mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 17:25:37 +01:00
Peter Boyle 31f4f4f1e1 "where" and integer comparisons logic implemented for conditional
assignment. LatticeCoordinate helper to get global (reduced) coordinate.

Some more work of similar type perhaps needed, but the bulk of the required
structure for masked array assignment is now in place.
2015-04-09 08:06:03 +02:00

236 lines
8.9 KiB

#ifndef GRID_SIMD_H
#define GRID_SIMD_H
// Define scalar and vector floating point types
// Scalar: RealF, RealD, ComplexF, ComplexD
// Vector: vRealF, vRealD, vComplexF, vComplexD
// Vector types are arch dependent
#ifdef SSE2
#include <pmmintrin.h>
#if defined(AVX1) || defined (AVX2)
#include <immintrin.h>
#ifdef AVX512
#include <immintrin.h>
namespace Grid {
typedef float RealF;
typedef double RealD;
typedef RealF Real;
typedef std::complex<RealF> ComplexF;
typedef std::complex<RealD> ComplexD;
typedef std::complex<Real> Complex;
inline RealF adj(const RealF & r){ return r; }
inline RealF conj(const RealF & r){ return r; }
inline ComplexD localInnerProduct(const ComplexD & l, const ComplexD & r) { return conj(l)*r; }
inline ComplexF localInnerProduct(const ComplexF & l, const ComplexF & r) { return conj(l)*r; }
inline RealD localInnerProduct(const RealD & l, const RealD & r) { return l*r; }
inline RealF localInnerProduct(const RealF & l, const RealF & r) { return l*r; }
//Provide support functions for basic real and complex data types required by Grid
//Single and double precision versions. Should be able to template this once only.
inline void mac (ComplexD * __restrict__ y,const ComplexD * __restrict__ a,const ComplexD *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a) * (*x)+(*y); };
inline void mult(ComplexD * __restrict__ y,const ComplexD * __restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r);}
inline void sub (ComplexD * __restrict__ y,const ComplexD * __restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r);}
inline void add (ComplexD * __restrict__ y,const ComplexD * __restrict__ l,const ComplexD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r);}
inline ComplexD adj(const ComplexD& r){ return(conj(r)); }
// conj already supported for complex
inline void mac (ComplexF * __restrict__ y,const ComplexF * __restrict__ a,const ComplexF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a) * (*x)+(*y); }
inline void mult(ComplexF * __restrict__ y,const ComplexF * __restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (ComplexF * __restrict__ y,const ComplexF * __restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (ComplexF * __restrict__ y,const ComplexF * __restrict__ l,const ComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
inline Complex adj(const Complex& r ){ return(conj(r)); }
//conj already supported for complex
inline void mac (RealD * __restrict__ y,const RealD * __restrict__ a,const RealD *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a) * (*x)+(*y);}
inline void mult(RealD * __restrict__ y,const RealD * __restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r);}
inline void sub (RealD * __restrict__ y,const RealD * __restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r);}
inline void add (RealD * __restrict__ y,const RealD * __restrict__ l,const RealD *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r);}
inline RealD adj(const RealD & r){ return r; } // No-op for real
inline RealD conj(const RealD & r){ return r; }
inline void mac (RealF * __restrict__ y,const RealF * __restrict__ a,const RealF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a) * (*x)+(*y); }
inline void mult(RealF * __restrict__ y,const RealF * __restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
inline void sub (RealF * __restrict__ y,const RealF * __restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
inline void add (RealF * __restrict__ y,const RealF * __restrict__ l,const RealF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
class Zero{};
static Zero zero;
template<class itype> inline void ZeroIt(itype &arg){ arg=zero;};
template<> inline void ZeroIt(ComplexF &arg){ arg=0; };
template<> inline void ZeroIt(ComplexD &arg){ arg=0; };
template<> inline void ZeroIt(RealF &arg){ arg=0; };
template<> inline void ZeroIt(RealD &arg){ arg=0; };
#if defined (SSE2)
typedef __m128 fvec;
typedef __m128d dvec;
typedef __m128 cvec;
typedef __m128d zvec;
typedef __m128i ivec;
#if defined (AVX1) || defined (AVX2)
typedef __m256 fvec;
typedef __m256d dvec;
typedef __m256 cvec;
typedef __m256d zvec;
typedef __m256i ivec;
#if defined (AVX512)
typedef __m512 fvec;
typedef __m512d dvec;
typedef __m512 cvec;
typedef __m512d zvec;
typedef __m512i ivec;
#if defined (QPX)
typedef float fvec __attribute__ ((vector_size (16))); // QPX has same SIMD width irrespective of precision
typedef float cvec __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
typedef vector4double dvec;
typedef vector4double zvec;
#if defined (AVX1) || defined (AVX2) || defined (AVX512)
inline void v_prefetch0(int size, const char *ptr){
for(int i=0;i<size;i+=64){ // Define L1 linesize above// What about SSE?
inline void v_prefetch0(int size, const char *ptr){};
// Generic extract/merge/permute
template<class vsimd,class scalar>
inline void Gextract(const vsimd &y,std::vector<scalar *> &extracted){
// FIXME: bounce off stack is painful
// temporary hack while I figure out better way.
// There are intrinsics to do this work without the storage.
int Nextr=extracted.size();
int Nsimd=vsimd::Nsimd();
int s=Nsimd/Nextr;
std::vector<scalar,alignedAllocator<scalar> > buf(Nsimd);
for(int i=0;i<Nextr;i++){
*extracted[i] = buf[i*s];
template<class vsimd,class scalar>
inline void Gmerge(vsimd &y,std::vector<scalar *> &extracted){
int Nextr=extracted.size();
int Nsimd=vsimd::Nsimd();
int s=Nsimd/Nextr;
std::vector<scalar> buf(Nsimd);
for(int i=0;i<Nextr;i++){
for(int ii=0;ii<s;ii++){
template<class vsimd,class scalar>
inline void Gextract(const vsimd &y,std::vector<scalar> &extracted){
// FIXME: bounce off stack is painful
// temporary hack while I figure out better way.
// There are intrinsics to do this work without the storage.
int Nextr=extracted.size();
int Nsimd=vsimd::Nsimd();
int s=Nsimd/Nextr;
std::vector<scalar,alignedAllocator<scalar> > buf(Nsimd);
for(int i=0;i<Nextr;i++){
extracted[i] = buf[i*s];
template<class vsimd,class scalar>
inline void Gmerge(vsimd &y,std::vector<scalar> &extracted){
int Nextr=extracted.size();
int Nsimd=vsimd::Nsimd();
int s=Nsimd/Nextr;
std::vector<scalar> buf(Nsimd);
for(int i=0;i<Nextr;i++){
for(int ii=0;ii<s;ii++){
// Permute
// Permute 0 every ABCDEFGH -> BA DC FE HG
// Permute 1 every ABCDEFGH -> CD AB GH EF
// Permute 2 every ABCDEFGH -> EFGH ABCD
// Permute 3 possible on longer iVector lengths (512bit = 8 double = 16 single)
// Permute 4 possible on half precision @512bit vectors.
template<class vsimd>
inline void Gpermute(vsimd &y,const vsimd &b,int perm){
switch (perm){
#if defined(AVX1)||defined(AVX2)
// 8x32 bits=>3 permutes
case 2: y.v = _mm256_shuffle_ps(b.v,b.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1)); break;
case 1: y.v = _mm256_shuffle_ps(b.v,b.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2)); break;
case 0: y.v = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(b.v,b.v,0x01); break;
#ifdef SSE2
case 1: y.v = _mm_shuffle_ps(b.v,b.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1)); break;
case 0: y.v = _mm_shuffle_ps(b.v,b.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2));break;
#ifdef AVX512
// 16 floats=> permutes
// Permute 0 every abcd efgh ijkl mnop -> badc fehg jilk nmpo
// Permute 1 every abcd efgh ijkl mnop -> cdab ghef jkij opmn
// Permute 2 every abcd efgh ijkl mnop -> efgh abcd mnop ijkl
// Permute 3 every abcd efgh ijkl mnop -> ijkl mnop abcd efgh
case 3: y.v = _mm512_swizzle_ps(b.v,_MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB); break;
case 2: y.v = _mm512_swizzle_ps(b.v,_MM_SWIZ_REG_BADC); break;
case 1: y.v = _mm512_permute4f128_ps(b.v,(_MM_PERM_ENUM)_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1)); break;
case 0: y.v = _mm512_permute4f128_ps(b.v,(_MM_PERM_ENUM)_MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2)); break;
#ifdef QPX
#error not implemented
default: assert(0); break;
#include <Grid_vInteger.h>
#include <Grid_vRealF.h>
#include <Grid_vRealD.h>
#include <Grid_vComplexF.h>
#include <Grid_vComplexD.h>