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Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/simd/Grid_vector_unops.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Azusa Yamaguchi <ayamaguc@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: neo <cossu@post.kek.jp>
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <cmath>
namespace Grid {
template<class scalar> struct SqrtRealFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return sqrt(real(a));
template<class scalar> struct RSqrtRealFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return scalar(1.0/sqrt(real(a)));
template<class scalar> struct CosRealFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return cos(real(a));
template<class scalar> struct SinRealFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return sin(real(a));
template<class scalar> struct LogRealFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return log(real(a));
template<class scalar> struct ExpRealFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return exp(real(a));
template<class scalar> struct NotFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return (!a);
template<class scalar> struct AbsRealFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return std::abs(real(a));
template<class scalar> struct PowRealFunctor {
double y;
PowRealFunctor(double _y) : y(_y) {};
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return pow(real(a),y);
template<class scalar> struct ModIntFunctor {
Integer y;
ModIntFunctor(Integer _y) : y(_y) {};
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return Integer(a)%y;
template<class scalar> struct DivIntFunctor {
Integer y;
DivIntFunctor(Integer _y) : y(_y) {};
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return Integer(a)/y;
template<class scalar> struct RealFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return real(a);
template<class scalar> struct ImagFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &a) const {
return imag(a);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> real(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(RealFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> imag(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(ImagFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> sqrt(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(SqrtRealFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> rsqrt(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(RSqrtRealFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class Scalar >
inline Scalar rsqrt(const Scalar &r) {
return (RSqrtRealFunctor<Scalar>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> cos(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(CosRealFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> sin(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(SinRealFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> log(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(LogRealFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> abs(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(AbsRealFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> exp(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(ExpRealFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> Not(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r) {
return SimdApply(NotFunctor<S>(),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> pow(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r,double y) {
return SimdApply(PowRealFunctor<S>(y),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> mod(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r,Integer y) {
return SimdApply(ModIntFunctor<S>(y),r);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> div(const Grid_simd<S,V> &r,Integer y) {
return SimdApply(DivIntFunctor<S>(y),r);
// Allows us to assign into **conformable** real vectors from complex
// template < class S, class V >
// inline auto ComplexRemove(const Grid_simd<S,V> &c) -> Grid_simd<Grid_simd<S,V>::Real,V> {
// Grid_simd<Grid_simd<S,V>::Real,V> ret;
// ret.v = c.v;
// return ret;
// }
template<class scalar> struct AndFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &x, const scalar &y) const {
return x & y;
template<class scalar> struct OrFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &x, const scalar &y) const {
return x | y;
template<class scalar> struct AndAndFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &x, const scalar &y) const {
return x && y;
template<class scalar> struct OrOrFunctor {
scalar operator()(const scalar &x, const scalar &y) const {
return x || y;
// Calls to simd binop functors
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> operator &(const Grid_simd<S,V> &x,const Grid_simd<S,V> &y) {
return SimdApplyBinop(AndFunctor<S>(),x,y);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> operator &&(const Grid_simd<S,V> &x,const Grid_simd<S,V> &y) {
return SimdApplyBinop(AndAndFunctor<S>(),x,y);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> operator |(const Grid_simd<S,V> &x,const Grid_simd<S,V> &y) {
return SimdApplyBinop(OrFunctor<S>(),x,y);
template < class S, class V >
inline Grid_simd<S,V> operator ||(const Grid_simd<S,V> &x,const Grid_simd<S,V> &y) {
return SimdApplyBinop(OrOrFunctor<S>(),x,y);