# Grid
Last stable release | |
Development branch |
`: setup Grid for the SIMD target `` (default: `GEN`). A list of possible SIMD targets is detailed in a section below.
- `--enable-precision={single|double}`: set the default precision (default: `double`).
- `--enable-precision=`: Use `` for message passing (default: `none`). A list of possible SIMD targets is detailed in a section below.
- `--enable-rng={ranlux48|mt19937}`: choose the RNG (default: `ranlux48 `).
- `--disable-timers`: disable system dependent high-resolution timers.
- `--enable-chroma`: enable Chroma regression tests.
### Possible communication interfaces
The following options can be use with the `--enable-simd=` option to target different communication interfaces:
| `` | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `none` | no communications |
| `mpi[-auto]` | MPI communications |
| `mpi3[-auto]` | MPI communications using MPI 3 shared memory |
| `shmem ` | Cray SHMEM communications |
For `mpi` and `mpi3` the optional `-auto` suffix instructs the `configure` scripts to determine all the necessary compilation and linking flags. This is done by extracting the informations from the MPI wrapper specified in the environment variable `MPICXX` (if not specified `configure` will scan though a list of default names).
### Possible SIMD types
The following options can be use with the `--enable-simd=` option to target different SIMD instruction sets:
| `` | Description |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------- |
| `GEN` | generic portable vector code |
| `SSE4` | SSE 4.2 (128 bit) |
| `AVX` | AVX (256 bit) |
| `AVXFMA` | AVX (256 bit) + FMA |
| `AVXFMA4` | AVX (256 bit) + FMA4 |
| `AVX2` | AVX 2 (256 bit) |
| `AVX512` | AVX 512 bit |
| `QPX` | QPX (256 bit) |
Alternatively, some CPU codenames can be directly used:
| `` | Description |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------- |
| `KNC` | [Intel Xeon Phi codename Knights Corner](http://ark.intel.com/products/codename/57721/Knights-Corner) |
| `KNL` | [Intel Xeon Phi codename Knights Landing](http://ark.intel.com/products/codename/48999/Knights-Landing) |
| `BGQ` | Blue Gene/Q |
#### Notes:
- We currently support AVX512 only for the Intel compiler. Support for GCC and clang will appear in future versions.
- For BG/Q only [bgclang](http://trac.alcf.anl.gov/projects/llvm-bgq) is supported. We do not presently plan to support more compilers for this platform.
- BG/Q performances are currently rather poor. This is being investigated for future versions.
### Build setup for Intel Knights Landing platform
The following configuration is recommended for the Intel Knights Landing platform:
``` bash
../configure --enable-precision=double\
--enable-simd=KNL \
--enable-comms=mpi3-auto \
--with-gmp= \
--with-mpfr= \
--enable-mkl \
CXX=icpc MPICXX=mpiicpc
where `` is the UNIX prefix where GMP and MPFR are installed. If you are working on a Cray machine that does not use the `mpiicpc` wrapper, please use:
``` bash
../configure --enable-precision=double\
--enable-simd=KNL \
--enable-comms=mpi3 \
--with-gmp= \
--with-mpfr= \
--enable-mkl \