/* Mike Clark - 25th May 2005 alg_remez.h AlgRemez is an implementation of the Remez algorithm, which in this case is used for generating the optimal nth root rational approximation. Note this class requires the gnu multiprecision (GNU MP) library. */ #ifndef INCLUDED_ALG_REMEZ_H #define INCLUDED_ALG_REMEZ_H #include #define JMAX 10000 //Maximum number of iterations of Newton's approximation #define SUM_MAX 10 // Maximum number of terms in exponential /* *Usage examples AlgRemez remez(lambda_low,lambda_high,precision); error = remez.generateApprox(n,d,y,z); remez.getPFE(res,pole,&norm); remez.getIPFE(res,pole,&norm); remez.csv(ostream &os); */ class AlgRemez { private: char *cname; // The approximation parameters bigfloat *param, *roots, *poles; bigfloat norm; // The numerator and denominator degree (n=d) int n, d; // The bounds of the approximation bigfloat apstrt, apwidt, apend; // the numerator and denominator of the power we are approximating unsigned long power_num; unsigned long power_den; // Flag to determine whether the arrays have been allocated int alloc; // Flag to determine whether the roots have been found int foundRoots; // Variables used to calculate the approximation int nd1, iter; bigfloat *xx, *mm, *step; bigfloat delta, spread, tolerance; // The exponential summation coefficients bigfloat *a; int *a_power; int a_length; // The number of equations we must solve at each iteration (n+d+1) int neq; // The precision of the GNU MP library long prec; // Initial values of maximal and minmal errors void initialGuess(); // Solve the equations void equations(); // Search for error maxima and minima void search(bigfloat *step); // Initialise step sizes void stpini(bigfloat *step); // Calculate the roots of the approximation int root(); // Evaluate the polynomial bigfloat polyEval(bigfloat x, bigfloat *poly, long size); //complex_bf polyEval(complex_bf x, complex_bf *poly, long size); // Evaluate the differential of the polynomial bigfloat polyDiff(bigfloat x, bigfloat *poly, long size); //complex_bf polyDiff(complex_bf x, complex_bf *poly, long size); // Newton's method to calculate roots bigfloat rtnewt(bigfloat *poly, long i, bigfloat x1, bigfloat x2, bigfloat xacc); //complex_bf rtnewt(complex_bf *poly, long i, bigfloat x1, bigfloat x2, bigfloat xacc); // Evaluate the partial fraction expansion of the rational function // with res roots and poles poles. Result is overwritten on input // arrays. void pfe(bigfloat *res, bigfloat* poles, bigfloat norm); // Calculate function required for the approximation bigfloat func(bigfloat x); // Compute size and sign of the approximation error at x bigfloat getErr(bigfloat x, int *sign); // Solve the system AX=B int simq(bigfloat *A, bigfloat *B, bigfloat *X, int n); // Free memory and reallocate as necessary void allocate(int num_degree, int den_degree); // Evaluate the rational form P(x)/Q(x) using coefficients from the // solution vector param bigfloat approx(bigfloat x); public: // Constructor AlgRemez(double lower, double upper, long prec); // Destructor virtual ~AlgRemez(); int getDegree(void){ assert(n==d); return n; } // Reset the bounds of the approximation void setBounds(double lower, double upper); // Reset the bounds of the approximation void getBounds(double &lower, double &upper) { lower=(double)apstrt; upper=(double)apend; } // Generate the rational approximation x^(pnum/pden) double generateApprox(int num_degree, int den_degree, unsigned long power_num, unsigned long power_den, int a_len, double* a_param, int* a_pow); double generateApprox(int num_degree, int den_degree, unsigned long power_num, unsigned long power_den); double generateApprox(int degree, unsigned long power_num, unsigned long power_den); // Return the partial fraction expansion of the approximation x^(pnum/pden) int getPFE(double *res, double *pole, double *norm); // Return the partial fraction expansion of the approximation x^(-pnum/pden) int getIPFE(double *res, double *pole, double *norm); // Evaluate the rational form P(x)/Q(x) using coefficients from the // solution vector param double evaluateApprox(double x); // Evaluate the rational form Q(x)/P(x) using coefficients from the // solution vector param double evaluateInverseApprox(double x); // Calculate function required for the approximation double evaluateFunc(double x); // Calculate inverse function required for the approximation double evaluateInverseFunc(double x); // Dump csv of function, approx and error void csv(std::ostream &os); }; #endif // Include guard