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Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/gauge/WilsonGaugeAction.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: Guido Cossu <guido,cossu@ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
// Note: this action can completely absorb the ScalarAction for real float fields
// use the scalarObjs to generalise the structure
namespace Grid
// FIXME drop the QCD namespace everywhere here
template <class Impl, int Ndim>
class ScalarInteractionAction : public QCD::Action<typename Impl::Field>
RealD mass_square;
RealD lambda;
RealD g;
const unsigned int N = Impl::Group::Dimension;
typedef typename Field::vector_object vobj;
typedef CartesianStencil<vobj, vobj> Stencil;
SimpleCompressor<vobj> compressor;
int npoint = 2 * Ndim;
std::vector<int> directions; //
std::vector<int> displacements; //
ScalarInteractionAction(RealD ms, RealD l, RealD gval) : mass_square(ms), lambda(l), g(gval), displacements(2 * Ndim, 0), directions(2 * Ndim, 0)
for (int mu = 0; mu < Ndim; mu++)
directions[mu] = mu;
directions[mu + Ndim] = mu;
displacements[mu] = 1;
displacements[mu + Ndim] = -1;
virtual std::string LogParameters()
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << GridLogMessage << "[ScalarAction] lambda : " << lambda << std::endl;
sstream << GridLogMessage << "[ScalarAction] mass_square : " << mass_square << std::endl;
sstream << GridLogMessage << "[ScalarAction] g : " << g << std::endl;
return sstream.str();
virtual std::string action_name() { return "ScalarAction"; }
virtual void refresh(const Field &U, GridParallelRNG &pRNG) {}
virtual RealD S(const Field &p)
assert(p._grid->Nd() == Ndim);
static Stencil phiStencil(p._grid, npoint, 0, directions, displacements);
phiStencil.HaloExchange(p, compressor);
Field action(p._grid), pshift(p._grid), phisquared(p._grid);
phisquared = p * p;
action = (2.0 * Ndim + mass_square) * phisquared - lambda * phisquared * phisquared;
for (int mu = 0; mu < Ndim; mu++)
// pshift = Cshift(p, mu, +1); // not efficient, implement with stencils
parallel_for(int i = 0; i < p._grid->oSites(); i++)
int permute_type;
StencilEntry *SE;
vobj temp2;
const vobj *temp, *t_p;
SE = phiStencil.GetEntry(permute_type, mu, i);
t_p = &p._odata[i];
if (SE->_is_local)
temp = &p._odata[SE->_offset];
if (SE->_permute)
permute(temp2, *temp, permute_type);
action._odata[i] -= temp2 * (*t_p) + (*t_p) * temp2;
action._odata[i] -= (*temp) * (*t_p) + (*t_p) * (*temp);
action._odata[i] -= phiStencil.CommBuf()[SE->_offset] * (*t_p) + (*t_p) * phiStencil.CommBuf()[SE->_offset];
// action -= pshift*p + p*pshift;
// NB the trace in the algebra is normalised to 1/2
// minus sign coming from the antihermitian fields
return -(TensorRemove(sum(trace(action)))).real() * N / g;
virtual void deriv(const Field &p, Field &force)
double t0 = usecond();
assert(p._grid->Nd() == Ndim);
force = (2. * Ndim + mass_square) * p - 2. * lambda * p * p * p;
double interm_t = usecond();
// move this outside
static Stencil phiStencil(p._grid, npoint, 0, directions, displacements);
phiStencil.HaloExchange(p, compressor);
double halo_t = usecond();
int chunk = 128;
//for (int mu = 0; mu < QCD::Nd; mu++) force -= Cshift(p, mu, -1) + Cshift(p, mu, 1);
// inverting the order of the loops slows down the code(! g++ 7)
// cannot try to reduce the number of force writes by factor npoint...
// use cache blocking
for (int point = 0; point < npoint; point++)
#pragma omp parallel
int permute_type;
StencilEntry *SE;
const vobj *temp;
#pragma omp for schedule(static, chunk)
for (int i = 0; i < p._grid->oSites(); i++)
SE = phiStencil.GetEntry(permute_type, point, i);
// prefetch next p?
if (SE->_is_local)
temp = &p._odata[SE->_offset];
if (SE->_permute)
vobj temp2;
permute(temp2, *temp, permute_type);
force._odata[i] -= temp2;
force._odata[i] -= *temp; // slow part. Dominated by this read/write (BW)
force._odata[i] -= phiStencil.CommBuf()[SE->_offset];
force *= N / g;
double t1 = usecond();
double total_time = (t1 - t0) / 1e6;
double interm_time = (interm_t - t0) / 1e6;
double halo_time = (halo_t - interm_t) / 1e6;
double stencil_time = (t1 - halo_t) / 1e6;
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Total time for force computation (s) : " << total_time << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Intermediate time for force computation (s): " << interm_time << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Halo time in force computation (s) : " << halo_time << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Stencil time in force computation (s) : " << stencil_time << std::endl;
double flops = p._grid->gSites() * (14 * N * N * N + 18 * N * N + 2);
double flops_no_stencil = p._grid->gSites() * (14 * N * N * N + 6 * N * N + 2);
double Gflops = flops / (total_time * 1e9);
double Gflops_no_stencil = flops_no_stencil / (interm_time * 1e9);
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Flops: " << flops << " - Gflop/s : " << Gflops << std::endl;
std::cout << GridLogIntegrator << "Flops NS: " << flops_no_stencil << " - Gflop/s NS: " << Gflops_no_stencil << std::endl;
} // namespace Grid