2023-05-10 17:40:32 +01:00

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* Copyright (C) 2023
* Author: Antonin Portelli <antonin.portelli@me.com>
* Elements based on production templates from Raoul Hodgson
* Hadrons is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Hadrons is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Hadrons. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* See the full license in the file "LICENSE" in the top level distribution
* directory.
#pragma once
#include <Hadrons/Application.hpp>
#include <Hadrons/Modules.hpp>
namespace hadpresets
using namespace Grid::Hadrons;
struct RbcUkqcd
// Ensemble parameters
struct EnsembleParameters
double ml, ms, M5, scale;
unsigned int L, T, Ls;
static constexpr EnsembleParameters m0UnitaryPar{0.000678, 0.02661, 1.8, 2., 64, 128, 12};
static constexpr EnsembleParameters m0LCDPar{0.0006203, 0.02661, 1.8, 2., 64, 128, 12};
// Solvers (LCD: Local Coherence Deflation)
static inline void addM0LightLCDSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName,
const std::string gaugeName,
const std::string gaugeTransform,
const std::string eigenpackPath,
const double residual = 1.0e-8);
// Implementations /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void RbcUkqcd::addM0LightLCDSolver(Application &app, const std::string solverName,
const std::string gaugeName, const std::string gaugeTransform,
const std::string eigenpackPath, const double residual)
const std::string prefix = solverName;
// Gauge field FP32 cast
MUtilities::GaugeSinglePrecisionCast::Par gaugeCastPar;
gaugeCastPar.field = gaugeName;
app.createModule<MUtilities::GaugeSinglePrecisionCast>(prefix + "_gauge_fp32", gaugeCastPar);
// Scaled DWF action + FP32 version
MAction::ScaledDWF::Par actionPar;
actionPar.gauge = gaugeName;
actionPar.Ls = RbcUkqcd::m0LCDPar.Ls;
actionPar.M5 = RbcUkqcd::m0LCDPar.M5;
actionPar.mass = RbcUkqcd::m0LCDPar.ml;
actionPar.scale = RbcUkqcd::m0LCDPar.scale;
actionPar.boundary = "1 1 1 1";
actionPar.twist = "0. 0. 0. 0.";
app.createModule<MAction::ScaledDWF>(prefix + "_dwf", actionPar);
actionPar.gauge = prefix + "_gauge_fp32";
app.createModule<MAction::ScaledDWFF>(prefix + "_dwf_fp32", actionPar);
// Compressed eigenpack
MIO::LoadCoarseFermionEigenPack250F::Par epPar;
epPar.filestem = eigenpackPath;
epPar.multiFile = true;
epPar.redBlack = true;
epPar.sizeFine = 250;
epPar.sizeCoarse = 2000;
epPar.Ls = 12;
epPar.blockSize = "4 4 4 4 12";
epPar.orthogonalise = false;
epPar.gaugeXform = gaugeTransform;
app.createModule<MIO::LoadCoarseFermionEigenPack250F>(prefix + "_epack", epPar);
// Inner guesser
MGuesser::CoarseDeflation250F::Par iguessPar;
iguessPar.eigenPack = prefix + "_epack";
iguessPar.size = 2000;
app.createModule<MGuesser::CoarseDeflation250F>(prefix + "_iguesser", iguessPar);
// Batched mixed-precision red-black preconditionned CG
MSolver::MixedPrecisionRBPrecCGBatched::Par solverPar;
solverPar.innerAction = prefix + "_dwf_fp32";
solverPar.outerAction = prefix + "_dwf";
solverPar.maxInnerIteration = 400;
solverPar.maxOuterIteration = 100;
solverPar.maxPatchupIteration = 1000;
solverPar.residual = residual;
solverPar.updateResidual = true;
solverPar.innerGuesser = prefix + "_iguesser";
solverPar.outerGuesser = "";
app.createModule<MSolver::MixedPrecisionRBPrecCGBatched>(solverName, solverPar);
} // namespace hadpresets