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namespace Grid {
inline void Print(const char *A,cvec c) {
float *fp=(float *)&c;
printf(" %le %le %le %le %le %le %le %le\n",
class vComplexF {
// protected:
cvec v;
static inline int Nsimd(void) { return sizeof(cvec)/sizeof(float)/2;}
typedef cvec vector_type;
typedef ComplexF scalar_type;
vComplexF & operator = ( Zero & z){
return (*this);
vComplexF(ComplexF a){
vComplexF(double a){
// mac, mult, sub, add, adj
// Should do an AVX2 version with mac.
friend inline void mac (vComplexF * __restrict__ y,const vComplexF * __restrict__ a,const vComplexF *__restrict__ x){ *y = (*a)*(*x)+(*y); };
friend inline void mult(vComplexF * __restrict__ y,const vComplexF * __restrict__ l,const vComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) * (*r); }
friend inline void sub (vComplexF * __restrict__ y,const vComplexF * __restrict__ l,const vComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) - (*r); }
friend inline void add (vComplexF * __restrict__ y,const vComplexF * __restrict__ l,const vComplexF *__restrict__ r){ *y = (*l) + (*r); }
friend inline vComplexF adj(const vComplexF &in){ return conj(in); }
// Initialise to 1,0,i
friend inline void vone(vComplexF &ret) { vsplat(ret,1.0,0.0); }
friend inline void vzero(vComplexF &ret) { vsplat(ret,0.0,0.0); }
friend inline void vcomplex_i(vComplexF &ret){ vsplat(ret,0.0,1.0);}
// Arithmetic operator overloads +,-,*
friend inline vComplexF operator + (vComplexF a, vComplexF b)
vComplexF ret;
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_add_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_add_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_add_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef QPX
return ret;
friend inline vComplexF operator - (vComplexF a, vComplexF b)
vComplexF ret;
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_sub_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_sub_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_sub_ps(a.v,b.v);
#ifdef QPX
return ret;
friend inline vComplexF operator * (vComplexF a, vComplexF b)
vComplexF ret;
//Multiplicationof (ak+ibk)*(ck+idk)
// a + i b can be stored as a data structure
//From intel optimisation reference
movsldup xmm0, Src1; load real parts into the destination,
; a1, a1, a0, a0
movaps xmm1, src2; load the 2nd pair of complex values, ; i.e. d1, c1, d0, c0
mulps xmm0, xmm1; temporary results, a1d1, a1c1, a0d0, ; a0c0
shufps xmm1, xmm1, b1; reorder the real and imaginary ; parts, c1, d1, c0, d0
movshdup xmm2, Src1; load the imaginary parts into the ; destination, b1, b1, b0, b0
mulps xmm2, xmm1; temporary results, b1c1, b1d1, b0c0, ; b0d0
addsubps xmm0, xmm2; b1c1+a1d1, a1c1 -b1d1, b0c0+a0d
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
cvec ymm0,ymm1,ymm2;
ymm0 = _mm256_shuffle_ps(a.v,a.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,2,0,0)); // ymm0 <- ar ar,
ymm0 = _mm256_mul_ps(ymm0,b.v); // ymm0 <- ar bi, ar br
// FIXME AVX2 could MAC
ymm1 = _mm256_shuffle_ps(b.v,b.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1)); // ymm1 <- br,bi
ymm2 = _mm256_shuffle_ps(a.v,a.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,1,1)); // ymm2 <- ai,ai
ymm1 = _mm256_mul_ps(ymm1,ymm2); // ymm1 <- br ai, ai bi
ret.v= _mm256_addsub_ps(ymm0,ymm1);
#ifdef SSE4
cvec ymm0,ymm1,ymm2;
ymm0 = _mm_shuffle_ps(a.v,a.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,2,0,0)); // ymm0 <- ar ar,
ymm0 = _mm_mul_ps(ymm0,b.v); // ymm0 <- ar bi, ar br
ymm1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(b.v,b.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1)); // ymm1 <- br,bi
ymm2 = _mm_shuffle_ps(a.v,a.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,1,1)); // ymm2 <- ai,ai
ymm1 = _mm_mul_ps(ymm1,ymm2); // ymm1 <- br ai, ai bi
ret.v= _mm_addsub_ps(ymm0,ymm1);
#ifdef AVX512
cvec vzero,ymm0,ymm1,real, imag;
vzero = _mm512_setzero();
ymm0 = _mm512_swizzle_ps(a.v, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB); //
real = _mm512_mask_or_epi32(a.v, 0xAAAA,vzero, ymm0);
imag = _mm512_mask_sub_ps(a.v, 0x5555,vzero, ymm0);
ymm1 = _mm512_mul_ps(real, b.v);
ymm0 = _mm512_swizzle_ps(b.v, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB); // OK
ret.v = _mm512_fmadd_ps(ymm0,imag,ymm1);
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = vec_mul(a.v,b.v);
return ret;
// FIXME: gonna remove these load/store, get, set, prefetch
friend inline void vset(vComplexF &ret, ComplexF *a){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_set_ps(a[3].imag(),a[3].real(),a[2].imag(),a[2].real(),a[1].imag(),a[1].real(),a[0].imag(),a[0].real());
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_set_ps(a[1].imag(), a[1].real(),a[0].imag(),a[0].real());
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_set_ps(a[7].imag(),a[7].real(),a[6].imag(),a[6].real(),a[5].imag(),a[5].real(),a[4].imag(),a[4].real(),a[3].imag(),a[3].real(),a[2].imag(),a[2].real(),a[1].imag(),a[1].real(),a[0].imag(),a[0].real());
// Note v has a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = {a[0].real(),a[0].imag(),a[1].real(),a[1].imag(),a[2].real(),a[2].imag(),a[3].real(),a[3].imag()};
// Splat
friend inline void vsplat(vComplexF &ret,ComplexF c){
float a= real(c);
float b= imag(c);
friend inline void vstore(const vComplexF &ret, ComplexF *a){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
_mm256_store_ps((float *)a,ret.v);
#ifdef SSE4
_mm_store_ps((float *)a,ret.v);
#ifdef AVX512
_mm512_store_ps((float *)a,ret.v);
//Note v has a3 a2 a1 a0
#ifdef QPX
friend inline void vprefetch(const vComplexF &v)
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&v.v,_MM_HINT_T0);
friend inline void vsplat(vComplexF &ret,float a,float b){
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
ret.v = _mm256_set_ps(b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_set_ps(a,b,a,b);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_set_ps(b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a);
#ifdef QPX
ret.v = {a,b,a,b};
friend inline ComplexF Reduce(const vComplexF & in)
#ifdef SSE4
union {
__m128 v1; // SSE 4 x float vector
float f[4]; // scalar array of 4 floats
} u128;
u128.v1= _mm_add_ps(v, _mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, 0b01001110)); // FIXME Prefer to use _MM_SHUFFLE macros
return ComplexF(u128.f[0], u128.f[1]);
#ifdef AVX1
//it would be better passing 2 arguments to saturate the vector lanes
union {
__m256 v1;
float f[8];
} u256;
//SWAP lanes
__m256 t0 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(in.v, in.v, 1);
__m256 t1 = _mm256_permute_ps(in.v , 0b11011000);//real (0,2,1,3)
__m256 t2 = _mm256_permute_ps(t0 , 0b10001101);//imag (1,3,0,2)
t0 = _mm256_blend_ps(t1, t2, 0b0101000001010000);// (0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1)
t1 = _mm256_hadd_ps(t0,t0);
u256.v1 = _mm256_hadd_ps(t1, t1);
return ComplexF(u256.f[0], u256.f[4]);
#ifdef AVX2
union {
__m256 v1;
float f[8];
} u256;
const __m256i mask= _mm256_set_epi32( 7, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2, 0);
__m256 tmp1 = _mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(in.v, mask);
__m256 tmp2 = _mm256_hadd_ps(tmp1, tmp1);
u256.v1 = _mm256_hadd_ps(tmp2, tmp2);
return ComplexF(u256.f[0], u256.f[4]);
#ifdef AVX512
return ComplexF(_mm512_mask_reduce_add_ps(0x5555, in.v),_mm512_mask_reduce_add_ps(0xAAAA, in.v));
#ifdef QPX
friend inline vComplexF operator * (const ComplexF &a, vComplexF b){
vComplexF va;
return va*b;
friend inline vComplexF operator * (vComplexF b,const ComplexF &a){
return a*b;
template<class real>
friend inline vComplexF operator * (vComplexF b,const real &a){
vComplexF va;
Complex ca(a,0);
return va*b;
template<class real>
friend inline vComplexF operator * (const real &a,vComplexF b){
return a*b;
friend inline vComplexF operator + (const Complex &a, vComplexF b){
vComplexF va;
return va+b;
friend inline vComplexF operator + (vComplexF b,const Complex &a){
return a+b;
template<class real>
friend inline vComplexF operator + (vComplexF b,const real &a){
vComplexF va;
Complex ca(a,0);
return va+b;
template<class real>
friend inline vComplexF operator + (const real &a,vComplexF b){
return a+b;
friend inline vComplexF operator - (const Complex &a, vComplexF b){
vComplexF va;
return va-b;
friend inline vComplexF operator - (vComplexF b,const Complex &a){
vComplexF va;
return b-va;
template<class real>
friend inline vComplexF operator - (vComplexF b,const real &a){
vComplexF va;
Complex ca(a,0);
return b-va;
template<class real>
friend inline vComplexF operator - (const real &a,vComplexF b){
vComplexF va;
Complex ca(a,0);
return va-b;
// Conjugate
friend inline vComplexF conj(const vComplexF &in){
vComplexF ret ; vzero(ret);
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
// cvec tmp;
// tmp = _mm256_addsub_ps(ret.v,_mm256_shuffle_ps(in.v,in.v,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1))); // ymm1 <- br,bi
// ret.v=_mm256_shuffle_ps(tmp,tmp,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
ret.v = _mm256_addsub_ps(ret.v,in.v);
#ifdef SSE4
ret.v = _mm_addsub_ps(ret.v,in.v);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_mask_sub_ps(in.v,0xaaaa,ret.v,in.v); // Zero out 0+real 0-imag
#ifdef QPX
return ret;
friend inline vComplexF timesI(const vComplexF &in){
vComplexF ret; vzero(ret);
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
cvec tmp =_mm256_addsub_ps(ret.v,in.v); // r,-i
ret.v = _mm256_shuffle_ps(tmp,tmp,0x5);
#ifdef SSE4
cvec tmp =_mm_addsub_ps(ret.v,in.v); // r,-i
ret.v = _mm_shuffle_ps(tmp,tmp,0x5);
#ifdef AVX512
ret.v = _mm512_mask_sub_ps(in.v,0xaaaa,ret.v,in.v); // real -imag
ret.v = _mm512_swizzle_ps(ret.v, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);// OK
#ifdef QPX
return ret;
friend inline vComplexF timesMinusI(const vComplexF &in){
vComplexF ret; vzero(ret);
#if defined (AVX1)|| defined (AVX2)
cvec tmp =_mm256_shuffle_ps(in.v,in.v,0x5);
ret.v = _mm256_addsub_ps(ret.v,tmp); // i,-r
#ifdef SSE4
cvec tmp =_mm_shuffle_ps(in.v,in.v,0x5);
ret.v = _mm_addsub_ps(ret.v,tmp); // r,-i
#ifdef AVX512
cvec tmp = _mm512_swizzle_ps(in.v, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);// OK
ret.v = _mm512_mask_sub_ps(tmp,0xaaaa,ret.v,tmp); // real -imag
#ifdef QPX
return ret;
// Unary negation
friend inline vComplexF operator -(const vComplexF &r) {
vComplexF ret;
ret = ret - r;
return ret;
// *=,+=,-= operators
inline vComplexF &operator *=(const vComplexF &r) {
*this = (*this)*r;
return *this;
inline vComplexF &operator +=(const vComplexF &r) {
*this = *this+r;
return *this;
inline vComplexF &operator -=(const vComplexF &r) {
*this = *this-r;
return *this;
friend inline void permute(vComplexF &y,vComplexF b,int perm)
friend inline void merge(vComplexF &y,std::vector<ComplexF *> &extracted)
Gmerge<vComplexF,ComplexF >(y,extracted);
friend inline void extract(const vComplexF &y,std::vector<ComplexF *> &extracted)
friend inline void merge(vComplexF &y,std::vector<ComplexF > &extracted)
Gmerge<vComplexF,ComplexF >(y,extracted);
friend inline void extract(const vComplexF &y,std::vector<ComplexF > &extracted)
inline vComplexF innerProduct(const vComplexF & l, const vComplexF & r)
return conj(l)*r;
inline void zeroit(vComplexF &z){ vzero(z);}
inline vComplexF outerProduct(const vComplexF &l, const vComplexF& r)
return l*r;
inline vComplexF trace(const vComplexF &arg){
return arg;