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@file GaugeConfiguration.h
@brief Declares the GaugeConfiguration class
namespace Grid {
namespace QCD {
@brief Smeared configuration container
It will behave like a configuration from the point of view of
the HMC update and integrators.
An "advanced configuration" object that can provide not only the
data to store the gauge configuration but also operations to manipulate
it like smearing.
It stores a list of smeared configurations.
template <class Gimpl>
class SmearedConfiguration {
const unsigned int smearingLevels;
Smear_Stout<Gimpl> StoutSmearing;
std::vector<GaugeField> SmearedSet;
// Member functions
void fill_smearedSet(){
GaugeField previous_u;
std::cout<< GridLogDebug << "[SmearedConfiguration] Filling SmearedSet\n";
previous_u = *ThinLinks;
for(int smearLvl = 0; smearLvl < smearingLevels; ++smearLvl){
previous_u = SmearedSet[smearLvl];
GaugeField AnalyticSmearedForce(const GaugeField& SigmaKPrime,
const GaugeField& GaugeK) const{
GridBase *grid = GaugeK._grid;
GaugeField C(grid), SigmaK(grid), iLambda(grid);
GaugeLinkField iLambda_mu(grid);
GaugeLinkField iQ(grid), e_iQ(grid);
GaugeLinkField SigmaKPrime_mu(grid);
GaugeLinkField GaugeKmu(grid), Cmu(grid);
StoutSmearing.BaseSmear(C, GaugeK);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++){
Cmu = peekLorentz( C,mu);
GaugeKmu = peekLorentz(GaugeK,mu);
SigmaKPrime_mu = peekLorentz(SigmaKPrime,mu);
iQ = Ta(Cmu*adj(GaugeKmu));
set_iLambda(iLambda_mu, e_iQ, iQ, SigmaKPrime_mu, GaugeKmu);
pokeLorentz(SigmaK, SigmaKPrime_mu*e_iQ + adj(Cmu)*iLambda_mu, mu);
pokeLorentz(iLambda, iLambda_mu, mu);
StoutSmearing.derivative(SigmaK, iLambda, GaugeK);
return SigmaK;
/*! @brief Returns smeared configuration at level 'Level' */
const GaugeField& get_smeared_conf(int Level) const{
return SmearedSet[Level];
void set_iLambda(GaugeLinkField& iLambda,
GaugeLinkField& e_iQ,
const GaugeLinkField& iQ,
const GaugeLinkField& Sigmap,
const GaugeLinkField& GaugeK)const{
GridBase *grid = iQ._grid;
GaugeLinkField iQ2(grid), iQ3(grid), B1(grid), B2(grid), USigmap(grid);
GaugeLinkField unity(grid);
LatticeReal u(grid), w(grid);
LatticeComplex f0(grid), f1(grid), f2(grid);
LatticeReal xi0(grid), xi1(grid), fden(grid), tmp(grid);
LatticeReal u2(grid), w2(grid), cosw(grid);
LatticeComplex emiu(grid), e2iu(grid), qt(grid);
LatticeComplex r01(grid), r11(grid), r21(grid), r02(grid), r12(grid);
LatticeComplex r22(grid), tr1(grid), tr2(grid);
LatticeComplex b10(grid), b11(grid), b12(grid), b20(grid), b21(grid), b22(grid);
LatticeReal unitReal(grid);
unitReal = 1.0;
// Exponential
iQ2 = iQ * iQ;
iQ3 = iQ * iQ2;
e_iQ = f0*unity + timesMinusI(f1) * iQ - f2 * iQ2;
// Getting B1, B2, Gamma and Lambda
xi0 = StoutSmearing.func_xi0(w);
xi1 = StoutSmearing.func_xi1(w);
u2 = u * u;
w2 = w * w;
cosw = cos(w);
emiu = toComplex(cos(u)) - timesI(toComplex(u));
e2iu = toComplex(cos(2.0*u)) + timesI(toComplex(2.0*u));
r01 = (toComplex(2.0*u) + timesI(toComplex(2.0*(u2-w2)))) * e2iu
+ emiu * (toComplex(16.0*u*cosw + 2.0*u*(3.0*u2+w2)*xi0) +
timesI(toComplex(-8.0*u2*cosw + 2.0*(9.0*u2+w2)*xi0)));
r11 = (toComplex(2.0*unitReal) + timesI(toComplex(4.0*u)))* e2iu
+ emiu * (toComplex(-2.0*cosw + (3.0*u2-w2)*xi0) +
timesI(toComplex(2.0*u*cosw + 6.0*u*xi0)));
r21 = timesI(toComplex(2.0*unitReal)) * e2iu
+ emiu * (toComplex(-3.0*u*xi0) + timesI(toComplex(cosw - 3.0*xi0)));
r02 = -2.0 * e2iu + emiu * (toComplex(-8.0*u2*xi0) +
timesI(toComplex(2.0*u*(cosw + xi0 + 3.0*u2*xi1))));
r12 = emiu * (toComplex(2.0*u*xi0) + timesI(toComplex(-cosw - xi0 + 3.0*u2*xi1)));
r22 = emiu * (toComplex(xi0) - timesI(toComplex(3.0*u*xi1)));
tmp = (2.0*(9.0*u2-w2)*(9.0*u2-w2));
fden = toComplex(pow(tmp, -1.0)); // 1/tmp
b10 = toComplex(2.0*u) * r01 + toComplex(3.0*u2 - w2)*r02 - toComplex(30.0*u2 + 2.0*w2)*f0;
b11 = toComplex(2.0*u) * r11 + toComplex(3.0*u2 - w2)*r12 - toComplex(30.0*u2 + 2.0*w2)*f1;
b12 = toComplex(2.0*u) * r21 + toComplex(3.0*u2 - w2)*r22 - toComplex(30.0*u2 + 2.0*w2)*f2;
b20 = r01 - toComplex(3.0*u)*r02 - toComplex(24.0*u)*f0;
b21 = r11 - toComplex(3.0*u)*r12 - toComplex(24.0*u)*f1;
b22 = r21 - toComplex(3.0*u)*r22 - toComplex(24.0*u)*f2;
b10 *= fden;
b11 *= fden;
b12 *= fden;
b20 *= fden;
b21 *= fden;
b22 *= fden;
B1 = b10*unity + timesMinusI(b11) * iQ - b12 * iQ2;
B2 = b20*unity + timesMinusI(b21) * iQ - b22 * iQ2;
USigmap = GaugeK * Sigmap;
tr1 = trace(USigmap*B1);
tr2 = trace(USigmap*B2);
GaugeLinkField QUS = timesMinusI(iQ) * USigmap;
GaugeLinkField USQ = USigmap * timesMinusI(iQ);
GaugeLinkField iGamma = tr1 * timesMinusI(iQ) - tr2 * iQ2 +
f1 * USigmap + f2 * QUS + f2 * USQ;
iLambda = Ta(iGamma);
GaugeField* ThinLinks; /*!< @brief Pointer to the thin
links configuration */
/*! @brief Standard constructor */
SmearedConfiguration(GridCartesian * UGrid,
unsigned int Nsmear,
Smear_Stout<Gimpl>& Stout):
ThinLinks(new GaugeField(UGrid)){
for (unsigned int i=0; i< smearingLevels; ++i)
SmearedSet.push_back(*(new GaugeField(UGrid)));
/*! For just thin links */
SmearedConfiguration(GridCartesian * UGrid):
ThinLinks(new GaugeField(UGrid)){}
void set_GaugeField(){ fill_smearedSet(); }
void smeared_force(GaugeField& SigmaTilde) const{
GaugeField force = SigmaTilde;//actually = U*SigmaTilde, check this for Grid
GaugeLinkField tmp_mu(SigmaTilde._grid);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++){
tmp_mu = adj(peekLorentz(SmearedSet[smearingLevels-1], mu)) * peekLorentz(force,mu);
pokeLorentz(force, tmp_mu, mu);
for(int ismr = smearingLevels - 1; ismr > 0; --ismr)
force = AnalyticSmearedForce(force,get_smeared_conf(ismr-1));
force = AnalyticSmearedForce(force,*ThinLinks);
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++){
tmp_mu = peekLorentz(*ThinLinks, mu) * peekLorentz(force, mu);
pokeLorentz(SigmaTilde, tmp_mu, mu);
GaugeField* get_SmearedU() const{
return const_cast<GaugeField*>(&(SmearedSet[smearingLevels-1]));
GaugeField* get_U(bool smeared=false) const {
// get the config, thin links by default
if (smeared){
if (smearingLevels) return get_SmearedU();
else return ThinLinks;
else return ThinLinks;