/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: Tests/Hadrons/Test_hadrons_distil.cc Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Author: Felix Erben Author: Michael Marshall This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #include #include using namespace Grid; using namespace Hadrons; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test creation of laplacian eigenvectors ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void test_Global(Application &application) { // global parameters Application::GlobalPar globalPar; globalPar.trajCounter.start = 1500; globalPar.trajCounter.end = 1520; globalPar.trajCounter.step = 20; globalPar.runId = "test"; application.setPar(globalPar); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test creation of laplacian eigenvectors ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void test_LapEvec(Application &application) { const char szGaugeName[] = "gauge"; // gauge field application.createModule(szGaugeName); // Now make an instance of the LapEvec object MDistil::LapEvecPar p; p.gauge = szGaugeName; //p.EigenPackName = "ePack"; //p.Distil.TI = 8; //p.Distil.LI = 3; //p.Distil.Nnoise = 2; //p.Distil.tSrc = 0; p.Stout.steps = 3; p.Stout.parm = 0.2; p.Cheby.PolyOrder = 11; p.Cheby.alpha = 0.3; p.Cheby.beta = 12.5; p.Lanczos.Nvec = 5; p.Lanczos.Nk = 6; p.Lanczos.Np = 2; p.Lanczos.MaxIt = 1000; p.Lanczos.resid = 1e-2; application.createModule("LapEvec",p); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Perambulators ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void test_Perambulators(Application &application) { // PerambLight parameters MDistil::PerambLight::Par PerambPar; PerambPar.eigenPack="LapEvec"; PerambPar.tsrc = 0; PerambPar.nnoise = 1; PerambPar.LI=6; PerambPar.SI=4; PerambPar.TI=64; PerambPar.nvec=6; PerambPar.Ns=4; PerambPar.Nt=64; PerambPar.Nt_inv=1; PerambPar.mass=0.005; PerambPar.M5=1.8; PerambPar.Ls=16; PerambPar.CGPrecision=1e-8; PerambPar.MaxIterations=10000; application.createModule("Peramb",PerambPar); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DistilVectors ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void test_DistilVectors(Application &application) { // DistilVectors parameters MDistil::DistilVectors::Par DistilVecPar; DistilVecPar.noise="Peramb_noise"; DistilVecPar.perambulator="Peramb_perambulator_light"; DistilVecPar.eigenPack="LapEvec_eigenPack"; DistilVecPar.tsrc = 0; DistilVecPar.nnoise = 1; DistilVecPar.LI=6; DistilVecPar.SI=4; DistilVecPar.TI=64; DistilVecPar.nvec=6; DistilVecPar.Ns=4; DistilVecPar.Nt=64; DistilVecPar.Nt_inv=1; // gauge field //application.createModule("gauge"); // Now make an instance of the DistilVectors object application.createModule("DistilVectorsInstance",DistilVecPar); } bool bNumber( int &ri, const char * & pstr, bool bGobbleWhiteSpace = true ) { if( bGobbleWhiteSpace ) while( std::isspace(static_cast(*pstr)) ) pstr++; const char * p = pstr; bool bMinus = false; char c = * p++; if( c == '+' ) c = * p++; else if( c == '-' ) { bMinus = true; c = * p++; } int n = c - '0'; if( n < 0 || n > 9 ) return false; while( * p >= '0' && * p <= '9' ) { n = n * 10 + ( * p ) - '0'; p++; } if( bMinus ) n *= -1; ri = n; pstr = p; return true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Decode command-line parameters. 1st one is which test to run int iTestNum = 2; for(int i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) { std::cout << "argv[" << i << "]=\"" << argv[i] << "\"" << std::endl; const char * p = argv[i]; if( * p == '/' || * p == '-' ) { p++; char c = * p++; switch(toupper(c)) { case 'T': if( bNumber( iTestNum, p ) ) { std::cout << "Test " << iTestNum << " requested"; if( * p ) std::cout << " (ignoring trailer \"" << p << "\")"; std::cout << std::endl; } else std::cout << "Invalid test \"" << &argv[i][2] << "\"" << std::endl; break; default: std::cout << "Ignoring switch \"" << &argv[i][1] << "\"" << std::endl; break; } } } // initialization ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Grid_init(&argc, &argv); HadronsLogError.Active(GridLogError.isActive()); HadronsLogWarning.Active(GridLogWarning.isActive()); HadronsLogMessage.Active(GridLogMessage.isActive()); HadronsLogIterative.Active(GridLogIterative.isActive()); HadronsLogDebug.Active(GridLogDebug.isActive()); LOG(Message) << "Grid initialized" << std::endl; // run setup /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Application application; // For now perform free propagator test - replace this with distillation test(s) LOG(Message) << "====== Creating xml for test " << iTestNum << " ======" << std::endl; //const unsigned int nt = GridDefaultLatt()[Tp]; switch(iTestNum) { case 1: test_Global( application ); test_LapEvec( application ); break; case 2: test_Global( application ); test_LapEvec( application ); test_Perambulators( application ); break; default: // 3 test_Global( application ); test_LapEvec( application ); test_Perambulators( application ); test_DistilVectors( application ); break; } LOG(Message) << "====== XML creation for test " << iTestNum << " complete ======" << std::endl; // execution application.saveParameterFile("test_hadrons_distil.xml"); application.run(); // epilogue LOG(Message) << "Grid is finalizing now" << std::endl; Grid_finalize(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }