mirror of https://github.com/paboyle/Grid.git synced 2024-09-20 17:25:37 +01:00
paboyle 3ae92fa2e6 Global changes to parallel_for structure.
Move the comms flags to more sensible names
2017-02-21 05:24:27 -05:00

194 lines
7.3 KiB

Grid physics library, www.github.com/paboyle/Grid
Source file: ./lib/qcd/action/gauge/GaugeImpl.h
Copyright (C) 2015
Author: paboyle <paboyle@ph.ed.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
namespace Grid {
namespace QCD {
// Implementation dependent gauge types
template <class Gimpl> class WilsonLoops;
typedef typename GImpl::Simd Simd; \
typedef typename GImpl::GaugeLinkField GaugeLinkField; \
typedef typename GImpl::GaugeField GaugeField; \
typedef typename GImpl::SiteGaugeField SiteGaugeField; \
typedef typename GImpl::SiteGaugeLink SiteGaugeLink;
template <class S, int Nrepresentation = Nc> class GaugeImplTypes {
typedef S Simd;
template <typename vtype>
using iImplGaugeLink = iScalar<iScalar<iMatrix<vtype, Nrepresentation>>>;
template <typename vtype>
using iImplGaugeField = iVector<iScalar<iMatrix<vtype, Nrepresentation>>, Nd>;
typedef iImplGaugeLink<Simd> SiteGaugeLink;
typedef iImplGaugeField<Simd> SiteGaugeField;
typedef Lattice<SiteGaugeLink> GaugeLinkField; // bit ugly naming; polarised
// gauge field, lorentz... all
// ugly
typedef Lattice<SiteGaugeField> GaugeField;
// Move this elsewhere? FIXME
static inline void AddGaugeLink(GaugeField &U, GaugeLinkField &W,
int mu) { // U[mu] += W
parallel_for (auto ss = 0; ss < U._grid->oSites(); ss++) {
U._odata[ss]._internal[mu] =
U._odata[ss]._internal[mu] + W._odata[ss]._internal;
// Composition with smeared link, bc's etc.. probably need multiple inheritance
// Variable precision "S" and variable Nc
template <class GimplTypes> class PeriodicGaugeImpl : public GimplTypes {
// Support needed for the assembly of loops including all boundary condition
// effects such as conjugate bcs
template <class covariant>
static inline Lattice<covariant>
CovShiftForward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu,
const Lattice<covariant> &field) {
return PeriodicBC::CovShiftForward(Link, mu, field);
template <class covariant>
static inline Lattice<covariant>
CovShiftBackward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu,
const Lattice<covariant> &field) {
return PeriodicBC::CovShiftBackward(Link, mu, field);
static inline GaugeLinkField
CovShiftIdentityBackward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu) {
return Cshift(adj(Link), mu, -1);
static inline GaugeLinkField
CovShiftIdentityForward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu) {
return Link;
static inline GaugeLinkField ShiftStaple(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu) {
return Cshift(Link, mu, 1);
static inline bool isPeriodicGaugeField(void) { return true; }
// Composition with smeared link, bc's etc.. probably need multiple inheritance
// Variable precision "S" and variable Nc
template <class GimplTypes> class ConjugateGaugeImpl : public GimplTypes {
// Support needed for the assembly of loops including all boundary condition
// effects such as Gparity.
template <class covariant>
static Lattice<covariant> CovShiftForward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu,
const Lattice<covariant> &field) {
return ConjugateBC::CovShiftForward(Link, mu, field);
template <class covariant>
static Lattice<covariant> CovShiftBackward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu,
const Lattice<covariant> &field) {
return ConjugateBC::CovShiftBackward(Link, mu, field);
static inline GaugeLinkField
CovShiftIdentityBackward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu) {
GridBase *grid = Link._grid;
int Lmu = grid->GlobalDimensions()[mu] - 1;
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger>> coor(grid);
LatticeCoordinate(coor, mu);
GaugeLinkField tmp(grid);
tmp = adj(Link);
tmp = where(coor == Lmu, conjugate(tmp), tmp);
return Cshift(tmp, mu, -1); // moves towards positive mu
static inline GaugeLinkField
CovShiftIdentityForward(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu) {
return Link;
static inline GaugeLinkField ShiftStaple(const GaugeLinkField &Link, int mu) {
GridBase *grid = Link._grid;
int Lmu = grid->GlobalDimensions()[mu] - 1;
Lattice<iScalar<vInteger>> coor(grid);
LatticeCoordinate(coor, mu);
GaugeLinkField tmp(grid);
tmp = Cshift(Link, mu, 1);
tmp = where(coor == Lmu, conjugate(tmp), tmp);
return tmp;
static inline bool isPeriodicGaugeField(void) { return false; }
typedef GaugeImplTypes<vComplex, Nc> GimplTypesR;
typedef GaugeImplTypes<vComplexF, Nc> GimplTypesF;
typedef GaugeImplTypes<vComplexD, Nc> GimplTypesD;
typedef GaugeImplTypes<vComplex, SU<Nc>::AdjointDimension> GimplAdjointTypesR;
typedef GaugeImplTypes<vComplexF, SU<Nc>::AdjointDimension> GimplAdjointTypesF;
typedef GaugeImplTypes<vComplexD, SU<Nc>::AdjointDimension> GimplAdjointTypesD;
typedef PeriodicGaugeImpl<GimplTypesR> PeriodicGimplR; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef PeriodicGaugeImpl<GimplTypesF> PeriodicGimplF; // Float
typedef PeriodicGaugeImpl<GimplTypesD> PeriodicGimplD; // Double
typedef PeriodicGaugeImpl<GimplAdjointTypesR> PeriodicGimplAdjR; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef PeriodicGaugeImpl<GimplAdjointTypesF> PeriodicGimplAdjF; // Float
typedef PeriodicGaugeImpl<GimplAdjointTypesD> PeriodicGimplAdjD; // Double
typedef ConjugateGaugeImpl<GimplTypesR> ConjugateGimplR; // Real.. whichever prec
typedef ConjugateGaugeImpl<GimplTypesF> ConjugateGimplF; // Float
typedef ConjugateGaugeImpl<GimplTypesD> ConjugateGimplD; // Double