OPENMPI detected AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: ======================== AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: Device Number : 0 AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: ======================== AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: Device identifier: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: totalGlobalMem: 16911433728 AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: managedMemory: 1 AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: isMultiGpuBoard: 0 AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: warpSize: 32 AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: pciBusID: 4 AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: pciDeviceID: 0 AcceleratorCudaInit[0]: maxGridSize (2147483647,65535,65535) AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 0 setting device to node rank 0 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes local rank 0 device 0 bus id: 0004:04:00.0 AcceleratorCudaInit: ================================================ SharedMemoryMpi: World communicator of size 24 SharedMemoryMpi: Node communicator of size 6 0SharedMemoryMpi: acceleratorAllocDevice 1073741824bytes at 0x200060000000 for comms buffers Setting up IPC __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ __|_ | | | | | | | | | | | | _|__ __|_ _|__ __|_ GGGG RRRR III DDDD _|__ __|_ G R R I D D _|__ __|_ G R R I D D _|__ __|_ G GG RRRR I D D _|__ __|_ G G R R I D D _|__ __|_ GGGG R R III DDDD _|__ __|_ _|__ __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ __|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Boyle, Azusa Yamaguchi, Guido Cossu, Antonin Portelli and other authors This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Current Grid git commit hash=7cb1ff7395a5833ded6526c43891bd07a0436290: (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD) clean Grid : Message : ================================================ Grid : Message : MPI is initialised and logging filters activated Grid : Message : ================================================ Grid : Message : Requested 1073741824 byte stencil comms buffers AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 1 setting device to node rank 1 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes local rank 1 device 1 bus id: 0004:05:00.0 AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 2 setting device to node rank 2 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes local rank 2 device 2 bus id: 0004:06:00.0 AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 5 setting device to node rank 5 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes local rank 5 device 5 bus id: 0035:05:00.0 AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 4 setting device to node rank 4 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes local rank 4 device 4 bus id: 0035:04:00.0 AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 3 setting device to node rank 3 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes local rank 3 device 3 bus id: 0035:03:00.0 Grid : Message : MemoryManager Cache 13529146982 bytes Grid : Message : MemoryManager::Init() setting up Grid : Message : MemoryManager::Init() cache pool for recent allocations: SMALL 8 LARGE 2 Grid : Message : MemoryManager::Init() Non unified: Caching accelerator data in dedicated memory Grid : Message : MemoryManager::Init() Using cudaMalloc Grid : Message : 2.137929 s : Grid is setup to use 6 threads Grid : Message : 2.137941 s : Number of iterations to average: 250 Grid : Message : 2.137950 s : ==================================================================================================== Grid : Message : 2.137958 s : = Benchmarking sequential halo exchange from host memory Grid : Message : 2.137966 s : ==================================================================================================== Grid : Message : 2.137974 s : L Ls bytes MB/s uni MB/s bidi AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 22 setting device to node rank 4 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 10 setting device to node rank 4 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 15 setting device to node rank 3 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 21 setting device to node rank 3 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 20 setting device to node rank 2 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 7 setting device to node rank 1 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 9 setting device to node rank 3 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 11 setting device to node rank 5 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 8 setting device to node rank 2 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 6 setting device to node rank 0 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 19 setting device to node rank 1 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 23 setting device to node rank 5 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 18 setting device to node rank 0 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 12 setting device to node rank 0 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 16 setting device to node rank 4 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 13 setting device to node rank 1 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 14 setting device to node rank 2 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes AcceleratorCudaInit: rank 17 setting device to node rank 5 AcceleratorCudaInit: Configure options --enable-setdevice=yes Grid : Message : 2.604949 s : 8 8 393216 89973.9 179947.8 Grid : Message : 2.668249 s : 8 8 393216 18650.3 37300.5 Grid : Message : 2.732288 s : 8 8 393216 18428.5 36857.1 Grid : Message : 2.753565 s : 8 8 393216 55497.2 110994.4 Grid : Message : 2.808960 s : 12 8 1327104 100181.5 200363.0 Grid : Message : 3.226900 s : 12 8 1327104 20600.5 41201.0 Grid : Message : 3.167459 s : 12 8 1327104 24104.6 48209.2 Grid : Message : 3.227660 s : 12 8 1327104 66156.7 132313.5 Grid : Message : 3.413570 s : 16 8 3145728 56174.4 112348.8 Grid : Message : 3.802697 s : 16 8 3145728 24255.9 48511.7 Grid : Message : 4.190498 s : 16 8 3145728 24336.7 48673.4 Grid : Message : 4.385171 s : 16 8 3145728 48484.1 96968.2 Grid : Message : 4.805284 s : 20 8 6144000 46380.5 92761.1 Grid : Message : 5.562975 s : 20 8 6144000 24328.5 48656.9 Grid : Message : 6.322562 s : 20 8 6144000 24266.7 48533.4 Grid : Message : 6.773598 s : 20 8 6144000 40868.5 81736.9 Grid : Message : 7.600999 s : 24 8 10616832 40198.3 80396.6 Grid : Message : 8.912917 s : 24 8 10616832 24279.5 48559.1 Grid : Message : 10.220961 s : 24 8 10616832 24350.2 48700.4 Grid : Message : 11.728250 s : 24 8 10616832 37390.9 74781.8 Grid : Message : 12.497258 s : 28 8 16859136 36792.2 73584.5 Grid : Message : 14.585387 s : 28 8 16859136 24222.2 48444.3 Grid : Message : 16.664783 s : 28 8 16859136 24323.4 48646.8 Grid : Message : 17.955238 s : 28 8 16859136 39194.7 78389.4 Grid : Message : 20.136479 s : 32 8 25165824 35718.3 71436.5 Grid : Message : 23.241958 s : 32 8 25165824 24311.4 48622.9 Grid : Message : 26.344810 s : 32 8 25165824 24331.9 48663.7 Grid : Message : 28.384420 s : 32 8 25165824 37016.3 74032.7 Grid : Message : 28.388879 s : ==================================================================================================== Grid : Message : 28.388894 s : = Benchmarking sequential halo exchange from GPU memory Grid : Message : 28.388909 s : ==================================================================================================== Grid : Message : 28.388924 s : L Ls bytes MB/s uni MB/s bidi Grid : Message : 28.553993 s : 8 8 393216 8272.4 16544.7 Grid : Message : 28.679592 s : 8 8 393216 9395.4 18790.8 Grid : Message : 28.811112 s : 8 8 393216 8971.0 17942.0 Grid : Message : 28.843770 s : 8 8 393216 36145.6 72291.2 Grid : Message : 28.981754 s : 12 8 1327104 49591.6 99183.2 Grid : Message : 29.299764 s : 12 8 1327104 12520.8 25041.7 Grid : Message : 29.620288 s : 12 8 1327104 12422.2 24844.4 Grid : Message : 29.657645 s : 12 8 1327104 106637.5 213275.1 Grid : Message : 29.952933 s : 16 8 3145728 43939.2 87878.5 Grid : Message : 30.585411 s : 16 8 3145728 14922.1 29844.2 Grid : Message : 31.219781 s : 16 8 3145728 14877.2 29754.4 Grid : Message : 31.285017 s : 16 8 3145728 144724.3 289448.7 Grid : Message : 31.706443 s : 20 8 6144000 54676.2 109352.4 Grid : Message : 32.739205 s : 20 8 6144000 17848.0 35696.1 Grid : Message : 33.771852 s : 20 8 6144000 17849.9 35699.7 Grid : Message : 33.871981 s : 20 8 6144000 184141.4 368282.8 Grid : Message : 34.536808 s : 24 8 10616832 55784.3 111568.6 Grid : Message : 36.275648 s : 24 8 10616832 18317.6 36635.3 Grid : Message : 37.997181 s : 24 8 10616832 18501.7 37003.4 Grid : Message : 38.140442 s : 24 8 10616832 222383.9 444767.9 Grid : Message : 39.177222 s : 28 8 16859136 56609.7 113219.4 Grid : Message : 41.874755 s : 28 8 16859136 18749.9 37499.8 Grid : Message : 44.529381 s : 28 8 16859136 19052.9 38105.8 Grid : Message : 44.742192 s : 28 8 16859136 237717.1 475434.2 Grid : Message : 46.184000 s : 32 8 25165824 57091.2 114182.4 Grid : Message : 50.734740 s : 32 8 25165824 19411.0 38821.9 Grid : Message : 53.931228 s : 32 8 25165824 19570.6 39141.2 Grid : Message : 54.238467 s : 32 8 25165824 245765.6 491531.2 Grid : Message : 54.268664 s : ==================================================================================================== Grid : Message : 54.268680 s : = All done; Bye Bye Grid : Message : 54.268691 s : ====================================================================================================