mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 09:15:38 +01:00
paboyle 34a0fde2ad Fixes to fermion force terms after sign of gamma_mu (0...3) change.
Thought I had already committed these.

Believe I have got the Gparity fermion force working.

* tests/Test_gpdwf_force.cc     -- correctly predicts dS for two flavour pseudofermion
                                   based on a small dt update of U field.

* tests/Test_hmc_EODWFRatio_Gparity.cc -- ran 1 trajectory on 8^4 with dH=0.21.

Need to accumulate a full plaquette log to believe fully which will take some hours of run time.
2015-12-15 23:14:12 +00:00

192 lines
6.4 KiB

#include <Grid.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Grid;
using namespace Grid::QCD;
#define parallel_for PARALLEL_FOR_LOOP for
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
std::vector<int> latt_size = GridDefaultLatt();
std::vector<int> simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplex::Nsimd());
std::vector<int> mpi_layout = GridDefaultMpi();
const int Ls=8;
GridCartesian * UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplex::Nsimd()),GridDefaultMpi());
GridRedBlackCartesian * UrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGrid);
GridCartesian * FGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(Ls,UGrid);
GridRedBlackCartesian * FrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(Ls,UGrid);
typedef typename GparityDomainWallFermionR::FermionField FermionField;
int threads = GridThread::GetThreads();
std::cout<<GridLogMessage << "Grid is setup to use "<<threads<<" threads"<<std::endl;
std::vector<int> seeds({1,2,3,4});
GridParallelRNG RNG5(FGrid); RNG5.SeedRandomDevice();
GridParallelRNG RNG4(UGrid); RNG4.SeedRandomDevice();
FermionField phi (FGrid); gaussian(RNG5,phi);
FermionField Mphi (FGrid);
FermionField MphiPrime (FGrid);
LatticeGaugeField U(UGrid);
// SU3::ColdConfiguration(pRNG,U);
// Unmodified matrix element
RealD mass=0.2; //kills the diagonal term
RealD M5=1.8;
// const int nu = 3;
// std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0); // twists[nu] = 1;
// GparityDomainWallFermionR::ImplParams params; params.twists = twists;
// GparityDomainWallFermionR Ddwf(U,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5,params);
// DomainWallFermionR Dw (U, Grid,RBGrid,mass,M5);
const int nu = 3;
std::vector<int> twists(Nd,0);
twists[nu] = 1;
GparityDomainWallFermionR::ImplParams params;
params.twists = twists;
GparityDomainWallFermionR Dw(U,*FGrid,*FrbGrid,*UGrid,*UrbGrid,mass,M5,params);
Dw.M (phi,Mphi);
ComplexD S = innerProduct(Mphi,Mphi); // pdag MdagM p
// get the deriv of phidag MdagM phi with respect to "U"
LatticeGaugeField UdSdU(UGrid);
LatticeGaugeField tmp(UGrid);
Dw.MDeriv(tmp , Mphi, phi,DaggerNo ); UdSdU=tmp;
Dw.MDeriv(tmp , phi, Mphi,DaggerYes ); UdSdU=(UdSdU+tmp);
FermionField Ftmp (FGrid);
// Modify the gauge field a little
RealD dt = 0.0001;
RealD Hmom = 0.0;
RealD Hmomprime = 0.0;
RealD Hmompp = 0.0;
LatticeColourMatrix mommu(UGrid);
LatticeColourMatrix forcemu(UGrid);
LatticeGaugeField mom(UGrid);
LatticeGaugeField Uprime(UGrid);
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
SU3::GaussianLieAlgebraMatrix(RNG4, mommu); // Traceless antihermitian momentum; gaussian in lie alg
Hmom -= real(sum(trace(mommu*mommu)));
// fourth order exponential approx
parallel_for(auto i=mom.begin();i<mom.end();i++){
Uprime[i](mu) =
+ mom[i](mu)*U[i](mu)*dt
+ mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *U[i](mu)*(dt*dt/2.0)
+ mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *U[i](mu)*(dt*dt*dt/6.0)
+ mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *U[i](mu)*(dt*dt*dt*dt/24.0)
+ mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *U[i](mu)*(dt*dt*dt*dt*dt/120.0)
+ mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *mom[i](mu) *U[i](mu)*(dt*dt*dt*dt*dt*dt/720.0)
std::cout << GridLogMessage <<"Initial mom hamiltonian is "<< Hmom <<std::endl;
Dw.M (phi,MphiPrime);
ComplexD Sprime = innerProduct(MphiPrime ,MphiPrime);
// Use derivative to estimate dS
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
std::cout << "" <<std::endl;
mommu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(mom,mu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " Mommu " << norm2(mommu)<<std::endl;
mommu = mommu+adj(mommu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " Mommu + Mommudag " << norm2(mommu)<<std::endl;
mommu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(UdSdU,mu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " dsdumu " << norm2(mommu)<<std::endl;
mommu = mommu+adj(mommu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " dsdumu + dag " << norm2(mommu)<<std::endl;
LatticeComplex dS(UGrid); dS = zero;
LatticeComplex dSmom(UGrid); dSmom = zero;
LatticeComplex dSmom2(UGrid); dSmom2 = zero;
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
mommu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(UdSdU,mu);
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
mommu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(mom,mu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " Mommu " << norm2(mommu)<<std::endl;
mommu = mommu+adj(mommu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " Mommu + Mommudag " << norm2(mommu)<<std::endl;
mommu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(UdSdU,mu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " dsdumu " << norm2(mommu)<<std::endl;
mommu = mommu+adj(mommu);
std::cout << GridLogMessage<< " dsdumu + dag " << norm2(mommu)<<std::endl;
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
forcemu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(UdSdU,mu);
mommu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(mom,mu);
// Update PF action density
dS = dS+trace(mommu*forcemu)*dt;
dSmom = dSmom - trace(mommu*forcemu) * dt;
dSmom2 = dSmom2 - trace(forcemu*forcemu) *(0.25* dt*dt);
// Update mom action density
mommu = mommu + forcemu*(dt*0.5);
Hmomprime -= real(sum(trace(mommu*mommu)));
Complex dSpred = sum(dS);
Complex dSm = sum(dSmom);
Complex dSm2 = sum(dSmom2);
std::cout << GridLogMessage <<"Initial mom hamiltonian is "<< Hmom <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage <<"Final mom hamiltonian is "<< Hmomprime <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage <<"Delta mom hamiltonian is "<< Hmomprime-Hmom <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << " S "<<S<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << " Sprime "<<Sprime<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "dS "<<Sprime-S<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "predict dS "<< dSpred <<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage <<"dSm "<< dSm<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage <<"dSm2"<< dSm2<<std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Total dS "<< Hmomprime - Hmom + Sprime - S <<std::endl;
std::cout<< GridLogMessage << "Done" <<std::endl;