#ifndef QCD_ACTION_BASE #define QCD_ACTION_BASE namespace Grid { namespace QCD{ template class Action { public: virtual void init (const GaugeField &U, GridParallelRNG& pRNG) = 0; // virtual RealD S (const GaugeField &U) = 0; // evaluate the action virtual void deriv(const GaugeField &U,GaugeField & dSdU ) = 0; // evaluate the action derivative virtual void refresh(const GaugeField & ) {}; // Default to no-op for actions with no internal fields // Boundary conditions? // Heatbath? virtual ~Action() {}; }; // Could derive PseudoFermion action with a PF field, FermionField, and a Grid; implement refresh template class PseudoFermionAction : public Action { public: FermionField Phi; GridParallelRNG &pRNG; GridBase &Grid; PseudoFermionAction(GridBase &_Grid,GridParallelRNG &_pRNG) : Grid(_Grid), Phi(&_Grid), pRNG(_pRNG) { }; virtual void refresh(const GaugeField &gauge) { gaussian(Phi,pRNG); }; }; }} #endif