/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: ./lib/lattice/Lattice_reduction.h Copyright (C) 2015 Author: Azusa Yamaguchi Author: Peter Boyle Author: paboyle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #pragma once #include #ifdef GRID_WARN_SUBOPTIMAL #warning "Optimisation alert all these reduction loops are NOT threaded " #endif NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid); template static void sliceMaddMatrix (Lattice &R,Eigen::MatrixXcd &aa,const Lattice &X,const Lattice &Y,int Orthog,RealD scale=1.0) { typedef typename vobj::scalar_object sobj; typedef typename vobj::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef typename vobj::vector_type vector_type; int Nblock = X.Grid()->GlobalDimensions()[Orthog]; GridBase *FullGrid = X.Grid(); // GridBase *SliceGrid = makeSubSliceGrid(FullGrid,Orthog); // Lattice Xslice(SliceGrid); // Lattice Rslice(SliceGrid); assert( FullGrid->_simd_layout[Orthog]==1); //FIXME package in a convenient iterator //Should loop over a plane orthogonal to direction "Orthog" int stride=FullGrid->_slice_stride[Orthog]; int block =FullGrid->_slice_block [Orthog]; int nblock=FullGrid->_slice_nblock[Orthog]; int ostride=FullGrid->_ostride[Orthog]; auto X_v = X.View(); auto Y_v = Y.View(); auto R_v = R.View(); thread_region { std::vector s_x(Nblock); thread_loop_collapse2( (int n=0;n static void sliceMulMatrix (Lattice &R,Eigen::MatrixXcd &aa,const Lattice &X,int Orthog,RealD scale=1.0) { typedef typename vobj::scalar_object sobj; typedef typename vobj::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef typename vobj::vector_type vector_type; int Nblock = X.Grid()->GlobalDimensions()[Orthog]; GridBase *FullGrid = X.Grid(); assert( FullGrid->_simd_layout[Orthog]==1); //FIXME package in a convenient iterator //Should loop over a plane orthogonal to direction "Orthog" int stride=FullGrid->_slice_stride[Orthog]; int block =FullGrid->_slice_block [Orthog]; int nblock=FullGrid->_slice_nblock[Orthog]; int ostride=FullGrid->_ostride[Orthog]; auto X_v = X.View(); auto R_v = R.View(); thread_region { std::vector s_x(Nblock); thread_loop_collapse2( (int n=0;n static void sliceInnerProductMatrix( Eigen::MatrixXcd &mat, const Lattice &lhs,const Lattice &rhs,int Orthog) { typedef typename vobj::scalar_object sobj; typedef typename vobj::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef typename vobj::vector_type vector_type; GridBase *FullGrid = lhs.Grid(); // GridBase *SliceGrid = makeSubSliceGrid(FullGrid,Orthog); int Nblock = FullGrid->GlobalDimensions()[Orthog]; // Lattice Lslice(SliceGrid); // Lattice Rslice(SliceGrid); mat = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Nblock,Nblock); assert( FullGrid->_simd_layout[Orthog]==1); // int nh = FullGrid->_ndimension; // int nl = SliceGrid->_ndimension; // int nl = nh-1; //FIXME package in a convenient iterator //Should loop over a plane orthogonal to direction "Orthog" int stride=FullGrid->_slice_stride[Orthog]; int block =FullGrid->_slice_block [Orthog]; int nblock=FullGrid->_slice_nblock[Orthog]; int ostride=FullGrid->_ostride[Orthog]; typedef typename vobj::vector_typeD vector_typeD; auto lhs_v = lhs.View(); auto rhs_v = rhs.View(); thread_region { std::vector Left(Nblock); std::vector Right(Nblock); Eigen::MatrixXcd mat_thread = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(Nblock,Nblock); thread_loop_collapse2((int n=0;n(real(z),imag(z)); }} }}); thread_critical { mat += mat_thread; } } for(int i=0;iGlobalSum(sum); mat(i,j)=sum; }} return; } NAMESPACE_END(Grid);