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--M5") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--M5"); GridCmdOptionFloat(arg,M5); } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--mob_b") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--mob_b"); GridCmdOptionFloat(arg,mob_b); } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--irbl") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--irbl"); GridCmdOptionIntVector(arg,vi); Nu = vi[0]; Nk = vi[1]; Np = vi[2]; Nstop = vi[3]; MaxIter = vi[4]; } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--resid") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--resid"); GridCmdOptionFloat(arg,resid); } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--cheby_l") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--cheby_l"); GridCmdOptionFloat(arg,low); } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--cheby_u") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--cheby_u"); GridCmdOptionFloat(arg,high); } if( GridCmdOptionExists(argv,argv+argc,"--cheby_n") ){ arg = GridCmdOptionPayload(argv,argv+argc,"--cheby_n"); GridCmdOptionInt(arg,order); } if ( CartesianCommunicator::RankWorld() == 0 ) { clog <<" Gauge Configuration "<< gaugefile << '\n'; clog <<" Ls "<< Ls << '\n'; clog <<" mass "<< mass << '\n'; clog <<" M5 "<< M5 << '\n'; clog <<" mob_b "<< mob_b << '\n'; clog <<" Nu "<< Nu << '\n'; clog <<" Nk "<< Nk << '\n'; clog <<" Np "<< Np << '\n'; clog <<" Nstop "<< Nstop << '\n'; clog <<" MaxIter "<< MaxIter << '\n'; clog <<" resid "<< resid << '\n'; clog <<" Cheby Poly "<< low << "," << high << "," << order << std::endl; } } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { Grid_init(&argc,&argv); CmdJobParams JP; JP.Parse(argv,argc); GridCartesian * UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplex::Nsimd()),GridDefaultMpi()); GridRedBlackCartesian * UrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGrid); GridCartesian * FGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(JP.Ls,UGrid); GridRedBlackCartesian * FrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(JP.Ls,UGrid); printf("UGrid=%p UrbGrid=%p FGrid=%p FrbGrid=%p\n",UGrid,UrbGrid,FGrid,FrbGrid); std::vector seeds4({1,2,3,4}); std::vector seeds5({5,6,7,8}); GridParallelRNG RNG5(FGrid); RNG5.SeedFixedIntegers(seeds5); GridParallelRNG RNG4(UGrid); RNG4.SeedFixedIntegers(seeds4); GridParallelRNG RNG5rb(FrbGrid); RNG5.SeedFixedIntegers(seeds5); // ypj [note] why seed RNG5 again? bug? In this case, run with a default seed(). //GridParallelRNG RNG5rb(FrbGrid); //RNG5rb.SeedFixedIntegers(seeds5); LatticeGaugeField Umu(UGrid); std::vector U(4,UGrid); if ( JP.gaugefile.compare("Hot") == 0 ) { SU3::HotConfiguration(RNG4, Umu); } else { FieldMetaData header; NerscIO::readConfiguration(Umu,header,JP.gaugefile); } for(int mu=0;mu(Umu,mu); } RealD mass = JP.mass; RealD M5 = JP.M5; RealD mob_b = JP.mob_b; // DomainWallFermionR Ddwf(Umu,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5); GparityMobiusFermionD ::ImplParams params; std::vector twists({1,1,1,0}); params.twists = twists; GparityMobiusFermionR Ddwf(Umu,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5,mob_b,mob_b-1.,params); // MdagMLinearOperator HermOp(Ddwf); // SchurDiagTwoOperator HermOp(Ddwf); SchurDiagTwoOperator HermOp(Ddwf); // SchurDiagMooeeOperator HermOp(Ddwf); int Nu = JP.Nu; int Nk = JP.Nk; int Nm = Nk+JP.Np; //std::vector Coeffs { 0.,-1.}; // ypj [note] this may not be supported by some compilers std::vector Coeffs({ 0.,-1.}); Polynomial PolyX(Coeffs); //Chebyshev Cheb(0.2,5.5,11); Chebyshev Cheb(JP.low,JP.high,JP.order); // Cheb.csv(std::cout); ImplicitlyRestartedBlockLanczos IRBL(HermOp, Cheb, JP.Nstop, Nu,Nk,Nm, JP.resid, JP.MaxIter); std::vector eval(Nm); std::vector src(Nu,FrbGrid); for ( int i=0; i evec(Nm,FrbGrid); for(int i=0;i<1;++i){ clog << i <<" / "<< Nm <<" grid pointer "<< evec[i]._grid << std::endl; }; int Nconv; IRBL.calc(eval,evec,src,Nconv); Grid_finalize(); }