/************************************************************************************* Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid Source file: ./lib/qcd/utils/WilsonLoops.h Copyright (C) 2015 Author: Azusa Yamaguchi Author: Peter Boyle Author: neo Author: paboyle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory *************************************************************************************/ /* END LEGAL */ #ifndef QCD_UTILS_WILSON_LOOPS_H #define QCD_UTILS_WILSON_LOOPS_H namespace Grid { namespace QCD { // Common wilson loop observables template class WilsonLoops : public Gimpl { public: INHERIT_GIMPL_TYPES(Gimpl); typedef typename Gimpl::GaugeLinkField GaugeMat; typedef typename Gimpl::GaugeField GaugeLorentz; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // directed plaquette oriented in mu,nu plane ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void dirPlaquette(GaugeMat &plaq,const std::vector &U, const int mu, const int nu) { // Annoyingly, must use either scope resolution to find dependent base class, // or this-> ; there is no "this" in a static method. This forces explicit Gimpl scope // resolution throughout the usage in this file, and rather defeats the purpose of deriving // from Gimpl. plaq = Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[mu],mu, Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[nu],nu, Gimpl::CovShiftForward (U[mu],mu,U[nu]))); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // trace of directed plaquette oriented in mu,nu plane ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void traceDirPlaquette(LatticeComplex &plaq, const std::vector &U, const int mu, const int nu) { GaugeMat sp(U[0]._grid); dirPlaquette(sp,U,mu,nu); plaq=trace(sp); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sum over all planes of plaquette ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void sitePlaquette(LatticeComplex &Plaq,const std::vector &U) { LatticeComplex sitePlaq(U[0]._grid); Plaq=zero; for(int mu=1;mu U(4,Umu._grid); for(int mu=0;mu(Umu,mu); } LatticeComplex Plaq(Umu._grid); sitePlaquette(Plaq,U); TComplex Tp = sum(Plaq); Complex p = TensorRemove(Tp); return p.real(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // average over all x,y,z,t and over all planes of plaquette ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static RealD avgPlaquette(const GaugeLorentz &Umu){ RealD sumplaq = sumPlaquette(Umu); double vol = Umu._grid->gSites(); double faces = (1.0*Nd*(Nd-1))/2.0; return sumplaq/vol/faces/Nc; // Nd , Nc dependent... FIXME } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // average over traced single links ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static RealD linkTrace(const GaugeLorentz &Umu){ std::vector U(4,Umu._grid); LatticeComplex Tr(Umu._grid); Tr=zero; for(int mu=0;mu(Umu,mu); Tr = Tr+trace(U[mu]); } TComplex Tp = sum(Tr); Complex p = TensorRemove(Tp); double vol = Umu._grid->gSites(); return p.real()/vol/4.0/3.0; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the sum over all staples on each site in direction mu,nu ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void Staple(GaugeMat &staple,const GaugeLorentz &Umu,int mu, int nu){ GridBase *grid = Umu._grid; std::vector U(4,grid); for(int d=0;d(Umu,d); } staple = zero; if(nu != mu) { // mu // ^ // |__> nu // __ // | // __| // staple+=Gimpl::ShiftStaple( Gimpl::CovShiftForward (U[nu],nu, Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[mu],mu, Gimpl::CovShiftIdentityBackward(U[nu],nu))),mu); // __ // | // |__ // // staple+=Gimpl::ShiftStaple( Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[nu],nu, Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[mu],mu,U[nu])),mu); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the sum over all staples on each site ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void Staple(GaugeMat &staple,const GaugeLorentz &Umu,int mu){ GridBase *grid = Umu._grid; std::vector U(Nd,grid); for(int d=0;d(Umu,d); } staple = zero; GaugeMat tmp(grid); for(int nu=0;nu nu // __ // | // __| // staple+=Gimpl::ShiftStaple( Gimpl::CovShiftForward (U[nu],nu, Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[mu],mu, Gimpl::CovShiftIdentityBackward(U[nu],nu))),mu); // __ // | // |__ // // staple+=Gimpl::ShiftStaple( Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[nu],nu, Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[mu],mu,U[nu])),mu); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the sum over all staples on each site in direction mu,nu, upper part ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void StapleUpper(GaugeMat &staple,const GaugeLorentz &Umu,int mu, int nu){ staple = zero; if(nu != mu) { GridBase *grid = Umu._grid; std::vector U(4,grid); for(int d=0;d(Umu,d); } // mu // ^ // |__> nu // __ // | // __| // staple+=Gimpl::ShiftStaple( Gimpl::CovShiftForward (U[nu],nu, Gimpl::CovShiftBackward(U[mu],mu, Gimpl::CovShiftIdentityBackward(U[nu],nu))),mu); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Similar to above for rectangle is required ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void dirRectangle(GaugeMat &rect,const std::vector &U, const int mu, const int nu) { rect = Gimpl::CovShiftForward(U[mu],mu,Gimpl::CovShiftForward(U[mu],mu,U[nu]))* // ->->| adj(Gimpl::CovShiftForward(U[nu],nu,Gimpl::CovShiftForward(U[mu],mu,U[mu]))) ; rect = rect + Gimpl::CovShiftForward(U[mu],mu,Gimpl::CovShiftForward(U[nu],nu,U[nu]))* // ->|| adj(Gimpl::CovShiftForward(U[nu],nu,Gimpl::CovShiftForward(U[nu],nu,U[mu]))) ; } static void traceDirRectangle(LatticeComplex &rect, const std::vector &U, const int mu, const int nu) { GaugeMat sp(U[0]._grid); dirRectangle(sp,U,mu,nu); rect=trace(sp); } static void siteRectangle(LatticeComplex &Rect,const std::vector &U) { LatticeComplex siteRect(U[0]._grid); Rect=zero; for(int mu=1;mu U(Nd,Umu._grid); for(int mu=0;mu(Umu,mu); } LatticeComplex Rect(Umu._grid); siteRectangle(Rect,U); TComplex Tp = sum(Rect); Complex p = TensorRemove(Tp); return p.real(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // average over all x,y,z,t and over all planes of plaquette ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static RealD avgRectangle(const GaugeLorentz &Umu){ RealD sumrect = sumRectangle(Umu); double vol = Umu._grid->gSites(); double faces = (1.0*Nd*(Nd-1)); // 2 distinct orientations summed return sumrect/vol/faces/Nc; // Nd , Nc dependent... FIXME } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the sum over all staples on each site ////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void RectStapleDouble(GaugeMat &U2,const GaugeMat & U,int mu){ U2 = U * Cshift(U,mu,1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Hop by two optimisation strategy does not work nicely with Gparity. (could do, // but need to track two deep where cross boundary and apply a conjugation). // Must differentiate this in Gimpl, and use Gimpl::isPeriodicGaugeField to do so . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void RectStapleOptimised(GaugeMat &Stap,std::vector &U2,std::vector &U,int mu){ Stap = zero; GridBase *grid = U[0]._grid; GaugeMat Staple2x1 (grid); GaugeMat tmp (grid); for(int nu=0;nu &U2, std::vector &U, int mu) { if ( Gimpl::isPeriodicGaugeField() ){ RectStapleOptimised(Stap,U2,U,mu); } else { RectStapleUnoptimised(Stap,Umu,mu); } } static void RectStapleUnoptimised(GaugeMat &Stap,const GaugeLorentz &Umu,int mu){ GridBase *grid = Umu._grid; std::vector U(Nd,grid); for(int d=0;d(Umu,d); } Stap=zero; for(int nu=0;nu ColourWilsonLoops; typedef WilsonLoops U1WilsonLoops; typedef WilsonLoops SU2WilsonLoops; typedef WilsonLoops SU3WilsonLoops; }} #endif