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Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: tests/hadrons/Test_hadrons_rarekaon.cc
Copyright (C) 2017
Author: Andrew Lawson <andrew.lawson1991@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
#include "Test_hadrons.hpp"
using namespace Grid;
using namespace Hadrons;
enum quarks
light = 0,
strange = 1,
charm = 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// parse command line //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
std::string configStem;
if (argc < 2)
std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <configuration filestem> [Grid options]";
std::cerr << std::endl;
configStem = argv[1];
// initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
LOG(Message) << "Grid initialized" << std::endl;
// run setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Application application;
std::vector<double> mass = {.01, .04, .2};
std::vector<std::string> flavour = {"l", "s", "c"};
std::vector<std::string> solvers = {"CG_l", "CG_s", "CG_c"};
std::string kmom = "0. 0. 0. 0.";
std::string pmom = "1. 0. 0. 0.";
std::string qmom = "-1. 0. 0. 0.";
std::string mqmom = "1. 0. 0. 0.";
std::vector<unsigned int> tKs = {0};
unsigned int dt_pi = 16;
std::vector<unsigned int> tJs = {8};
unsigned int n_noise = 1;
unsigned int nt = 32;
bool do_disconnected(false);
// Global parameters.
Application::GlobalPar globalPar;
globalPar.trajCounter.start = 1500;
globalPar.trajCounter.end = 1520;
globalPar.trajCounter.step = 20;
globalPar.seed = "1 2 3 4";
globalPar.genetic.maxGen = 1000;
globalPar.genetic.maxCstGen = 200;
globalPar.genetic.popSize = 20;
globalPar.genetic.mutationRate = .1;
// gauge field
if (configStem == "None")
MGauge::Load::Par gaugePar;
gaugePar.file = configStem;
application.createModule<MGauge::Load>("gauge", gaugePar);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < flavour.size(); ++i)
// actions
MAction::DWF::Par actionPar;
actionPar.gauge = "gauge";
actionPar.Ls = 16;
actionPar.M5 = 1.8;
actionPar.mass = mass[i];
application.createModule<MAction::DWF>("DWF_" + flavour[i], actionPar);
// solvers
// RBPrecCG -> CG
MSolver::RBPrecCG::Par solverPar;
solverPar.action = "DWF_" + flavour[i];
solverPar.residual = 1.0e-8;
// Create noise propagators for loops.
std::vector<std::string> noiseSrcs;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> noiseRes;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> noiseProps;
if (n_noise > 0)
MSource::Z2::Par noisePar;
noisePar.tA = 0;
noisePar.tB = nt - 1;
std::string loop_stem = "loop_";
for (unsigned int nn = 0; nn < n_noise; ++nn)
std::string eta = INIT_INDEX("noise", nn);
application.createModule<MSource::Z2>(eta, noisePar);
for (unsigned int f = 0; f < flavour.size(); ++f)
std::string loop_prop = INIT_INDEX(loop_stem + flavour[f], nn);
std::string loop_res = loop_prop + "_res";
makePropagator(application, loop_res, eta, solvers[f]);
makeLoop(application, loop_prop, eta, loop_res);
// Translate rare kaon decay across specified timeslices.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tKs.size(); ++i)
// Zero-momentum wall source propagators for kaon and pion.
unsigned int tK = tKs[i];
unsigned int tpi = (tK + dt_pi) % nt;
std::string q_Kl_0 = INIT_INDEX("Q_l_0", tK);
std::string q_pil_0 = INIT_INDEX("Q_l_0", tpi);
MAKE_WALL_PROP(tK, q_Kl_0, solvers[light]);
MAKE_WALL_PROP(tpi, q_pil_0, solvers[light]);
// Wall sources for kaon and pion with momentum insertion. If either
// p or k are zero, or p = k, re-use the existing name to avoid
// duplicating a propagator.
std::string q_Ks_k = INIT_INDEX("Q_Ks_k", tK);
std::string q_Ks_p = INIT_INDEX((kmom == pmom) ? "Q_Ks_k" : "Q_Ks_p", tK);
std::string q_pil_k = INIT_INDEX((kmom == ZERO_MOM) ? "Q_l_0" : "Q_l_k", tpi);
std::string q_pil_p = INIT_INDEX((pmom == kmom) ? q_pil_k : ((pmom == ZERO_MOM) ? "Q_l_0" : "Q_l_p"), tpi);
MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(tK, kmom, q_Ks_k, solvers[strange]);
MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(tK, pmom, q_Ks_p, solvers[strange]);
MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(tpi, kmom, q_pil_k, solvers[light]);
MAKE_3MOM_WALL_PROP(tpi, pmom, q_pil_p, solvers[light]);
* CONTRACTIONS: pi and K 2pt contractions with mom = p, k.
// Wall-Point
std::string PW_K_k = INIT_INDEX("PW_K_k", tK);
std::string PW_K_p = INIT_INDEX("PW_K_p", tK);
std::string PW_pi_k = INIT_INDEX("PW_pi_k", tpi);
std::string PW_pi_p = INIT_INDEX("PW_pi_p", tpi);
mesonContraction(application, 2, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, PW_K_k, kmom);
mesonContraction(application, 2, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_p, PW_K_p, pmom);
mesonContraction(application, 2, q_pil_k, q_pil_0, PW_pi_k, kmom);
mesonContraction(application, 2, q_pil_p, q_pil_0, PW_pi_p, pmom);
// Wall-Wall, to be done - requires modification of meson module.
* CONTRACTIONS: 3pt Weak Hamiltonian, C & W (non-Eye type) classes.
std::string HW_CW_k = LABEL_3PT("HW_CW_k", tK, tpi);
std::string HW_CW_p = LABEL_3PT("HW_CW_p", tK, tpi);
weakContractionNonEye(application, 3, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pil_k, q_pil_0, HW_CW_k);
weakContractionNonEye(application, 3, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_p, q_pil_p, q_pil_0, HW_CW_p);
* CONTRACTIONS: 3pt sd insertion.
// Note: eventually will use wall sink smeared q_Kl_0 instead.
std::string sd_k = LABEL_3PT("sd_k", tK, tpi);
std::string sd_p = LABEL_3PT("sd_p", tK, tpi);
gamma3ptContraction(application, 3, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pil_k, sd_k);
gamma3ptContraction(application, 3, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_p, q_pil_p, sd_p);
for (unsigned int nn = 0; nn < n_noise; ++nn)
* CONTRACTIONS: 3pt Weak Hamiltonian, S and E (Eye type) classes.
// Note: eventually will use wall sink smeared q_Kl_0 instead.
for (unsigned int f = 0; f < flavour.size(); ++f)
if ((f != strange) || do_disconnected)
std::string HW_SE_k = LABEL_3PT("HW_SE_k_" + flavour[f], tK, tpi);
std::string HW_SE_p = LABEL_3PT("HW_SE_p_" + flavour[f], tK, tpi);
std::string loop_q = noiseProps[f][nn];
weakContractionEye(application, 3, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pil_k, loop_q, HW_CW_k);
weakContractionEye(application, 3, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_p, q_pil_p, loop_q, HW_CW_p);
// Perform separate contractions for each t_J position.
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tJs.size(); ++j)
// Sequential sources for current insertions. Local for now,
// gamma_0 only.
unsigned int tJ = (tJs[j] + tK) % nt;
MSource::SeqGamma::Par seqPar;
std::string q_KlCl_q = LABEL_3PT("Q_KlCl_q", tK, tJ);
std::string q_KsCs_mq = LABEL_3PT("Q_KsCs_mq", tK, tJ);
std::string q_pilCl_q = LABEL_3PT("Q_pilCl_q", tpi, tJ);
std::string q_pilCl_mq = LABEL_3PT("Q_pilCl_mq", tpi, tJ);
MAKE_SEQUENTIAL_PROP(tJ, q_Kl_0, qmom, q_KlCl_q, solvers[light]);
MAKE_SEQUENTIAL_PROP(tJ, q_Ks_k, mqmom, q_KsCs_mq, solvers[strange]);
MAKE_SEQUENTIAL_PROP(tJ, q_pil_p, qmom, q_pilCl_q, solvers[light]);
MAKE_SEQUENTIAL_PROP(tJ, q_pil_0, mqmom, q_pilCl_mq, solvers[light]);
* CONTRACTIONS: pi and K 3pt contractions with current insertion.
// Wall-Point
std::string C_PW_Kl = LABEL_3PT("C_PW_Kl", tK, tJ);
std::string C_PW_Ksb = LABEL_3PT("C_PW_Ksb", tK, tJ);
std::string C_PW_pilb = LABEL_3PT("C_PW_pilb", tK, tJ);
std::string C_PW_pil = LABEL_3PT("C_PW_pil", tK, tJ);
mesonContraction(application, 3, q_KlCl_q, q_Ks_k, C_PW_Kl, pmom);
mesonContraction(application, 3, q_Kl_0, q_KsCs_mq, C_PW_Ksb, pmom);
mesonContraction(application, 3, q_pil_0, q_pilCl_q, C_PW_pilb, kmom);
mesonContraction(application, 3, q_pilCl_mq, q_pil_p, C_PW_pil, kmom);
// Wall-Wall, to be done.
* CONTRACTIONS: 4pt contractions, C & W classes.
std::string CW_Kl = LABEL_4PT("CW_Kl", tK, tJ, tpi);
std::string CW_Ksb = LABEL_4PT("CW_Ksb", tK, tJ, tpi);
std::string CW_pilb = LABEL_4PT("CW_pilb", tK, tJ, tpi);
std::string CW_pil = LABEL_4PT("CW_pil", tK, tJ, tpi);
weakContractionNonEye(application, 4, q_KlCl_q, q_Ks_k, q_pil_p, q_pil_0, CW_Kl);
weakContractionNonEye(application, 4, q_Kl_0, q_KsCs_mq, q_pil_p, q_pil_0, CW_Ksb);
weakContractionNonEye(application, 4, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pilCl_q, q_pil_0, CW_pilb);
weakContractionNonEye(application, 4, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pil_p, q_pilCl_mq, CW_pil);
* CONTRACTIONS: 4pt contractions, sd insertions.
// Note: eventually will use wall sink smeared q_Kl_0/q_KlCl_q instead.
std::string sd_Kl = LABEL_4PT("sd_Kl", tK, tJ, tpi);
std::string sd_Ksb = LABEL_4PT("sd_Ksb", tK, tJ, tpi);
std::string sd_pilb = LABEL_4PT("sd_pilb", tK, tJ, tpi);
gamma3ptContraction(application, 4, q_KlCl_q, q_Ks_k, q_pil_p, sd_Kl);
gamma3ptContraction(application, 4, q_Kl_0, q_KsCs_mq, q_pil_p, sd_Ksb);
gamma3ptContraction(application, 4, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pilCl_q, sd_pilb);
// Sequential sources for each noise propagator.
for (unsigned int nn = 0; nn < n_noise; ++nn)
std::string loop_stem = "loop_";
// Contraction required for each quark flavour - alternatively
// drop the strange loop if not performing disconnected
// contractions or neglecting H_W operators Q_3 -> Q_10.
for (unsigned int f = 0; f < flavour.size(); ++f)
if ((f != strange) || do_disconnected)
std::string eta = noiseSrcs[nn];
std::string loop_q = noiseProps[f][nn];
std::string loop_qCq = LABEL_3PT(loop_stem + flavour[f], tJ, nn);
std::string loop_qCq_res = loop_qCq + "_res";
MAKE_SEQUENTIAL_PROP(tJ, noiseRes[f][nn], qmom,
loop_qCq_res, solvers[f]);
makeLoop(application, loop_qCq, eta, loop_qCq_res);
* CONTRACTIONS: 4pt contractions, S & E classes.
// Note: eventually will use wall sink smeared q_Kl_0/q_KlCl_q instead.
std::string SE_Kl = LABEL_4PT_NOISE("SE_Kl", tK, tJ, tpi, nn);
std::string SE_Ksb = LABEL_4PT_NOISE("SE_Ksb", tK, tJ, tpi, nn);
std::string SE_pilb = LABEL_4PT_NOISE("SE_pilb", tK, tJ, tpi, nn);
std::string SE_loop = LABEL_4PT_NOISE("SE_loop", tK, tJ, tpi, nn);
weakContractionEye(application, 4, q_KlCl_q, q_Ks_k, q_pil_p, loop_q, SE_Kl);
weakContractionEye(application, 4, q_Kl_0, q_KsCs_mq, q_pil_p, loop_q, SE_Ksb);
weakContractionEye(application, 4, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pilCl_q, loop_q, SE_pilb);
weakContractionEye(application, 4, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pil_p, loop_qCq, SE_loop);
* CONTRACTIONS: 4pt contractions, pi0 disconnected
* loop.
std::string disc0 = LABEL_4PT_NOISE("disc0", tK, tJ, tpi, nn);
disc0Contraction(application, q_Kl_0, q_Ks_k, q_pilCl_q, loop_q, disc0);
* CONTRACTIONS: Disconnected loop.
std::string discLoop = "disc_" + loop_qCq;
discLoopContraction(application, loop_qCq, discLoop);
// execution
std::string par_file_name = "rarekaon_000_100_tK0_tpi16_tJ8_noloop_mc0.2.xml";
// epilogue
LOG(Message) << "Grid is finalizing now" << std::endl;