/* * Copyright (C) 2023 * * Author: Antonin Portelli * Elements based on production templates from Raoul Hodgson * * Hadrons is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Hadrons is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Hadrons. If not, see . * * See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution * directory. */ #pragma once #include #include namespace hadpresets { using namespace Grid::Hadrons; using namespace std::complex_literals; struct RbcUkqcd { // Ensemble parameters struct EnsembleParameters { double ml, ms, M5, scale; unsigned int L, T, Ls; }; // C0 inline static constexpr EnsembleParameters c0UnitaryPar{0.00078, 0.0362, 1.8, 2., 48, 96, 24}; inline static constexpr unsigned int c0ZMobiusLs = 10; inline static constexpr std::array, c0ZMobiusLs> c0ZMobiusOmega{ std::complex(1.458064389850479e+00, -0.000000000000000e+00), std::complex(1.182313183893475e+00, -0.000000000000000e+00), std::complex(8.309511666859551e-01, -0.000000000000000e+00), std::complex(5.423524091567911e-01, -0.000000000000000e+00), std::complex(3.419850204537295e-01, -0.000000000000000e+00), std::complex(2.113790261902896e-01, -0.000000000000000e+00), std::complex(1.260742995029118e-01, -0.000000000000000e+00), std::complex(9.901366519626265e-02, -0.000000000000000e+00), std::complex(6.863249884465925e-02, 5.506585308274019e-02), std::complex(6.863249884465925e-02, -5.506585308274019e-02)}; inline static constexpr EnsembleParameters c0LCDPar{0.00078, 0.0362, 1.8, NAN, 48, 96, c0ZMobiusLs}; // M0 inline static constexpr EnsembleParameters m0UnitaryPar{0.000678, 0.02661, 1.8, 2., 64, 128, 12}; inline static constexpr EnsembleParameters m0LCDPar{0.0006203, 0.02661, 1.8, 2., 64, 128, 12}; // C1M inline static constexpr EnsembleParameters c1mIRLPar{0.005, 0.0362, 1.8, 2., 24, 64, 24}; inline static constexpr EnsembleParameters c1m16IRLPar{0.005, 0.0362, 1.8, 2., 16, 64, 24}; inline static constexpr EnsembleParameters c1m20IRLPar{0.005, 0.0362, 1.8, 2., 20, 64, 24}; inline static constexpr EnsembleParameters c1m32IRLPar{0.005, 0.0362, 1.8, 2., 32, 64, 24}; // Runtime deflation parameters struct DeflationParameters { double alpha, beta; unsigned int nPoly, nStop, nK, nM; }; inline static constexpr DeflationParameters c1mDeflPar{5.0e-04, 5.5, 101, 100, 110, 120}; inline static constexpr DeflationParameters c1m16DeflPar{5.0e-03, 5.5, 101, 200, 220, 230}; inline static constexpr DeflationParameters c1m20DeflPar{3.0e-03, 5.5, 101, 200, 220, 230}; inline static constexpr DeflationParameters c1m32DeflPar{5.0e-05, 5.5, 101, 100, 110, 120}; // Light solvers: load deflation from disk static inline void addC0LightZMobiusLCDSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string gaugeTransform, const std::string eigenpackPath, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addM0LightLCDSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string gaugeTransform, const std::string eigenpackPath, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); // Light solvers: deflation at runtime static inline void addLightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const RbcUkqcd::EnsembleParameters &par, const RbcUkqcd::DeflationParameters &deflPar, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual); static inline void addC1MLightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addC1M16LightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addC1M20LightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addC1M32LightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); // Strange solvers (undeflated) static inline void addStrangeSolver(Application &app, const RbcUkqcd::EnsembleParameters &par, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual); static inline void addC0StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addM0StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addC1MStrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addC1M16StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addC1M20StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); static inline void addC1M32StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 -1", const double residual = 1.0e-8); // Charm solvers, mass is a free parameter static inline void addC0CharmSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const double mass, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 1", const double residual = 1.0e-18); static inline void addM0CharmSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const double mass, const std::string boundary = "1 1 1 1", const double residual = 1.0e-18); }; // Implementations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Light C0 (load deflation from disk) void RbcUkqcd::addC0LightZMobiusLCDSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string gaugeTransform, const std::string eigenpackPath, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { const std::string prefix = solverName; const bool gaugeFixed = !gaugeTransform.empty(); // Gauge field & transform FP32 cast MUtilities::GaugeSinglePrecisionCast::Par gaugeCastPar; gaugeCastPar.field = gaugeName; app.createModule(prefix + "_gauge_fp32", gaugeCastPar); if (gaugeFixed) { MUtilities::ColourMatrixSinglePrecisionCast::Par transformCastPar; transformCastPar.field = gaugeTransform; app.createModule(prefix + "_gaugeTransform_fp32", transformCastPar); } // Scaled DWF action + FP32 version MAction::ZMobiusDWF::Par actionPar; actionPar.gauge = gaugeName; actionPar.Ls = RbcUkqcd::c0LCDPar.Ls; actionPar.M5 = RbcUkqcd::c0LCDPar.M5; actionPar.mass = RbcUkqcd::c0LCDPar.ml; actionPar.b = 1.; actionPar.c = 0.; actionPar.omega = std::vector>(RbcUkqcd::c0ZMobiusOmega.begin(), RbcUkqcd::c0ZMobiusOmega.end()); actionPar.boundary = boundary; actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0."; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf", actionPar); actionPar.gauge = prefix + "_gauge_fp32"; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf_fp32", actionPar); // Compressed eigenpack MIO::LoadCoarseFermionEigenPack250F::Par epPar; epPar.filestem = eigenpackPath; epPar.multiFile = true; epPar.redBlack = true; epPar.sizeFine = 250; epPar.sizeCoarse = 2000; epPar.Ls = 10; epPar.blockSize = "4 4 4 3 10"; epPar.orthogonalise = false; epPar.gaugeXform = gaugeFixed ? (prefix + "_gaugeTransform_fp32") : ""; app.createModule(prefix + "_epack", epPar); // Inner guesser MGuesser::CoarseDeflation250F::Par iguessPar; iguessPar.eigenPack = prefix + "_epack"; iguessPar.size = 2000; app.createModule(prefix + "_iguesser", iguessPar); // Batched mixed-precision red-black preconditionned CG MSolver::ZMixedPrecisionRBPrecCGBatched::Par solverPar; solverPar.innerAction = prefix + "_dwf_fp32"; solverPar.outerAction = prefix + "_dwf"; solverPar.maxInnerIteration = 300; solverPar.maxOuterIteration = 100; solverPar.maxPatchupIteration = 1000; solverPar.residual = residual; solverPar.updateResidual = true; solverPar.innerGuesser = prefix + "_iguesser"; solverPar.outerGuesser = ""; app.createModule(solverName, solverPar); } // Light M0 (load deflation from disk) void RbcUkqcd::addM0LightLCDSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string gaugeTransform, const std::string eigenpackPath, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { const std::string prefix = solverName; const bool gaugeFixed = !gaugeTransform.empty(); // Gauge field FP32 cast MUtilities::GaugeSinglePrecisionCast::Par gaugeCastPar; gaugeCastPar.field = gaugeName; app.createModule(prefix + "_gauge_fp32", gaugeCastPar); if (gaugeFixed) { MUtilities::ColourMatrixSinglePrecisionCast::Par transformCastPar; transformCastPar.field = gaugeTransform; app.createModule(prefix + "_gaugeTransform_fp32", transformCastPar); } // Scaled DWF action + FP32 version MAction::ScaledDWF::Par actionPar; actionPar.gauge = gaugeName; actionPar.Ls = RbcUkqcd::m0LCDPar.Ls; actionPar.M5 = RbcUkqcd::m0LCDPar.M5; actionPar.mass = RbcUkqcd::m0LCDPar.ml; actionPar.scale = RbcUkqcd::m0LCDPar.scale; actionPar.boundary = boundary; actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0."; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf", actionPar); actionPar.gauge = prefix + "_gauge_fp32"; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf_fp32", actionPar); // Compressed eigenpack MIO::LoadCoarseFermionEigenPack250F::Par epPar; epPar.filestem = eigenpackPath; epPar.multiFile = true; epPar.redBlack = true; epPar.sizeFine = 250; epPar.sizeCoarse = 2000; epPar.Ls = 12; epPar.blockSize = "4 4 4 4 12"; epPar.orthogonalise = false; epPar.gaugeXform = gaugeFixed ? (prefix + "_gaugeTransform_fp32") : ""; app.createModule(prefix + "_epack", epPar); // Inner guesser MGuesser::CoarseDeflation250F::Par iguessPar; iguessPar.eigenPack = prefix + "_epack"; iguessPar.size = 2000; app.createModule(prefix + "_iguesser", iguessPar); // Batched mixed-precision red-black preconditionned CG MSolver::MixedPrecisionRBPrecCGBatched::Par solverPar; solverPar.innerAction = prefix + "_dwf_fp32"; solverPar.outerAction = prefix + "_dwf"; solverPar.maxInnerIteration = 400; solverPar.maxOuterIteration = 100; solverPar.maxPatchupIteration = 1000; solverPar.residual = residual; solverPar.updateResidual = true; solverPar.innerGuesser = prefix + "_iguesser"; solverPar.outerGuesser = ""; app.createModule(solverName, solverPar); } // Deflation at runtime void RbcUkqcd::addLightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const RbcUkqcd::EnsembleParameters &par, const RbcUkqcd::DeflationParameters &deflPar, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { const std::string prefix = solverName; // Gauge field FP32 cast MUtilities::GaugeSinglePrecisionCast::Par gaugeCastPar; gaugeCastPar.field = gaugeName; app.createModule(prefix + "_gauge_fp32", gaugeCastPar); // Scaled DWF action + FP32 version MAction::ScaledDWF::Par actionPar; actionPar.gauge = gaugeName; actionPar.Ls = par.Ls; actionPar.M5 = par.M5; actionPar.mass = par.ml; actionPar.scale = par.scale; actionPar.boundary = boundary; actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0."; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf", actionPar); actionPar.gauge = prefix + "_gauge_fp32"; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf_fp32", actionPar); // Guesser MFermion::Operators::Par opPar; opPar.action = prefix + "_dwf"; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf_op", opPar); MSolver::FermionImplicitlyRestartedLanczosIo32::Par lanPar; lanPar.op = prefix + "_dwf_op_schur"; lanPar.multiFile = false; lanPar.redBlack = true; lanPar.lanczosParams.Cheby.alpha = deflPar.alpha; lanPar.lanczosParams.Cheby.beta = deflPar.beta; lanPar.lanczosParams.Cheby.Npoly = deflPar.nPoly; lanPar.lanczosParams.Nstop = deflPar.nStop; lanPar.lanczosParams.Nk = deflPar.nK; lanPar.lanczosParams.Nm = deflPar.nM; lanPar.lanczosParams.resid = 3e-6; lanPar.lanczosParams.MaxIt = 10000; lanPar.lanczosParams.betastp = 0; lanPar.lanczosParams.MinRes = 0; lanPar.output = ""; app.createModule(prefix + "_epack", lanPar); MGuesser::ExactDeflation::Par guessPar; guessPar.eigenPack = prefix + "_epack"; guessPar.size = deflPar.nStop; app.createModule(prefix + "_defl", guessPar); // Mixed-precision red-black preconditionned CG MSolver::MixedPrecisionRBPrecCG::Par solverPar; solverPar.innerAction = prefix + "_dwf_fp32"; solverPar.outerAction = prefix + "_dwf"; solverPar.maxInnerIteration = 30000; solverPar.maxOuterIteration = 100; solverPar.residual = residual; solverPar.innerGuesser = ""; solverPar.outerGuesser = prefix + "_defl"; app.createModule(solverName, solverPar); } // Light C1M void RbcUkqcd::addC1MLightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addLightRuntimeIRLSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c1mIRLPar, RbcUkqcd::c1mDeflPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } // Light C1M16 void RbcUkqcd::addC1M16LightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addLightRuntimeIRLSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c1m16IRLPar, RbcUkqcd::c1m16DeflPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } // Light C1M20 void RbcUkqcd::addC1M20LightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addLightRuntimeIRLSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c1m20IRLPar, RbcUkqcd::c1m20DeflPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } // Light C1M32 void RbcUkqcd::addC1M32LightRuntimeIRLSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addLightRuntimeIRLSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c1m32IRLPar, RbcUkqcd::c1m32DeflPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } // Strange void RbcUkqcd::addStrangeSolver(Application &app, const RbcUkqcd::EnsembleParameters &par, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { const std::string prefix = solverName; // Gauge field FP32 cast MUtilities::GaugeSinglePrecisionCast::Par gaugeCastPar; gaugeCastPar.field = gaugeName; app.createModule(prefix + "_gauge_fp32", gaugeCastPar); // Scaled DWF action + FP32 version MAction::ScaledDWF::Par actionPar; actionPar.gauge = gaugeName; actionPar.Ls = par.Ls; actionPar.M5 = par.M5; actionPar.mass = par.ms; actionPar.scale = par.scale; actionPar.boundary = boundary; actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0."; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf", actionPar); actionPar.gauge = prefix + "_gauge_fp32"; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf_fp32", actionPar); // Mixed-precision red-black preconditionned CG MSolver::MixedPrecisionRBPrecCG::Par solverPar; solverPar.innerAction = prefix + "_dwf_fp32"; solverPar.outerAction = prefix + "_dwf"; solverPar.maxInnerIteration = 30000; solverPar.maxOuterIteration = 100; solverPar.residual = residual; solverPar.innerGuesser = ""; solverPar.outerGuesser = ""; app.createModule(solverName, solverPar); } void RbcUkqcd::addC0StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addStrangeSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c0UnitaryPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } void RbcUkqcd::addM0StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addStrangeSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::m0UnitaryPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } void RbcUkqcd::addC1MStrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addStrangeSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c1mIRLPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } void RbcUkqcd::addC1M16StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addStrangeSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c1m16IRLPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } void RbcUkqcd::addC1M20StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addStrangeSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c1m20IRLPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } void RbcUkqcd::addC1M32StrangeSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { RbcUkqcd::addStrangeSolver(app, RbcUkqcd::c1m32IRLPar, solverName, gaugeName, boundary, residual); } // Charm C0 void RbcUkqcd::addC0CharmSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const double mass, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { const std::string prefix = solverName; // stout smearing MGauge::StoutSmearing::Par smearPar; smearPar.gauge = gaugeName; smearPar.steps = 3; smearPar.rho = 0.1; smearPar.orthogDim = ""; app.createModule(prefix + "_gauge_3stout", smearPar); // Scaled DWF action + FP32 version MAction::ScaledDWF::Par actionPar; actionPar.gauge = prefix + "_gauge_3stout"; actionPar.Ls = 12; actionPar.M5 = 1.; actionPar.mass = mass; actionPar.scale = 2.; actionPar.boundary = boundary; actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0."; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf", actionPar); // Red-black preconditionned CG MSolver::RBPrecCG::Par solverPar; solverPar.action = prefix + "_dwf"; solverPar.maxIteration = 30000; solverPar.residual = residual; solverPar.guesser = ""; app.createModule(solverName, solverPar); } // Charm M0 void RbcUkqcd::addM0CharmSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName, const std::string gaugeName, const double mass, const std::string boundary, const double residual) { const std::string prefix = solverName; // stout smearing MGauge::StoutSmearing::Par smearPar; smearPar.gauge = gaugeName; smearPar.steps = 3; smearPar.rho = 0.1; smearPar.orthogDim = ""; app.createModule(prefix + "_gauge_3stout", smearPar); // Scaled DWF action + FP32 version MAction::ScaledDWF::Par actionPar; actionPar.gauge = prefix + "_gauge_3stout"; actionPar.Ls = 12; actionPar.M5 = 1.; actionPar.mass = mass; actionPar.scale = 2.; actionPar.boundary = boundary; actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0."; app.createModule(prefix + "_dwf", actionPar); // Red-black preconditionned CG MSolver::RBPrecCG::Par solverPar; solverPar.action = prefix + "_dwf"; solverPar.maxIteration = 30000; solverPar.residual = residual; solverPar.guesser = ""; app.createModule(solverName, solverPar); } } // namespace hadpresets