mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 09:15:38 +01:00

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namespace Grid {
class vRealF {
fvec v;
typedef fvec vector_type;
typedef RealF scalar_type;
vRealF(RealF a){
vRealF(Zero &zero){
// Arithmetic operator overloads +,-,*
friend inline vRealF operator + ( vRealF a, vRealF b)
vRealF ret;
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_add_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_add_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_add_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef QPX
vector4double aa,bb,cc;
aa = vec_lda(0,(float *)&a);
bb = vec_lda(0,(float *)&b);
cc = vec_add(aa,bb);
vec_sta(cc,0,(float *)&ret.v);
return ret;
friend inline vRealF operator - ( vRealF a, vRealF b)
vRealF ret;
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_sub_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_sub_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_sub_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef QPX
vector4double aa,bb,cc;
aa = vec_lda(0,(float *)&a);
bb = vec_lda(0,(float *)&b);
cc = vec_sub(aa,bb);
vec_sta(cc,0,(float *)&ret.v);
return ret;
friend inline vRealF operator * ( vRealF a, vRealF b)
vRealF ret;
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_mul_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_mul_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_mul_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef QPX
vector4double aa,bb,cc; // QPX single we are forced to load as this promotes single mem->double regs.
aa = vec_lda(0,(float *)&a);
bb = vec_lda(0,(float *)&b);
cc = vec_mul(aa,bb);
vec_sta(cc,0,(float *)&ret.v);
return ret;
// mult, sub, add, adj,conj, mac functions
friend inline void mult(vRealF * __restrict__ y,const vRealF * __restrict__ l,const vRealF *__restrict__ r) {*y = (*l) * (*r);}
friend inline void sub (vRealF * __restrict__ y,const vRealF * __restrict__ l,const vRealF *__restrict__ r) {*y = (*l) - (*r);}
friend inline void add (vRealF * __restrict__ y,const vRealF * __restrict__ l,const vRealF *__restrict__ r) {*y = (*l) + (*r);}
friend inline vRealF adj(const vRealF &in) { return in; }
friend inline vRealF conj(const vRealF &in){ return in; }
friend inline void mac (vRealF &y,const vRealF a,const vRealF x){
#if defined (AVX1) || defined (SSE4)
y = a*x+y;
#ifdef AVX2 // AVX 2 introduced FMA support. FMA4 eliminates a copy, but AVX only has FMA3
// accelerates multiply accumulate, but not general multiply add
y.v = _mm256_fmadd_ps(a.v,x.v,y.v);
#ifdef AVX512
y.v = _mm512_fmadd_ps(a.v,x.v,y.v);
#ifdef QPX
vector4double aa,xx,yy; // QPX single we are forced to load as this promotes single mem->double regs.
aa = vec_lda(0,(float *)&a.v);
xx = vec_lda(0,(float *)&x.v);
yy = vec_lda(0,(float *)&y.v);
yy = vec_madd(aa,xx,yy);
vec_sta(yy,0,(float *)&y.v);
// Initialise to 1,0,i
friend inline void vone (vRealF &ret){vsplat(ret,1.0);}
friend inline void vzero(vRealF &ret){vsplat(ret,0.0);}
// General permute; assumes vector length is same across
// all subtypes; may not be a good assumption, but could
// add the vector width as a template param for BG/Q for example
friend inline void permute(vRealF &y,vRealF b,int perm)
friend inline void merge(vRealF &y,std::vector<RealF *> &extracted)
Gmerge<vRealF,RealF >(y,extracted);
friend inline void extract(const vRealF &y,std::vector<RealF *> &extracted)
friend inline void merge(vRealF &y,std::vector<RealF> &extracted)
Gmerge<vRealF,RealF >(y,extracted);
friend inline void extract(const vRealF &y,std::vector<RealF> &extracted)
// Broadcast a value across Nsimd copies.
friend inline void vsplat(vRealF &ret,float a){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_set_ps(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_set_ps(a,a,a,a);
#ifdef AVX512
//ret.v = _mm512_set_ps(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a);
ret.v = _mm512_set1_ps(a);
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = {a,a,a,a};
friend inline void vset(vRealF &ret, float *a){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_set_ps(a[7],a[6],a[5],a[4],a[3],a[2],a[1],a[0]);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_set_ps(a[3],a[2],a[1],a[0]);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_set_ps( a[15],a[14],a[13],a[12],a[11],a[10],a[9],a[8],
// Note v has a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = {a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6],a[7]};
// FIXME: gonna remove these load/store, get, set, prefetch
friend inline void vstore(const vRealF &ret, float *a){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
#ifdef SSE4
#ifdef AVX512
// Note v has a7 a6 a5ba4 a3 a2 a1 a0
#ifdef QPX
friend inline void vstream(vRealF &out,const vRealF &in){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
_mm256_stream_ps((float *)&out.v,in.v);
#ifdef SSE4
_mm_stream_ps((float *)&out.v,in.v);
#ifdef AVX512
_mm512_storenrngo_ps((float *)&out.v,in.v);
// _mm512_stream_ps((float *)&out.v,in.v);
//Note v has a3 a2 a1 a0
#ifdef QPX
friend inline void prefetch(const vRealF &v)
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&v.v,_MM_HINT_T0);
// Unary negation
friend inline vRealF operator -(const vRealF &r) {
vRealF ret;
ret = ret - r;
return ret;
friend inline RealF Reduce(const vRealF & in)
#if defined (SSE4)
// FIXME Hack
const RealF * ptr = (const RealF *) &in;
RealF ret = 0;
for(int i=0;i<vRealF::Nsimd();i++){
ret = ret+ptr[i];
return ret;
#if defined (AVX1) || defined(AVX2)
__attribute__ ((aligned(32))) float c_[16];
__m256 tmp = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(in.v,in.v,0x01);
__m256 hadd = _mm256_hadd_ps(in.v,tmp);
tmp = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(hadd,hadd,0x01);
hadd = _mm256_hadd_ps(tmp,tmp);
return (float)c_[0];
#ifdef AVX512
return _mm512_reduce_add_ps(in.v);
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) float c_[16];
return c_[0]+c_[1]+c_[2]+c_[3]+c_[4]+c_[5]+c_[6]+c_[7]
#ifdef QPX
// *=,+=,-= operators
inline vRealF &operator *=(const vRealF &r) {
*this = (*this)*r;
return *this;
inline vRealF &operator +=(const vRealF &r) {
*this = *this+r;
return *this;
inline vRealF &operator -=(const vRealF &r) {
*this = *this-r;
return *this;
static inline int Nsimd(void) { return sizeof(fvec)/sizeof(float);}
inline vRealF innerProduct(const vRealF & l, const vRealF & r) { return conj(l)*r; }
inline void zeroit(vRealF &z){ vzero(z);}
inline vRealF outerProduct(const vRealF &l, const vRealF& r)
return l*r;
inline vRealF trace(const vRealF &arg){
return arg;
inline vRealF real(const vRealF &arg){
return arg;