#ifndef QCD_PSEUDOFERMION_TWO_FLAVOUR_EVEN_ODD_H #define QCD_PSEUDOFERMION_TWO_FLAVOUR_EVEN_ODD_H namespace Grid{ namespace QCD{ template class SchurDifferentiableOperator : public SchurDiagMooeeOperator { public: SchurDifferentiableOperator (Matrix &Mat) : SchurDiagMooeeOperator(Mat) {}; void MpcDeriv(LatticeGaugeField &Force,const FermionField &U,const FermionField &V) { GridBase *fgrid = this->_Mat.FermionGrid(); GridBase *fcbgrid = this->_Mat.FermionRedBlackGrid(); GridBase *ugrid = this->_Mat.GaugeGrid(); GridBase *ucbgrid = this->_Mat.GaugeRedBlackGrid(); Real coeff = 1.0; FermionField tmp1(fcbgrid); FermionField tmp2(fcbgrid); conformable(fcbgrid,U._grid); conformable(fcbgrid,V._grid); // Assert the checkerboard?? or code for either assert(U.checkerboard==Odd); assert(V.checkerboard==V.checkerboard); LatticeGaugeField ForceO(ucbgrid); LatticeGaugeField ForceE(ucbgrid); // X^dag Der_oe MeeInv Meo Y // Use Mooee as nontrivial but gauge field indept this->_Mat.Meooe (V,tmp1); // odd->even -- implicit -0.5 factor to be applied this->_Mat.MooeeInv(tmp1,tmp2); // even->even this->_Mat.MoeDeriv(ForceO,U,tmp2,DaggerNo); // Accumulate X^dag M_oe MeeInv Der_eo Y this->_Mat.MeooeDag (U,tmp1); // even->odd -- implicit -0.5 factor to be applied this->_Mat.MooeeInvDag(tmp1,tmp2); // even->even this->_Mat.MeoDeriv(ForceE,tmp2,V,DaggerNo); setCheckerboard(Force,ForceE); setCheckerboard(Force,ForceO); Force=-Force; } void MpcDagDeriv(LatticeGaugeField &Force,const FermionField &U,const FermionField &V) { GridBase *fgrid = this->_Mat.FermionGrid(); GridBase *fcbgrid = this->_Mat.FermionRedBlackGrid(); GridBase *ugrid = this->_Mat.GaugeGrid(); GridBase *ucbgrid = this->_Mat.GaugeRedBlackGrid(); Real coeff = 1.0; FermionField tmp1(fcbgrid); FermionField tmp2(fcbgrid); conformable(fcbgrid,U._grid); conformable(fcbgrid,V._grid); // Assert the checkerboard?? or code for either assert(V.checkerboard==Odd); assert(V.checkerboard==V.checkerboard); LatticeGaugeField ForceO(ucbgrid); LatticeGaugeField ForceE(ucbgrid); // X^dag Der_oe MeeInv Meo Y // Use Mooee as nontrivial but gauge field indept this->_Mat.MeooeDag (V,tmp1); // odd->even -- implicit -0.5 factor to be applied this->_Mat.MooeeInvDag(tmp1,tmp2); // even->even this->_Mat.MoeDeriv(ForceO,U,tmp2,DaggerYes); // Accumulate X^dag M_oe MeeInv Der_eo Y this->_Mat.Meooe (U,tmp1); // even->odd -- implicit -0.5 factor to be applied this->_Mat.MooeeInv(tmp1,tmp2); // even->even this->_Mat.MeoDeriv(ForceE,tmp2,V,DaggerYes); setCheckerboard(Force,ForceE); setCheckerboard(Force,ForceO); Force=-Force; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Two flavour pseudofermion action for any EO prec dop //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template class TwoFlavourEvenOddPseudoFermionAction : public Action { private: FermionOperator & FermOp;// the basic operator OperatorFunction &DerivativeSolver; OperatorFunction &ActionSolver; FermionField PhiOdd; // the pseudo fermion field for this trajectory FermionField PhiEven; // the pseudo fermion field for this trajectory public: ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pass in required objects. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TwoFlavourEvenOddPseudoFermionAction(FermionOperator &Op, OperatorFunction & DS, OperatorFunction & AS ) : FermOp(Op), DerivativeSolver(DS), ActionSolver(AS), PhiEven(Op.FermionRedBlackGrid()), PhiOdd(Op.FermionRedBlackGrid()) {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Push the gauge field in to the dops. Assume any BC's and smearing already applied ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void init(const GaugeField &U, GridParallelRNG& pRNG) { // P(phi) = e^{- phi^dag (MpcdagMpc)^-1 phi} // Phi = McpDag eta // P(eta) = e^{- eta^dag eta} // // e^{x^2/2 sig^2} => sig^2 = 0.5. RealD scale = std::sqrt(0.5); FermionField eta (FermOp.FermionGrid()); FermionField etaOdd (FermOp.FermionRedBlackGrid()); FermionField etaEven(FermOp.FermionRedBlackGrid()); gaussian(pRNG,eta); pickCheckerboard(Even,etaEven,eta); pickCheckerboard(Odd,etaOdd,eta); SchurDifferentiableOperator,FermionField> PCop(FermOp); FermOp.ImportGauge(U); PCop.MpcDag(etaOdd,PhiOdd); FermOp.MooeeDag(etaEven,PhiEven); PhiOdd =PhiOdd*scale; PhiEven=PhiEven*scale; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // S = phi^dag (Mdag M)^-1 phi (odd) // + phi^dag (Mdag M)^-1 phi (even) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual RealD S(const GaugeField &U) { FermOp.ImportGauge(U); FermionField X(FermOp.FermionRedBlackGrid()); FermionField Y(FermOp.FermionRedBlackGrid()); SchurDifferentiableOperator,FermionField> PCop(FermOp); X=zero; ActionSolver(PCop,PhiOdd,X); PCop.Op(X,Y); RealD action = norm2(Y); // The EE factorised block; normally can replace with zero if det is constant (gauge field indept) // Only really clover term that creates this. FermOp.MooeeInvDag(PhiEven,Y); action = action + norm2(Y); std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Pseudofermion EO action "<,FermionField> PCop(FermOp); X=zero; DerivativeSolver(PCop,PhiOdd,X); PCop.Op(X,Y); // Our conventions really make this UdSdU; We do not differentiate wrt Udag here. // So must take dSdU - adj(dSdU) and left multiply by mom to get dS/dt. PCop.MpcDeriv(tmp , Y, X ); dSdU=tmp; PCop.MpcDagDeriv(tmp , X, Y); dSdU=dSdU+tmp; // Treat the EE case. (MdagM)^-1 = Minv Minvdag // Deriv defaults to zero. FermOp.MooeeInvDag(PhiOdd,Y); FermOp.MooeeInv(Y,X); FermOp.MeeDeriv(tmp , Y, X,DaggerNo ); dSdU=tmp; FermOp.MeeDeriv(tmp , X, Y,DaggerYes); dSdU=dSdU+tmp; dSdU = Ta(dSdU); }; }; } } #endif