mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 09:15:38 +01:00
Christopher Kelly e1a02bb80a Added main program to reproduce 32ID ensemble with 240MeV pions and GPBC
Allowed EOFA to accept different solvers for the L and R operations in the heatbath step
Fixed EOFA Meofa operating on member Phi rather than input field
Added derived EOFA pseudofermion variant that allows for mixed prec CG to be used in the heatbath
Added forces/Test_mobius_gparity_eofa_mixed testing the above reproduces the regular EOFA
To Test_gamma, added checks for the various properties of the charge conjugation matrix C=-gamma2*gamma4 in Grid basis
2021-06-01 11:44:34 -04:00

261 lines
9.9 KiB

Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./tests/forces/Test_mobius_gparity_eofa_mixed.cc
Copyright (C) 2017
Author: Christopher Kelly <ckelly@bnl.gov>
Author: Peter Boyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
Author: David Murphy <dmurphy@phys.columbia.edu>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution directory
#include <Grid/Grid.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Grid;
typedef GparityWilsonImplD FermionImplPolicyD;
typedef GparityMobiusEOFAFermionD FermionActionD;
typedef typename FermionActionD::FermionField FermionFieldD;
typedef GparityWilsonImplF FermionImplPolicyF;
typedef GparityMobiusEOFAFermionF FermionActionF;
typedef typename FermionActionF::FermionField FermionFieldF;
template<class FermionOperatorD, class FermionOperatorF, class SchurOperatorD, class SchurOperatorF>
class MixedPrecisionConjugateGradientOperatorFunction : public OperatorFunction<typename FermionOperatorD::FermionField> {
typedef typename FermionOperatorD::FermionField FieldD;
typedef typename FermionOperatorF::FermionField FieldF;
using OperatorFunction<FieldD>::operator();
RealD Tolerance;
RealD InnerTolerance; //Initial tolerance for inner CG. Defaults to Tolerance but can be changed
Integer MaxInnerIterations;
Integer MaxOuterIterations;
GridBase* SinglePrecGrid4; //Grid for single-precision fields
GridBase* SinglePrecGrid5; //Grid for single-precision fields
RealD OuterLoopNormMult; //Stop the outer loop and move to a final double prec solve when the residual is OuterLoopNormMult * Tolerance
FermionOperatorF &FermOpF;
FermionOperatorD &FermOpD;;
SchurOperatorF &LinOpF;
SchurOperatorD &LinOpD;
Integer TotalInnerIterations; //Number of inner CG iterations
Integer TotalOuterIterations; //Number of restarts
Integer TotalFinalStepIterations; //Number of CG iterations in final patch-up step
MixedPrecisionConjugateGradientOperatorFunction(RealD tol,
Integer maxinnerit,
Integer maxouterit,
GridBase* _sp_grid4,
GridBase* _sp_grid5,
FermionOperatorF &_FermOpF,
FermionOperatorD &_FermOpD,
SchurOperatorF &_LinOpF,
SchurOperatorD &_LinOpD):
void operator()(LinearOperatorBase<FieldD> &LinOpU, const FieldD &src, FieldD &psi) {
std::cout << GridLogMessage << " Mixed precision CG wrapper operator() "<<std::endl;
SchurOperatorD * SchurOpU = static_cast<SchurOperatorD *>(&LinOpU);
// Must snarf a single precision copy of the gauge field in Linop_d argument
//typedef typename FermionOperatorF::GaugeField GaugeFieldF;
//typedef typename FermionOperatorF::GaugeLinkField GaugeLinkFieldF;
//typedef typename FermionOperatorD::GaugeField GaugeFieldD;
//typedef typename FermionOperatorD::GaugeLinkField GaugeLinkFieldD;
//GridBase * GridPtrF = SinglePrecGrid4;
//GridBase * GridPtrD = FermOpD.Umu.Grid();
//GaugeFieldF U_f (GridPtrF);
//GaugeLinkFieldF Umu_f(GridPtrF);
// Moving this to a Clone method of fermion operator would allow to duplicate the
// physics parameters and decrease gauge field copies
//typedef typename std::decay<decltype(PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(FermOpD.Umu, 0))>::type DoubleS
//GaugeLinkFieldD Umu_d(GridPtrD);
//for(int mu=0;mu<Nd*2;mu++){
//Umu_d = PeekIndex<LorentzIndex>(FermOpD.Umu, mu);
//PokeIndex<LorentzIndex>(FermOpF.Umu, Umu_f, mu);
precisionChange(FermOpF.Umu, FermOpD.Umu);
pickCheckerboard(Odd ,FermOpF.UmuOdd ,FermOpF.Umu);
// Make a mixed precision conjugate gradient
MixedPrecisionConjugateGradient<FieldD,FieldF> MPCG(Tolerance,MaxInnerIterations,MaxOuterIterations,SinglePrecGrid5,LinOpF,LinOpD);
MPCG.InnerTolerance = InnerTolerance;
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Calling mixed precision Conjugate Gradient" <<std::endl;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
Grid_init(&argc, &argv);
Coordinate latt_size = GridDefaultLatt();
Coordinate mpi_layout = GridDefaultMpi();
const int Ls = 8;
GridCartesian *UGridD = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplexD::Nsimd()), GridDefaultMpi());
GridRedBlackCartesian *UrbGridD = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGridD);
GridCartesian *FGridD = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(Ls, UGridD);
GridRedBlackCartesian *FrbGridD = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(Ls, UGridD);
GridCartesian *UGridF = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimGrid(GridDefaultLatt(), GridDefaultSimd(Nd,vComplexF::Nsimd()), GridDefaultMpi());
GridRedBlackCartesian *UrbGridF = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFourDimRedBlackGrid(UGridF);
GridCartesian *FGridF = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimGrid(Ls, UGridF);
GridRedBlackCartesian *FrbGridF = SpaceTimeGrid::makeFiveDimRedBlackGrid(Ls, UGridF);
std::vector<int> seeds4({1,2,3,5});
std::vector<int> seeds5({5,6,7,8});
GridParallelRNG RNG5(FGridD); RNG5.SeedFixedIntegers(seeds5);
GridParallelRNG RNG4(UGridD); RNG4.SeedFixedIntegers(seeds4);
int threads = GridThread::GetThreads();
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Grid is setup to use " << threads << " threads" << std::endl;
LatticeGaugeFieldD Ud(UGridD);
LatticeGaugeFieldF Uf(UGridF);
precisionChange(Uf, Ud);
RealD b = 2.5;
RealD c = 1.5;
RealD mf = 0.01;
RealD mb = 1.0;
RealD M5 = 1.8;
FermionActionD::ImplParams params;
params.twists[0] = 1; //GPBC in X
params.twists[Nd-1] = 1; //APRD in T
std::vector<int> gtwists(4,0);
gtwists[0] = 1;
FermionActionD LopD(Ud, *FGridD, *FrbGridD, *UGridD, *UrbGridD, mf, mf, mb, 0.0, -1, M5, b, c, params);
FermionActionD RopD(Ud, *FGridD, *FrbGridD, *UGridD, *UrbGridD, mb, mf, mb, -1.0, 1, M5, b, c, params);
FermionActionF LopF(Uf, *FGridF, *FrbGridF, *UGridF, *UrbGridF, mf, mf, mb, 0.0, -1, M5, b, c, params);
FermionActionF RopF(Uf, *FGridF, *FrbGridF, *UGridF, *UrbGridF, mb, mf, mb, -1.0, 1, M5, b, c, params);
OneFlavourRationalParams OFRp(0.95, 100.0, 5000, 1.0e-12, 12);
ConjugateGradient<FermionFieldD> CG(1.0e-10, 10000);
typedef SchurDiagMooeeOperator<FermionActionD,FermionFieldD> EOFAschuropD;
typedef SchurDiagMooeeOperator<FermionActionF,FermionFieldF> EOFAschuropF;
EOFAschuropD linopL_D(LopD);
EOFAschuropD linopR_D(RopD);
EOFAschuropF linopL_F(LopF);
EOFAschuropF linopR_F(RopF);
typedef MixedPrecisionConjugateGradientOperatorFunction<FermionActionD, FermionActionF, EOFAschuropD, EOFAschuropF> EOFA_mxCG;
EOFA_mxCG MCG_L(1e-10, 10000, 1000, UGridF, FrbGridF, LopF, LopD, linopL_F, linopL_D);
MCG_L.InnerTolerance = 1e-5;
EOFA_mxCG MCG_R(1e-10, 10000, 1000, UGridF, FrbGridF, RopF, RopD, linopR_F, linopR_D);
MCG_R.InnerTolerance = 1e-5;
ExactOneFlavourRatioPseudoFermionAction<FermionImplPolicyD> MeofaD(LopD, RopD, CG, CG, CG, CG, CG, OFRp, true);
ExactOneFlavourRatioMixedPrecHeatbathPseudoFermionAction<FermionImplPolicyD, FermionImplPolicyF> MeofaMx(LopF, RopF, LopD, RopD, MCG_L, MCG_R, MCG_L, MCG_R, MCG_L, MCG_R, OFRp, true);
FermionFieldD eta(FGridD);
gaussian(RNG5, eta);
MeofaD.refresh(Ud, eta);
MeofaMx.refresh(Ud, eta);
FermionFieldD diff_phi(FGridD);
diff_phi = MeofaD.getPhi() - MeofaMx.getPhi();
RealD n = norm2(diff_phi);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Phi(double)=" << norm2(MeofaD.getPhi()) << " Phi(mixed)=" << norm2(MeofaMx.getPhi()) << " diff=" << n << std::endl;
assert(n < 1e-8);
RealD Sd = MeofaD.S(Ud);
RealD Smx = MeofaMx.S(Ud);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Initial action double=" << Sd << " mixed=" << Smx << " diff=" << Sd-Smx << std::endl;
assert(fabs(Sd-Smx) < 1e-6);
precisionChange(Uf, Ud);
Sd = MeofaD.S(Ud);
Smx = MeofaMx.S(Ud);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "After randomizing U, action double=" << Sd << " mixed=" << Smx << " diff=" << Sd-Smx << std::endl;
assert(fabs(Sd-Smx) < 1e-6);
std::cout << GridLogMessage << "Done" << std::endl;