/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: ./lib/qcd/hmc/integrators/Integrator.h Copyright (C) 2015 Author: Guido Cossu This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef METRIC_H #define METRIC_H NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Grid); template class Metric{ public: virtual void ImportGauge(const Field&) = 0; virtual void M(const Field&, Field&) = 0; virtual void Minv(const Field&, Field&) = 0; virtual void MSquareRoot(Field&) = 0; virtual void MInvSquareRoot(Field&) = 0; virtual void MDeriv(const Field&, Field&) = 0; virtual void MDeriv(const Field&, const Field&, Field&) = 0; }; // Need a trivial operator template class TrivialMetric : public Metric{ public: virtual void ImportGauge(const Field&){}; virtual void M(const Field& in, Field& out){ out = in; } virtual void Minv(const Field& in, Field& out){ out = in; } virtual void MSquareRoot(Field& P){ // do nothing } virtual void MInvSquareRoot(Field& P){ // do nothing } virtual void MDeriv(const Field& in, Field& out){ out = zero; } virtual void MDeriv(const Field& left, const Field& right, Field& out){ out = zero; } }; /////////////////////////////// // Generalised momenta /////////////////////////////// template class GeneralisedMomenta{ public: typedef typename Implementation::Field MomentaField; //for readability typedef typename Implementation::GaugeLinkField MomentaLinkField; //for readability Metric& M; MomentaField Mom; // Auxiliary fields // not hard coded but inherit the type from the metric // created Nd new fields // hide these in the metric? //typedef Lattice >, Nd/2 > > AuxiliaryMomentaType; MomentaField AuxMom; MomentaField AuxField; GeneralisedMomenta(GridBase* grid, Metric& M): M(M), Mom(grid), AuxMom(grid), AuxField(grid){} // Correct void MomentaDistribution(GridParallelRNG& pRNG){ // Generate a distribution for // P^dag G P // where G = M^-1 // Generate gaussian momenta Implementation::generate_momenta(Mom, pRNG); // Modify the distribution with the metric M.MSquareRoot(Mom); if (1) { // Auxiliary momenta // do nothing if trivial, so hide in the metric MomentaField AuxMomTemp(Mom.Grid()); Implementation::generate_momenta(AuxMom, pRNG); Implementation::generate_momenta(AuxField, pRNG); // Modify the distribution with the metric // Aux^dag M Aux M.MInvSquareRoot(AuxMom); // AuxMom = M^{-1/2} AuxMomTemp } } // Correct RealD MomentaAction(){ MomentaField inv(Mom.Grid()); inv = zero; M.Minv(Mom, inv); LatticeComplex Hloc(Mom.Grid()); Hloc = zero; for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) { // This is not very general // hide in the metric auto Mom_mu = PeekIndex(Mom, mu); auto inv_mu = PeekIndex(inv, mu); Hloc += trace(Mom_mu * inv_mu); } if (1) { // Auxiliary Fields // hide in the metric M.M(AuxMom, inv); for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) { // This is not very general // hide in the operators auto inv_mu = PeekIndex(inv, mu); auto am_mu = PeekIndex(AuxMom, mu); auto af_mu = PeekIndex(AuxField, mu); Hloc += trace(am_mu * inv_mu);// p M p Hloc += trace(af_mu * af_mu); } } Complex Hsum = sum(Hloc); return Hsum.real(); } // Correct void DerivativeU(MomentaField& in, MomentaField& der){ // Compute the derivative of the kinetic term // with respect to the gauge field MomentaField MDer(in.Grid()); MomentaField X(in.Grid()); X = zero; M.Minv(in, X); // X = G in M.MDeriv(X, MDer); // MDer = U * dS/dU der = Implementation::projectForce(MDer); // Ta if gauge fields } void AuxiliaryFieldsDerivative(MomentaField& der){ der = zero; if (1){ // Auxiliary fields MomentaField der_temp(der.Grid()); MomentaField X(der.Grid()); X=zero; //M.M(AuxMom, X); // X = M Aux // Two derivative terms // the Mderiv need separation of left and right terms M.MDeriv(AuxMom, der); // this one should not be necessary (identical to the previous one) //M.MDeriv(X, AuxMom, der_temp); der += der_temp; der = -1.0*Implementation::projectForce(der); } } void DerivativeP(MomentaField& der){ der = zero; M.Minv(Mom, der); // is the projection necessary here? // no for fields in the algebra der = Implementation::projectForce(der); } void update_auxiliary_momenta(RealD ep){ if(1){ AuxMom -= ep * AuxField; } } void update_auxiliary_fields(RealD ep){ if (1) { MomentaField tmp(AuxMom.Grid()); MomentaField tmp2(AuxMom.Grid()); M.M(AuxMom, tmp); // M.M(tmp, tmp2); AuxField += ep * tmp; // M^2 AuxMom // factor of 2? } } }; NAMESPACE_END(Grid); #endif //METRIC_H