/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: ./tests/test_Grid_jacobi.cc Copyright (C) 2015 Author: Peter Boyle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #include using namespace std; using namespace Grid; ; template class LinearOperator { public: operator () (const Lattice&src,Lattice &result) {}; }; template class LinearOperatorJacobi : public LinearOperator { CartesianStencil *Stencil; GridBase *_grid; std::vector > comm_buf; LinearOperatorJacobi(GridCartesian *grid) { _grid = grid; int npoint=9; std::vector directions(npoint); std::vector displacements(npoint); for(int mu=0;mu<4;mu++){ for(int mp=0;mp<2;mp++){ int dir = 2*mu+mp; directions[dir] = mu; displacements[dir]= -1+2*mp; } } directions[8] = 0; displacements[8] = 0; Stencil = new CartesianStencil(grid,npoint,0,directions,displacements); comm_buf.resize(Stencil->_unified_buffer_size); } operator () (const Lattice&src,Lattice &result) { const int npoint=9; printf("calling halo exchange\n");fflush(stdout); myStencil.HaloExchange(Foo,comm_buf); vobj tmp; vobj for(int i=0;i<_grid->oSites();i++){ for(int p=0;p_offsets [p][i]; int local = Stencil->_is_local[p][i]; int ptype = Stencil->_permute_type[p]; int perm = Stencil->_permute[0][i]; vobj *nbr; if ( local && perm ){ permute(tmp,src[offset],ptype); nbr = &tmp; } else if (local) { nbr = &src[offset]; } else { nbr = &comm_buf[offset]; } result[i] = result[i]+*nbr; } } } ~LinearOperatorJacobi() { delete Stencil; } } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { Grid_init(&argc,&argv); std::vector latt_size (4); std::vector simd_layout(4); std::vector mpi_layout (4); int omp=1; int lat=8; mpi_layout[0]=1; mpi_layout[1]=2; mpi_layout[2]=1; mpi_layout[3]=1; latt_size[0] = lat; latt_size[1] = lat; latt_size[2] = lat; latt_size[3] = lat; double volume = latt_size[0]*latt_size[1]*latt_size[2]*latt_size[3]; #ifdef AVX512 simd_layout[0] = 1; simd_layout[1] = 2; simd_layout[2] = 2; simd_layout[3] = 2; #endif #if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2) simd_layout[0] = 1; simd_layout[1] = 1; simd_layout[2] = 2; simd_layout[3] = 2; #endif #if defined (SSE2) simd_layout[0] = 1; simd_layout[1] = 1; simd_layout[2] = 1; simd_layout[3] = 2; #endif GridCartesian Fine(latt_size,simd_layout,mpi_layout); GridRedBlackCartesian rbFine(latt_size,simd_layout,mpi_layout); LatticeColourMatrix Foo(&Fine); LatticeColourMatrix Bar(&Fine); LatticeColourMatrix Check(&Fine); LatticeColourMatrix Diff(&Fine); random(Foo); gaussian(Bar); for(int dir=0;dir<4;dir++){ for(int disp=0;disp directions(npoint,dir); std::vector displacements(npoint,disp); CartesianStencil myStencil(&Fine,npoint,0,directions,displacements); printf("STENCIL: osites %d %d dir %d disp %d\n",Fine.oSites(),(int)myStencil._offsets[0].size(),dir,disp); std::vector ocoor(4); for(int o=0;o > comm_buf(myStencil._unified_buffer_size); printf("calling halo exchange\n");fflush(stdout); myStencil.HaloExchange(Foo,comm_buf); Bar = Cshift(Foo,dir,disp); // Implement a stencil code that should agree with cshift! for(int i=0;ioSites();i++){ int offset = myStencil._offsets [0][i]; int local = myStencil._is_local[0][i]; int permute_type = myStencil._permute_type[0]; int perm =myStencil._permute[0][i]; if ( local && perm ) permute(Check[i],Foo[offset],permute_type); else if (local) Check[i] = Foo[offset]; else Check[i] = comm_buf[offset]; } std::vector coor(4); for(coor[3]=0;coor[3] 0 ){ printf("Coor (%d %d %d %d) \t rc %d%d \t %le %le %le\n", coor[0],coor[1],coor[2],coor[3],r,c, nn, real(check._internal._internal[r][c]), real(bar._internal._internal[r][c]) ); } }} }}}} } } Grid_finalize(); }