* FIXME audit * Remove vload/store etc.. * Replace vset with a call to merge. * Replace vset with a call to merge. * Conditional execution Subset, where etc... * Coordinate information, integers etc... * Integer type padding/union to vector. * LatticeCoordinate[mu] * Optimise the extract/merge SIMD routines * Broadcast, reduction tests. * QDP++ regression suite and comparative benchmark * NERSC Lattice loading, plaquette test * Conformable test in Cshift routines. * Gamma/Dirac structures * Fourspin, two spin project * Stencil operator support * Check for missing functionality * I/O support - MPI IO? - BinaryWriter, TextWriter etc... - protocol buffers? - // Cartesian grid inheritance // Grid::GridBase // | // __________|___________ // | | // Grid::GridCartesian Grid::GridCartesianRedBlack // // TODO: document the following as an API guaranteed public interface /* * Rough map of functionality against QDP++ Layout * * Param | Grid | QDP++ * ----------------------------------------- * | | * void | oSites, iSites, lSites | sitesOnNode * void | gSites | vol * | | * gcoor | oIndex, iIndex | linearSiteIndex // no virtual node in QDP * lcoor | | * * void | CheckerBoarded | - // No checkerboarded in QDP * void | FullDimensions | lattSize * void | GlobalDimensions | lattSize // No checkerboarded in QDP * void | LocalDimensions | subgridLattSize * void | VirtualLocalDimensions | subgridLattSize // no virtual node in QDP * | | * int x 3 | oiSiteRankToGlobal | siteCoords * | ProcessorCoorLocalCoorToGlobalCoor | * | | * vector | GlobalCoorToRankIndex | nodeNumber(coord) * vector | GlobalCoorToProcessorCoorLocalCoor| nodeCoord(coord) * | | * void | Processors | logicalSize // returns cart array shape * void | ThisRank | nodeNumber(); // returns this node rank * void | ThisProcessorCoor | // returns this node coor * void | isBoss(void) | primaryNode(); * | | * | RankFromProcessorCoor | getLogicalCoorFrom(node) * | ProcessorCoorFromRank | getNodeNumberFrom(logical_coord) */ // Work out whether to permute // ABCDEFGH -> AE BF CG DH permute wrap num // // Shift 0 AE BF CG DH 0 0 0 0 ABCDEFGH 0 0 // Shift 1 BF CG DH AE 0 0 0 1 BCDEFGHA 0 1 // Shift 2 CG DH AE BF 0 0 1 1 CDEFGHAB 0 2 // Shift 3 DH AE BF CG 0 1 1 1 DEFGHABC 0 3 // Shift 4 AE BF CG DH 1 1 1 1 EFGHABCD 1 0 // Shift 5 BF CG DH AE 1 1 1 0 FGHACBDE 1 1 // Shift 6 CG DH AE BF 1 1 0 0 GHABCDEF 1 2 // Shift 7 DH AE BF CG 1 0 0 0 HABCDEFG 1 3 // Suppose 4way simd in one dim. // ABCDEFGH -> AECG BFDH permute wrap num // Shift 0 AECG BFDH 0,00 0,00 ABCDEFGH 0 0 // Shift 1 BFDH CGEA 0,00 1,01 BCDEFGHA 0 1 // Shift 2 CGEA DHFB 1,01 1,01 CDEFGHAB 1 0 // Shift 3 DHFB EAGC 1,01 1,11 DEFGHABC 1 1 // Shift 4 EAGC FBHD 1,11 1,11 EFGHABCD 2 0 // Shift 5 FBHD GCAE 1,11 1,10 FGHABCDE 2 1 // Shift 6 GCAE HDBF 1,10 1,10 GHABCDEF 3 0 // Shift 7 HDBF AECG 1,10 0,00 HABCDEFG 3 1 // Generalisation to 8 way simd, 16 way simd required. // // Need log2 Nway masks. consisting of // 1 bit 256 bit granule // 2 bit 128 bit granule // 4 bits 64 bit granule // 8 bits 32 bit granules // // 15 bits.... // TODO // // Base class to share common code between vRealF, VComplexF etc... // // lattice Broad cast assignment // // where() support // implement with masks, and/or? Type of the mask & boolean support? // // Unary functions // cos,sin, tan, acos, asin, cosh, acosh, tanh, sinh, // Scalar only arg // exp, log, sqrt, fabs // // transposeColor, transposeSpin, // adjColor, adjSpin, // traceColor, traceSpin. // peekColor, peekSpin + pokeColor PokeSpin // // copyMask. // // localMaxAbs // // norm2, // sumMulti equivalent. // Fourier transform equivalent. //