/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: ./tests/Test_hmc_WilsonAdjointFermionGauge.cc Copyright (C) 2015 Author: Peter Boyle Author: Peter Boyle Author: neo Author: paboyle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #include "Grid/Grid.h" namespace Grid{ struct FermionParameters: Serializable { GRID_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS_MEMBERS(FermionParameters, double, mass, double, csw, double, StoppingCondition, int, MaxCGIterations, bool, ApplySmearing); }; struct WilsonCloverHMCParameters: Serializable { GRID_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS_MEMBERS(WilsonCloverHMCParameters, double, gauge_beta, FermionParameters, WilsonCloverFund, FermionParameters, WilsonCloverAS) template WilsonCloverHMCParameters(Reader& Reader){ read(Reader, "Action", *this); } }; struct SmearingParameters: Serializable { GRID_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS_MEMBERS(SmearingParameters, double, rho, Integer, Nsmear) template SmearingParameters(Reader& Reader){ read(Reader, "StoutSmearing", *this); } }; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace Grid; using namespace Grid::QCD; // Here change the allowed (higher) representations typedef Representations< FundamentalRepresentation, TwoIndexAntiSymmetricRepresentation> TheRepresentations; Grid_init(&argc, &argv); int threads = GridThread::GetThreads(); // here make a routine to print all the relevant information on the run std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Grid is setup to use " << threads << " threads" << std::endl; // Typedefs to simplify notation typedef GenericHMCRunnerHirep HMCWrapper; typedef WilsonImplR FundImplPolicy; typedef WilsonCloverFermionR FundFermionAction; typedef typename FundFermionAction::FermionField FundFermionField; typedef WilsonTwoIndexAntiSymmetricImplR ASymmImplPolicy; typedef WilsonCloverTwoIndexAntiSymmetricFermionR ASymmFermionAction; typedef typename ASymmFermionAction::FermionField ASymmFermionField; typedef Grid::XmlReader Serialiser; //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: HMCWrapper TheHMC; // Grid from the command line TheHMC.ReadCommandLine(argc, argv); if (TheHMC.ParameterFile.empty()){ std::cout << "Input file not specified." << "Use --ParameterFile option in the command line.\nAborting" << std::endl; exit(1); } Serialiser Reader(TheHMC.ParameterFile); WilsonCloverHMCParameters MyParams(Reader); // Apply smearing to the fermionic action bool ApplySmearingFund = MyParams.WilsonCloverFund.ApplySmearing; bool ApplySmearingAS = MyParams.WilsonCloverAS.ApplySmearing; TheHMC.Resources.AddFourDimGrid("gauge"); // Checkpointer definition CheckpointerParameters CPparams(Reader); /* CPparams.config_prefix = "ckpoint_lat"; CPparams.rng_prefix = "ckpoint_rng"; CPparams.saveInterval = 5; CPparams.format = "IEEE64BIG"; */ TheHMC.Resources.LoadNerscCheckpointer(CPparams); RNGModuleParameters RNGpar(Reader); /* RNGpar.serial_seeds = "1 2 3 4 5"; RNGpar.parallel_seeds = "6 7 8 9 10"; TheHMC.Resources.SetRNGSeeds(RNGpar); */ TheHMC.Resources.SetRNGSeeds(RNGpar); // Construct observables typedef PlaquetteMod PlaqObs; TheHMC.Resources.AddObservable(); typedef PolyakovMod PolyakovObs; TheHMC.Resources.AddObservable(); typedef TopologicalChargeMod QObs; TopologyObsParameters TopParams(Reader); TheHMC.Resources.AddObservable(TopParams); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Collect actions, here use more encapsulation // need wrappers of the fermionic classes // that have a complex construction // standard //RealD beta = 5.6; WilsonGaugeActionR Waction(MyParams.gauge_beta); auto GridPtr = TheHMC.Resources.GetCartesian(); auto GridRBPtr = TheHMC.Resources.GetRBCartesian(); // temporarily need a gauge field FundamentalRepresentation::LatticeField UF(GridPtr); TwoIndexAntiSymmetricRepresentation::LatticeField UAS(GridPtr); Real Fundmass = MyParams.WilsonCloverFund.mass; Real Fundcsw = MyParams.WilsonCloverFund.csw; Real ASmass = MyParams.WilsonCloverAS.mass; Real AScsw = MyParams.WilsonCloverAS.csw; std::cout << "Fund: mass and csw" << Fundmass << " and " << Fundcsw << std::endl; std::cout << "AS : mass and csw" << ASmass << " and " << AScsw << std::endl; FundFermionAction FundFermOp(UF, *GridPtr, *GridRBPtr, Fundmass, Fundcsw, Fundcsw); ConjugateGradient CG_Fund(MyParams.WilsonCloverFund.StoppingCondition, MyParams.WilsonCloverFund.MaxCGIterations); TwoFlavourPseudoFermionAction Nf2_Fund(FundFermOp, CG_Fund, CG_Fund); ASymmFermionAction ASFermOp(UAS, *GridPtr, *GridRBPtr, ASmass, AScsw, AScsw); ConjugateGradient CG_AS(MyParams.WilsonCloverAS.StoppingCondition, MyParams.WilsonCloverAS.MaxCGIterations); TwoFlavourPseudoFermionAction Nf2_AS(ASFermOp, CG_AS, CG_AS); Nf2_Fund.is_smeared = ApplySmearingFund; Nf2_AS.is_smeared = ApplySmearingAS; // Collect actions ActionLevel Level1(1); Level1.push_back(&Nf2_Fund); Level1.push_back(&Nf2_AS); ActionLevel Level2(4); Level2.push_back(&Waction); TheHMC.TheAction.push_back(Level1); TheHMC.TheAction.push_back(Level2); TheHMC.Parameters.initialize(Reader); //TheHMC.Parameters.MD.MDsteps = 20; //TheHMC.Parameters.MD.trajL = 1.0; /* if (ApplySmearingFund || ApplySmearingAS){ SmearingParameters SmPar(Reader); //double rho = 0.1; // smearing parameter //int Nsmear = 3; // number of smearing levels Smear_Stout Stout(SmPar.rho); SmearedConfiguration SmearingPolicy(GridPtr, SmPar.Nsmear, Stout); TheHMC.Run(SmearingPolicy); // for smearing } else { TheHMC.Run(); // no smearing } */ TheHMC.Run(); //TheHMC.ReadCommandLine(argc, argv); // these can be parameters from file //TheHMC.Run(); // no smearing // TheHMC.Run(SmearingPolicy); // for smearing Grid_finalize(); } // main