/******************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: programs/Hadrons/Environment.cc Copyright (C) 2015 Author: Antonin Portelli This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include using namespace Grid; using namespace QCD; using namespace Hadrons; /****************************************************************************** * Environment implementation * ******************************************************************************/ // constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Environment::Environment(void) { grid4d_.reset(SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid( GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd, vComplex::Nsimd()), GridDefaultMpi())); gridRb4d_.reset(SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(grid4d_.get())); auto loc = getGrid()->LocalDimensions(); locVol_ = 1; for (unsigned int d = 0; d < loc.size(); ++d) { locVol_ *= loc[d]; } rng4d_.reset(new GridParallelRNG(grid4d_.get())); } // dry run ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::dryRun(const bool isDry) { dryRun_ = isDry; } bool Environment::isDryRun(void) const { return dryRun_; } // trajectory number /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::setTrajectory(const unsigned int traj) { traj_ = traj; } unsigned int Environment::getTrajectory(void) const { return traj_; } // grids /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::createGrid(const unsigned int Ls) { if (grid5d_.find(Ls) == grid5d_.end()) { auto g = getGrid(); grid5d_[Ls].reset(SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(Ls, g)); gridRb5d_[Ls].reset(SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(Ls, g)); } } GridCartesian * Environment::getGrid(const unsigned int Ls) const { try { if (Ls == 1) { return grid4d_.get(); } else { return grid5d_.at(Ls).get(); } } catch(std::out_of_range &) { HADRON_ERROR("no grid with Ls= " << Ls); } } GridRedBlackCartesian * Environment::getRbGrid(const unsigned int Ls) const { try { if (Ls == 1) { return gridRb4d_.get(); } else { return gridRb5d_.at(Ls).get(); } } catch(std::out_of_range &) { HADRON_ERROR("no red-black 5D grid with Ls= " << Ls); } } // random number generator ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::setSeed(const std::vector &seed) { rng4d_->SeedFixedIntegers(seed); } GridParallelRNG * Environment::get4dRng(void) const { return rng4d_.get(); } // module management /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::createModule(const std::string name, const std::string type, XmlReader &reader) { auto addObject = [this](const std::string name, const int moduleAddress) { ObjInfo info; object_.push_back(info); objectName_.push_back(name); objectAddress_[name] = object_.size() - 1; objectModule_.push_back(moduleAddress); owners_.push_back(std::set()); properties_.push_back(std::set()); }; if (!hasModule(name)) { auto &factory = ModuleFactory::getInstance(); std::vector inputAddress; module_.push_back(factory.create(type, name)); moduleType_.push_back(type); moduleName_.push_back(name); moduleAddress_[name] = module_.size() - 1; module_.back()->parseParameters(reader, "options"); auto input = module_.back()->getInput(); for (auto &in: input) { if (!hasObject(in)) { addObject(in , -1); } inputAddress.push_back(objectAddress_[in]); } moduleInput_.push_back(inputAddress); auto output = module_.back()->getOutput(); for (auto &out: output) { if (!hasObject(out)) { addObject(out , module_.size() - 1); } else { if (objectModule_[objectAddress_[out]] < 0) { objectModule_[objectAddress_[out]] = module_.size() - 1; } else { HADRON_ERROR("object '" + out + "' is already produced by module '" + moduleName_[objectModule_[getObjectAddress(out)]] + "' (while creating module '" + name + "')"); } } } } else { HADRON_ERROR("module '" + name + "' already exists"); } } ModuleBase * Environment::getModule(const unsigned int address) const { if (hasModule(address)) { return module_[address].get(); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no module with address " + std::to_string(address)); } } ModuleBase * Environment::getModule(const std::string name) const { return getModule(getModuleAddress(name)); } unsigned int Environment::getModuleAddress(const std::string name) const { if (hasModule(name)) { return moduleAddress_.at(name); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no module with name '" + name + "'"); } } std::string Environment::getModuleName(const unsigned int address) const { if (hasModule(address)) { return moduleName_[address]; } else { HADRON_ERROR("no module with address " + std::to_string(address)); } } std::string Environment::getModuleType(const unsigned int address) const { if (hasModule(address)) { return moduleType_[address]; } else { HADRON_ERROR("no module with address " + std::to_string(address)); } } std::string Environment::getModuleType(const std::string name) const { return getModuleType(getModuleAddress(name)); } bool Environment::hasModule(const unsigned int address) const { return (address < module_.size()); } bool Environment::hasModule(const std::string name) const { return (moduleAddress_.find(name) != moduleAddress_.end()); } Graph Environment::makeModuleGraph(void) const { Graph moduleGraph; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < module_.size(); ++i) { moduleGraph.addVertex(i); for (auto &j: moduleInput_[i]) { moduleGraph.addEdge(objectModule_[j], i); } } return moduleGraph; } #define BIG_SEP "===============" #define SEP "---------------" #define MEM_MSG(size)\ sizeString((size)*locVol_) << " (" << sizeString(size) << "/site)" unsigned int Environment::executeProgram(const std::vector &p) { unsigned int memPeak = 0, sizeBefore, sizeAfter; std::vector> freeProg; bool continueCollect, nothingFreed; // build garbage collection schedule freeProg.resize(p.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < object_.size(); ++i) { auto pred = [i, this](const unsigned int j) { auto &in = moduleInput_[j]; auto it = std::find(in.begin(), in.end(), i); return (it != in.end()) or (j == objectModule_[i]); }; auto it = std::find_if(p.rbegin(), p.rend(), pred); if (it != p.rend()) { freeProg[p.rend() - it - 1].insert(i); } } // program execution for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) { // execute module if (!isDryRun()) { LOG(Message) << SEP << " Measurement step " << i+1 << "/" << p.size() << " (module '" << moduleName_[p[i]] << "') " << SEP << std::endl; } (*module_[p[i]])(); sizeBefore = getTotalSize(); // print used memory after execution if (!isDryRun()) { LOG(Message) << "Allocated objects: " << MEM_MSG(sizeBefore) << std::endl; } if (sizeBefore > memPeak) { memPeak = sizeBefore; } // garbage collection for step i if (!isDryRun()) { LOG(Message) << "Garbage collection..." << std::endl; } nothingFreed = true; do { continueCollect = false; auto toFree = freeProg[i]; for (auto &j: toFree) { // continue garbage collection while there are still // objects without owners continueCollect = continueCollect or !hasOwners(j); if(freeObject(j)) { // if an object has been freed, remove it from // the garbage collection schedule freeProg[i].erase(j); nothingFreed = false; } } } while (continueCollect); // any remaining objects in step i garbage collection schedule // is scheduled for step i + 1 if (i + 1 < p.size()) { for (auto &j: freeProg[i]) { freeProg[i + 1].insert(j); } } // print used memory after garbage collection if necessary sizeAfter = getTotalSize(); if (!isDryRun()) { if (sizeBefore != sizeAfter) { LOG(Message) << "Allocated objects: " << MEM_MSG(sizeAfter) << std::endl; } else { LOG(Message) << "Nothing to free" << std::endl; } } } return memPeak; } unsigned int Environment::executeProgram(const std::vector &p) { std::vector pAddress; for (auto &n: p) { pAddress.push_back(getModuleAddress(n)); } return executeProgram(pAddress); } // lattice store /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::freeLattice(const unsigned int address) { if (hasLattice(address)) { if (!isDryRun()) { LOG(Message) << "Freeing lattice '" << objectName_[address] << "'" << std::endl; } lattice_.erase(address); object_[address] = ObjInfo(); } else { HADRON_ERROR("trying to free unknown lattice (address " + std::to_string(address) + ")"); } } bool Environment::hasLattice(const unsigned int address) const { return (hasRegisteredObject(address) and (lattice_.find(address) != lattice_.end())); } bool Environment::hasLattice(const std::string name) const { if (hasObject(name)) { return hasLattice(getObjectAddress(name)); } else { return false; } } // fermion actions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::addFermionMatrix(const std::string name, FMat *fMat) { if (hasRegisteredObject(name)) { fMat_[getObjectAddress(name)].reset(fMat); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object named '" << name << "'"); } } Environment::FMat * Environment::getFermionMatrix(const std::string name) const { unsigned int i; if (hasFermionMatrix(name)) { i = getObjectAddress(name); return fMat_.at(i).get(); } else { if (hasSolver(name)) { i = getObjectAddress(solverAction_.at(name)); return fMat_.at(i).get(); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no action/solver with name '" << name << "'"); } } } bool Environment::hasFermionMatrix(const unsigned int address) const { return (hasRegisteredObject(address) and (fMat_.find(address) != fMat_.end())); } bool Environment::hasFermionMatrix(const std::string name) const { if (hasObject(name)) { return hasFermionMatrix(getObjectAddress(name)); } else { return false; } } void Environment::freeFermionMatrix(const unsigned int address) { if (hasFermionMatrix(address)) { if (!isDryRun()) { LOG(Message) << "Freeing fermion matrix '" << objectName_[address] << "'" << std::endl; } fMat_.erase(address); object_[address] = ObjInfo(); } else { HADRON_ERROR("trying to free unknown fermion matrix (address " + std::to_string(address) + ")"); } } void Environment::freeFermionMatrix(const std::string name) { freeFermionMatrix(getObjectAddress(name)); } // solvers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::addSolver(const std::string name, Solver s) { auto address = getObjectAddress(name); if (hasRegisteredObject(address)) { solver_[address] = s; } else { HADRON_ERROR("object with name '" + name + "' exsists but is not registered"); } } bool Environment::hasSolver(const unsigned int address) const { return (hasRegisteredObject(address) and (solver_.find(address) != solver_.end())); } bool Environment::hasSolver(const std::string name) const { if (hasObject(name)) { return hasSolver(getObjectAddress(name)); } else { return false; } } void Environment::setSolverAction(const std::string name, const std::string actionName) { if (hasObject(name)) { solverAction_[name] = actionName; } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object named '" << name << "'"); } } std::string Environment::getSolverAction(const std::string name) const { if (hasObject(name)) { try { return solverAction_.at(name); } catch (std::out_of_range &) { HADRON_ERROR("no action registered for solver '" << name << "'") } } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object with name '" << name << "'"); } } void Environment::callSolver(const std::string name, LatticeFermion &sol, const LatticeFermion &source) const { if (hasSolver(name)) { solver_.at(getObjectAddress(name))(sol, source); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no solver with name '" << name << "'"); } } // general memory management /////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Environment::registerObject(const unsigned int address, const unsigned int size, const unsigned int Ls) { if (!hasRegisteredObject(address)) { if (hasObject(address)) { ObjInfo info; info.size = size; info.Ls = Ls; info.isRegistered = true; object_[address] = info; } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object with address " + std::to_string(address)); } } else { HADRON_ERROR("object with address " + std::to_string(address) + " already registered"); } } void Environment::registerObject(const std::string name, const unsigned int size, const unsigned int Ls) { registerObject(getObjectAddress(name), size, Ls); } unsigned int Environment::getObjectAddress(const std::string name) const { if (hasObject(name)) { return objectAddress_.at(name); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object with name '" + name + "'"); } } std::string Environment::getObjectName(const unsigned int address) const { if (hasObject(address)) { return objectName_[address]; } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object with address " + std::to_string(address)); } } unsigned int Environment::getObjectSize(const unsigned int address) const { if (hasRegisteredObject(address)) { return object_[address].size; } else if (hasObject(address)) { HADRON_ERROR("object with address " + std::to_string(address) + " exsists but is not registered"); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object with address " + std::to_string(address)); } } unsigned int Environment::getObjectSize(const std::string name) const { return getObjectSize(getObjectAddress(name)); } unsigned int Environment::getObjectLs(const unsigned int address) const { if (hasRegisteredObject(address)) { return object_[address].Ls; } else if (hasObject(address)) { HADRON_ERROR("object with address " + std::to_string(address) + " exsists but is not registered"); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object with address " + std::to_string(address)); } } unsigned int Environment::getObjectLs(const std::string name) const { return getObjectLs(getObjectAddress(name)); } bool Environment::hasObject(const unsigned int address) const { return (address < object_.size()); } bool Environment::hasObject(const std::string name) const { auto it = objectAddress_.find(name); return ((it != objectAddress_.end()) and hasObject(it->second)); } bool Environment::hasRegisteredObject(const unsigned int address) const { if (hasObject(address)) { return object_[address].isRegistered; } else { return false; } } bool Environment::hasRegisteredObject(const std::string name) const { if (hasObject(name)) { return hasRegisteredObject(getObjectAddress(name)); } else { return false; } } bool Environment::isObject5d(const unsigned int address) const { return (getObjectLs(address) > 1); } bool Environment::isObject5d(const std::string name) const { return (getObjectLs(name) > 1); } long unsigned int Environment::getTotalSize(void) const { long unsigned int size = 0; for (auto &o: object_) { if (o.isRegistered) { size += o.size; } } return size; } void Environment::addOwnership(const unsigned int owner, const unsigned int property) { owners_[property].insert(owner); properties_[owner].insert(property); } void Environment::addOwnership(const std::string owner, const std::string property) { addOwnership(getObjectAddress(owner), getObjectAddress(property)); } bool Environment::hasOwners(const unsigned int address) const { if (hasObject(address)) { return (!owners_[address].empty()); } else { HADRON_ERROR("no object with address " + std::to_string(address)); } } bool Environment::hasOwners(const std::string name) const { return hasOwners(getObjectAddress(name)); } bool Environment::freeObject(const unsigned int address) { if (!hasOwners(address)) { for (auto &p: properties_[address]) { owners_[p].erase(address); } properties_[address].clear(); if (hasLattice(address)) { freeLattice(address); } else if (hasFermionMatrix(address)) { freeFermionMatrix(address); } else if (hasObject(address)) { object_[address] = ObjInfo(); } return true; } else { return false; } } bool Environment::freeObject(const std::string name) { return freeObject(getObjectAddress(name)); } void Environment::freeAll(void) { lattice_.clear(); fMat_.clear(); solver_.clear(); solverAction_.clear(); owners_.clear(); properties_.clear(); } void Environment::printContent(void) { LOG(Message) << "Modules: " << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < module_.size(); ++i) { LOG(Message) << std::setw(4) << std::right << i << ": " << moduleName_[i] << " (" << moduleType_[i] << ")" << std::endl; } LOG(Message) << "Objects: " << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < object_.size(); ++i) { LOG(Message) << std::setw(4) << std::right << i << ": " << objectName_[i] << std::endl; } }