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#ifndef Hadrons_MContraction_MesonFieldGamma_hpp_
#define Hadrons_MContraction_MesonFieldGamma_hpp_
#include <Grid/Hadrons/Global.hpp>
#include <Grid/Hadrons/Module.hpp>
#include <Grid/Hadrons/ModuleFactory.hpp>
#include <Grid/Hadrons/AllToAllVectors.hpp>
#include <Grid/Hadrons/AllToAllReduction.hpp>
#include <Grid/Grid_Eigen_Dense.h>
#include <fstream>
* MesonFieldGamma *
class MesonFieldPar : Serializable
int, Nl,
int, N,
int, Nblock,
std::string, A2A1,
std::string, A2A2,
std::string, gammas,
std::string, output);
template <typename FImpl>
class TMesonFieldGamma : public Module<MesonFieldPar>
typedef A2AModesSchurDiagTwo<typename FImpl::FermionField, FMat, Solver> A2ABase;
class Result : Serializable
Gamma::Algebra, gamma,
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<ComplexD>>>, MesonField);
// constructor
TMesonFieldGamma(const std::string name);
// destructor
virtual ~TMesonFieldGamma(void){};
// dependency relation
virtual std::vector<std::string> getInput(void);
virtual std::vector<std::string> getOutput(void);
virtual void parseGammaString(std::vector<Gamma::Algebra> &gammaList);
virtual void vectorOfWs(std::vector<FermionField> &w, int i, int Nblock, FermionField &tmpw_5d, std::vector<FermionField> &vec_w);
virtual void vectorOfVs(std::vector<FermionField> &v, int j, int Nblock, FermionField &tmpv_5d, std::vector<FermionField> &vec_v);
virtual void gammaMult(std::vector<FermionField> &v, Gamma gamma);
// setup
virtual void setup(void);
// execution
virtual void execute(void);
MODULE_REGISTER(MesonFieldGamma, ARG(TMesonFieldGamma<FIMPL>), MContraction);
MODULE_REGISTER(ZMesonFieldGamma, ARG(TMesonFieldGamma<ZFIMPL>), MContraction);
* TMesonFieldGamma implementation *
// constructor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename FImpl>
TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::TMesonFieldGamma(const std::string name)
: Module<MesonFieldPar>(name)
// dependencies/products ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename FImpl>
std::vector<std::string> TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::getInput(void)
std::vector<std::string> in = {par().A2A1 + "_class", par().A2A2 + "_class"};
in.push_back(par().A2A1 + "_w_high_4d");
in.push_back(par().A2A2 + "_v_high_4d");
return in;
template <typename FImpl>
std::vector<std::string> TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::getOutput(void)
std::vector<std::string> out = {};
return out;
template <typename FImpl>
void TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::parseGammaString(std::vector<Gamma::Algebra> &gammaList)
// Determine gamma matrices to insert at source/sink.
if (par().gammas.compare("all") == 0)
// Do all contractions.
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < Gamma::nGamma; i += 2)
// Parse individual contractions from input string.
gammaList = strToVec<Gamma::Algebra>(par().gammas);
template <typename FImpl>
void TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::vectorOfWs(std::vector<FermionField> &w, int i, int Nblock, FermionField &tmpw_5d, std::vector<FermionField> &vec_w)
for (unsigned int ni = 0; ni < Nblock; ni++)
vec_w[ni] = w[i + ni];
template <typename FImpl>
void TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::vectorOfVs(std::vector<FermionField> &v, int j, int Nblock, FermionField &tmpv_5d, std::vector<FermionField> &vec_v)
for (unsigned int nj = 0; nj < Nblock; nj++)
vec_v[nj] = v[j+nj];
template <typename FImpl>
void TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::gammaMult(std::vector<FermionField> &v, Gamma gamma)
int Nblock = v.size();
for (unsigned int nj = 0; nj < Nblock; nj++)
v[nj] = gamma * v[nj];
// setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename FImpl>
void TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::setup(void)
int nt = env().getDim(Tp);
int N = par().N;
int Nblock = par().Nblock;
int Ls_ = env().getObjectLs(par().A2A1 + "_class");
envTmpLat(FermionField, "tmpv_5d", Ls_);
envTmpLat(FermionField, "tmpw_5d", Ls_);
envTmp(std::vector<FermionField>, "w", 1, N, FermionField(env().getGrid(1)));
envTmp(std::vector<FermionField>, "v", 1, N, FermionField(env().getGrid(1)));
envTmp(Eigen::MatrixXcd, "MF", 1, Eigen::MatrixXcd::Zero(nt, N * N));
envTmp(std::vector<FermionField>, "w_block", 1, Nblock, FermionField(env().getGrid(1)));
envTmp(std::vector<FermionField>, "v_block", 1, Nblock, FermionField(env().getGrid(1)));
// execution ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename FImpl>
void TMesonFieldGamma<FImpl>::execute(void)
LOG(Message) << "Computing A2A meson field for gamma = " << par().gammas << ", taking w from " << par().A2A1 << " and v from " << par().A2A2 << std::endl;
int N = par().N;
int nt = env().getDim(Tp);
int Nblock = par().Nblock;
std::vector<Result> result;
std::vector<Gamma::Algebra> gammaResultList;
std::vector<Gamma> gammaList;
Gamma g5(Gamma::Algebra::Gamma5);
gammaList.resize(gammaResultList.size(), g5);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i)
result[i].gamma = gammaResultList[i];
result[i].MesonField.resize(N, std::vector<std::vector<ComplexD>>(N, std::vector<ComplexD>(nt)));
Gamma gamma(gammaResultList[i]);
gammaList[i] = gamma;
auto &a2a1 = envGet(A2ABase, par().A2A1 + "_class");
auto &a2a2 = envGet(A2ABase, par().A2A2 + "_class");
envGetTmp(FermionField, tmpv_5d);
envGetTmp(FermionField, tmpw_5d);
envGetTmp(std::vector<FermionField>, v);
envGetTmp(std::vector<FermionField>, w);
LOG(Message) << "Finding v and w vectors for N = " << N << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
a2a2.return_v(i, tmpv_5d, v[i]);
a2a1.return_w(i, tmpw_5d, w[i]);
LOG(Message) << "Found v and w vectors for N = " << N << std::endl;
std::vector<std::vector<ComplexD>> MesonField_ij;
LOG(Message) << "Before blocked MFs, Nblock = " << Nblock << std::endl;
envGetTmp(std::vector<FermionField>, v_block);
envGetTmp(std::vector<FermionField>, w_block);
MesonField_ij.resize(Nblock * Nblock, std::vector<ComplexD>(nt));
envGetTmp(Eigen::MatrixXcd, MF);
LOG(Message) << "Before blocked MFs, Nblock = " << Nblock << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i += Nblock)
vectorOfWs(w, i, Nblock, tmpw_5d, w_block);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < N; j += Nblock)
vectorOfVs(v, j, Nblock, tmpv_5d, v_block);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < result.size(); k++)
gammaMult(v_block, gammaList[k]);
sliceInnerProductMesonField(MesonField_ij, w_block, v_block, Tp);
for (unsigned int nj = 0; nj < Nblock; nj++)
for (unsigned int ni = 0; ni < Nblock; ni++)
MF.col((i + ni) + (j + nj) * N) = Eigen::VectorXcd::Map(&MesonField_ij[nj * Nblock + ni][0], MesonField_ij[nj * Nblock + ni].size());
if (i % 10 == 0)
LOG(Message) << "MF for i = " << i << " of " << N << std::endl;
LOG(Message) << "Before Global sum, Nblock = " << Nblock << std::endl;
v_block[0]._grid->GlobalSumVector(MF.data(), MF.size());
LOG(Message) << "After Global sum, Nblock = " << Nblock << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < N; j++)
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < result.size(); k++)
for (unsigned int t = 0; t < nt; t++)
result[k].MesonField[i][j][t] = MF.col(i + N * j)[t];
saveResult(par().output, "meson", result);
#endif // Hadrons_MContraction_MesonFieldGm_hpp_