/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: ./tests/Test_evec_compression.cc Copyright (C) 2017 Author: Christopher Kelly Author: Peter Boyle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ /* * * This test generates eigenvectors using the Lanczos algorithm then attempts to use local coherence compression * to express those vectors in terms of a basis formed from a subset. This test is useful for finding the optimal * blocking and basis size for performing a Local Coherence Lanczos */ #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Grid; //For the CPS configurations we have to manually seed the RNG and deal with an incorrect factor of 2 in the plaquette metadata template void readConfiguration(LatticeGaugeFieldD &U, const std::string &config, bool is_cps_cfg = false){ if(is_cps_cfg) NerscIO::exitOnReadPlaquetteMismatch() = false; typedef GaugeStatistics GaugeStats; FieldMetaData header; NerscIO::readConfiguration(U, header, config); if(is_cps_cfg) NerscIO::exitOnReadPlaquetteMismatch() = true; } //Lanczos parameters in CPS conventions struct CPSLanczosParams : Serializable { public: GRID_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS_MEMBERS(CPSLanczosParams, RealD, alpha, RealD, beta, int, ch_ord, int, N_use, int, N_get, int, N_true_get, RealD, stop_rsd, int, maxits); //Translations ChebyParams getChebyParams() const{ ChebyParams out; out.alpha = beta*beta; //aka lo out.beta = alpha*alpha; //aka hi out.Npoly = ch_ord+1; return out; } int Nstop() const{ return N_true_get; } int Nm() const{ return N_use; } int Nk() const{ return N_get; } }; template class LocalCoherenceCompressor{ public: typedef iVector CoarseSiteVector; typedef Lattice CoarseScalar; // used for inner products on fine field typedef Lattice CoarseField; typedef Lattice FineField; void compress(std::vector &basis, std::vector &compressed_evecs, const std::vector &evecs_in, GridBase *FineGrid, GridBase *CoarseGrid){ int nevecs = evecs_in.size(); assert(nevecs > nbasis); //Construct the basis basis.resize(nbasis, FineGrid); for(int b=0;b &basis, const std::vector &compressed_evecs) const{ blockPromote(compressed_evecs[i],evec,basis); } //Test uncompressed eigenvectors of Linop.HermOp to precision 'base_tolerance' for i=nbasis //Because the uncompressed evec has a lot of high mode noise (unimportant for deflation) we apply a smoother before testing. //The Chebyshev used by the Lanczos should be sufficient as a smoother bool testCompression(LinearOperatorBase &Linop, OperatorFunction &smoother, const std::vector &basis, const std::vector &compressed_evecs, const std::vector &evals, const RealD base_tolerance, const RealD relax){ std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Testing quality of uncompressed evecs (after smoothing)" << std::endl; GridBase* FineGrid = basis[0].Grid(); GridBase* CoarseGrid = compressed_evecs[0].Grid(); bool fail = false; FineField evec(FineGrid), Mevec(FineGrid), evec_sm(FineGrid); for(int i=0;i tol) fail = true; } return fail; } //Compare uncompressed evecs to original evecs void compareEvecs(const std::vector &basis, const std::vector &compressed_evecs, const std::vector &orig_evecs){ std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Comparing uncompressed evecs to original evecs" << std::endl; GridBase* FineGrid = basis[0].Grid(); GridBase* CoarseGrid = compressed_evecs[0].Grid(); FineField evec(FineGrid), diff(FineGrid); for(int i=0;i void compareBlockPromoteTimings(const std::vector > &basis, const std::vector > > &compressed_evecs){ typedef iVector CoarseSiteVector; typedef Lattice CoarseScalar; typedef Lattice CoarseField; typedef Lattice FineField; GridStopWatch timer; GridBase* FineGrid = basis[0].Grid(); GridBase* CoarseGrid = compressed_evecs[0].Grid(); FineField v1(FineGrid), v2(FineGrid); //Start with a cold start for(int i=0;i blockSize; std::vector GparityDirs; bool write_fine; std::string write_fine_file; bool read_fine; std::string read_fine_file; int basis_size; Args(){ blockSize = {2,2,2,2,2}; GparityDirs = {1,1,1}; //1 for each GP direction Ls = 12; mass = 0.01; M5 = 1.8; is_cps_cfg = false; mobius_scale = 2; fine.alpha = 2; fine.beta = 0.1; fine.ch_ord = 100; fine.N_use = 70; fine.N_get = 60; fine.N_true_get = 60; fine.stop_rsd = 1e-8; fine.maxits = 10000; coarse_relax_tol = 1e5; write_fine = false; read_fine = false; basis_size = 100; } }; GparityWilsonImplD::ImplParams setupGparityParams(const std::vector &GparityDirs){ //Setup G-parity BCs assert(Nd == 4); std::vector dirs4(4); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) dirs4[i] = GparityDirs[i]; dirs4[3] = 0; //periodic gauge BC in time std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Gauge BCs: " << dirs4 << std::endl; ConjugateGimplD::setDirections(dirs4); //gauge BC GparityWilsonImplD::ImplParams Params; for(int i=0;i void run_b(ActionType &action, const std::string &config, const Args &args){ //Fine grids GridCartesian * UGrid = (GridCartesian*)action.GaugeGrid(); GridRedBlackCartesian * UrbGrid = (GridRedBlackCartesian*)action.GaugeRedBlackGrid(); GridCartesian * FGrid = (GridCartesian*)action.FermionGrid(); GridRedBlackCartesian * FrbGrid = (GridRedBlackCartesian*)action.FermionRedBlackGrid(); //Setup the coarse grids auto fineLatt = GridDefaultLatt(); Coordinate coarseLatt(4); for (int d=0;d<4;d++){ coarseLatt[d] = fineLatt[d]/args.blockSize[d]; assert(coarseLatt[d]*args.blockSize[d]==fineLatt[d]); } std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " 5d coarse lattice is "; for (int i=0;i<4;i++){ std::cout << coarseLatt[i]<<"x"; } int cLs = args.Ls/args.blockSize[4]; assert(cLs*args.blockSize[4]==args.Ls); std::cout << cLs< CoarseSiteVector; typedef Lattice CoarseScalar; typedef Lattice CoarseField; typedef typename ActionType::FermionField FermionField; SchurDiagTwoOperator SchurOp(action); typedef typename ActionType::SiteSpinor SiteSpinor; const CPSLanczosParams &fine = args.fine; //Do the fine Lanczos std::vector evals; std::vector evecs; if(args.read_fine){ evals.resize(fine.N_true_get); evecs.resize(fine.N_true_get, FrbGrid); std::string evals_file = args.read_fine_file + "_evals.xml"; std::string evecs_file = args.read_fine_file + "_evecs.scidac"; std::cout << GridLogIRL<< "Reading evals from "< Cheby(fine.getChebyParams()); FunctionHermOp ChebyOp(Cheby,SchurOp); PlainHermOp Op(SchurOp); evals.resize(Nm); evecs.resize(Nm,FrbGrid); ImplicitlyRestartedLanczos IRL(ChebyOp,Op,Nstop,Nk,Nm,resid,MaxIt,0,0); FermionField src(FrbGrid); typedef typename FermionField::scalar_type Scalar; src=Scalar(1.0); src.Checkerboard() = Odd; int Nconv; IRL.calc(evals, evecs,src,Nconv,false); if(Nconv < Nstop) assert(0 && "Fine lanczos failed to converge the required number of evecs"); //algorithm doesn't consider this a failure if(Nconv > Nstop){ //Yes this potentially throws away some evecs but it is better than having a random number of evecs between Nstop and Nm! evals.resize(Nstop); evecs.resize(Nstop, FrbGrid); } if(args.write_fine){ std::string evals_file = args.write_fine_file + "_evals.xml"; std::string evecs_file = args.write_fine_file + "_evecs.scidac"; std::cout << GridLogIRL<< "Writing evecs to "<IsBoss()); WR.open(evecs_file); for(int k=0;k compressor; std::vector basis(nbasis,FrbGrid); std::vector compressed_evecs(evecs.size(),CoarseGrid5); compressor.compress(basis, compressed_evecs, evecs, FrbGrid, CoarseGrid5); compareBlockPromoteTimings(basis, compressed_evecs); //Compare uncompressed and original evecs compressor.compareEvecs(basis, compressed_evecs, evecs); //Create the smoother Chebyshev smoother(fine.getChebyParams()); //Test the quality of the uncompressed evecs assert( compressor.testCompression(SchurOp, smoother, basis, compressed_evecs, evals, fine.stop_rsd, args.coarse_relax_tol) ); } template void run(ActionType &action, const std::string &config, const Args &args){ switch(args.basis_size){ case 50: return run_b<50>(action,config,args); case 100: return run_b<100>(action,config,args); case 150: return run_b<150>(action,config,args); case 200: return run_b<200>(action,config,args); case 250: return run_b<250>(action,config,args); case 300: return run_b<300>(action,config,args); case 350: return run_b<350>(action,config,args); case 400: return run_b<400>(action,config,args); default: assert(0 && "Unsupported basis size: allowed values are 50,100,200,250,300,350,400"); } } //Note: because we rely upon physical properties we must use a "real" gauge configuration int main (int argc, char ** argv) { Grid_init(&argc,&argv); GridLogIRL.TimingMode(1); if(argc < 3){ std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Usage: " << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << " should have the format a.b.c where a,b,c are 0,1 depending on whether there are G-parity BCs in that direction" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Options:" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--Ls : Set Ls (default 12)" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--mass : Set the mass (default 0.01)" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--block : Set the block size. Format should be a.b.c.d.e where a-e are the block extents (default" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--is_cps_cfg : Indicate that the configuration was generated with CPS where until recently the stored plaquette was wrong by a factor of 2" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--write_irl_templ: Write a template for the parameters file of the Lanczos to \"irl_templ.xml\"" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--read_irl_fine : Real the parameters file for the fine Lanczos" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--write_fine : Write fine evecs/evals to filename starting with the stub" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--read_fine : Read fine evecs/evals from filename starting with the stub" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--coarse_relax_tol : Set the relaxation parameter for evaluating the residual of the reconstructed eigenvectors outside of the basis (default 1e5)" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--action : Set the action from 'DWF', 'Mobius' (default Mobius)" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--mobius_scale : Set the Mobius scale b+c (default 2)" << std::endl; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "--basis_size : Set the basis size from 50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400 (default 100)" << std::endl; Grid_finalize(); return 1; } std::string config = argv[1]; Args args; GridCmdOptionIntVector(argv[2], args.GparityDirs); assert(args.GparityDirs.size() == 3); std::string action_s = "Mobius"; for(int i=3;i> args.mass; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Set quark mass to " << args.mass << std::endl; }else if(sarg == "--block"){ GridCmdOptionIntVector(argv[i+1], args.blockSize); assert(args.blockSize.size() == 5); std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Set block size to "; for(int q=0;q<5;q++) std::cout << args.blockSize[q] << " "; std::cout << std::endl; }else if(sarg == "--is_cps_cfg"){ args.is_cps_cfg = true; }else if(sarg == "--write_irl_templ"){ XmlWriter writer("irl_templ.xml"); write(writer,"Params",args.fine); Grid_finalize(); return 0; }else if(sarg == "--read_irl_fine"){ std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Reading fine IRL params from " << argv[i+1] << std::endl; XmlReader reader(argv[i+1]); read(reader, "Params", args.fine); }else if(sarg == "--write_fine"){ args.write_fine = true; args.write_fine_file = argv[i+1]; }else if(sarg == "--read_fine"){ args.read_fine = true; args.read_fine_file = argv[i+1]; }else if(sarg == "--coarse_relax_tol"){ std::istringstream ss(argv[i+1]); ss >> args.coarse_relax_tol; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Set coarse IRL relaxation parameter to " << args.coarse_relax_tol << std::endl; }else if(sarg == "--action"){ action_s = argv[i+1]; std::cout << "Action set to " << action_s << std::endl; }else if(sarg == "--mobius_scale"){ std::istringstream ss(argv[i+1]); ss >> args.mobius_scale; std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Set Mobius scale to " << args.mobius_scale << std::endl; }else if(sarg == "--basis_size"){ args.basis_size = std::stoi(argv[i+1]); std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Set basis size to " << args.basis_size << std::endl; } } //Fine grids GridCartesian * UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplex::Nsimd()), GridDefaultMpi()); GridRedBlackCartesian * UrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGrid); GridCartesian * FGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(args.Ls,UGrid); GridRedBlackCartesian * FrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(args.Ls,UGrid); LatticeGaugeField Umu(UGrid); bool is_gparity = false; for(auto g : args.GparityDirs) if(g) is_gparity = true; double bmc = 1.; double b = (args.mobius_scale + bmc)/2.; // b = 1/2 [ (b+c) + (b-c) ] double c = (args.mobius_scale - bmc)/2.; // c = 1/2 [ (b+c) - (b-c) ] if(is_gparity){ GparityWilsonImplD::ImplParams Params = setupGparityParams(args.GparityDirs); readConfiguration(Umu, config, args.is_cps_cfg); //Read the gauge field if(action_s == "DWF"){ GparityDomainWallFermionD action(Umu, *FGrid, *FrbGrid, *UGrid, *UrbGrid, args.mass, args.M5, Params); run(action, config, args); }else if(action_s == "Mobius"){ GparityMobiusFermionD action(Umu, *FGrid, *FrbGrid, *UGrid, *UrbGrid, args.mass, args.M5, b, c, Params); run(action, config, args); } }else{ WilsonImplD::ImplParams Params = setupParams(); readConfiguration(Umu, config, args.is_cps_cfg); //Read the gauge field if(action_s == "DWF"){ DomainWallFermionD action(Umu, *FGrid, *FrbGrid, *UGrid, *UrbGrid, args.mass, args.M5, Params); run(action, config, args); }else if(action_s == "Mobius"){ MobiusFermionD action(Umu, *FGrid, *FrbGrid, *UGrid, *UrbGrid, args.mass, args.M5, b, c, Params); run(action, config, args); } } Grid_finalize(); }