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Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/QCD.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Azusa Yamaguchi <ayamaguc@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <peterboyle@Peters-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
Author: neo <cossu@post.kek.jp>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
namespace Grid{
namespace QCD {
static const int Xdir = 0;
static const int Ydir = 1;
static const int Zdir = 2;
static const int Tdir = 3;
static const int Xp = 0;
static const int Yp = 1;
static const int Zp = 2;
static const int Tp = 3;
static const int Xm = 4;
static const int Ym = 5;
static const int Zm = 6;
static const int Tm = 7;
static const int Nc=4;
static const int Ns=4;
static const int Nd=4;
static const int Nhs=2; // half spinor
static const int Nds=8; // double stored gauge field
static const int Ngp=2; // gparity index range
// QCD iMatrix types
// Index conventions: Lorentz x Spin x Colour
// note: static const int or constexpr will work for type deductions
// with the intel compiler (up to version 17)
#define ColourIndex 2
#define SpinIndex 1
#define LorentzIndex 0
// Also should make these a named enum type
static const int DaggerNo=0;
static const int DaggerYes=1;
static const int InverseNo=0;
static const int InverseYes=1;
// Useful traits is this a spin index
//typename std::enable_if<matchGridTensorIndex<iVector<vtype,Ns>,SpinorIndex>::value,iVector<vtype,Ns> >::type *SFINAE;
const int SpinorIndex = 2;
template<typename T> struct isSpinor {
static const bool value = (SpinorIndex==T::TensorLevel);
template <typename T> using IfSpinor = Invoke<std::enable_if< isSpinor<T>::value,int> > ;
template <typename T> using IfNotSpinor = Invoke<std::enable_if<!isSpinor<T>::value,int> > ;
// ChrisK very keen to add extra space for Gparity doubling.
// Also add domain wall index, in a way where Wilson operator
// naturally distributes across the 5th dimensions.
// That probably makes for GridRedBlack4dCartesian grid.
// s,sp,c,spc,lc
template<typename vtype> using iSinglet = iScalar<iScalar<iScalar<vtype> > >;
template<typename vtype> using iSpinMatrix = iScalar<iMatrix<iScalar<vtype>, Ns> >;
template<typename vtype> using iColourMatrix = iScalar<iScalar<iMatrix<vtype, Nc> > > ;
template<typename vtype> using iSpinColourMatrix = iScalar<iMatrix<iMatrix<vtype, Nc>, Ns> >;
template<typename vtype> using iLorentzColourMatrix = iVector<iScalar<iMatrix<vtype, Nc> >, Nd > ;
template<typename vtype> using iDoubleStoredColourMatrix = iVector<iScalar<iMatrix<vtype, Nc> >, Nds > ;
template<typename vtype> using iSpinVector = iScalar<iVector<iScalar<vtype>, Ns> >;
template<typename vtype> using iColourVector = iScalar<iScalar<iVector<vtype, Nc> > >;
template<typename vtype> using iSpinColourVector = iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, Nc>, Ns> >;
template<typename vtype> using iHalfSpinVector = iScalar<iVector<iScalar<vtype>, Nhs> >;
template<typename vtype> using iHalfSpinColourVector = iScalar<iVector<iVector<vtype, Nc>, Nhs> >;
template<typename vtype> using iGparitySpinColourVector = iVector<iVector<iVector<vtype, Nc>, Ns>, Ngp >;
template<typename vtype> using iGparityHalfSpinColourVector = iVector<iVector<iVector<vtype, Nc>, Nhs>, Ngp >;
// Spin matrix
typedef iSpinMatrix<Complex > SpinMatrix;
typedef iSpinMatrix<ComplexF > SpinMatrixF;
typedef iSpinMatrix<ComplexD > SpinMatrixD;
typedef iSpinMatrix<vComplex > vSpinMatrix;
typedef iSpinMatrix<vComplexF> vSpinMatrixF;
typedef iSpinMatrix<vComplexD> vSpinMatrixD;
// Colour Matrix
typedef iColourMatrix<Complex > ColourMatrix;
typedef iColourMatrix<ComplexF > ColourMatrixF;
typedef iColourMatrix<ComplexD > ColourMatrixD;
typedef iColourMatrix<vComplex > vColourMatrix;
typedef iColourMatrix<vComplexF> vColourMatrixF;
typedef iColourMatrix<vComplexD> vColourMatrixD;
// SpinColour matrix
typedef iSpinColourMatrix<Complex > SpinColourMatrix;
typedef iSpinColourMatrix<ComplexF > SpinColourMatrixF;
typedef iSpinColourMatrix<ComplexD > SpinColourMatrixD;
typedef iSpinColourMatrix<vComplex > vSpinColourMatrix;
typedef iSpinColourMatrix<vComplexF> vSpinColourMatrixF;
typedef iSpinColourMatrix<vComplexD> vSpinColourMatrixD;
// LorentzColour
typedef iLorentzColourMatrix<Complex > LorentzColourMatrix;
typedef iLorentzColourMatrix<ComplexF > LorentzColourMatrixF;
typedef iLorentzColourMatrix<ComplexD > LorentzColourMatrixD;
typedef iLorentzColourMatrix<vComplex > vLorentzColourMatrix;
typedef iLorentzColourMatrix<vComplexF> vLorentzColourMatrixF;
typedef iLorentzColourMatrix<vComplexD> vLorentzColourMatrixD;
// DoubleStored gauge field
typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<Complex > DoubleStoredColourMatrix;
typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<ComplexF > DoubleStoredColourMatrixF;
typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<ComplexD > DoubleStoredColourMatrixD;
typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<vComplex > vDoubleStoredColourMatrix;
typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<vComplexF> vDoubleStoredColourMatrixF;
typedef iDoubleStoredColourMatrix<vComplexD> vDoubleStoredColourMatrixD;
// Spin vector
typedef iSpinVector<Complex > SpinVector;
typedef iSpinVector<ComplexF> SpinVectorF;
typedef iSpinVector<ComplexD> SpinVectorD;
typedef iSpinVector<vComplex > vSpinVector;
typedef iSpinVector<vComplexF> vSpinVectorF;
typedef iSpinVector<vComplexD> vSpinVectorD;
// Colour vector
typedef iColourVector<Complex > ColourVector;
typedef iColourVector<ComplexF> ColourVectorF;
typedef iColourVector<ComplexD> ColourVectorD;
typedef iColourVector<vComplex > vColourVector;
typedef iColourVector<vComplexF> vColourVectorF;
typedef iColourVector<vComplexD> vColourVectorD;
// SpinColourVector
typedef iSpinColourVector<Complex > SpinColourVector;
typedef iSpinColourVector<ComplexF> SpinColourVectorF;
typedef iSpinColourVector<ComplexD> SpinColourVectorD;
typedef iSpinColourVector<vComplex > vSpinColourVector;
typedef iSpinColourVector<vComplexF> vSpinColourVectorF;
typedef iSpinColourVector<vComplexD> vSpinColourVectorD;
// HalfSpin vector
typedef iHalfSpinVector<Complex > HalfSpinVector;
typedef iHalfSpinVector<ComplexF> HalfSpinVectorF;
typedef iHalfSpinVector<ComplexD> HalfSpinVectorD;
typedef iHalfSpinVector<vComplex > vHalfSpinVector;
typedef iHalfSpinVector<vComplexF> vHalfSpinVectorF;
typedef iHalfSpinVector<vComplexD> vHalfSpinVectorD;
// HalfSpinColour vector
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<Complex > HalfSpinColourVector;
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<ComplexF> HalfSpinColourVectorF;
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<ComplexD> HalfSpinColourVectorD;
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<vComplex > vHalfSpinColourVector;
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<vComplexF> vHalfSpinColourVectorF;
typedef iHalfSpinColourVector<vComplexD> vHalfSpinColourVectorD;
// singlets
typedef iSinglet<Complex > TComplex; // FIXME This is painful. Tensor singlet complex type.
typedef iSinglet<ComplexF> TComplexF; // FIXME This is painful. Tensor singlet complex type.
typedef iSinglet<ComplexD> TComplexD; // FIXME This is painful. Tensor singlet complex type.
typedef iSinglet<vComplex > vTComplex ; // what if we don't know the tensor structure
typedef iSinglet<vComplexF> vTComplexF; // what if we don't know the tensor structure
typedef iSinglet<vComplexD> vTComplexD; // what if we don't know the tensor structure
typedef iSinglet<Real > TReal; // Shouldn't need these; can I make it work without?
typedef iSinglet<RealF> TRealF; // Shouldn't need these; can I make it work without?
typedef iSinglet<RealD> TRealD; // Shouldn't need these; can I make it work without?
typedef iSinglet<vReal > vTReal;
typedef iSinglet<vRealF> vTRealF;
typedef iSinglet<vRealD> vTRealD;
typedef iSinglet<vInteger> vTInteger;
typedef iSinglet<Integer > TInteger;
// Lattices of these
typedef Lattice<vColourMatrix> LatticeColourMatrix;
typedef Lattice<vColourMatrixF> LatticeColourMatrixF;
typedef Lattice<vColourMatrixD> LatticeColourMatrixD;
typedef Lattice<vSpinMatrix> LatticeSpinMatrix;
typedef Lattice<vSpinMatrixF> LatticeSpinMatrixF;
typedef Lattice<vSpinMatrixD> LatticeSpinMatrixD;
typedef Lattice<vSpinColourMatrix> LatticeSpinColourMatrix;
typedef Lattice<vSpinColourMatrixF> LatticeSpinColourMatrixF;
typedef Lattice<vSpinColourMatrixD> LatticeSpinColourMatrixD;
typedef Lattice<vLorentzColourMatrix> LatticeLorentzColourMatrix;
typedef Lattice<vLorentzColourMatrixF> LatticeLorentzColourMatrixF;
typedef Lattice<vLorentzColourMatrixD> LatticeLorentzColourMatrixD;
// DoubleStored gauge field
typedef Lattice<vDoubleStoredColourMatrix> LatticeDoubleStoredColourMatrix;
typedef Lattice<vDoubleStoredColourMatrixF> LatticeDoubleStoredColourMatrixF;
typedef Lattice<vDoubleStoredColourMatrixD> LatticeDoubleStoredColourMatrixD;
typedef Lattice<vSpinVector> LatticeSpinVector;
typedef Lattice<vSpinVectorF> LatticeSpinVectorF;
typedef Lattice<vSpinVectorD> LatticeSpinVectorD;
typedef Lattice<vColourVector> LatticeColourVector;
typedef Lattice<vColourVectorF> LatticeColourVectorF;
typedef Lattice<vColourVectorD> LatticeColourVectorD;
typedef Lattice<vSpinColourVector> LatticeSpinColourVector;
typedef Lattice<vSpinColourVectorF> LatticeSpinColourVectorF;
typedef Lattice<vSpinColourVectorD> LatticeSpinColourVectorD;
typedef Lattice<vHalfSpinVector> LatticeHalfSpinVector;
typedef Lattice<vHalfSpinVectorF> LatticeHalfSpinVectorF;
typedef Lattice<vHalfSpinVectorD> LatticeHalfSpinVectorD;
typedef Lattice<vHalfSpinColourVector> LatticeHalfSpinColourVector;
typedef Lattice<vHalfSpinColourVectorF> LatticeHalfSpinColourVectorF;
typedef Lattice<vHalfSpinColourVectorD> LatticeHalfSpinColourVectorD;
typedef Lattice<vTReal> LatticeReal;
typedef Lattice<vTRealF> LatticeRealF;
typedef Lattice<vTRealD> LatticeRealD;
typedef Lattice<vTComplex> LatticeComplex;
typedef Lattice<vTComplexF> LatticeComplexF;
typedef Lattice<vTComplexD> LatticeComplexD;
typedef Lattice<vTInteger> LatticeInteger; // Predicates for "where"
// Physical names for things
typedef LatticeHalfSpinColourVector LatticeHalfFermion;
typedef LatticeHalfSpinColourVectorF LatticeHalfFermionF;
typedef LatticeHalfSpinColourVectorF LatticeHalfFermionD;
typedef LatticeSpinColourVector LatticeFermion;
typedef LatticeSpinColourVectorF LatticeFermionF;
typedef LatticeSpinColourVectorD LatticeFermionD;
typedef LatticeSpinColourMatrix LatticePropagator;
typedef LatticeSpinColourMatrixF LatticePropagatorF;
typedef LatticeSpinColourMatrixD LatticePropagatorD;
typedef LatticeLorentzColourMatrix LatticeGaugeField;
typedef LatticeLorentzColourMatrixF LatticeGaugeFieldF;
typedef LatticeLorentzColourMatrixD LatticeGaugeFieldD;
typedef LatticeDoubleStoredColourMatrix LatticeDoubledGaugeField;
typedef LatticeDoubleStoredColourMatrixF LatticeDoubledGaugeFieldF;
typedef LatticeDoubleStoredColourMatrixD LatticeDoubledGaugeFieldD;
template<class GF> using LorentzScalar = Lattice<iScalar<typename GF::vector_object::element> >;
// Uhgg... typing this hurt ;)
// (my keyboard got burning hot when I typed this, must be the anti-Fermion)
typedef Lattice<vColourVector> LatticeStaggeredFermion;
typedef Lattice<vColourVectorF> LatticeStaggeredFermionF;
typedef Lattice<vColourVectorD> LatticeStaggeredFermionD;
typedef Lattice<vColourMatrix> LatticeStaggeredPropagator;
typedef Lattice<vColourMatrixF> LatticeStaggeredPropagatorF;
typedef Lattice<vColourMatrixD> LatticeStaggeredPropagatorD;
// Peek and Poke named after physics attributes
template<class vobj> auto peekSpin(const vobj &rhs,int i) -> decltype(PeekIndex<SpinIndex>(rhs,0))
return PeekIndex<SpinIndex>(rhs,i);
template<class vobj> auto peekSpin(const vobj &rhs,int i,int j) -> decltype(PeekIndex<SpinIndex>(rhs,0,0))
return PeekIndex<SpinIndex>(rhs,i,j);
template<class vobj> auto peekSpin(const Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int i) -> decltype(PeekIndex<SpinIndex>(rhs,0))
return PeekIndex<SpinIndex>(rhs,i);
template<class vobj> auto peekSpin(const Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int i,int j) -> decltype(PeekIndex<SpinIndex>(rhs,0,0))
return PeekIndex<SpinIndex>(rhs,i,j);
template<class vobj> auto peekColour(const vobj &rhs,int i) -> decltype(PeekIndex<ColourIndex>(rhs,0))
return PeekIndex<ColourIndex>(rhs,i);
template<class vobj> auto peekColour(const vobj &rhs,int i,int j) -> decltype(PeekIndex<ColourIndex>(rhs,0,0))
return PeekIndex<ColourIndex>(rhs,i,j);
template<class vobj> auto peekColour(const Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int i) -> decltype(PeekIndex<ColourIndex>(rhs,0))
return PeekIndex<ColourIndex>(rhs,i);
template<class vobj> auto peekColour(const Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int i,int j) -> decltype(PeekIndex<ColourIndex>(rhs,0,0))
return PeekIndex<ColourIndex>(rhs,i,j);
template<class vobj> auto peekLorentz(const vobj &rhs,int i) -> decltype(PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(rhs,0))
return PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(rhs,i);
template<class vobj> auto peekLorentz(const Lattice<vobj> &rhs,int i) -> decltype(PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(rhs,0))
return PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(rhs,i);
// Poke lattice
template<class vobj>
void pokeColour(Lattice<vobj> &lhs,
const Lattice<decltype(peekIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs._odata[0],0))> & rhs,
int i)
template<class vobj>
void pokeColour(Lattice<vobj> &lhs,
const Lattice<decltype(peekIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs._odata[0],0,0))> & rhs,
int i,int j)
template<class vobj>
void pokeSpin(Lattice<vobj> &lhs,
const Lattice<decltype(peekIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs._odata[0],0))> & rhs,
int i)
template<class vobj>
void pokeSpin(Lattice<vobj> &lhs,
const Lattice<decltype(peekIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs._odata[0],0,0))> & rhs,
int i,int j)
template<class vobj>
void pokeLorentz(Lattice<vobj> &lhs,
const Lattice<decltype(peekIndex<LorentzIndex>(lhs._odata[0],0))> & rhs,
int i)
// Poke scalars
template<class vobj> void pokeSpin(vobj &lhs,const decltype(peekIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs,0)) & rhs,int i)
template<class vobj> void pokeSpin(vobj &lhs,const decltype(peekIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs,0,0)) & rhs,int i,int j)
template<class vobj> void pokeColour(vobj &lhs,const decltype(peekIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs,0)) & rhs,int i)
template<class vobj> void pokeColour(vobj &lhs,const decltype(peekIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs,0,0)) & rhs,int i,int j)
template<class vobj> void pokeLorentz(vobj &lhs,const decltype(peekIndex<LorentzIndex>(lhs,0)) & rhs,int i)
// Fermion <-> propagator assignements
//template <class Prop, class Ferm>
template <class Fimpl>
void FermToProp(typename Fimpl::PropagatorField &p, const typename Fimpl::FermionField &f, const int s, const int c)
for(int j = 0; j < Ns; ++j)
auto pjs = peekSpin(p, j, s);
auto fj = peekSpin(f, j);
for(int i = 0; i < Fimpl::Dimension; ++i)
pokeColour(pjs, peekColour(fj, i), i, c);
pokeSpin(p, pjs, j, s);
//template <class Prop, class Ferm>
template <class Fimpl>
void PropToFerm(typename Fimpl::FermionField &f, const typename Fimpl::PropagatorField &p, const int s, const int c)
for(int j = 0; j < Ns; ++j)
auto pjs = peekSpin(p, j, s);
auto fj = peekSpin(f, j);
for(int i = 0; i < Fimpl::Dimension; ++i)
pokeColour(fj, peekColour(pjs, i, c), i);
pokeSpin(f, fj, j);
// transpose array and scalar
template<int Index,class vobj> inline Lattice<vobj> transposeSpin(const Lattice<vobj> &lhs){
return transposeIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs);
template<int Index,class vobj> inline Lattice<vobj> transposeColour(const Lattice<vobj> &lhs){
return transposeIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs);
template<int Index,class vobj> inline vobj transposeSpin(const vobj &lhs){
return transposeIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs);
template<int Index,class vobj> inline vobj transposeColour(const vobj &lhs){
return transposeIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs);
// Trace lattice and non-lattice
template<int Index,class vobj>
inline auto traceSpin(const Lattice<vobj> &lhs) -> Lattice<decltype(traceIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs._odata[0]))>
return traceIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs);
template<int Index,class vobj>
inline auto traceColour(const Lattice<vobj> &lhs) -> Lattice<decltype(traceIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs._odata[0]))>
return traceIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs);
template<int Index,class vobj>
inline auto traceSpin(const vobj &lhs) -> Lattice<decltype(traceIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs))>
return traceIndex<SpinIndex>(lhs);
template<int Index,class vobj>
inline auto traceColour(const vobj &lhs) -> Lattice<decltype(traceIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs))>
return traceIndex<ColourIndex>(lhs);
} //namespace QCD
} // Grid