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* Test_fatLinks.cc
* D. Clarke
* Test the various constructs used to make fat links.
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
#include <Grid/lattice/PaddedCell.h>
#include <Grid/stencil/GeneralLocalStencil.h>
using namespace Grid;
// This is to optimize the SIMD
template<class vobj> void gpermute(vobj & inout,int perm) {
vobj tmp=inout;
if (perm & 0x1) {permute(inout,tmp,0); tmp=inout;}
if (perm & 0x2) {permute(inout,tmp,1); tmp=inout;}
if (perm & 0x4) {permute(inout,tmp,2); tmp=inout;}
if (perm & 0x8) {permute(inout,tmp,3); tmp=inout;}
// Make the logger work like Python print()
template<typename ... Args>
inline std::string sjoin(Args&&... args) noexcept {
std::ostringstream msg;
(msg << ... << args);
return msg.str();
template <typename ... Args>
inline void Grid_log(Args&&... args) {
std::string msg = sjoin(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << msg << std::endl;
struct fatParams: Serializable {
std::string, conf_in,
std::string, conf_out);
template <class ReaderClass>
fatParams(Reader<ReaderClass>& Reader){
read(Reader, "parameters", *this);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
Coordinate latt_size = GridDefaultLatt();
Coordinate simd_layout = GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplexD::Nsimd());
Coordinate mpi_layout = GridDefaultMpi();
Grid_log("mpi = ",mpi_layout);
Grid_log("simd = ",simd_layout);
Grid_log("latt = ",latt_size);
GridCartesian GRID(latt_size,simd_layout,mpi_layout);
XmlReader Reader("fatParams.xml",false, "grid");
fatParams param(Reader);
LatticeGaugeField Umu(&GRID);
FieldMetaData header;
NerscIO::readConfiguration(Umu, header, param.conf_in);
// Create a padded cell of extra padding depth=1
int depth = 1;
PaddedCell Ghost(depth,&GRID);
LatticeGaugeField Ughost = Ghost.Exchange(Umu);
// Array for <tr U_mu_nu>(x)
GridBase *GhostGrid = Ughost.Grid();
LatticeComplex gplaq(GhostGrid);
// This is where the 3-link constructs will be stored
LatticeGaugeField Ughost_3link(Ughost.Grid());
// Create 3-link stencil
std::vector<Coordinate> shifts;
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
for(int nu=mu+1;nu<Nd;nu++){
Coordinate shift_0(Nd,0);
Coordinate shift_mu(Nd,0); shift_mu[mu]=1;
Coordinate shift_nu(Nd,0); shift_nu[nu]=1;
// push_back creates an element at the end of shifts and
// assigns the data in the argument to it.
GeneralLocalStencil gStencil(GhostGrid,shifts);
// Create the accessors, here U_v and U_3link_v
autoView(U_v , Ughost , CpuRead);
autoView(U_3link_v, Ughost_3link, CpuWrite);
// This is a loop over local sites.
for(int ss=0;ss<U_v.size();ss++){
// This is the stencil index. It increases as we make our way through the spacetime sites,
// plaquette orientations, and as we travel around a plaquette.
int s=0;
for(int mu=0;mu<Nd;mu++){
for(int nu=mu+1;nu<Nd;nu++){
auto SE0 = gStencil.GetEntry(s+0,ss);
auto SE1 = gStencil.GetEntry(s+1,ss);
auto SE2 = gStencil.GetEntry(s+2,ss);
auto SE3 = gStencil.GetEntry(s+3,ss);
// Each offset corresponds to a site around the plaquette.
int o0 = SE0->_offset;
int o1 = SE1->_offset;
int o2 = SE2->_offset;
int o3 = SE3->_offset;
auto U0 = U_v[o0](mu);
auto U1 = U_v[o1](nu);
auto U2 = adj(U_v[o2](mu));
auto U3 = adj(U_v[o3](nu));
auto W = U1*U2*U3;
// We add together contributions coming from each orientation.
U_3link_v[ss](mu) = U_3link_v[ss](mu) + W;
// Here is my understanding of this part: The padded cell has its own periodic BCs, so
// if I take a step to the right at the right-most side of the cell, I end up on the
// left-most side. This means that the plaquettes in the padding are wrong. Luckily
// all we care about are the plaquettes in the cell, which we obtain from Extract.
Umu = Ghost.Extract(Ughost_3link);