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Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/hmc/integrators/Integrator.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Azusa Yamaguchi <ayamaguc@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Guido Cossu <cossu@post.kek.jp>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include <memory>
namespace Grid {
namespace QCD {
class IntegratorParameters: Serializable {
std::string, name, // name of the integrator
unsigned int, MDsteps, // number of outer steps
RealD, trajL, // trajectory length
IntegratorParameters(int MDsteps_ = 10, RealD trajL_ = 1.0)
: MDsteps(MDsteps_),
// empty body constructor
template <class ReaderClass, typename std::enable_if<isReader<ReaderClass>::value, int >::type = 0 >
IntegratorParameters(ReaderClass & Reader){
std::cout << "Reading integrator\n";
read(Reader, "Integrator", *this);
void print_parameters() const {
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "[Integrator] Type : " << name << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "[Integrator] Trajectory length : " << trajL << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "[Integrator] Number of MD steps : " << MDsteps << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "[Integrator] Step size : " << trajL/MDsteps << std::endl;
/*! @brief Class for Molecular Dynamics management */
template <class FieldImplementation, class SmearingPolicy, class RepresentationPolicy>
class Integrator {
typedef typename FieldImplementation::Field MomentaField; //for readability
typedef typename FieldImplementation::Field Field;
int levels; // number of integration levels
double t_U; // Track time passing on each level and for U and for P
std::vector<double> t_P;
//MomentaField P;
GeneralisedMomenta<FieldImplementation > P;
SmearingPolicy& Smearer;
RepresentationPolicy Representations;
IntegratorParameters Params;
const ActionSet<Field, RepresentationPolicy> as;
void update_P(Field& U, int level, double ep) {
t_P[level] += ep;
update_P(P.Mom, U, level, ep);
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "[" << level << "] P "
<< " dt " << ep << " : t_P " << t_P[level] << std::endl;
// to be used by the actionlevel class to iterate
// over the representations
struct _updateP {
template <class FieldType, class GF, class Repr>
void operator()(std::vector<Action<FieldType>*> repr_set, Repr& Rep,
GF& Mom, GF& U, double ep) {
for (int a = 0; a < repr_set.size(); ++a) {
FieldType forceR(U._grid);
// Implement smearing only for the fundamental representation now
repr_set.at(a)->deriv(Rep.U, forceR);
GF force = Rep.RtoFundamentalProject(forceR); // Ta for the fundamental rep
Real force_abs = std::sqrt(norm2(force)/(U._grid->gSites()));
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Hirep Force average: " << force_abs << std::endl;
Mom -= force * ep ;
} update_P_hireps{};
void update_P(MomentaField& Mom, Field& U, int level, double ep) {
// input U actually not used in the fundamental case
// Fundamental updates, include smearing
for (int a = 0; a < as[level].actions.size(); ++a) {
Field force(U._grid);
conformable(U._grid, Mom._grid);
Field& Us = Smearer.get_U(as[level].actions.at(a)->is_smeared);
as[level].actions.at(a)->deriv(Us, force); // deriv should NOT include Ta
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Smearing (on/off): " << as[level].actions.at(a)->is_smeared << std::endl;
if (as[level].actions.at(a)->is_smeared) Smearer.smeared_force(force);
force = FieldImplementation::projectForce(force); // Ta for gauge fields
Real force_abs = std::sqrt(norm2(force)/U._grid->gSites());
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Force average: " << force_abs << std::endl;
Mom -= force * ep;
// Generalised momenta
MomentaField MomDer(P.Mom._grid);
P.DerivativeU(P.Mom, MomDer);
Mom -= MomDer * ep;
// Auxiliary fields
//Mom -= MomDer * ep;
// Force from the other representations
as[level].apply(update_P_hireps, Representations, Mom, U, ep);
void implicit_update_P(Field& U, int level, double ep, bool intermediate = false) {
t_P[level] += ep;
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "[" << level << "] P "
<< " dt " << ep << " : t_P " << t_P[level] << std::endl;
// Fundamental updates, include smearing
MomentaField Msum(P.Mom._grid);
Msum = zero;
for (int a = 0; a < as[level].actions.size(); ++a) {
// Compute the force terms for the lagrangian part
// We need to compute the derivative of the actions
// only once
Field force(U._grid);
conformable(U._grid, P.Mom._grid);
Field& Us = Smearer.get_U(as[level].actions.at(a)->is_smeared);
as[level].actions.at(a)->deriv(Us, force); // deriv should NOT include Ta
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Smearing (on/off): " << as[level].actions.at(a)->is_smeared << std::endl;
if (as[level].actions.at(a)->is_smeared) Smearer.smeared_force(force);
force = FieldImplementation::projectForce(force); // Ta for gauge fields
Real force_abs = std::sqrt(norm2(force) / U._grid->gSites());
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "|Force| site average: " << force_abs
<< std::endl;
Msum += force;
MomentaField NewMom = P.Mom;
MomentaField OldMom = P.Mom;
double threshold = 1e-6;
MomentaField MomDer(P.Mom._grid);
MomentaField MomDer1(P.Mom._grid);
MomentaField AuxDer(P.Mom._grid);
MomDer1 = zero;
MomentaField diff(P.Mom._grid);
if (intermediate)
P.DerivativeU(P.Mom, MomDer1);
// Auxiliary fields
//Msum += AuxDer;
// Here run recursively
int counter = 1;
RealD RelativeError;
do {
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "UpdateP implicit step "<< counter << std::endl;
// Compute the derivative of the kinetic term
// with respect to the gauge field
P.DerivativeU(NewMom, MomDer);
Real force_abs = std::sqrt(norm2(MomDer) / U._grid->gSites());
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "|Force| laplacian site average: " << force_abs
<< std::endl;
NewMom = P.Mom - ep* 0.5 * (2.0*Msum + MomDer + MomDer1);// simplify
diff = NewMom - OldMom;
RelativeError = std::sqrt(norm2(diff))/std::sqrt(norm2(NewMom));
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "UpdateP RelativeError: " << RelativeError << std::endl;
OldMom = NewMom;
} while (RelativeError > threshold);
P.Mom = NewMom;
// update the auxiliary fields momenta
void update_U(Field& U, double ep) {
update_U(P.Mom, U, ep);
t_U += ep;
int fl = levels - 1;
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << " " << "[" << fl << "] U " << " dt " << ep << " : t_U " << t_U << std::endl;
void update_U(MomentaField& Mom, Field& U, double ep) {
// exponential of Mom*U in the gauge fields case
FieldImplementation::update_field(Mom, U, ep);
// Update the smeared fields, can be implemented as observer
// Update the higher representations fields
Representations.update(U); // void functions if fundamental representation
void implicit_update_U(Field&U, double ep){
t_U += ep;
int fl = levels - 1;
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << " " << "[" << fl << "] U " << " dt " << ep << " : t_U " << t_U << std::endl;
MomentaField Mom1(P.Mom._grid);
MomentaField Mom2(P.Mom._grid);
RealD RelativeError;
Field diff(U._grid);
Real threshold = 1e-6;
int counter = 1;
int MaxCounter = 100;
Field OldU = U;
Field NewU = U;
P.DerivativeP(Mom1); // first term in the derivative
do {
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "UpdateU implicit step "<< counter << std::endl;
P.DerivativeP(Mom2); // second term in the derivative, on the updated U
MomentaField sum = (Mom1 + Mom2);
//std::cout << GridLogMessage << "sum Norm " << norm2(sum) << std::endl;
for (int mu = 0; mu < Nd; mu++) {
auto Umu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(U, mu);
auto Pmu = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(sum, mu);
Umu = expMat(Pmu, ep * 0.5, 12) * Umu;
PokeIndex<LorentzIndex>(NewU, ProjectOnGroup(Umu), mu);
diff = NewU - OldU;
RelativeError = std::sqrt(norm2(diff))/std::sqrt(norm2(NewU));
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "UpdateU RelativeError: " << RelativeError << std::endl;
OldU = NewU; // some redundancy to be eliminated
} while (RelativeError > threshold && counter < MaxCounter);
U = NewU;
virtual void step(Field& U, int level, int first, int last) = 0;
Integrator(GridBase* grid, IntegratorParameters Par,
ActionSet<Field, RepresentationPolicy>& Aset,
SmearingPolicy& Sm, Metric<MomentaField>& M)
: Params(Par),
P(grid, M),
Representations(grid) {
t_P.resize(levels, 0.0);
t_U = 0.0;
// initialization of smearer delegated outside of Integrator
virtual ~Integrator() {}
virtual std::string integrator_name() = 0;
void print_parameters(){
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "[Integrator] Name : "<< integrator_name() << std::endl;
void print_actions(){
std::cout << GridLogMessage << ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "[Integrator] Action summary: "<<std::endl;
for (int level = 0; level < as.size(); ++level) {
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "[Integrator] ---- Level: "<< level << std::endl;
for (int actionID = 0; actionID < as[level].actions.size(); ++actionID) {
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "["<< as[level].actions.at(actionID)->action_name() << "] ID: " << actionID << std::endl;
std::cout << as[level].actions.at(actionID)->LogParameters();
std::cout << GridLogMessage << ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"<< std::endl;
void reverse_momenta(){
P.Mom *= 1.0;
// to be used by the actionlevel class to iterate
// over the representations
struct _refresh {
template <class FieldType, class Repr>
void operator()(std::vector<Action<FieldType>*> repr_set, Repr& Rep,
GridParallelRNG& pRNG) {
for (int a = 0; a < repr_set.size(); ++a){
repr_set.at(a)->refresh(Rep.U, pRNG);
std::cout << GridLogDebug << "Hirep refreshing pseudofermions" << std::endl;
} refresh_hireps{};
// Initialization of momenta and actions
void refresh(Field& U, GridParallelRNG& pRNG) {
assert(P.Mom._grid == U._grid);
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Integrator refresh\n";
//FieldImplementation::generate_momenta(P, pRNG);
// Update the smeared fields, can be implemented as observer
// necessary to keep the fields updated even after a reject
// of the Metropolis
// Set the (eventual) representations gauge fields
// The Smearer is attached to a pointer of the gauge field
// automatically gets the correct field
// whether or not has been accepted in the previous sweep
for (int level = 0; level < as.size(); ++level) {
for (int actionID = 0; actionID < as[level].actions.size(); ++actionID) {
// get gauge field from the SmearingPolicy and
// based on the boolean is_smeared in actionID
Field& Us =
as[level].actions.at(actionID)->refresh(Us, pRNG);
// Refresh the higher representation actions
as[level].apply(refresh_hireps, Representations, pRNG);
// to be used by the actionlevel class to iterate
// over the representations
struct _S {
template <class FieldType, class Repr>
void operator()(std::vector<Action<FieldType>*> repr_set, Repr& Rep,
int level, RealD& H) {
for (int a = 0; a < repr_set.size(); ++a) {
RealD Hterm = repr_set.at(a)->S(Rep.U);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "S Level " << level << " term " << a
<< " H Hirep = " << Hterm << std::endl;
H += Hterm;
} S_hireps{};
// Calculate action
RealD S(Field& U) { // here also U not used
//RealD H = - FieldImplementation::FieldSquareNorm(P.Mom); // - trace (P*P)
RealD H = - P.MomentaAction();
RealD Hterm;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Momentum action H_p = " << H << "\n";
// Actions
for (int level = 0; level < as.size(); ++level) {
for (int actionID = 0; actionID < as[level].actions.size(); ++actionID) {
// get gauge field from the SmearingPolicy and
// based on the boolean is_smeared in actionID
Field& Us =
Hterm = as[level].actions.at(actionID)->S(Us);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "S Level " << level << " term "
<< actionID << " H = " << Hterm << std::endl;
H += Hterm;
as[level].apply(S_hireps, Representations, level, H);
return H;
void integrate(Field& U) {
// reset the clocks
t_U = 0;
for (int level = 0; level < as.size(); ++level) {
t_P[level] = 0;
for (int step = 0; step < Params.MDsteps; ++step) { // MD step
int first_step = (step == 0);
int last_step = (step == Params.MDsteps - 1);
this->step(U, 0, first_step, last_step);
// Check the clocks all match on all levels
for (int level = 0; level < as.size(); ++level) {
assert(fabs(t_U - t_P[level]) < 1.0e-6); // must be the same
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << " times[" << level
<< "]= " << t_P[level] << " " << t_U << std::endl;
// and that we indeed got to the end of the trajectory
assert(fabs(t_U - Params.trajL) < 1.0e-6);