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assignment. LatticeCoordinate helper to get global (reduced) coordinate. Some more work of similar type perhaps needed, but the bulk of the required structure for masked array assignment is now in place.
353 lines
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353 lines
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#include "Grid.h"
#include "Grid_vComplexF.h"
namespace Grid {
class vComplexD {
zvec v;
typedef zvec vector_type;
typedef ComplexD scalar_type;
vComplexD & operator = ( Zero & z){
return (*this);
vComplexD(ComplexD a){
vComplexD(double a){
// mac, mult, sub, add, adj
// Should do an AVX2 version with mac.
friend inline void mac (vComplexD * __restrict__ y,const vComplexD * __restrict__ a,const vComplexD *__restrict__ x) {*y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y);};
friend inline void mult(vComplexD * __restrict__ y,const vComplexD * __restrict__ l,const vComplexD *__restrict__ r) {*y = (*l) * (*r);}
friend inline void sub (vComplexD * __restrict__ y,const vComplexD * __restrict__ l,const vComplexD *__restrict__ r) {*y = (*l) - (*r);}
friend inline void add (vComplexD * __restrict__ y,const vComplexD * __restrict__ l,const vComplexD *__restrict__ r) {*y = (*l) + (*r);}
friend inline vComplexD adj(const vComplexD &in){ return conj(in); }
// Initialise to 1,0,i
friend inline void vone (vComplexD &ret){ vsplat(ret,1.0,0.0);}
friend inline void vzero (vComplexD &ret){ vsplat(ret,0.0,0.0);}
friend inline void vcomplex_i(vComplexD &ret){ vsplat(ret,0.0,1.0);}
// Arithmetic operator overloads +,-,*
friend inline vComplexD operator + (vComplexD a, vComplexD b)
vComplexD ret;
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_add_pd(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef SSE2
ret.v = _mm_add_pd(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_add_pd(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = vec_add(a.v,b.v);
return ret;
friend inline vComplexD operator - (vComplexD a, vComplexD b)
vComplexD ret;
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_sub_pd(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef SSE2
ret.v = _mm_sub_pd(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_sub_pd(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = vec_sub(a.v,b.v);
return ret;
friend inline vComplexD operator * (vComplexD a, vComplexD b)
vComplexD ret;
//Multiplicationof (ak+ibk)*(ck+idk)
// a + i b can be stored as a data structure
//From intel optimisation reference guide
movsldup xmm0, Src1; load real parts into the destination,
; a1, a1, a0, a0
movaps xmm1, src2; load the 2nd pair of complex values, ; i.e. d1, c1, d0, c0
mulps xmm0, xmm1; temporary results, a1d1, a1c1, a0d0, ; a0c0
shufps xmm1, xmm1, b1; reorder the real and imaginary ; parts, c1, d1, c0, d0
movshdup xmm2, Src1; load the imaginary parts into the ; destination, b1, b1, b0, b0
mulps xmm2, xmm1; temporary results, b1c1, b1d1, b0c0, ; b0d0
addsubps xmm0, xmm2; b1c1+a1d1, a1c1 -b1d1, b0c0+a0d
VSHUFPD (VEX.256 encoded version)
IF IMM0[0] = 0
THEN DEST[63:0]=SRC1[63:0] ELSE DEST[63:0]=SRC1[127:64] FI;
IF IMM0[1] = 0
THEN DEST[127:64]=SRC2[63:0] ELSE DEST[127:64]=SRC2[127:64] FI;
IF IMM0[2] = 0
THEN DEST[191:128]=SRC1[191:128] ELSE DEST[191:128]=SRC1[255:192] FI;
IF IMM0[3] = 0
THEN DEST[255:192]=SRC2[191:128] ELSE DEST[255:192]=SRC2[255:192] FI;
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
zvec ymm0,ymm1,ymm2;
ymm0 = _mm256_shuffle_pd(a.v,a.v,0x0); // ymm0 <- ar ar, ar,ar b'00,00
ymm0 = _mm256_mul_pd(ymm0,b.v); // ymm0 <- ar bi, ar br
ymm1 = _mm256_shuffle_pd(b.v,b.v,0x5); // ymm1 <- br,bi b'01,01
ymm2 = _mm256_shuffle_pd(a.v,a.v,0xF); // ymm2 <- ai,ai b'11,11
ymm1 = _mm256_mul_pd(ymm1,ymm2); // ymm1 <- br ai, ai bi
ret.v= _mm256_addsub_pd(ymm0,ymm1);
#ifdef SSE2
zvec ymm0,ymm1,ymm2;
ymm0 = _mm_shuffle_pd(a.v,a.v,0x0); // ymm0 <- ar ar,
ymm0 = _mm_mul_pd(ymm0,b.v); // ymm0 <- ar bi, ar br
ymm1 = _mm_shuffle_pd(b.v,b.v,0x1); // ymm1 <- br,bi b01
ymm2 = _mm_shuffle_pd(a.v,a.v,0x3); // ymm2 <- ai,ai b11
ymm1 = _mm_mul_pd(ymm1,ymm2); // ymm1 <- br ai, ai bi
ret.v= _mm_addsub_pd(ymm0,ymm1);
#ifdef AVX512
/* This is from
* Automatic SIMD Vectorization of Fast Fourier Transforms for the Larrabee and AVX Instruction Sets
* @inproceedings{McFarlin:2011:ASV:1995896.1995938,
* author = {McFarlin, Daniel S. and Arbatov, Volodymyr and Franchetti, Franz and P\"{u}schel, Markus},
* title = {Automatic SIMD Vectorization of Fast Fourier Transforms for the Larrabee and AVX Instruction Sets},
* booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing},
* series = {ICS '11},
* year = {2011},
* isbn = {978-1-4503-0102-2},
* location = {Tucson, Arizona, USA},
* pages = {265--274},
* numpages = {10},
* url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1995896.1995938},
* doi = {10.1145/1995896.1995938},
* acmid = {1995938},
* publisher = {ACM},
* address = {New York, NY, USA},
* keywords = {autovectorization, fourier transform, program generation, simd, super-optimization},
* }
zvec vzero,ymm0,ymm1,real,imag;
vzero = _mm512_setzero();
ymm0 = _mm512_swizzle_pd(a.v, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB); //
real = _mm512_mask_or_epi64(a.v, 0xAAAA,vzero, ymm0);
imag = _mm512_mask_sub_pd(a.v, 0x5555,vzero, ymm0);
ymm1 = _mm512_mul_pd(real, b.v);
ymm0 = _mm512_swizzle_pd(b.v, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB); // OK
ret.v= _mm512_fmadd_pd(ymm0,imag,ymm1);
/* Imag OK */
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = vec_mul(a.v,b.v);
return ret;
// General permute; assumes vector length is same across
// all subtypes; may not be a good assumption, but could
// add the vector width as a template param for BG/Q for example
friend inline void permute(vComplexD &y,vComplexD b,int perm)
friend inline void merge(vComplexD &y,std::vector<ComplexD *> &extracted)
Gmerge<vComplexD,ComplexD >(y,extracted);
friend inline void extract(const vComplexD &y,std::vector<ComplexD *> &extracted)
friend inline void merge(vComplexD &y,std::vector<ComplexD > &extracted)
Gmerge<vComplexD,ComplexD >(y,extracted);
friend inline void extract(const vComplexD &y,std::vector<ComplexD > &extracted)
// FIXME: gonna remove these load/store, get, set, prefetch
void vload(zvec& a){
this->v = a;
zvec vget(){
return this->v ;
// Splat
friend inline void vsplat(vComplexD &ret,ComplexD c){
float a= real(c);
float b= imag(c);
friend inline void vsplat(vComplexD &ret,double rl,double ig){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_set_pd(ig,rl,ig,rl);
#ifdef SSE2
ret.v = _mm_set_pd(a,b);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_set_pd(ig,rl,ig,rl,ig,rl,ig,rl);
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = {a,b,a,b};
friend inline void vset(vComplexD &ret,ComplexD *a){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_set_pd(a[1].imag(),a[1].real(),a[0].imag(),a[0].real());
#ifdef SSE2
ret.v = _mm_set_pd(a[0].imag(),a[0].real());
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_set_pd(a[3].imag(),a[3].real(),a[2].imag(),a[2].real(),a[1].imag(),a[1].real(),a[0].imag(),a[0].real());
// Note v has a0 a1 a2 a3
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = {a[0].real(),a[0].imag(),a[1].real(),a[3].imag()};
friend inline void vstore(const vComplexD &ret, ComplexD *a){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
_mm256_store_pd((double *)a,ret.v);
#ifdef SSE2
_mm_store_pd((double *)a,ret.v);
#ifdef AVX512
_mm512_store_pd((double *)a,ret.v);
//Note v has a3 a2 a1 a0
#ifdef QPX
friend inline void vprefetch(const vComplexD &v)
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&v.v,_MM_HINT_T0);
// Conjugate
friend inline vComplexD conj(const vComplexD &in){
vComplexD ret ; vzero(ret);
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
// addsubps 0, inv=>0+in.v[3] 0-in.v[2], 0+in.v[1], 0-in.v[0], ...
__m256d tmp = _mm256_addsub_pd(ret.v,_mm256_shuffle_pd(in.v,in.v,0x5));
#ifdef SSE2
ret.v = _mm_addsub_pd(ret.v,in.v);
#ifdef AVX512
// Xeon does not have fmaddsub or addsub
// with mask 0xa (1010), v[0] -v[1] v[2] -v[3] ....
ret.v = _mm512_mask_sub_pd(in.v, 0xaaaa,ret.v, in.v);
#ifdef QPX
return ret;
// REDUCE FIXME must be a cleaner implementation
friend inline ComplexD Reduce(const vComplexD & in)
#if defined (AVX1) || defined(AVX2)
// return std::complex<double>(_mm256_mask_reduce_add_pd(0x55, in.v),_mm256_mask_reduce_add_pd(0xAA, in.v));
__attribute__ ((aligned(32))) double c_[4];
return ComplexD(c_[0]+c_[2],c_[1]+c_[3]);
#ifdef AVX512
return ComplexD(_mm512_mask_reduce_add_pd(0x5555, in.v),_mm512_mask_reduce_add_pd(0xAAAA, in.v));
#ifdef QPX
// Unary negation
friend inline vComplexD operator -(const vComplexD &r) {
vComplexD ret;
ret = ret - r;
return ret;
// *=,+=,-= operators
inline vComplexD &operator *=(const vComplexD &r) {
*this = (*this)*r;
return *this;
inline vComplexD &operator +=(const vComplexD &r) {
*this = *this+r;
return *this;
inline vComplexD &operator -=(const vComplexD &r) {
*this = *this-r;
return *this;
static int Nsimd(void) { return sizeof(zvec)/sizeof(double)/2;}
inline vComplexD localInnerProduct(const vComplexD & l, const vComplexD & r) { return conj(l)*r; }
typedef vComplexD vDComplex;
inline void zeroit(vComplexD &z){ vzero(z);}
inline vComplexD outerProduct(const vComplexD &l, const vComplexD& r)
return l*r;
inline vComplex trace(const vComplex &arg){
return arg;
//// Generic routine to promote object<complex> -> object<vcomplex>
//// Supports the array reordering transformation that gives me SIMD utilisation
template<template<class> class object>
inline object<vComplex> splat(object<Complex >s){
object<vComplex> ret;
vComplex * v_ptr = (vComplex *)& ret;
Complex * s_ptr = (Complex *) &s;
for(int i=0;i<sizeof(ret);i+=sizeof(vComplex)){
return ret;