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Interfacing with external software
Grid provides a number of important modules, such as solvers and
eigensolvers, that are highly optimized for complex vector/SIMD
architectures, such as the Intel Xeon Phi KNL and Skylake processors.
This growing library, with appropriate interfacing, can be accessed
from existing code. Here we describe interfacing issues and provide
MPI initialization
Grid supports threaded MPI sends and receives and, if running with
more than one thread, requires the MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE mode of message
passing. If the user initializes MPI before starting Grid, the
appropriate initialization call is::
MPI_Init_thread(argc, argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided);
assert(MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE == provided);
Grid Initialization
Grid itself is initialized with a call::
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
.. todo:: CD: Where are the command-line arguments explained above?
where `argc` and `argv` are constructed to simulate the command-line
options described above. At a minimum one must provide the `--grid`
and `--mpi` parameters. The latter specifies the grid of processors
(MPI ranks).
The following Grid procedures are useful for verifying that Grid is
properly initialized.
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Grid procedure returns
============================================================= ===========================================================================================================
std::vector<int> GridDefaultLatt(); lattice size
std::vector<int> GridDefaultSimd(int Nd,vComplex::Nsimd()); SIMD layout
std::vector<int> GridDefaultMpi(); MPI layout
int Grid::GridThread::GetThreads(); number of threads
============================================================= ===========================================================================================================
MPI coordination
Grid wants to use its own numbering of MPI ranks and its own
assignment of the lattice coordinates with each rank. Obviously, the
calling program and Grid must agree on these conventions. It is
convenient to use Grid's Cartesian communicator class to discover the
processor assignments. For a four-dimensional processor grid one can
static Grid::CartesianCommunicator *grid_cart = NULL;
grid_cart = new Grid::CartesianCommunicator(processors);
where `processors` is of type `std::vector<int>`, with values matching
the MPI processor-layout dimensions specified with the `--mpi`
argument in the `Grid_Init` call. Then each MPI rank can obtain its
processor coordinate using the Cartesian communicator instantiated
above. For example, in four dimensions::
std::vector<int> pePos(4);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
pePos[i] = grid_cart->_processor_coor[i];
and each MPI process can get its world rank from its processor
coordinates using::
int peRank = grid_cart->RankFromProcessorCoor(pePos)
Conversely, each MPI process can get its processor coordinates from
its world rank using::
grid_cart->ProcessorCoorFromRank(peRank, pePos);
If the calling program initialized MPI before initializing Grid, it is
then important for each MPI process in the calling program to reset
its rank number so it agrees with Grid::
MPI_Comm comm;
where `MPI_COMM_THISJOB` is initially a copy of `MPI_COMM_WORLD` (with
`jobid = 0`), or it is a split communicator with `jobid` equal to the
index number of the subcommunicator. Once this is done,::
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_THISJOB, &myrank);
returns a rank that agrees with Grid's `peRank`.
Mapping fields between Grid and user layouts
In order to map data between layouts, it is important to know
how the lattice sites are distributed across the processor grid. A
lattice site with coordinates `r[mu]` is assigned to the processor with
processor coordinates `pePos[mu]` according to the rule::
pePos[mu] = r[mu]/dim[mu]
where `dim[mu]` is the lattice dimension in the `mu` direction. For
performance reasons, it is important that the external data layout
follow the same rule. Then data mapping can be done without
requiring costly communication between ranks. We assume this is the
case here.
When mapping data to and from Grid, one must choose a lattice object
defined on the appropriate grid, whether it be a full lattice (4D
`GridCartesian`), one of the checkerboards (4D
`GridRedBlackCartesian`), a five-dimensional full grid (5D
`GridCartesian`), or a five-dimensional checkerboard (5D
`GridRedBlackCartesian`). For example, an improved staggered fermion
color-vector field `cv` on a single checkerboard would be constructed
std::vector<int> latt_size = GridDefaultLatt();
std::vector<int> simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplex::Nsimd());
std::vector<int> mpi_layout = GridDefaultMpi();
GridCartesian Grid(latt_size,simd_layout,mpi_layout);
GridRedBlackCartesian RBGrid(&Grid);
typename ImprovedStaggeredFermion::FermionField cv(RBGrid);
To map data within an MPI rank, the external code must iterate over
the sites belonging to that rank (full or checkerboard as
appropriate). To import data into Grid, the external data on a single
site with coordinates `r` is first copied into the appropriate Grid
scalar object `s`. Then it is copied into the Grid lattice field `l`
with `pokeLocalSite`::
pokeLocalSite(const sobj &s, Lattice<vobj> &l, Coordinate &r);
To export data from Grid, the reverse operation starts with::
peekLocalSite(const sobj &s, Lattice<vobj> &l, Coordinate &r);
and then copies the single-site data from `s` into the corresponding
external type.
Here is an example that maps a single site's worth of data in a MILC
color-vector field to a Grid scalar ColourVector object `cVec` and from
there to the lattice colour-vector field `cv`, as defined above.
ColourVector cVec;
for(int col=0; col<Nc; col++)
cVec._internal._internal._internal[col] =
Complex(src[idx].c[col].real, src[idx].c[col].imag);
pokeLocalSite(cVec, cv, r);
Here the `indexToCoords()` function is a MILC mapping of the MILC site
index `idx` to the 4D lattice coordinate `r`.
Grid provides block- and multiple-rhs conjugate-gradient solvers. For
this purpose it uses a 5D lattice. To map data to and from Grid data
types, the index for the right-hand-side vector becomes the zeroth
coordinate of a five-dimensional vector `r5`. The remaining
components of `r5` contain the 4D space-time coordinates. The
`pokeLocalSite/peekLocalSite` operations then accept the coordinate
`r5`, provided the destination/source lattice object is also 5D. In
the example below data from a single site specified by `idx`,
belonging to a set of `Ls` MILC color-vector fields, are copied into a
Grid 5D fermion field `cv5`.
GridCartesian * UGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt();
GridRedBlackCartesian * FrbGrid = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(Ls,UGrid) typename ImprovedStaggeredFermion5D::FermionField cv5(FrbGrid);
std::vector<int> r(4);
std::vector<int> r5(1,0);
for( int d = 0; d < 4; d++ ) r5.push_back(r[d]);
for( int j = 0; j < Ls; j++ ){
r5[0] = j;
ColourVector cVec;
for(int col=0; col<Nc; col++){
cVec._internal._internal._internal[col] =
Complex(src[j][idx].c[col].real, src[j][idx].c[col].imag);
pokeLocalSite(cVec, *(out->cv), r5);